Week 31
#Hydrogen will be key in the future #energysector, a truly clean alternative for natural gas + transportation fuels. #H2’s unique advantages make it an especially attractive investment opportunity for #heavyduty vehicles, & the world is beginning to noticehttps://t.co/UVLCUtOxW7
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) July 27, 2020
The final D600 payments are for the week ending July 25. Nobody's getting D600 for being unemployed this week. And even if Congress passed a new deal today, it would take weeks for the money to start reaching the unemployed"
#Nikola’s Trevor Milton Says Future of Trucking Is #Hydrogen Based #HydrogenNow #EnergyTransition #FuelCell https://t.co/pr1JMS9GuV
— BayoTech On-Site Hydrogen Generation (@H2Bayo) July 31, 2020
Diana remote mind attack. Doesnt work.
Data replica is dropped somewhere. In ST arent Datas hard to come by?
That's the thing abt this movie; nothing connects. Shinz all good all of a sudden turns evil.
No build up for the fight between Number 1's. Except some maddogging from Riker literally seconds before they start fighting
#fail #nemesis #trek
"US oil company signs deal with Syrian Kurds"
New scifi show idea: Young Picard, starring Tom Hardy.
Hyundai Motors Delivers Hydrogen #FuelCell Powered Bus to Jeonju City-@Hyundai_Global plans to supply #hydrogen #fuelcells buses to transportation companies operating in Jeonju, including Jeonju Express & Honam https://t.co/EPqpxEpcGB #HydrogenNow #decarbonise #H2 @fuelcellsworks
— FuelCellsWorks (@fuelcellsworks) July 30, 2020
"The Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) is set to receive 2.7m dollar from the US Department of Energy (DOE) to develop and validate technology that will reduce the cost of manufacturing high-performance carbon fibre to make composite natural gas or hydrogen fuel tanks to power cars and trucks"
“It sends a concerning message to businesses and investors that the Australian government will intervene instead of letting the market work,” Mel Silva, managing director of Google Australia and New Zealand, said in a statement.
— Alec Thomas (@alecthomas) July 31, 2020
"Europe Looks To Become The Global Leader In Hydrogen"
.@hazergroupltd today revealed that its Board has approved the final investment decision to proceed with its biogas to green #hydrogen production facility, to be located in Western Australia. https://t.co/NTKAd4nMzo
— Joanna Sampson (@JoSamps92) July 31, 2020
People are fickle, mostly stupid abt politics, they only care abt themselves -- which is fine, representative democracy works just fine this way.
So understand..? No. UK electorate could have 'understood' WWII situation and vote for the guy who won it, but they didn't. Churchill's ass was grass.
The decision to keep the incumbent is in very general terms, a combo of 'how am I doing', 'do I like this guy', and 'did he stay too long'.
"Shouldn't people 'understand' that there was a pandemic which effected econ and not care abt the GDP fall, still vote for Trump?"
Why do companies post positions that are *clearly* a terrible match for ML/AI and *specifically* ask for ML/AI?"
NextEra utility Florida Power & Light is proposing a 65 million, 20 MW electrolysis project to make "green #hydrogen" from #solar electricity https://t.co/t5ijPGrJjx
— JesseJenkins (@JesseJenkins) July 30, 2020
Herman Cain mocked masks & mask mandates. Then he went to a Trump event with no masks, caught the coronavirus, and died. We shouldn't be insensitive -- there's nothing funny about it -- but we also shouldn't ignore the fact that .. ignorance is getting people killed"
Seems to work
Saw in post from 08, draw the symbol get the LaTeX code for it. Site still up
Annunalized GDP growth Q2 %
2020-04-01 -32.904137
With net approval -15, and this GDP the conf interval of win prob is (24% %38).
If right side was above 50%, candidate wld have some chance. No chance here.
I think we’ve had enough political grandstanding from DC. The President’s plan to "dominate" the streets of American cities has failed. And today, federal troops are preparing to leave downtown Portland. We will protect free speech and the right to protest peacefully"
Cummins is a leader. Was absolutely thrilled to hear their entry into the market.
Hydrogen fuel cell power marks the latest entry in our portfolio of power solutions. Check out the latest in @FreightWaves and learn how hydrogen has the potential to transform mobility and fueling infrastructure to make fuel cells accessible on a large scale. #Hydrogen #Cummins https://t.co/u1qKZUbYOP
— Cummins Inc. (@Cummins) July 30, 2020
Looks like control logic is the part that scares flight hobbiests the most; the hardware has a certain pull, connecting stuff, then there comes control; which I especially like. I'll follow that math to whereever the f it goes -- not kidding.
Then copy over ur public key to .ssh
and u get passwordless
login, remote script ex.
First thing I do with Pi is enabling SSH and switch to "headless" mode; no display. Remote connect from diff machine and type away... No clickety click...
