
Github Mirror

Week 36

What do I think of Hollande of FR?

Whenever I get these questions, I always check a person's Epstein number first.

Picture #1

Picture #2

Picture #3

Hollande's Epstein number is 3.

He is okay I guess, a so-so character.

The B-word.. Oh no.

Next you'll hear we need "Team of Rivals" approach for governance.


I don't know who needs to hear this, but when US politicians say "bipartisan", you are never one of the parties involved'

Bosch is world's top parts supplier. Number ☝

"Any global investor, or would-be innovator, might gaze across at the ice wall of patent knowledge surrounding US tech companies and conclude it cannot be breached. ... But ice walls melt and legal systems can turn on technology monopolists. That happened to Thomas Edison with movie patents, AT&T with telephony"


The game Gravity Vector -- nice scenery


US violated its own rule that it followed since WWII by creating such a strong relationship with a non-democracy. There were strong ties with Japan, Germany, Europe -- all democracies after WWII.

"But US made China favored, why shouldn't it help a country?"

Sounds like some mafiosi shit.

Or like Blade where there are "familiars", fanbois, they are allowed to live


This is a riveting account of Dan’s epic Wirecard reporting that should drive home the fact that there are legions of libel lawyers, spin doctors and dark arts specialists being paid millions to muzzle investigative journalism in the UK"


The Discrete Universal DEnoiser = DUDE

If image proc ppl ever do BOHICA the fun will be complete

A good chunk of money for H2 from France



biden +3 in TX"


Fox News piles on.


It stands for "Creating Conscious Communities with People Outside". It's funny.

The tent city is called C3PO? :)



I've found the greatest movie poster of all time"


Ilay and Beat C - The Answer (Ilay Mix) #music


Some more action..

Coefficient of restitution = 1


They delegitimized entire swaths of political spectrum. But the need for those views didnt go away. The unwanted parts just moved elsewhere, morphed, came together in unseeming ways and became Brexit.

If they didnt do Red Ed, maybe now they wouldnt have a Tory PM who said "fuck business".

They did this. The situation today is their punishment.

Red Ed.. :) Ahhh.. The crazy work of the rowdy British press.


Growing up, my father told me, don’t beg for your rights, you organize, and you take them. So, to the young people fighting in this movement for change, here is my charge: march in the streets, protest, run for school committee or city council or the state legislature. And win"

We are talking about a synergy between hardware and software, between cash flow and capital needs. C'mon


Slapping new tech on old structure with ineffective results but making it look shiny so you can technobabble about it... This will be a centrist Walhalla.


Zoom preschool is both hilarious and depressing. My 4 year old keeps unmuting himself and yelling 'I DON'T KNOW YOUR NAME! IS THIS MEETING OVER YET?'"

Good good..

Future relationship with China might not be too profitable either, makes sense from that angle.. As long as CH was "favored" they could earn dollars they could pay others with. With that reduced, future looks iffy. Noone wants monopoly money. And dont try to back curr "with gold", the stupidest f-ing scheme ever. People will clap and scream "new world order" but behind the scenes they will say "give me my dollars bitch!".

"Germany has announced a new blueprint for relations with Asia, calling in particular for 'diversity' in its focus in the region"


What is this, the 70s? I thought I was watching an old vid for a while then I saw the lady in the background with the mask


Ander Christensen, a Nebraska resident, made a passionate plea to the Lincoln City Council to rename boneless chicken wings because they are not in fact wings from a chicken"


Boris Johnson, 2018: "Fuck business"




NEWS: Trump admin, trying to prevent an eviction crisis, says it'll use CDC quarantine authority to prevent renters from being evicted."

"Zoom shares soared 41% on Tuesday, lifting the videoconferencing software company's market cap to $129 billion after revenue and earnings blew past analysts' estimates"

A lot of them lived through 60/70s, which were not silent times, but US still had some pizzazz, hadn't sold its soul yet. Then it became Brasil. Sad.


increasingly having this a convo this summer that leads to the same scary place: the vast majority of those in power right now grew up during a golden age of relative social/political stability and believe that stability is the norm and thus are deeply unprepared for this moment"


When we first talked about virtual education and inequality, I was imagining some kids at the kitchen table while others struggled to find a quiet place and wifi. It did not occur to me that the privileged kids would have ENTIRE ACTUAL REAL CLASSROOMS built in their homes"

Liquidus Ambiento - Carnaúba #music


The hilarious part is C will happily let you do that. Coding close to the metal.

Cast everything to void *. Then cast that t anything else, anytime. Wanna dance with the devil boy?! Do it!

