
Github Mirror

Week 37

"Facebook sues the Irish data protection watchdog in a bid to stop the proposed order that could stop trans-Atlantic transfers of EU users' data"


An idea for all countries that are victims of China's Belt and Road loans... Remember that any loan entered into via bribery or coercion is invalid. You can treat it as a donation made by the Chinese Communists. We should push for a Belt and Road Jubilee"

With -32% GDP growth Trump is toast. His only chance is if people "understand" the predicament (not in the model, never seen before situation), and if that offsets growth as if it was zero percent, as in none, then the situation becomes neck and neck due to incumbency. Long shot. Net popularity at -9%.


JUST IN: In Rhode Island, 8 incumbent lawmakers have lost to challengers running to their left in Tuesday's Dem primaries... In addition, at least 2 progressives won open primaries against party-endorsed candidates"


Big takeaways from @OregonGovBrown presser:


BREAKING: Authorities say about 500,000 have been forced to evacuate due to Oregon wildfires, roughly 10% of state's population"


currently my plan for retirement is either that we have a wholly different politics by the 2050s or I'll die from climate change related reasons before then"

"Statistically, half the people you meet are below average"

"[N]o rain for months, the land was primed for fires. At 3 am I looked out my window and saw people in the building across the way watching the same synaptic arms of lightning stretch across the sky, turning it for a moment from black to light blue. We knew this would not go well.

Over 12,000 lightning strikes were reported during the week of August 19; Cal Fire reports that in 2020 alone there have been over 7,452 fires in California and since those fires started over one 2.6 million acres have burned, and counting. These are the worst fires in California’s history. And they are still burning"


Ed needs to start with what they saw, and connect the dots. At the very least tracing their steps will encourage a spirit of research in students.

"Planets orbit in circles around the sun. One may wonder how Copernicus determined the order of the planets and the size of their orbits – after all, he had no benefit of pictures from spacecraft or even a telescope. He determined these things by measuring elongation"


He used elongations.

"How can I teach the method Copernicus used to determine orbits?"

"California Energy Commission regulators on Friday approved $39.1m of funding for 36 new hydrogen stations in the sunshine state, marking the largest California investment in hydrogen infrastructure since 2015"


The Predator 2018 👍 That almost felt like pre-2016, good movie, pre-SJW, pre-cuck. Ster. Brown plays a pure, hilarious asshole... I am getting a young Charles Bronson vibe form the lead... And they had Da Strahovski. Very foxy.


I feel like I've held it together pretty well the last six months of pandemic pregnancy but this may be my undoing. COBRA says they sent my payment, my insurer says they haven't received anything. They're both shrugging while I still don't have coverage"

"Trump’s staffing struggle: After 3 years, unfilled jobs across the administration. The 45th president has struggled with key political appointments more than any recent president — despite his party’s control of the Senate"


The Guardian: "The sky was the muddy yellow of an old bruise at 7am in San Francisco on Wednesday, and by eight it was a dull orange and the darkness that felt like night was coming on. This morning was perhaps the most unnatural-feeling and unnerving of my life, with darkness rather than daytime rolling in. People around California reported that the birds that would normally be singing were silent ...

What is happening now is astonishingly worse than the western fire season ever has been before. There are catastrophic fires in Oregon –burning down a small town and prompting the evacuation of much of the small city of Medford. Near Oroville in northeastern California, a fire expanded by a quarter million acres in 24 hours, so far as the experts can tell. That is a new kind of fire and we are in a new kind of era. ...

I have lived in San Francisco all my adult life, which has meant living in relationship to the Pacific and its damp cool breath in the form of our famous fog. Often in summertime the rising heat inland sucks the cool air off the ocean in the form of fog ...

Here the ocean is a beloved ally, bringing us cool fresh clean air—and most of our weather comes from over the Pacific – but we are not the ocean’s ally: the world’s oceans have soaked up most of the heat climate change has produced, with disastrous consequences"


California handing out fracking permits, says journo..? 🤨 That's my WTF emoji


who said something like: if you can point to a single battle as the cause of an empire?s downfall, you really ought to ask how the fate of an empire came to hinge on a single battle"

I see your trying to be interesting w contra take and raise you a plain observation. It looks like hell.


But the orange skies in San Francisco, as unsettling as they are, are not the crisis"

Haha there is some BEV fan interest for gyrochoppa, bcz maybe batteries completely wont crash this thing..?. "We can move something for 20 minutes instead of our miserable 10! Rejoice!".


What’s clean, efficient and completely affordable?"


The gunner is standing at a weird place, but interesting ..

Outsider perspective my ass...

Who was that tough guy on that Serbia / Kosova "deal" press conference who kept saying "outsider perspective", "untried" was provided for this issue..? Has the problem been solved or not? Or did US get another photo op, few seconds soundbyte on that day's news cycle?

"Serbia will not fulfill its promise to move its embassy to Jerusalem if Israel recognizes its enemy Kosovo, a source close to the government in Belgrade warned Wednesday, adding that formal recognition of Pristina’s 2008 declaration of independence by Israel would 'destroy' the Jewish state’s relationship with Serbia"



"Prepare a U.A.V. with U.C.A.V. specs"

If that's a problem, then don't crowd in cities

Ineffective from a pandemic POV as well..

