
Github Mirror

Week 32

"The Promising Results of a Citywide Basic-Income Experiment.. Linnea Feldman Emison writes on a pilot basic-income program in Stockton, California, historically, the foreclosure capital of the U.S., which has been providing an unconditional five hundred dollars per month to a group of its residents"


"Beijing's move to impose a new contentious security law on Hong Kong appears to be the last straw for many Hong Kongers. A single mother tells DW how she's fed up with the government and plans to leave for the UK"


"The coronavirus pandemic has put many industries into crisis mode, and luxury retail is one of them.

With fewer places to see and be seen, shoppers are slowing their spending, with an estimate from consultancy firm McKinsey forecasting the global luxury goods market will contract by 35% to 39% in 2020, year-over-year"


I suspected lota things but not a faulty female-male jumper cable. 50% functional in the entire bunch!!

Makes sense, AFAIK Lebanon came to being bcz of France.

Macron: "France will never give up on Lebanon"

Sure, but, when they get out, they cause a stir because it's Google. Then the only next step the company can take to offset that splash with another splash, firing the employee.

This is the downside of working at a company like Google, right? There are upsides, go to a bar, show off to women saying you work for Google. But then there is the downside, the scrutiny. Cant have one wout the other.

"But that fired Google guy and many others talk freely about stuff on their internal forums, the problem was posts got out and media caused a frenzy"


Forget Marx. Take Toffler, add little Rapaille, Ian Morris, and you'll reach what I reached.

"On the 60th anniversary of Sartre's key text on Marxism, Robert Boncardo shows us why it is still relevant, and urgently needed today"

It's likely no persistent politics will come out of DJT years.


This week, Kris Kobach lost his primary in Kansas. Earlier this cycle, aspiring senator Roy Moore lost his primary in Alabama and Steve King lost his primary in Iowa. Arpaio is narrowly trailing his now.

The Trump style doesn’t work for his wannabes"

"Mazzucato was increasingly interested in what she called mission-oriented organisations. The prime example was DARPA, the research agency founded by President Eisenhower in 1958 following the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik. The agency pumped billions of dollars into the development of prototypes that preceded commercial technology such as Microsoft Windows, videoconferencing, Google Maps, Linux and the cloud. In Israel, Yozma, a government-backed venture capital fund that ran between 1993 and 1998, supported more than 40 companies. In the UK, the Government Digital Service, launched in 2010, was behind the award-winning domain, saving the government £1.7bn in IT procurement. “When I use the word ‘state’ I am talking about a decentralised network of different state agencies," she says. When such agencies are mission-oriented to solve problems and structured to take risks, they can be an engine of innovation.”

To Mazzucato, the epitome of the mission-oriented concept was the Apollo programme, the space programme designed to land Americans on the Moon and return them safely to Earth. Between 1960 and 1972, the US government spent $26bn (£21bn) to achieve precisely that. More than 300 different projects contributed, not only in aeronautics but in areas such as nutrition, textiles, electronics and medicine, resulting in 1,800 spinoff products, from freeze-dried food to cooling suits, spring tyres and digital fly-by-wire flight control systems used in commercial airplanes. The programme was also instrumental in kick-starting an industry for the integrated circuit"


"Virgin Atlantic Declares Bankruptcy"

Cursed by the Holy Land LMAO

Very true #ford



BP have published their new Net Zero strategy. It includes their aims for BP's 'hydrogen business to have grown to have 10% share of core markets' by 2030"


😂 😂 😂 😂


hello, yes, Georgia schools? I remember you policing visible bra straps and the length of our skirts with an actual ruler—you can 100% enforce a mask mandate. I believe in you"

Thrilla for the Gorilla

Hah. I guess there is an "example nation" that every mother uses for their children to urge them to finish their plates. Apparently it was "starving Ethiopoans" in US recently (says the interviewee), but before that, it was "starving Armenians". That's the one Peterson heard growing up, and one day becomes curious where it came from, decides to research it, and ends up writing another book this time on the infamous "alleged" terrible events, and US' response to it.

Merrill Peterson, legendary biographer. Wrote many bios, he wrote one about Woodrow Wilson, and then even a bio on another biographer (of Wilson's) 👍 Hard core.


