
Github Mirror

Week 35

Pi in the Sky! 😊

"Pi In the Sky is a simple and reliable GPS radio tracker board for the Pi"


Balooning with Python and Raspberry Pi! Fantastic!

"On the first day of summer, Siberia and I were the same temperature. In Verkhoyansk, roughly 3,000 miles northeast of Moscow, a searing week ended in an afternoon hotter than any before recorded north of the Arctic Circle"


"U.S. tech stocks are now worth more than the entire European stock market"


'Three of the four tenants in the public housing video [at the RNC] were interviewed on Friday by The New York Times. All three said they opposed President Trump and were misled about the purpose of the video.'"

"[A] new chemistry has entered the fray, with battery startup EnerVenue launching today with $12 million in seed funding.

The company is betting on the success of metal hydrogen batteries, specifically nickel-hydrogen batteries. This chemistry .. was always held back from greater commercial success due to its high price. .. EnerVenue .. has been able to achieve commercialization via 'a breakthrough competitive price using new low-cost materials.' The company was able to do this by working with EEnotech, a startup that incubates and accelerates nanotechnology-driven solutions to, among other things, grid-scale energy storage. ...

Unlike lithium-ion, the company claims that metal-hydrogen batteries excel operating in conditions of extreme heat and extreme cold. Specifically, the solution operates optimally from -40° to 140°F ambient temperatures. Because of this, the battery comes with no risk of fire or thermal runaway and also includes no toxic materials, making it recyclable, a huge tip in its favor, as recycling of materials is only going to grow in importance as the renewable energy industry grows and evolves. ...

EnerVenue claims that the company’s batteries have a more than 30-year lifespan, can go through more than 30,000 cycles without experiencing degradation and offer exceptional overcharge, overdischarge, and deep-cycle capabilities.

The company also claims cost-per-kilowatt-hour as low as a penny, as well as capital expenditure costs that beat lithium-ion. The company stresses its use of low-cost materials."


"'As an example of metal hydrogen batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries have proven to be an incredibly powerful energy storage technology – albeit an expensive one – for the aerospace industry over the past 40 years, .. [t]he performance and longevity of nickel-hydrogen batteries is well-established and second to none. We’re now able to deliver the same performance and durability at a breakthrough competitive price using new low-cost materials.' [says EverVenue founder]."


Math is a tool, we made it up. Infinity is a tool. Imaginery numbers are a tool. But nature at its core is probably discrete, and math does connect with nature well. How come? Well the root of all math is also discrete -- sets and number theory.

Always good idea to keep tabs on wronged people, resentment, anger for social analysis and prediction. Ex; Amazon had a pricing war with, put them out of business. Its founder started a new thing acquired by Walmart, he now works for Walmart and runs all their U.S. e-commerce operations. This guy must be PISSED, and now in a position to even the score. His business was destroyed by Amazon now he works for the competitor. U watch this guy and his drama.


"The Getting to Zero Coalition has started mapping some of the many zero emission pilots and demonstration projects going on around the world, with hydrogen research leading the way in one form or another in shipping’s pursuit of a clean fuel"


MSM gaslights bcz if they talked abt what is truly going on, then someone could ask 'well how the f--k did left issues end up in the GOP, why are they not in the Democratic Party?". That is too close for comfort now.. Then you have to talk about how centrism fucked up for decades, how unwanted ideological parts landed with a random outsider who brought it to the GOP.

The gaslighting on Russiagate serves the same purpose. If DJT win wasn't through "illegal means", then the next question is how did this guy win legally?

We've been in second wave for three centuries now. Given that structure, there can't be too many wildly, untried solutions. The means of production dictates certain disconnection, disparate parts needs to be reconnected, through integrators, implying government, that needs taxes. The natural next question is how high taxes?

Someone says low, someone says high. Two options.

After 2016 the talk was abt this "brand new politics", "right populism". So I waited to hear details... Bannon for example. U wait.. U wait.. then boom -- word came out he wanted high taxes on the rich.

That's left bitch!

Daaaamm.. BBC is gunning for this guy now


Royalty, kings.. these are old-fashioned ideas. Quash it.

Thailand.. I've been there once, and it has been in turmoil ever since... ;)

I remember shooting the shit with ppl there, and in Singapore, about Thaksin. Good times..

I'll never forget when we went to a movie theather in Bangkok and right before the movie started, a gov program was displayed praising the king, and everyone got up and put a hand on chest and said some shit. Like 'Praise the king' or something like that.

Fast as funk. How to determine collisions real fast.. Boom.


With xvfb u can run visual progs in "headless" mode, no UI.

xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1x1x24" script. Alias that bih, done.

Who wld be a good next PM? Kano, Motegi, Kishida -- all fine. All pro my favorite first element in the periodic table. Kano is tough on China. Motegi knows the bureucracy better.