Its called the United States, not United Cities.

Giving landmass more of a weight is absolutely the right thing to do. Electoral Collage is smart. More democratic even, bcz different regions have different needs. What better way to balance those needs than to spread out representation as wide, regionally, as possible, throught the EC?

Damn.. nobody wants to leave anything to chance this time around.. Oppo comes hard and fast. Never seen holes getting plugged this quick.


A new program in Denver that sends a paramedic+a mental health expert to 911 calls instead of police launched... So far, the van has taken more than 350 calls without once having to call in police backup"


Great.. Let's hope it is permanent.

"'I'm more anti-China than you!'. That's a new theme of this election. Joe Biden says, "We will never again be at the mercy of China!" ... just a few administrations ago, presidents were eager to celebrate China. 'A future of greater trade and growth and human dignity is possible!' said George W. Bush. Bill Clinton praised China's 'positive change' and 'great progress.'"


Dear @Disney: At the United Nations I'm trying to sound the alarm on China's destruction of its Uighur Muslims. Now your film Mulan pays tribute to the very entities involved in herding 1 million Uighurs into camps. Do you think the camps are Disneyland?"


The aircraft needs a runway, the top rotor blades aren't powered, can't do vertical descent / ascend. That's probably why helicopters were preferred, especially for military reasons. But funky little aircraft. Looks fun.


"Unlike a helicopter, which uses an engine to power its spinning rotor blades, a gyroplane's upper rotor blades aren't powered by an engine. Instead, the engine powers a back propeller that pushes the gyrocopter forward. As the aircraft moves, air passes naturally through its rotor blades, creating lift. ... If a gyroplane's engine failed, its blades would already be auto-rotating, so the aircraft would gradually descend"


Just saw dude's post on a gyrocopter



the sky is yellow-grey, the power flickers off intermittently, and I learned today that at certain wind speeds the front door whistles"

Real estate fraud? Jeez.

I guess some ppl are addicted to the hustle.

In some ways image making, certain art is propaganda, in excess, a lie.


I believe that @caitraft knows why Kardashians was cancelled because she’s been right about every other weird Kardashian story recently including the ones involving real estate fraud


Insurance companies helping to defund police by increasing liability premiums 46% due to excessive force and wrongful death settlements, leading to the sheriff having to propose a $14 million cut in staffing and programs to close its budget deficit"

Odd I never included this code in personal tutorials.. The right time was now apparently. Good thing I put it on one Q&A site, recovered from there.

Ah yes.. I needed numerical implementation of a certain operator.. I looked and found one, guy did good job. Wait.. that was me!

The future cannot arrive fast enough.


... PG&E [of California] should've been socialized and turned into a public utility any of a half-dozen times in its history"

Welcome to the jungle

"[Reports of firing] on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Eastern Ladakh sector where troops of India and China have been engaged in a stand-off for over three months"

"India successfully test scramjet technology for hypersonic missiles"


Corp profits are down -20% YOY. Not surprising given the GDP number.

2020-04-01  1808.161 -20.104235

The thing can connect to everything, Wifi, 4 USB ports, outputs HDMI, all on a smallest board... Now connects to HD, shows movie. Done.

Now have a Raspberry Pi based media center.

Occasionally I get stuff without name ref, like, "oh yeah? f--k that!" type of stuff.. but fine.

I finally did it; muted the word "Trump". Filters out a lot of firey content...


My youngest hacked our Netflix parental code. She put light grease on the remote and got me to input the code when she wasn’t looking. Then she noted the numbers I’d pressed and went through the combinations later. I’m both frightened and impressed"

Mass Surveillance - Complete Cycle #music


Contradiction, again... Bernie's entire candidacy was about left being more distint from the right.

"I supported Bernie during the 2020 primary"

"I dont want strong divisions between parties"

I maintain that whatever delusions they might have, on gold, the world order, libertards (distinct right) should be in charge of the Republican Party. I shared this previously in a tweet;

It is illegal to inhabit a tiny home in most populated areas of the U.S. The housing industry and the banks sustaining it spent much of the 1970s and 1980s pushing for larger houses to produce more profit per structure

Would this happen under a libertard? They are for any kind of commerce, large or small, right? There you go, even a goldcuck could fix some problems in US where corporatist sluts create them.

This is a contradiction in terms. If you want strong ideology 4 your side, you should accept it on the other side as well. Maybe Lyin Ted is the wrong guy for that, who knows, his father killed JFK and his wife is ugly, but on principle someone with strong convictions should be acceptable.

"I want strong, distinct left"

"I don't want an ideologue on the Rep side like Ted Cruz"

Hotel Daniels - Lalo Schifrin #music


Rules of supply-demand does not apply to US dollar in the international arena. This is the part libertards dont understand. They think increased supply = less price. But dollar is in demand bcz of US backing it militarily, and ppl need it to do other things with it, not bcz of some intrinsic value and price has to reflect the balance demand / supply on that "value".