Centrist Dems and some Reps like Newt merely used the mystique of tech to justify undoing of social services. "We cant give healthcare to people". Why? "Well, smart sensors, knowledge economy, blah blah".

3W methodology always stressed how tech, especially a different breed of tech (post-industrial) will cause social disruption unless it is handled, i.e. proper structures are formed around it. Tech by itself, in the grander sense, will create more problems than it solves.

They didn't think of any of that. Did anyone talk about the downside? Any related talk was cleverly steered towards hyperboly, next-to-zero-chance type events, such as "AI apocalypse", so everyone could slap themselves in the back and say they thought of "all angles". "We've got that covered, you see, we are talking about the dangers of tech". The flare having gone off, they could now go their marry way to slut themselves to corporations.

From the song The Unpossible: "We have the word impossible, but we need to differentiate between two sorts of things. The impossible is that which by definition can never be done. We need another word: unpossible"

Emphasis ‎– Bad Omen #music


Physics has the best words



Fort Knox Five - The FK Strut #music


As per policy I'd just insert H2 / NH4 FC tech in there somewhere. Say "it's for long-range", "for steel". Once it is cemented for anything, it will destroy everything else in the long-run, bcz using the same tech for everything has other benefits, training, deployment, maintanance etc. Alternatives will go to the way of Betamax.

The prevalence of the self-help lit during the 80/90s had to do with over-commercialization of everything. Life was about "the market", everyone working "for the market". Then, by implication, if something bad happened to you, u felt down, it was all your fault. You failed the market. Personal income disrupted for a few months and u get hit with an health insurance bill of thousands pushing you to bankruptcy? Your fault. You didn't have an "up personality", could not "crush it". The guy with the big teeth will tell you how.

"The conflict between the haves and have-nots also feeds into another major theme of cyberpunk. Often depicting future dystopias where megacorporations wield more power than governments, and rule the world from lofty skyscrapers, overlooking the streets where cyberpunk heroes try to make ends meet doing illicit jobs, either for these corporations, or against them"


"VoltH2 will build a green plant with storage in North Sea Port"


Bladerunner bombed when it came out? Makes sense; I never liked it as a movie. It might have been influential on other directors, but, as a movie on its own wasn't all that great. Star Wars in the 70s was both, cinematically influential and a movie people would like.

Frank Macdonald and Chris Rae - Soul City Drive #music



"But as a Muslim I don't know how to tolerate such a thing"

Great idea. In fact do this every month.

"Charlie Hebdo reprints cartoons of prophet ahead of terror trial"

JS: "One of the leading causes of homelessness in this country is, in fact, our shortage of low-income housing. After mental illness and substance abuse, minimum-size standards have probably kept more people on the street than any other contributing factor. Countless attempts to design and build efficient forms of shelter by and for the homeless have been thwarted by these codes. By demanding all or nothing from our homes, current restrictions ensure that the have-nots have nothing at all. The U.N. Declaration of Universal Human Rights (of which the United States is a signatory) holds shelter to be a fun- damental human right. Yet, in the U.S.. this right is guaranteed only to those with enough money to afford the opulence"

Grim and grimmer

JS: "It is illegal to inhabit a tiny home in most populated areas of the U.S. The housing industry and the banks sustaining it spent much of the 1970s and 1980s pushing for larger houses to produce more profit per structure, and housing authorities all cross the country adopted this bias in the form of minimum-size standards. The stated purpose of these codes is to preserve the high quality of living enjoyed in our urban and suburban areas by defining how small a house can be. They govern the size of every habitable room and details therein. By aiming to eliminate all but the most extravagant housing, size standards have effectively eliminated housing for everyone but the most affluent Americans.

Again, the intention of these limits is to keep unsightly little houses from popping up and lowering property values in America’s communities and, moreover, to ensure that the housing industry is adequately sustained. The actual results of the limits are a greater number of unsightly large houses, inordinate construction waste, higher emissions, sprawl and deforestation, and, for those who cannot afford these larger houses, homelessness"

JS: "For most Americans, big houses have come to symbolize the good life; but, all symbolism aside, the life these places actually foster is more typically one of drudgery. Mortgage payments can appropriate thirty to forty percent of a household’s income not counting taxes, insurance, or maintenance expenses. When every spare penny is going towards house payments, there is nothing left over for investments, travel, continued education, more time with the kids, or even so much as a minute to relax and enjoy life. At this rate, an oversized house can start to look more like a debtor’s prison than a home"

JS is the grandfather of the tiny house movement.