One word is worth thousands of pictures.
The subtext of this hearing is that the Justice Department's antitrust division hasn't done its job for a very long time. https://t.co/9S3gI1u0UV
— Binyamin Appelbaum (@BCAppelbaum) July 29, 2020
"It also needs people who know how to develop long-term datasets..."
Haha he also says pharma needs decision theory more than it needs "machine learning".
A+🤩⭐️🌟 for including "blockchain". https://t.co/00Vml25DcQ
— Krzysztof Sakrejda (@sakrejda) July 29, 2020
i'm tired of designing i don't want to solve problems anymore i want to create them
— joanne (@joannemagbits) July 29, 2020
That's more like it
"Right populism sounds like fascism"
Noone sits around and defines these nice little categories for people to fall into; politicians (therefore the people) naturally gravitate towards certain blocks bcz of certain optimality. A hard-ass parent, tough, strict with their children, would this person be more "work till you die" type of person in his economics, or otherwise? The categories arise naturally. If the natural categories are not followed, take that as a sign of fail, artificiality in the system.
Caring less abt the market is left, see right acting left.
Right-wing populism? I'll take it [he shared a graph which shows it cares less abt the market]"
They were MIA. Example of left acting right. Corporatism is one of its main tenets. As long as you are wearing a rainbow shirt, have a few black friends, and fighting "sexism", "racism" especially at a personal level where you are constantly naval gazing for someone else's real or imagined past sins, it's okay to let corporations buy America.
"Where was Clinton's DOJ abt that lady spilling coffee on herself"
'Reagan Foundation asks Trump and RNC to stop using Ronald Reagan's name in campaign.'
Those of us who voted for Reagan second that emotion"
Al Gore probably invented that too
Tim Cook said before the app store, software was distributed on 'CDs [that] had to be shipped.'
Apple didn’t invent Internet distribution"
Sometimes correlation is causation. pic.twitter.com/ydeX0PmG16
— Leo Sadovy (@leosadovy) July 29, 2020
For thousands of years, humans have relied on agriculture for food. Our Earth is already stretched to breaking point, and to feed all 9 billion of us by 2050, we need a real #transformation.
— Solar Foods (@Solar_Foods) July 15, 2020
It is time to tell a new story of food production. https://t.co/3SlFaVY723
After my discussions with VP Pence and others, the federal government has agreed to withdraw federal officers from Portland. They have acted as an occupying force & brought violence. Starting tomorrow, all Customs and Border Protection & ICE officers will leave downtown Portland"
First it's simple circuitry.
Then it's this
And it begins..
But.. but.. how about the gold-yuan or yuan-gold, with a future contract or something...?
These are all junk speculations... The reserve currency is the dollah
“A good punch to the enemy will save yourself from hundreds of punches from your enemies.” The United States holds all of the cards in relation to China’s economic survival given their dependency on the US dollar. One thing this report has correct is... https://t.co/lnn5gElyhs
— 🇺🇸Kyle Bass🇺🇸 (@Jkylebass) July 29, 2020
I'm sure it's nothing. https://t.co/iCRppPPjbz
— James Morrow (@pwafork) July 28, 2020
Temparature 33.31, but feels like: 31.04? No, bitch. It's 33.31 and feels like 40!
Did you know there’s a hotel in Kawasaki City, Japan that creates #hydrogen from waste plastics to supply about 30% of its energy needs? https://t.co/NkzaPRQkc7
— Joanna Sampson (@JoSamps92) July 29, 2020
This is good.
Joe Kennedy’s camp is brushing off the Globe endorsement of Ed Markey as 'something we fully anticipated' & an example of the establishment protecting the status quo for the paper's 'disproportionately white, well-off, well-educated readers.'"
CEO of the Port of Rotterdam Authority: "#Hydrogen is the energy carrier of the 21st century"
The reason we say “all cops are bastards” is because you will *never* see a cop speak out publicly against actions like this. They will always side with another cop over you. And until that changes, they’re all just as bad as the worst of them.
— Illy Bocean (@IllyBocean) July 29, 2020
Earlier this month, Mexico passed a catastrophic new #copyright law, virtually overnight, without adequate consultation or debate. They did it as part of Donald Trump's #USMCA treaty.
Hah! Max Tegmark says exactly this, "Popper didn't say the totality of any theory, but it should lead to stuff that you can test".
I see Keating shaking his head, like he heard something earth-shattering.
That CERN guy too.
R u kidding me man..? u needed someone to say this?
Theorists should be able to find something testable. Giving up this is insane.
This guy has to be a Stringer. Nobody is this dumb and desparate
Guy is questioning Popper bcz whatever theory he is peddling cannot produce anything testable I bet.