Losing to a former game-show host, a complete outsider says more about the suck they are in which shouldn't be explained away by small margins, foreign agents, etc.

Here is the double-curveball answer on that

"But Hillary almost won 2016"

Goddess of Love - Barry Adamson #music


Similar news all around the world. Travelers also buy RV to avoid crowded hotels even when traveling locally. The trend can encourage more self-sustaining, off-the-grid, mobile living.

"RV dealers around Australia are reporting a post-lockdown sales spike, as more Australians look to buy a caravan and holiday locally rather than travel overseas"

Are there any greenery, trees left in California? #CreekFire


It’s unsurprising—but still noteworthy—how smoothly 2A extremists shifted from fantasies of self defense against a tyrannical government to fantasies of assisting police in using force against other civilians"

"Scientists who attached a strain of bacteria to the outside of the International Space Station have been stunned to find it survived for three years, in open space"

See ST Voyager, 1999, V. Conspiracy ep; The ep was all about false positives. Once upon a time you could get such a prescient take on a social issue through big tent scifi.

"Excessive surveillance often backfires in this way. We saw it happen after the surveillance surge in many countries following 9/11. As terrible as it is, Islamic terrorism is, thankfully, a rare event in Western societies. It is perpetrated by small numbers of extremists, who often know one another from their families or neighborhoods. That makes them hard to identify through Big Data methods, which are good for identifying sweeping, structural patterns, not for accurately finding needles in haystacks—especially when those needles live near one another, can easily avoid digital tools, or merely speak a language that’s not commonly understood by law enforcement.

And broad surveillance can engender a chilling effect among the whole populace, making people less willing to express their political views online. Worse, using Big Data for rare events leads to the problem of false positives. When no clear identifying and strong signal is exclusive to the real but anomalous terrorists, the system will pick up lots of non-terrorists as suspicious, wasting the time of law enforcement in the process. You can imagine that the FBI must have had better things to do than visit random people who had purchased pressure cookers and backpacks at the same time, but that’s what happened after two brothers used those items—putting homemade pressure-cooker bombs in backpacks—to attack the Boston Marathon in 2013"


Broke Woke. Movie's main minority actor is complaining WTF


John Boyega's criticism of how the Star Wars franchise treated characters of color is obvious to those who watched the trilogy. He's just saying it out loud"


Excellent episode. THis is what made Trek great, it wasnt abt the technobabble really, more abt the hard-core, anthropology-fi, and working of tech into serious social takes.

Scihub allows free access to academic papers. People also can't understand why they should pay for papers they are not even sure they will use, that are themselves usually result of publicly funded reseearch. Hence existing system is largely being circumvented.


99% of sci-hubs traffic is probably people at home that do not want to deal with their organization's byzantine VPN technology and expired security certificates to download the paper legally"


Active shooter drills in schools have become a 2.7 billion dollar industry, and new research shows they have almost no value in keeping kids safe and are responsible for an increase in mental health problems for kids, especially younger ones"


NYC paid $69 million in police misconduct lawsuits in 2019

'@nypost Black Lives Matter protesters riot in Manhattan, cause 100,000 dollars damage'"


Do the math on your vacation home. It probably costs more than a nice stay somewhere for D400 per night"

1934 Pogoms of Thrace (in so-called Turkey) after which many Jews left due to harrassement. Interesting time period. I used to know someone from Tekirdag (in Thrace) who had learned tailoring trade from Jews, then during 40s became obscenely rich from it. Now Im thinking, maybe all Jewish tailors were gone by then and he was the only game in town, hence the demand. Tailor's lastname; TurkSoldier (u cant make this up).


It's wild to see anyone argue against banning no-knock search warrants in the name of public safety when that's exactly what led to police murdering Breonna Taylor. Murdering a civilian in her own home is the opposite of public safety. You don't get to eff that up again. No more"

Haha Max Martini. Again. #pacificRim

Pacific Rim, good action movie.

"In a speech on Friday marking 150 years of the French Republic, President Emmanuel Macron criticised those who seek French citizenship without accepting France’s 'right to commit blasphemy'. To be French, he said, is to defend the right to 'laugh, to criticise, to mock'"

It seems blacks would be more motivated to go out and vote, and vote against the incumb, than whites would be for Trump.

"'Guys are tired,' the Oklahoma City guard Chris Paul said in an interview. 'When I say tired, I don’t mean physically tired. We’re tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. It’s emotional, especially when you’re a Black man. We’re all hurt. Everybody expects us to be okay because we get paid great money. We’re humans. We have real feelings.' These players can’t just 'stick to sports.' Not when their lives are on the line, when their communities are disproportionately dying of COVID-19 and police violence, or bearing the brunt of joblessness and evictions"

"The Milwaukee Bucks hadn’t planned on becoming activists. They brought basketball to a halt in a messy but honest way, recognizing the absurdity of playing sports in isolated luxury in the middle of a pandemic, all for a chance at bringing an NBA championship trophy home to a city 40 miles north of where Blake was shot as his children watched"
