
Github Mirror

Week 40

Main news sources currently, DW and France 24 English, for TV like, in the background, news talking head type of watching. Less drama, calmer, and once in a while a good documentary (on DW)

Haha a German on DW just used the word schadenfreude for Trump.

Just playin man.. Dont die on your ppl Trump

Of course Pence is all about thoughts and prayers... as in he is praying for Trump to die.

Glad to be of help to the US weapons industry.


Just in: the State Department has approved a potential $417 million sale to Egypt of a Maritime Domain Awareness system, including fixed and mobile radar units to monitor and defend the country's "maritime boundary, natural resources, and ports."

I guess that's changed a little bit.. I have to update my act

Me and Maria got a condo

I like how Kal-eee-fornia calls green vehicles "zero-emission vehicles", not electric. That wld be fine for me too, technically, a fuel-cell also generates electricity, but this wording helps to avoid confusion and widens the definition.

And no, there are no parallels here to the EU / UK relation 🤨 🙄

Everyone who is pro these empires, whether it is Rome, Byzantium or "Otto" have an agenda.

"Like all humanities [archeology] is a product of its time and Victorian archaeologists were part of a British Empire which compared itself to Rome, so they had every reason to suggest that when great empires collapse disaster and chaos follow"

There was no barbarism after Romans left Britain. The so-called Dark Ages is a myth. What a shock.


Azerbaijani gobble gobble speaka sounds somewhat different than Anatolian version. Same words mostly, but different expressions, idioms.. ex, apparently they call the football goaly kapÄącÄą, "the doorman". Kinda funny.. And the air travel announcements; their pilots announce plane landing with the words the plane will now fall. Story goes once when it was announced my tiggers in the plane lost their shit.

You are slipping Focker. Don't stay in that circle of trust 👌

"Peter Thiel Met With Racist Fringe While Backing Trump"

"If all goes according to plan, Plug Power will also move beyond the humble fuel cell forklift for which it is known, and take to the skies"



The most consistent thing about media, political media especially, is it seems to thrive on fear. My whole life it's jumped from one panic about exaggerated threat to another. It's not left or right, just panic"

:) So I guess she is not a supporter anymore.. when did she fall off the wagon? Or off the train.. or whatever it's called.. the circle of trust 👌 ?


I don't think the conservative take on @realDonaldTrump paying no taxes should be: BECAUSE HE'S SMART! I've paid nearly 50% of my income in taxes, year after year, and any system that allows billionaires to pay ZERO is unspeakable corrupt. How about changing it, Democrats?"

The Jeremy Rifkin 2002 book is key. It came out in the hell years of post 2001 and made the first attempt of imagening a post oil future (bcz it, rightfully, blamed oil addiction for the mishap). Even Dubya was repeating lines from this book at the time. Sadly post oil turned into "post ME oil (blaming ME addiction, reaching the conclusion if we use our own we'll be fine)", US fossil resources were deployed and another chance on green energy revolution was lost. Of course then came 'the battery' and its the wild eyed retarded cult followers with their 'hip certainty' and not enough brains to back it up. Fail continued.


Note the incessant R whining about unemployed people getting gov't support yet not a peep about their leader paying nothing in taxes. It's capitalism for the unemployed; socialism for the rich"

It is the swing version of a Joey Bongiovi song... U know the one from New Jersey... Good song too BTW

"The It's My Life jazz song sounded like another song, which was it?"


Mitch and Senate Rs who are too busy jamming through their SCOTUS choice to worry about the economy and people in it [commenting about income support]"

The mintuea of future policy choices never mattered to people the extent the commentariat thought it did

"The debates are criticized for not focusing enough on policy"


If you ignore the smoke, it is amazing outside right now"


Last week when Chris Wallace released his topics for the debate, the climate crisis was not on that list. We fought back. Because of our organizing, last night’s debate dedicated not one or two, but 11 minutes to the climate crisis"


Only a few decades old, the corporate autocracy that Reagan unleashed on the United States is not natural law. It had to be created, and it can also be undone"



Macron sounds more supportive of Armenia than Putin, who is a treaty ally of Yerevan within the Collective Security Treaty Organization"

"15-minute coronavirus test gets the green light in Europe.. The new test delivers results in 15 minutes on a small, portable instrument, BD said, adding that this is a 'critical improvement in turnaround time for Covid-19 diagnostics, because it provides real-time results and enables decision-making while the patient is still onsite'"


Awwww sheee-iiit

CNBC: "UK trials hydrogen-powered train in latest step forward for transport innovation"

"Australian Government as part of a $1.9bn investment in new energy technologies."