Bombshell - Japan PM Abe will step down NHK reports"

Switzerland doesnt join anything. EU, NATO.. But they wouldn't join UN either, for a long time? Tidbit; North Korea joined before them. The only country who joined after did not exist before that time. Whatsup

Most of the tiny housers seem to live on their parents' property.

What kind of regulation would you need anyway for a small structure to be plopped on some land? Isn't TH kinda like parking a camper van?


Haha.. kids call YouTube ads "Skip Ads".. Bcz that's the text on the button they click to skip. Funny.

Funny thing is Trump looks more out of it these days than Biden.

Nice scenery, whole city as a backdrop #spectral

Are there any recent military, action movies in which Max Martini did not play a SpecOp soldier? I am truly curious. #spectral

Spectral, good but forgettable movie.

Did not go to the stash.

The Great London Traffic Warden Massacre #music


Funny story when balls were same color they went through eachother for a while it looked like the bounced off, and I was like WTF!? I didn't code that! My balls becoming self aware? 🤔 🤔

Good good.. I see some action


I've seen Jewish girls in Brooklyn with more color than you bitch. What experience r u talking about?


'[F]ormer UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, cit[es] her experience growing up as a woman of color"

Hey if u missed the boat on the next consumer OS dominance, you can always sue to get your cut.

"Every time you buy an Android smartphone or tablet, Microsoft is likely receiving 5 to 15 dollars. They likely make at least $2 billion per year from Android. This financial agreement is all about patent royalties. Microsoft claims to hold software patents that Android infringes on, and they threaten lawsuits against Android device manufacturers until they settle"



SCOOP: Four US troops were injured after a Russian vehicle intentionally rammed a US vehicle in N. Syria earlier this week"


Calling weather forecasting 'AI' denigrates the significant advances made in weather forecasting over the past century.

On the other hand, I trust weather forecasting more than AI, so perhaps it’s appropriate that the AI Institute for Trustworthy AI was awarded to meteorologists at Oklahoma U"

Today I put my AI shoes on, my AI shirt, started walking outside. I checked my AI watch it said 10:45. One minute ago it was 10:44. This thing is super smart. Fear for your life #singularity

Taxing rich people, saving social security.. Man o man..

😆 😆 😆

CNN, 1999: "Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has a plan to pay off the national debt, grant a middle class a tax cut, and keep Social Security afloat: tax rich people like himself"


"[Web inventor] Berners-Lee had physical copies of the Web [at a conference] to give out. Because there was no internet porn yet, nor a fascination with cats, the whole thing fit on a floppy disk"


"Clean gas turbine manufacturer Capstone Turbine has collaborated with the US Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory to develop a hydrogen operable microturbine product"


Hah. The vanished Flight 370 was carrying lithium ion batteries.


"It seems like renewable hydrogen will play a vital role in The Green Deal that should contribute to Europe becoming the first carbon neutral continent in the world, and Nel aims to leverage on these opportunities going forward"


Tantrum messaging..? Are they being evil?


Google's intrusive tantrum messaging about not getting their way in Australia vs the ACCC is pissing me off. Pushing me back to Apple and other services"


@PeelLandP has completed the front end engineering design for what will become UK’s first waste plastic to hydrogen facility"


The degree to which you can get away with shit by looking the part and speaking convincingly reveals just how much of human society runs on trust"


ipyvolume.. looks good too.... 🤔

That was one spaghetti of a code.. I actually saw global keyword in there. Not cool. Corrected. #pyopengl

"Computer graphics people often claim that even complex behaviours of bodies can be frequently approximated by mass-spring systems"

Witkin, Pixar Animation Studios: "For example, a wide variety of nonrigid structures can be built by connecting particles with simple damped springs"

Sometimes it feels like there is reality, and there is a make-belief version of reality where every role in real life is acted out by someone else. In this bizarro show world, there is a "science guy", "inventor genius", "politics guru" who play the make-belief versions of the real characters.

These ppl are full of shit. The problem is when they start believing their own shit more and more, we might get "policy by celebrity", policy based on ideas thrown around by fakers, impostors.

Not this guy

That was a cameo on a major scifi show BTW.

That's right. And this is the guy who did it.

Alan Hawkshaw - Rocky Mountain Runabout #music


Jacky Giordano - Latest News #music


Dude wrote a rough flight simulator in less than 400 LOC in C++ w OpenGL. Impressive.

That machine has been running without reboot for nearly 14 years.

Unix is awesome.

"It works on my machine" is the quintessential response to "your code doesn't work" in IT or other computer based professions, it is now a running joke.

I laughed at that more than I should..

If things hadn't gotten so bad voters wouldn't opt for a complete outsider. Experience and endorsements matter to them, they dont know much abt pol, so ext confirmation is needed. But it is interesting to see even then, part of the collective subconcious created the "respected leaders of government asked Trump to run" legend which is basically what QAnon is about. "He couldn't have been some f-ing guy!". That is the hole this consp is trying to fill.

