
Github Mirror

Week 38


Today I asked the government if it would back genuinely world-beating British companies which are leading the way in green hydrogen technologies"



Two of the next four candidate missions for @NASASolarSystem’s Discovery Program are focused on Venus, as is Europe’s EnVision mission, in which NASA is a partner. Venus also is a planetary destination we can reach with smaller missions"

It's funny I was watching an interview with Peter Beck (RocketLab) he was saying Venus loooks intreresting a week before the discovery I made a note of it, than the news

So you can change $\frac{\frac{1}{2}}{3}$ into $\dfrac{\frac{1}{2}}{3}$. Less cramming of fonts into small space when divisions are involved.

\dfrac, exactly what i needed...

I like the $NH_3$ graphic


Big shout out to Ignite the Spark on the successful virtual event"



We can't allow the Good Friday Agreement that brought peace to Northern Ireland to become a casualty of Brexit.

Any trade deal between the U.S. and U.K. must be contingent upon respect for the Agreement and preventing the return of a hard border. Period"

Einstein advice on being useful is now more relevant than ever; bcz of decaying system a pat on the back / "success" / wealth might not always indicate value. Fictional character Gordon Gekko was successful, but was he useful?

If I wanted to search for a word inside in all files under a directory starting from /blah, I would not want a program that does exactly that. I'd piece it together from other components. find /blah -name '*' -exec grep 'word' {} \;. The components here are find and grep. The Unix Way.

"The Unix Philosophy:

Make each [component] do one thing well.

Expect the output of every [component] to become the input to another"

I've had cases with notebooks when keyboard repair was too bothersome, whole comp had to be replaced. This way u cld simply replace the external keyboard. Or simply replace the brain (RPi), for upgrades etc. The Unix Way.

They sell portable monitors, plugs right into RPi.. Even notebook for daily work can be replaced... 🤔 RPi, keyb, monitor, all seperate, seperately replaceable.

When Saudi Arabia allowed movie theathers for the first time, BP was the first movie they showed in cinemas. I wonder why...

That's not what Black Panther was about.. It was abt simply having a black king on screen, about "representing". R, e, s, p, e, c and t.

Which is sorta fine... There are so many movies abt European kings, queens, why not a black king? This issue bears a similarity to the minority billionaire issue though.. The main problem isn't having more representation among billionaires. The problem is the very presence of billionaires. We need to come to a point where kings and queens aren't even inspirational anymore, but seen as despicable. For everyone.

"Black Panther [was abt c]an a good man be a king, and would an advanced society tolerate a monarch ?"


Good going Barbados

"Barbados will drop Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state next year"

Scientific Python paper in Nature!


Finally found the famous Matlab wind.mat file (has wind speed vectors at x,y,z locations). Ashamed to admit I spent a while afternoon looking for the f-ing thing. But now the code replicating Matpunk demos will be awesome.


Name them after fossil fuel companies.

'Forecasters Are Running Out of Names This Hurricane Season'"

That's a pretty good crab walk

Gone are the days when Churchill was shitting bricks trying to involve US in European / UK affairs. Now u can't get rid of them!

This thing keeps running in circles doesn't it?



Four senior congressmen write to Boris Johnson to reiterate there will be no US-UK trade deal if the legislation to override the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement isn’t pulled"

H2 is the only clean storage solution that can do that - drive a vehicle for long periods of time and even provide its excess power in emergency to others.

I really don't understand people who move from computational science to machine learning.

Homer talked abt Troy ppl thought it was bullshit, but a researcher found it based on Homer's clues. Maybe Atlantis mentioned by Plato is real too.

Dude. Plato. Total scifi


Chicken Street - Samúel Jón Samúelsson Big Band #music


Let's say divergence. Here is one possible numerical implementation. We see WTF it is doing, calling gradient bunch of times, which is also numerics, and sums. Let's show that.

Plus numerics. How did we ever teach these courses without their corresponding numerics..? I am not talking about one API call, I am talking about their core implementation methods.

Now supplementing Denis Auroux.. Multivariable Calculus.

Sorry, had to do it - its curl expl sucks.

Okay.. first they need to change the name, so the acronym is better, not HAVOC.

I propose Landfree AirborNe DOme - LANDO.

(Per PBS Space Time video reference, Lando was the leader of a floating city in Empire Strikes Back? Haha)

3D travel is key, for any planet. Even for Earth. Maybe even for habitation on Earth?

NASA: "High Altitude Venus Operational Concept

The upper atmosphere of Venus, with similar pressure, density, gravity, and radiation protection to that of the surface of the earth, is relatively benign at 50 km. A lighter-than-air vehicle could carry either a host of instruments and probes, or a habitat and ascent vehicle for a crew of two astronauts to explore Venus for up to a month. Such a mission would require less time to complete than a crewed Mars mission"





Phosphine Phan :)


Welcome to all the new phosphine phans! If you are following me exclusively for a tri-yearly mention of the best molecule you will have a lovely time. I have worked on PH3 for over a decade and I am bursting with pride for my little molecule"


Be useful he saz basically.

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value" -- Einstein


If there's life in the upper atmosphere of Venus, then we're going to find life on many planets and moons - and around other stars"

"Astronomers may have found hints of life in clouds of Venus"

"Data scientists" learn about the vector dot product as a "distance measure", bcz their vectors are usually "features" i.e. customer, with age, height, etc values on it, and if already normalized they can get $\cos\theta = v_1 \cdot v_2 $, no need to $\arccos$ even just use it as a raw measure between -1 and +1.

