
Github Mirror

Week 33


A thing to note about the state of healthcare in this country: when I overpay for insulin in order to live, my insurance mandates that I get it by mail service rather than at a pharmacy"


Trump: 'A lot of people' think Edward Snowden 'not being treated fairly' via @nypost"

Kelager: "The fluid is constrained to stay with the grid. It simply cannot exist outside the grid domain, and thus makes it a difficult problem to let the fluid flow naturally, e.g. when a fluid container fractures"

Kelager: "The Navier-Stokes equations .. formulate the motion of an Eulerian fluid"

.. and the Eulerian vpoint means that a person "likes to watch"? 😶

Lagrangian viewpoint -- does that make a person French minded?

SPH (for fluid simulation) uses the Lagrangian viewpoint which simulates / follows the physics of particles. I guess this viewpoint comes more natural to me bcz of software background; thinking of particles that are simulated make more sense than "the Eularian viewpoint", thinking a predefined grid that doens't change and u watch the fluid passing through. In either case number of particles / grid size defines the precision of the calculation, but IMO Lagrangian viewpoint can get better precision, especially in edge cases.

See Toffler's Future Shock

Constructing societies that are against human nature (meaning forager) can cause many ills. I bet that is one reason for the hikikomori in Japan, the reclusive adolescents who dont leave home. This cld be a way to subconciously reduce excessive stimuli which modern life generates in excess, especially in cities. We are built for a certain level of stimuli anything over that causes problems. In the West ppl might not become recluse but cld act oddly in different ways, maybe crime or other things.


'One can Fourier transform anything—often meaningfully.' -- John Tukey"

Why are these grades, exams such a big deal at national level in UK? Sounds like some nanny level biz, example of over-centralization?

If you want to live underground like some mole, or on permanently sealed off buildings, you can get that experience on the Moon easily.

"But we get the experience of living in encampents"

Yes but the launch window is every 2 years. You dont go to Mars any f-ing time you please, the most efficient time is during the window. Why did all these recent launches cram into that one period? This is why.

The launch window for Jupiter comes every year.

"But Mars is much closer than other planets, satellites"


My opponent is Corporate America's Favorite Congressman.

I'm running for Congress because we should put people before profits and guarantee healthcare as a human right.

Join our fight:"


Jira sucks


Workforce churn/attrition rates in a given company are proportional to the number of tickets in Jira. Software Developers stay longer in a company that doesn't use Jira. This isn't even a theory, we all know that"

"U.S. Congress has frozen weapons sales to Turkey for two years"

Wrote an article on mathematical models 15+ years ago. The write-up went through gazillion file formats, finally became TeX converted markdown, published on Github Pages. Now I see ppl finding it online, boy did it take long to become that.

They do look kinda weird

"[W]hat isn't discussed is how Mr. 'Content Is King' got his 'content' ... [Redstone] bested business rivals throughout his long career as he engineered deals for Viacom, Paramount and CBS and displayed an unwavering passion to win. ... Viacom Networks (MTV, BET, Comedy Central, CMT), the engine that drove Redstone's media empire was almost entirely built on 'reality', 'live' and 'free' content. Which is to say, Redstone's genius was finding a way to pipe content made and paid for by other people (music labels, comedy clubs) on to cable. And to fill the gap with non-union, unprotected 'perma-lance' innovation in-house. Reality and music television was just union-busting. Plain and simple. ... Reality television can seem exciting and glamorous. Working on reality television, much less so. As the following stories from "professionally abused" insiders show, reality TV workers will continue... 'My Super Sweet 16'? A PA came up with that. 'Jersey Shore'? Just a rip-off of a True Life pitched by an AP. There was no IP ownership. No health-care. And Redstone's bet was freelance 20 year olds wouldn't have the stones to organize or sue"



The New South Wales Government in #Australia has today approved @JemenaLtd’s $15m Western Sydney Green Gas (WSGG) Project"