"The US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Fossil Energy has announced up to $2m in federal funding for cost-shared research and development projects .. Announced yesterday, the FOA will focus on co-gasification of coal, biomass and plastic wastes for production of hydrogen and fuels with negative carbon potential"


On Ubuntu Unix... No clickety click shite.

Nice. There is a tool to turn PDFs with scanned pages (image, not text) into searchable PDFs, ocrmypdf.

Carter 1980


2004 candidates were debating healthcare.

2020 pols are still debating healthcare 🤦‍♂️


Trump talks about giving better healthcare, than hits Biden on leftism. This is a schizophrenic political discourse. One side of the political spectrum was delegitimized for too long, and here is the result.


Epic debate. Sounded like a lot was at stake.


Looking at the timestamps, some claim he knocked that shit out in 20 minutes; 500 lines of code in all. Not bad.

:) A patch submitted to a open-source database project by Assange in the 90s. Legit geek.



Julian Assange Faces Inhumane Prison Conditions in the US"


"Denominated in euros". Swell. I wonder if H2 can help turn the Euro into the global reserve currency...

Oil, plus US military, made dollar the king. A new energy source, like H2 can do that for the Euro? This time energy is not dug up, but created by technology. If the tech is supplied to "sunshine countries" with the promise of selling the produce back, and in Euro, would this be enough to kickstart a global reserve currency?

The hegemon, could, still theoretically invade but would have a hard time securing a non-concentrated resource, like was done with oil? Attacking electrolysers? Harder IMO.

"The European Union has set a target to build 40 gigawatts of renewable hydrogen electrolyzers by 2030, the equivalent of twice the capacity of China’s Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest energy plant. For that, it envisages as much as 470 billion euros of public and private investments by 2050 and plans to kickstart a global hydrogen market, allowing the fuel to be traded as a liquid commodity denominated in euros"


‘We’ve overrun the planet’ - Attenborough

"Italy will invest at least 3 billion euros in H2"

I bet this is why office-dwelling, technobabbling folk like this shit, a solution for 1 percenters.. I'd send them to Bolivia, they can create all the coups they want over there to get their lithium, and live happily ever after. They cld do two coups a day... one in the morning, one in the afternoon. 'I need 50 more kilos of lithium'. 'Okay, we'll just do a coup, and get 50 kilos'. That will be the system.

What is this, a kumbaya moment? 'Let's hold hands and be friends?'. Are these people retarded?

If bats are 'part' of the solution, they can only be 1% of the solution. Not 50%, not 30%, not even 10%. One percent. There isn't enough lithium in the world for that-plus-that approach. And since 1% isn't viable economically, the battery option is as good as dead. They have exactly zero place in the future.

"But every solution can play a role, batteries can be part of the [energy] solution?"

FCEL won all four? 👍

"FuelCell Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: FCEL) ... announces multiple project awards by the local Connecticut electric distribution companies ... totaling 11.2 megawatts, as part of the state-sponsored Shared Clean Energy Facility program. Each of the four FuelCell Energy power plants to be constructed pursuant to these awards will supply 2.8 megawatts of clean power to the Connecticut electric grid"



Paul Anka, It's My Life - Jazz Version #music


By football I mean the sport where u kick the ball around.

Sport means all parts of the player needs to MOVE.

Ping Pong is a sport. Even golf, which is closer to taking a shit than football, is a sport.

"But what defines a sport? Increased heart rate? [news program trying to justify calling pro gaming a sport]"

Of course.. people in US living near Canada used to cross over to to buy "cheap" insulin there, right? But now with the border closed they are screwed. They are like rationing.. and sharing.. ? This is crazy.


According to data gleaned from a recent government report, the richest 1% steal $266 billion in unpaid taxes EVERY SINGLE YEAR"

Not The Onion

"IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor"


US has fairly stable neighborhood. Protected by two oceans from both sides, imperial powers gone, calm Canada to North, now pieceful relations with Mexico. The neighborhood around the Caucasus, ME, not so calm.