But I bet half of them dont know dot product can be seen as projection. Sad.

Writing an introduction to introduction to linear algebra content, supplementing the grand teacher Strang.. feels weird...

Even if there is a pivot to Ammonia Economy from Hydrogen Economy (not much change, cars can still run on H2) the production of clean NH3 requires clean H2 as feedstock. EU made the right bet.

"Toyota doubles down on hydrogen fuel cell tech with a redesign of the Mirai"


There are pipelines for ammonia too

Woha. Woman says saw bird flying straight, then just drop like a brick, dying from bad air #fires #california

Even safe quarters on climate are feeling the heat a little.. People look outside, looks like the end of times... bitchslapping toward every direction becomes a good idea

"The European Parliament’s Environment Committee ... agreed on a new EU climate target for 2030. The text, which still needs the approval of the entire Parliament and the 27 EU member states before becoming law, commits Europe to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60%"

So hitting page down does not scroll web page down anymore? Thank you. Who thought up this feature?

That's right -- command line, as in textual input is much more expressive than visual clickety click.

One word is worth thousands of pictures.

"The command line remains so incredibly popular because it’s so incredibly versatile.

You can do a lot in a terminal. You can manage your OS, apps and files; you can connect to remote servers, watch movies, play games, fetch the weather forecast, and a whole heap more"

Yeah.. purple air is a deal breaker for me. If I see that shit, I bolt

"[Trump during pandemic] said things to meet the need of the fleeting moment. In February, the need of the moment was to levitate the stock market. By mid-March, the need of the moment was to sound smart, aware, in the know"

"[17th century] Tsar Alexei, implemented a new legal code [which] turned all Russian peasants, 80% of the population, into serfs – effectively slaves - their status inherited by their children, and with no freedom to travel or choose their master. It was a system that dominated Russian rural life for the next 200 years"



Dimensionless groupings that don’t depend on unit system invariably have great physical significance. By examining the dimensions of the parameters alone, G.I. Taylor in 1940s was able to solve the dynamics of blast waves"

NYT: "Last summer, oil and gas-industry groups were lobbying to overturn federal rules on leaks of natural gas, a major contributor to climate change. Their message: The companies had emissions under control.

In private, the lobbyists were saying something very different.

At a discussion convened last year by the Independent Petroleum Association of America, a group that represents energy companies, participants worried that producers were intentionally flaring, or burning off, far too much natural gas, threatening the industry’s image, according to a recording of the meeting reviewed by The New York Times.

'We’re just flaring a tremendous amount of gas,' said Ron Ness, president of the North Dakota Petroleum Council, at the June 2019 gathering, held in Colorado Springs. 'This pesky natural gas,' he said. 'The value of it is very minimal,' particularly to companies drilling mainly for oil.

A well can produce both oil and natural gas, but oil commands far higher prices. Flaring it is an inexpensive way of getting rid of the gas"


Why stress retracing the steps of innovators? Students need to see how research is like. You are trying get something out of the jaws of mother nature and she doesn't wanna give'm to you. They need to see how hard that is, to reach point B from point A.

It's not just about "logic" (popularized by some scifi). Logic is about finding inconsistencies within existing elements, mostly it is not helpful creating new information.

Keyb via dedicated wireless receiver (plugs into USB) is efficient. Stick something into the board and have it be recognized as a particular hardware and have it just work. "But any BTooth receiver can connect to any BT device dude..!". It's pain.

RPi distro already has VNC support, realvnc-vnc-server

Mobile computing setup take #2. Wireless keyb + built-in touchpad connects to Raspberry directly via USB dongle. Receives entire desktop visual on smartphone through VNC.

NASA: "Right now on the space station, astronauts receive regular shipments of a wide variety of freeze-dried and prepackaged meals to cover their dietary needs – resupply missions keep them freshly stocked"

"Lettuce was grown in ISS but we still can't grow food in space in the quantities which would allow us to sustain human existence"

From a cost / benefit angle EU losing just England wld be less painful for them than losing the entire UK. And for both Scots and N. Ireland staying in EU is more beneficial for them... So the English are the odd man out here.. everyone else benefits from letting them go


From a purely logical standpoint, shouldn’t this say ‘Leaving EU a threat to integrity of the U.K.’ because there was no threat before we left? You can’t have a policy of erecting a customs and regulatory border with your neighbour and then blame your neighbour for the border.

... Telegraph: 'Johnson: EU a threat to integrity of the UK'"


just called my cable co to cut TV and go internet-only to save money and they tried to sell me a YouTube TV plan that would've been more expensive than what I was paying for straight-up TV via the cable co"

Well Emmerich movie 2012 was off by 8 years but.. that's the idea.

"Temperature screening alone, at exit or entry, is not an effective way to stop international spread, since infected individuals may be in incubation period, may not express apparent symptoms early on in the course of the disease, or may dissimulate fever through the use of antipyretics; in addition, such measures require substantial investments for what may bear little benefits"


Yeah - the Lebanese are tired of that shit. This is just marketing mumbo-jumbo. They want to stop dying basically, not be a 'phoenix'.

"Beirut is a phoenix ... Legend has it that Beirut was rebuilt from the ashes seven times, making it an urban phoenix"