"But Ginsburg, as Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern has noted, is not the most liberal Supreme Court justice; that would be the Obama appointee Sonia Sotomayor. In recent years Ginsburg has voted with the majority in favor of the fossil-fuel industry and against criminal defendants and asylum seekers"


"Democrats from all corners of the party appeared largely united behind Joe Biden’s selection of the California senator Kamala Harris as his running mate on Tuesday ... praise also came from high-profile progressive leaders on Tuesday, including two of Biden’s other former rivals, the senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren"


"[Trump] releases attack ad labelling Biden 'racist' as it emerges Donald and Ivanka donated to Kamala Harris"

Wait.. I thought expertise had gone by the wayside, it's like technocratic or something..

"Brian Lee Hitchens, a Florida taxi driver ... who prayed in the morning before going shopping or carrying passengers without a mask, was sure that nothing would happen to him and his asthma-sick wife. God would take care of him. And possibly the entire corona hype is mere hysteria anyway, as could be read on the Internet, and the virus is no more dangerous than ordinary flu. Then he fell ill himself, then his wife, who struggled for weeks to survive. While still in the hospital, Brian Lee Hitchens wrote on Facebook about his change of heart 'The virus is not a fake, the pandemic is real. It is important to heed the advice of experts' [he wrote]"



Just a recap for the people in the back: @DemMaj4Israel and other Israel hawks spent

"We are very pleased to announce that we are now ISO9001:2015 certified at both our Manufacturing Facility and Green Hydrogen Farm! 🤩"



My back of the envelope math says that people are more excited by Kamala Harris than they were Tim Kaine"

Robert Bridson, Matthias Müller-Fischer; excellent write-up on fluid dynamics.

Finally a series on Foundation? 😊 Jared Harris as Seldon. I can see it, good choice.


Networks are probably pleased, Kamala can dish it out, do some drama.

In general Californians are good to have in any cabinet. There is some culture around green energy in the state, as they've been experimenting with a few technologies before everyone else.


"Fact: While it's generally thought of as a vegetable, eggplant is actually a fruit"

👍 👍 👍

"Abolish CIA & FISA... At home, the Agencies are partisan institutions illegitimately focused on setting national policy. Abroad, Agencies untied to specific operational concerns are inherently dangerous and low-value"



#Resilient #fuelcell powered microgrids once again maintained power for customers during the recent #hurricaneIsaias grid outages. #EnergyPolicy should support these microgrids across the US"

Demonstrative, To the point, running, skeletal example code is worth its line count in diamonds.

Another one for <250 LOC. 2D, but still..

Have a major fluid dynamics simulation running with <500 LOC C++ SPH. Only API calls are for graphics, the rest is physics. Fine approach.

SPH is awesome

This rule is ironclad. Other rules in scifi can be bent or broken, not this one.

Another one; If there is an evil twin in the other universe, he must have the goatee. We know that. Here

But the real rule is "reverse-facial-hair" rule. So if you have goatee in this universe, then your evil twin must have no goatee in the other universe. Example below, Trek DS9.

Scifi audience loves "weapons at maximum". Have to have weapons at maximum, the captain needs to say that explicitly.

Haha saw a Blue Screen of Death at a Zara while passing by. Patch your Windows 95 dude

That's right. We fast.


I once worked with a South African #programmer who used #linux in TTY only (no x server), tmux, emacs. He was moving through code so fast, I couldn't even see what he was doing"


Delta has banned 100 anti-maskers from taking their flights — and even gone a step further by adding them to a 'no fly' list"

"On an otherwise slow news day for fuel cell stocks, Plug Power shook up the market with an announcement that U.K.-based supermarket chain Asda will be buying a "turnkey solution" for its warehouse forklift fleet, including 'fuel cells, hydrogen fueling equipment, hydrogen and service' from Plug"


When you are in 'Nam and Charlie is coming at you from all directions, you need to conserve your ammo. You don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes. Very important. Charlie is smart. He'll come at you but stop at a distance, right outside rifle range, he wants you to shoot and waste your ammo. So you wait... You hold! UNTIL YOU SEE THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES. Only then you shoot.