"S. Kappa has been chosen to participate in the HYFLEXPOWER project that will see its Saillat Paper Mill in France become the world’s first plant to introduce an integrated hydrogen gas turbine demonstrator"


Jerome Robins - Groovejet (If This Ain't Love) (Earth n Days Remix) #music


Good going Gove

Party leaders must make this decision, seeing it will be in their interest in the long term. People's thoughts on the issue are irrelevant. But they can be sold a palette of choices with the right leader.

Leftist ideas were orphaned due to years of mainstream neglect. But there was a price to pay for this, ordinary people's living standards fell. Surprisingly the mainstream kept ignoring "the fringe", so finally, some in the right adopted some of those ideas. This is Trump, and others, some calling themselves in weird names not to offend the nomenklatura. The intention was to help, should be congratulated even though it is not sustainable IMO. Left / Right mix is toxic, you are either one side or the other. So one party must adapt this shit -- otherwise the balance is lost.


Headlines said I was the most vulnerable member of the Squad.

My community responded last night and said our Squad is big. It includes all who believe we must show up for each other and prioritize people over profits. It’s here to stay, and it’s only getting bigger"


EU’s hydrogen strategy could cause power and carbon prices to drop.



With 100% of the votes in: @CoriBush has defeated @LacyClayMO1 72,812 to 68,201"

"How can I reach RPi, over which network?". Use cell phone as Wifi hotspot, then each machine has an IP address, and can see eachother on the Net. LAN on the cheap.

Replaced Termux with Juice SSH everything else the same. Final setup; Bluetooth keyb (light) on Android (light), SSH over RPi (very light), run everything on board. Files to/fro done through passwordless ssh (scp) if required. Total weight, size, negligable.

F--ing #energytwitter... Bunch of office dwelling monkeys, of course when they get green religion all they think is "the grid", "bcz it has electricity and that's so green dude" 🙄


NYT 2013: "Our long-term strategy is to operate the leading news and advertising media in each of the markets in which we compete—both nationally and locally. The centerpiece of this strategy is extending the reach of the New York Times’s high-quality journalism into homes and businesses in every city, town, village and hamlet of this country"

"[NYT] has six million subscribers, almost D700 million in cash in the bank, and a singular insight that underpins the Times’ path forward: the average number of news subscriptions a news subscriber will have is one. ... Local publishers may not believe that they are competing with the Times, but the Times believes it is competing with them"


The problem probably was over-compartmentalization. "SR is too advanced", or "it's in this other bucket". He cld refer to elements of the bucket wout being mired in it, just refer to speed and length contraction. The bonus is EM becomes crystal clear.

Installing virtualenv, numpy on this tiny little board.. feels odd and awesome.


My twitter feed is just a series of newly minted explosive experts who until this morning were viral disease experts"


'Fireworks factory' is Mideast-Speak for Hezbollah precision-rocket storage depot"

BBC News: "Large blast rocks Beirut ahead of Hariri verdict"

Probably nothing

Forgot A Baldwin was in this movie.


Haha the Arabic guy is the same one in both Indep Day and Iron Man, playing the same sort of character.


Mobile computing setup idea.. Rpi for everything, number crunching, even provides editor, I ssh into it through Termux on the phone. Talkin VT100 level shit here, but toolz ready for it.

👍 👍

Prof Erica Carlson: "In this physics class you won't be expected to memorize equations .. this is the information age, you could always look up information. [I]nformation is no longer power, it's knowing what to do with the information"

Here's Tucker. Why did he feel the need to say "he is not some secret socialist".

That's right, bcz there are things in Bernie's ideology he is close to. And Bernie calls himself a socialist. What does that make Trump?

(Hint: not a "right populist")

"During Dem primaries, even before 2016 Trump bashed everyone a lot except Bernie. I think he liked Bernie"


New figures published today by @energynetworks show that by 2032, investment in replacing old iron mains gas pipes with new #hydrogen and biomethane-ready pipes will have taken the equivalent of 526,433 cars off the road since 2014"



A full tank of petrol from my city to London is around £35 and gets my whole family there. A train ticket is on average £100 per person. If we’re serious about the climate, a train ticket should never cost more than a tank of petrol. It’s incredibly unaffordable"

"Green hydrogen could be used to significantly reduce aviation emissions within the next five years, with a complete transition to hydrogen-fuelled flights from 2050, says new report from Australia’s national science agency CSIRO.