"Texas, with its sprawling petrochemical industry, powerhouse energy companies and numerous research institutions, could lead the way in hydrogen adoption"


"You just can’t fill a battery .. any truck that wants over a 500-mile range, you’re looking at least at a 1,000-kilowatt battery. That’s a lot of weight. That’s a lot of energy. And to charge it, if you want to do that in 15 minutes you’re going to need a 4-megawatt charger. That’s massive and I can only imagine what that looks like with regards to cable, or just the capacity required to get that energy to a truck."


"The researchers found that they could produce hydrogen from water, while simultaneously transforming benzylamine to benzaldehyde"



Germany’s first [H2] steel production plant that uses the green gas as reducing agent in the blast furnace has begun operation"

Picture #1.

Picture #2.

His degree of seperation to Epstein is 2. This guy is fukked.

Rahm -- shut the fukk up.

Forget 5G. Let's use this.

"University College London (UCL) has recorded the world’s fastest data transmission speed, reaching 178 terabits a second -or 178,000,000 megabits a second- by using a bandwidth of 16.8 THz.

At double the capacity of any system currently deployed in the world, the speed was close to the theoretical limit of data transmission set out by American mathematician Claude Shannon in 1949.

The record was achieved by a research team led by Dr Lidia Galdino (pictured), lecturer at UCL and Royal Academy of Engineering research fellow, in collaboration with Xtera and KDDI Research.

Not only did they achieve the speeds – outperforming the previous record set by researchers in Japan by one fifth – the team also found such speeds could be deployed on already existing infrastructure.

In 'real terms', 178 terabits a second is so fast it would be possible to download the entire Netflix library in less than a second. ..

The record was achieved by transmitting data through a much wider range of colours of light, or wavelengths, than is typically used in optical fibre"


Wait.. I know the answer for that one...

"What Contains 3 Times More Energy Than Gasoline, But Produces Zero CO2?"


Russia does look overly massive in most maps...

In 1968 Carl Sagan was denied tenure at his university. Let that sink in, CS, one of the best explainers of science, a visible scientific personality, was denied tenure. They were correct in doing so, "being an explainer" doesn't mean a research is being furthered in any front. TAlking to bunch of uninformed people, "popularizing" is not research. It could be inspiring people, but that's about it. You can't do science by publicity.

Whatever it takes

People wld still suffer, bcz of the shortcomings of the market, sure, e.g. they'd have to organize a GoFundMe for a dentist appointment, but then the cure would be clearer; the opposition party.

McCain and Romney were both close to libertards, but their elec loss doesnt mean the mov is discredited. 2008 crisis wouldnt happen in a truly market econ, libertards hate them. Fenni Mae and Freddie Mac are centrist institutions. Part gov, part market, little in, little out, doing massive securitization with gov guarantee.. how is this not a f-ing abomination, hallmark of centrism?

Distinct right needs to exist just like distinct left. Going lukewarm on each issue (centrism) doesn't work. Mixing distinct issues from each side doesn't work (fascism). Clear-cut ideology needs to be in different parties. We need tards in GOP being against excessive regulation, pro-market, etc.. and a left party being opposite of that.

I bash libertards sometimes but they should be in charge of the Republican Party. And moving towards distinct ideologies was taking place actually, The Tea Party movement was all about this, no? But GOP got sidetracked from that somehow (bcz of fear? but then ended with something far worse, in their eyes).

He tried to do this before the pandemic BTW

Reining in drug prices? What are you -- a leftist?

There is a maaaarket, supply, and demaaaand.

I guess he didn't care.

July 2019: "Trump's Efforts to Rein In Drug Prices ..".


Scientists then were essentially looking at a 2D projection of a 3D system, which they did not know but had to reason about mathematically. They had to be a mathematical detective. This is science. None of that process is thought, or even hinted at, at schools, even to kids who can grasp it. What we teach today is cargo-cult science, even if the material is the outcome of real science.

Teaching science wout teaching how scientist came up with that science, makes zero sense. Now we know about planets, orbits, our sun-centric system, we see pictures like the one below all over the place, in many books thanks to the scientist that led to them.

But that's not what they themselves saw in the sky. When they looked, for example at Mars, over many days, this is what they saw,

This is 2D. Bunch of dots on a (sky) screen. How do you get to the first picture from the second? How did Copernicus do it? This was the biggest detective story of the ancient times. Skipping that train of thought is a disservice too all students.

"A new type of plastic that can be easily broken down into its chemical building blocks and reassembled into high-quality products could reduce the amount of plastic waste ending up in landfill"


Not bad.

"Isaac Newton estimated, without access to reliable measurement, that the density of Earth would be five or six times as great as the density of water, which is surprisingly accurate (the modern value is 5.515). Newton under-estimated the Earth's volume by about 30%, so that his estimate would be roughly equivalent to 4.2±0.5 × 10^24 kg"