Jay Shafer, 2009: "My reasons for choosing to live in such small houses include some environmental concerns. The two largest of my three, hand-built homes were made with only about 4,800 pounds of building materials each, less than 100 pounds of which went to the local landfill. Each produced less than 900 pounds of greenhouse gases during a typical Iowa winter. And, at 89 square feet, plus porch and loft, each fit snugly into a single parking space.

In contrast, the average American house consumes about three quarters of an acre of forest and produces about seven tons of construction waste. It emits 18 tons of greenhouse gases annually, and, at more than 2,349 square feet, it would most definitely not fit into a single parking space"

SPHeric. Cool #SPH

SPH hokusai, not bad. Dam break 3D


No I do not support DJT. Just pointing out the weirdness of how things aligned recently... Not just in US, in UK and other places too.. British Tory PM talking about a "New Deal" while the Labor leader is going to extreme lengths not to seem pro-Palestine, sorry "anti-Semitic". This is weird.

Academics can be smart but they are usually not software engineers. They'll create bazillion of dependencies, the whole thing becomes a mess. Also nothing easily demonstrable included (comes with the territory, they earn their stripes being as obscure, "mystical" as possible, the publishing process makes them so).

Bloody university code.

void *

Had not seen that for a while.

Aha. So you are not supposed to say "Im was saved bcz of the right things I achieved". It was a gift to you. It is emphasizing selflessness.

Religion is ancient time's left (it is politics). Also, it is the self-help lit of its time. Instead of a guy with big teeth running around teaching you how to "crush it", there is the lit on how to take it easy, chillax, turn the other cheek once in a while.

"Ephesians 2:8

For by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God"

They are still printing in layers, but the layer resolution is extremely high, and the process is more continuous. Promising tech.


Motivating people to go to the voting booth falls on the shoulder of leaders.


"Should we make voting mandatory?"


"Was Trump's 2016 election a sign of democracy working?"

Absolutely. One question was "you meet someone from Amsterdam, what is their nationality?". Guy goes uuuhhh, the laughter machine goes off... But, how cld the guy know what? Does he deal with this particular nationality daily? Know anyone from there?

Another didn't know how rainbows work... Big deal.

Democracy doesn't need book-smart citizens. As long as they can tell whether they are better or worse off compared to 2/4/6 yrs ago, they can roughly judge a person, we're fine. Expecting more from them signals to me a certain pretentiousness on the part of the expector.

"If people do not know much about things outside their expertise, are scenes we saw in Jay Leno's Jaywalking justified?"

Hey white ppl had bunch of Supermen die, get paralyzed on them, so blacks are not alone.

"Black ppl lost their superhero, they are heartbroken"

Chadwick Boseman RIP.

Inferior product.. that is the root of it all isn't it? #trek


Fuckin Newt

I remember Newt used to talk nonsense on tech all the time too, 'information technology will let you compare price, smart sensors blah blah". 90s were the age of technobabble. All glitz no substance.

On "the war with China"; Trump doesn't like war (and not just bcz they cost money). He had Soleimani, one guy, killed so he wouldnt have to kill 100s or 1000s. He'll get mad at his own advisors if they get too war-mongery around him. From a few select people he'll take it, like Mustache, who is, as we know, not in the WH anymore.

It was too early for that. 3W structures were nowhere to be found, and still MIA to this day. So what Dems ended up doing was a hi-tech paint-job, empty talk, marketing glitz using tech while they dismantled left using tech as excuse. This contributed to a massive problem of inequality.

I cannot begin to describe the obnoxious daftness of these people. That Post-Berlin-Wall euphoria must have been one hell of a drug because they all burned their brain cells on it.

"Maybe Dems moved away from left due to new tech, as you say Third Wave"

Going against corp interests by reworking trade deals to bring labor back which moved to China, so workers would make more money?

Yes ultra-capitalist mastermind this guy.

"But wasn't Trump's China policy a hard-right policy, he wants war with China?"

I can't believe these things are real

Normandy, is it?

Niicee. Where the F is that?

Trying to create magical negros out of my Anatolian negros?

The geo is all wrong too, try Bursa, Anatolia, in so-called Turkey

Wrong 60s. Try 1867.

"Doner kebap was invented in Berlin when immigrants [so-called Turks] arrived there, during 60s"


Thomas Piketty confirmed that his latest book won’t be published in China, since he refused to bow to censors’ demands to cut a section on rising inequality under the CCP ... President Xi Jinping heaped praise on Thomas Pikkety’s magnum opus Capital in the 21st Century, but his new book on inequality has fallen afoul of China’s censors"