Opportunities for hydrogen in commercial aviation had technical input and funding from Boeing and reports that growing hydrogen industry momentum could provide an opportunity to introduce hydrogen for niche airport applications – such as ground support equipment – as early as 2025"


The "let the market decide" finance guy who is a Trump supporter...

You were a sucka. You was had son. Don't even deny it.

Thrift Shop -- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Wanz #music


😊 😊 🔥 🔥 🔥

Anonymous: "I knew [the recent Twitter hack] was a scam when I saw Jeff Bezos saying he was giving back"

"Creative destruction: the COVID-19 economic crisis is accelerating the demise of fossil fuels"


"There are a myriad of start-ups racing to turn trash into clean hydrogen. CA-based Ways2H doesn’t believe we need landfills. With all of the waste available throughout the world, they want to use waste as the raw feedstock to produce hydrogen, which could power our homes, planes, car and more"



ByteDance Caves To Trump, Agrees To Sell 100% Of TikTok To Microsoft"

Automatic silencing is suboptimal along with "autopilot defense" for someone quitting, or losing their job. Dont silence Alex Jones, Zerohedge. But that jerkoff bio guy at Google had it coming.

Not being a fit to where you work and feeling the heat is not being canceled. Like that little girl whatshername at NYT or Ellen probably after she was seen too buddy-buddy W.

"Watching the #CancelCulture mob turn on @TheEllenShow"

"UNSW condemned for deleting posts critical of Beijing"


This is all very simple you see. It truly takes an imbecile to make this stuff harder than it is.


"Marcus Hutchins in that pic looks mixed race, what is he?"

There are no foreigners in US past 0'th generation. 0 is the boat obviously. 1st, 2nd, etc. are basically American. So you are not Polak. You are not even dash something dash something. There is nothing before the dash for you. You don't even get the dash. You don't deserve the dash.

"I am second generation Polak [in US]"

You will never be a Republican Trump. At the first sign of trouble, they'll do away with you. They want to whole spiel not this grab-bag of hot-button stuff. They created those themselves to distinquish the party from the fucking liberals!

.. saz the guy who ran on not cutting Medicare, Social Security, regularly asks companies "not to fire workers', and talks about ending wars.

"President Trump on the 'Biden-Sanders Manifesto'"

Hiding his part leftism behind "money concerns" so it becomes more palatable to Republicans. Here's the hand ✋

"Citing 'bills,' Trump sets troop exit from Germany"

Paul Giamatti played King John too? In a movie abt events surrounding the signing of Magna Carta. This guy is everywhere.



Tata 'has been designated as the official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy reporting to the Acting Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Dr. James Anderson.'"

Love that story with FB ppl at Davos with other media comps when they heard about the formula used to rank them and they lost their shit and FB lost theirs bcz they did. Boundless fail.

Here's the news headline I was looking for in my news feed: "Congress panel concludes GAFA companies have monopoly power". France 24 had a video with this title, but noone had the text thing. Corporatized news dissing news on monopoly? At the same time they don't like Facebook, they could have used this chance to flame them.

That was a great story.

"The Confessions of Marcus Hutchins, the Hacker Who Saved the Internet"


Doesn't work. Neither side trusts you, and you end up being hated by both. You could say Macron tried this in France, do some left, do some right, but make one wrong move, ppl dont like your style, you end up with protests ad-infinitum.

"Okay, so dont be lukewarm center, but why can't you mix and match clear policies from both sides?"

Armageddon movie mistake, liquid oxygen is not a fuel, used in conjunction with fuel.

Russian couple got stuck in Israel, at least they have a nice view



'We came out here in t-shirts, they started gassing us. We came back with respirators, they started shooting us. We came back with vests, they started aiming for the head... And now they call us terrorists. Who’s escalating this? It’s not us.' @MacSmiff"


Private security firm. Of course.


"This just broke my concept of reality"


DJT net popularity "rose" to -13.6%. Could have been due to change in general demeanor... Cant keep effin up that badly, that long -- it takes huge effort.

Received the first Github pull request for sci tutorial content, finally.