The Daily Poster: "There’s an impulse to try to turn Trump’s tax shenanigans into a story only about Trump — as if he is a singular villain. But while he deserves much criticism for gaming the system, we can’t ignore the fact that it is a system — one that allows wealthy people like Trump avoid paying $266 billion of taxes every single year"





Bloomberg: "Hydrogen Breaks Through as the Hottest Thing in Green Energy"


BTW, once you bet on the simplest, most efficient tech basis (key decision in engineering) then you can innovate easier on more parts of the problem, simultaneously. Maybe in the future H2 wont be in tanks anymore, but in metallic form, or in ammonia, or somewhere else... These can all be seperately innovated on, while the base architecture remains the same. So cars can anchor on H2 as fuel, and further innovation gets you that fuel more and more efficiently. Infrastructure, adaption, TCO are all part of it.

FT: "The world’s biggest aircraft maker Airbus unveiled 'historic' designs for hydrogen-fuelled passenger planes on Monday. A few days later, the world’s first sizeable aircraft to be powered by hydrogen took flight. It was piloted by start-up ZeroAvia, based in California and Cranfield, England. A commercial launch might be just three years away, it says.

As aviation comes under pressure to curb emissions, investment in hydrogen is being stepped up. Hopes of using battery technology as a green alternative to jet fuel are fading. Batteries are just too heavy for long flights, given their low energy density. Airbus, with Rolls-Royce, closed a demonstrator project in April. ...

The EU is pushing green hydrogen hard, arguing that it could meet nearly a quarter of world energy demand by 2050. The UK government, which backed the ZeroAvia venture, is also keen"


What of the debates? IMO only the last one counts. I'd limp throughout the first two and open the can of whoop ass on the third. Kerry could not finish the job on the last one, and did not get the title as the 'winner of the debates'.

They are there to tip the balance, to decide between submerge or rising to surface. I think a sub is built with juust enough weight right at the edge of that balance; then filling tanks or emptying them tips the scale either way. Tanks alone could not do that. You can't balance a force proportional to displaced water with just water.

"But you said subs require weight.. What are those tanks [taking water in] are for then?"

Habit from aero -- '50 kg craft hover requires 50 kg of thrust' u say, makes it easier to think about it, technically incomplete, but getting force from mass is easy, $F = ma$ or $F = m g$, $g = 9.8$ approximately, or 10. For force mass of $m = 50 kg$ is multiplied by 10, becomes 500 Newtons.

"You say weight in kilos but talk about push, as in force, kg is not a force unit"

I'd love to see someone try to make a sub fly. If you see that shit in a movie don't believe it. It's so heavy... It's like a Boeing with lithium-ion batteries 😆 😆 😆 😆

Now we understand why it is always cramped in a sub.

An Ohio class sub weighs 16000 tons. 16K TONS. Typical car weighs < 2, even a Boeing 737 weighs 71 tons.

While it looks fun, a submarine hobby might not be practical. Say I wanted to have a subsurface living environment, width 2.5, height 3 length 6 meters. This means

print (w*h*l, 'm^3')
45.0 m^3

of volume. 1 cubic meter of water is 1 ton. Then, and bcz when you submerge something same amount of volume of water in weight pushes back at you, to counteract it and to remain below surface, you need provide downward pull of 45 tons! You must artificially add weight to keep this thing below water. People use steel, lead, whatever it takes to make the structure heavy; this complicates things logistically in DIY terms, hauling something >20 tons in a truck is a major pain in the ass. Then u need build on site, or in a navy yard. We r now talking lots of material, hairy logistics.. government level stuff.

My interests / skillset are mostly around keeping things light, subs are a different kinda game.

Polk.. that was one sneaky son of a bitch.


"Pompeo: Chinese Consulate in NYC Is Espionage Hub"


"The Judiciary Act of 1789 established the first Supreme Court, with six Justices. In 1801, President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1801, which reduced the Court to five Justices in an attempt to limit incoming President Thomas Jefferson’s appointments. Jefferson and his Democratic-Republicans soon repealed that act, putting the Court back to six Justices. Then, in 1807, Jefferson and Congress added a seventh Justice when Congress added a seventh federal court circuit.