Good going Vietnam


Yes, yes New Zealand is doing great on COVID.

But perhaps we can also spare some praise for, say, Vietnam? Vietnam maintained a 99-day streak without community transmission of COVID-19, and it has 19.5x the population, 15x the population density, and 1/15th the GDP/capita of NZ"


JCB heir Jo Bamford today called on Britain to 'grab hold' of its 'green destiny' and take advantage of the hydrogen opportunity it has"


John Newman - Love Me Again #music


Nice. Edge of Tomorrow ends with a John Newman song, bcz it is abt a time loop? 👍

So if you are really smart about the design of the interlocking parts, how big of a thing could you 3D print in pieces in a medium size printer? I wonder... 🤔

Now dat I have full-blown Linux, in the large and small, I can go back to recoll.


Luo Huining, aka The Butcher of Tibet, was sanctioned with Carrie Lam(b) by the United States yesterday. He and his family may no longer travel, own property, or show their faces in the US. He should be brought up on war crimes charges for his actions In Tibet. The belligerence of china’s wolf propagandists continues to bring comedy to diplomacy. Did they think there wouldn’t be consequences to the abrogation of their contract with the US and the UK? Communism’s rise will be met with crippling sanctions that will subdue...

The economic growth and prosperity that existed under a democracy that was governed under English law. We have the upper hand as the world doesn’t trust china or its Monopoly money and closed capital account. They have an exposed Achilles heel and the world is aware"

And Brussels might be the worst city I've seen in my life.

Glad Im outa there

"Germany has declared the Belgian port city a 'high-risk area.' For more than a week, Antwerp has been trying to lower infections – with curfews and a new established coronavirus test center"

Live by the sword die by the sword


China at least partially blocks Whatsapp Telegram FB Messenger, Instagram Twitter, Skype etc so basically all conversations with people in China are concentrated on WeChat, mostly out of convenience but also by government mandate. Conversely it now becomes an Achilles heel"

"Lebanon blast was 1/6th of the nuke explosion at Hiroshima"

Github contributor is reworking some images. This guy's a f-ing machine. Receiving a pull request soon.

No need for usb cables for photo transfers.. Labtop "on the LAN", with a little scp, after termux-setup-storage, phone can send over files. From well-known dir to another well-known dir, alias it, so it can be touchscreen typed on phone.

Google has completely cornered the market on driver assist / navigation it looks like. All TR cabbies are on it.

via @katiesackoff

I dont understand how hobbiest keeps building the small stuff but never move on to bigger stuf... Model Chinook is awesome. But u know what's more awesome? A big-ass Chinook!

Movie idea, ppl leave Earth in spaceship ready to settle, escaping apocalyptic scenario, land on Mars and then they are like 'dude it sucks here let's go back', and they return, use all the tools on Earth. So it's a very roundbout style of scifi. Indirect.

"[T]here is almost nothing that could happen to earth that would make it less hospitable than Mars. Whether it’s nuclear war or massive global warming, post disaster earth would be way more habitable than Mars"


Dude the consigliere as the space hero? No. I understand they tried the old/young thing but then get B. Willis as the "old guy". See Armageddon. #deepimpact

They blew a bomb, doesnt work, then leave, then remember, "wait we have all these other bombs!" 🙄 #deepimpact

Was that J Favreau in there? This is where he must have learned how not to make a movie! #deepimpact

What a disaster of a movie -- Deep Impact.

It's good to get in the habit of running ls before every rm.

Hah. I guess that should tell you how Americans want to be governed, Scotus judges are not even elected by the people, they are appointed by people who are elected by the people. So they are twice removed from the public 😶

"Gallup found that Americans [largely] approved of the [SCOTUS] justices’ performance"

H-a-m-b-u-r-g-a !

😆😆 That was some funny shit #pinkpanther