"Trevor Milton Featured on Barron's Roundtable"


600 million 😶

"Daimler and Volvo truck divisions partner on fuel cells. As part of the deal, Daimler will invest its current fuel cell technology in the joint venture while Volvo Group will invest 600 million euros (approximately $652 million), with each entity receiving a 50-percent stake. Daimler already has a fuel cell vehicle in production, in this case the Mercedes-Benz GLC F-Cell"


People will pull any ol' category out of their ass wout checking if it really fits. Like "populism" when they need something that is like something else but don't want to use that something else in name.

There is no Judeo-Christian identity in US, there is only Christian identity, and specifically Protestan identity (there are other elements in the culture code too, but insofar a religion has effect it is Protestanism). Even atheists or Jews or others get it through osmosis.

"Except that tradition never existed.The 'Judeo-Christian tradition' was one of 20th-century America’s greatest political inventions. An ecumenical marketing meme for combatting godless communism, the catchphrase long did the work of animating American conservatives in the Cold War battle. For a brief time, canny liberals also embraced the phrase as a rhetorical pathway of inclusion into postwar American democracy for Jews, Catholics, and Black Americans. In a world divided by totalitarianism abroad and racial segregation at home, the notion of a shared American religious heritage promised racial healing and national unity. ... American Jews themselves were reluctant adopters. After centuries of Christian anti-Semitic persecution and philo-Semitic fantasies of Jewish conversion, many eyed the award of an honorary hyphen with suspicion. Even some anti-communist politicians themselves recognized the concept as ill-suited to America’s postwar quest for global primacy in a decolonizing world.The mythical 'Judeo-Christian tradition,' then, proved an unstable foundation on which to build a common American identity"


Bcz of health insurance she says.. time to take employers out of that loop.

"Congress panel concludes GAFA companies [Goog, Amazon, FB, Appl] have monopoly power"


Wow. BTW tough to encounter such winds away from the oceans. Around Medi it's mostly soft winds.. Gentle breeze.

"The strongest sustained winds body can probably withstand without getting blown away is around 100 km/h"

"On Twitter, Tom Scharpling, an executive producer for Monk, lamented that he had 'contributed to the larger acceptance that cops are implicitly the good guys.' The former Law & Order: SVU showrunner Neal Baer expressed regret [his detective character] 'was smacking people around' while doing police work"


"Trump cannot postpone the election or the next presidential inauguration; he has no means to do either of those things. Those dates are set by law or in the text of the Constitution.Nor can Trump somehow cling to power after Inauguration Day once the electoral vote is certified against him. If the Electoral College certifies Joe Biden the winner when its votes are counted in Washington, D.C., on January 6, then at noon on January 20, Donald Trump ceases to be president"


"McConnell signal to Republican Senate candidates: Distance from Trump if necessary"


One of the first ships to resume cruising is having a COVID outbreak"

Representative democracy might have some staying power left in it yet... The reason wld be ppl disliking eachother more than they dislike politicians. I mean, c'mon, would anyone like to be governed, even partially, by their next door neighbor who is likely a jagoff? The one w the loud dog, or the one who doesnt like dogs.. take your pick.

Everyone from Joe Biden, the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee, to Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil company, is ostensibly on board with hydrogen.

Biden’s recently expanded climate and energy plan supports using renewable energy to make 'carbon-free hydrogen' at the same cost it does from making it with natural gas.

"As the world seeks to rebuild from the coronavirus pandemic, support is pouring in for hydrogen energy to cut carbon emissions ....

Of the 54 billion dollars in economic stimulus funding approved in countries around the world (but mostly Europe) that’s going toward clean energy, 19% of that is for hydrogen. ...

In just the past month…

The European Union, which is proposing an additional 500 billion dollars or more for green energy as part of its recovery, unveiled a sweeping hydrogen strategy and targets for hydrogen made from renewable energy.

The U.S.-based conglomerate Air Products & Chemicals announced plans to build in Saudi Arabia what it says will be the world’s largest hydrogen plant powered by renewable energy.

The U.S. Energy Department announced 64 million worth dollars of funding for hydrogen projects earlier this month and plans to invest up to 100 million dollar over five years for two new research efforts on hydrogen.

'In my view, hydrogen is today where solar was 10 years ago,' Birol said. He expects costs to decline as governments grow policies supporting it like they did with solar"


Switch the old bih for a new bih?

Wil Smith. Daam.