In early 1837, President Andrew Jackson was able to add two additional Justices after Congress expanded the number of federal circuit court districts. Under different circumstances, Congress created the 10th Circuit in 1863 during the Civil War, and the Court briefly had 10 Justices. Congress then passed legislation in 1866 to reduce the Court to seven Justices. That only lasted until 1869, when a new Judiciary Act sponsored by Senator Lyman Trumbull put the number back to nine Justices"


Changing the make up of the SCOTUS, not unheard of. FDR nearly packed the court when they started hand-wringing about the New Deal.

Whadidasay? World War 3. Telling ya

"Armenia and Azerbaijan clash over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region"

Zee you fonked it up badly son.. CH needed less authoritarianism, not more. How u gon get out of this shit?

Zee Ping Ping

Ho Dung Lai Lai

CNBC: "We're in the 'middle of a breakthrough' for the hydrogen industry"


The PQM Project - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You #music



Shocking revelations on #Assange case irregularities & judges' conflicts of interest"


"75% of UK biz is unprepared for Brexit"


"The cost of proteins will be five times cheaper by 2030 and 10 times cheaper by 2035 than existing animal proteins, before ultimately approaching the cost of sugar. They will also be superior in every key attribute – more nutritious, healthier, better tasting, and more convenient, with almost unimaginable variety.

This means that, by 2030, modern food products will be higher quality and cost less than half as much to produce as the animal-derived products they replace.

The impact of this disruption on industrial animal farming will be profound. By 2030, the number of cows in the U.S. will have fallen by 50% and the cattle farming industry will be all but bankrupt"


If there are cheap, large scale processes that can generate green H2, a company like Solar Foods can skip the step of generating it on their own, just purchase it on the market, speeding up the process.

H2 will be required even to produce food! Energy for the car, energy for you!

"Solar Foods, a Finland-based company, has developed a process to use renewable electricity and CO2 to produce a healthy ingredient that looks like wheat flour and contains 50% protein. 'Because we don’t use sugars, or similar agricultural feedstocks, we can completely disconnect from agriculture,' Vainikka says. The process uses solar power to split water through electrolysis in a bioreactor, creating hydrogen that can give microbes energy as they’re also fed carbon. The microbes produce a food that’s composed of roughly 20-25% carbs, 5-10% fat, and 50% protein"



Three UK companies partnered up to build #ZeroEmission trains thanks to #hydrogen"



The only person in the world that can bring @SenTomCotton and @RashidaTlaib together is Secretary xi xinping. Concentration camps are enough of deterrent for Wall Street to stop acting as Beijing's bankers"


One of china’s largest property developers is pleading to the government for help as it faces a cash crunch. It’s bonds were just halted in the chinese market"

Battery based solutions cannot be scaled.

Mainstream storage neeeds to be anchored on something else.

If everyone used batteries to store energy, here is the amt of lithium needed.. Single person consumes 10 KW of energy, 240 Kwh / day, to hold the energy required for a day, for everyone,

consumption = 10 # kw, per person
pop = 7.8e9 # world population
daily_world_consumption = consumption*24*pop # kwh
kg_lit_needed = daily_world_consumption / 70.0 * 60.0
print ('needed,', int(kg_lit_needed / 1e9), 'million tons') # billion kg
needed, 1604 million tons

Required lithium is over 90 TIMES of what is available in reserves.

There is >60kg of lithium carbonate in a 70kWh battery. The entire world reserve for lithium is estimated to be ~17 million tonnes.

Simply put, there isn't enough of this shit to go around.

400 liters of water is used per kilo of lithium production. Major waste.

Water use is a problem bcz while lithium rich water is dug up, potable water resources also shift.

CNBC: "Hydrogen-powered passenger plane completes maiden flight in world first"


You are one with the tree... Trippy dude.

"[D]espite the incredible diversity of living things, animals, plants, and the enormous variety and diversity of micro-organisms, we all have characteristics that we share. The same biochemical base, the same DNA as genetic material, and we're all based on the same proteins. Everything that's in bacteria, fungus, birds, whales or plants is the same stuff"