Watching Theory of Everything live stream
Microsoft used #fuelcells to power a data center for two days straight and is considering the possibility of #hydrogen-powered long-haul vehicles to reach its carbon-neutral goals: https://t.co/eEkQkvxGTE
— Nuvera Fuel Cells (@NuveraH2) July 28, 2020
Remember when a Google search used to lead you somewhere?
— Julia Angwin (@JuliaAngwin) July 28, 2020
Now it increasingly just keeps you on Google. In fact, Google results take up 62.6% of the first screen of search results in a sample of 15,000 searches.https://t.co/6bUqEjE29o
"Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, McPhy has reported a strong commercial dynamic and increased cash flow as it shares its results for the first half of the year.
The French hydrogen company today reported a revenue increase of 24% compared to the first half of 2019, rising to €5.4m, without jeopardising the medium-term growth outlook"
"Spanish energy company Iberdrola plans to build a 100 MW solar park, a storage facility, and a H2 production station in Puertollano, central Spain. The €150 million project is scheduled to be operational next year"
"@Microsoft makes #hydrogen #fuelcell breakthrough in quest to #power data centers with #renewable #energy"#hydrogène #hydrogenNow#ClimateEmergencyhttps://t.co/wS456uuRM1
— Hydrogen Energy (@EnergyHy2) July 28, 2020
Kool & The Gang - Be My Lady (House Funk Remix) #music
Hah! Got gazillions of SQLs for this baby.
Chinook Sample DB is it? The new Northwind they say.
Give old knowledge, gain new knowledge. Knowledge karma bitch.
I did lota gobble gobble tutorials on the ER model, rel DB, SQL, but never showed too many subquerying, mad join-fu. Adding that now, while I wait for other stuff.
Blackpink -- How You Like That #music
Joe Kennedy voted for PROMESA, a law that is hollowing out the island of Puerto Rico. I voted against it.
— Ed Markey (@EdMarkey) July 26, 2020
The bill revokes Puerto Ricans' fundamental right to self-governance.
I kept my promise to the Puerto Rican people. Joe kept his promise to the greedy bondholders. #MASen
Incredible to see >5GW of announced electrolyser capacity, which based on recent @WoodMackenzie analysis represents over half of all global commitments"
Hearing stories from my friends about this magical covid-free place... called Queensland. It's meant to be beautiful one day, perfect the next... I hope one day I live to see this incredible place...
— dan nolan (@dannolan) July 28, 2020
Hah. A virologist from that Wuhan lab is nicknamed “Bat Woman”.
"The rivalry between Europe and China in emission-free hydrogen technologies could become one of the defining business stories in the global effort to stop climate change.
Scarred by its painful experience in solar PV manufacturing, which was developed in Europe at high cost only to later move to China, Europe is not taking any chances with hydrogen.
In a bid to outcompete China and fulfil its ambition to become climate-neutral, Europe has launched a massive green hydrogen push to decarbonise industry and aviation and secure promising export opportunities"
I guess the previous announcement by Power Innovations was for Microsoft. Awesome
"Microsoft tests hydrogen fuel cells for backup power at datacenters. In a worldwide first that could jumpstart a long-forecast clean energy economy built around the most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen fuel cells have powered a row of datacenter servers for 48 consecutive hours, Microsoft announced Monday"
Infinite Blue Energy has today revealed plans for a network for 17 green #hydrogen fuelling stations at key locations on major road transport routes Eastern Australia. https://t.co/Y2YXXFnBJ1
— Joanna Sampson (@JoSamps92) July 28, 2020
"The formulation that slavery was tolerated as a necessary evil at the time of the Founding, and that the Founders expected (overoptimistically) that it was on an inevitable path to extinction, is a fairly standard one, and mostly an accurate way of putting the more complicated story of Founding-era slavery and anti-slavery into a nutshell.... The Founders’ optimism was misplaced. But they did have a plan; it just didn’t work out the way they expected"
I have a Python joke, but I don't think this is the right environment.
— Caitlin Hudon 👩🏼💻 (@beeonaposy) July 27, 2020
Lightning.. what a joke. Layers upon layers of crud.
Bitcoin is the COBOL of cryptocurrencies? 😶
The Bitcoin LightningNetwork subreddit over the last 24 hours. Just use Nano"
TikTok IS the Communist Party of China's Trojan Horse. Please read this piece..."
"Israeli Opposition Leader Yair Lapid"
What a f--ing clown show.
This aint like talking shit on CNN with your American accent is it Netan?
"Hamas! Hamas!" he used to say, on US TV, all the time.. Now we know Hamas is their creation.
Mm.. word is he botched the corona response
"Netanyahu losing ground, as Bennett and Lapid rise in the polls"
this was such a good year to move to melbourne
— essential oils pyramid scheme (@mcdonaldskhole) July 27, 2020
I have a networking joke about UDP, but I don't want to tell it because I'm afraid some people won't get it.
— Joshua Ulrich (@joshua_ulrich) July 27, 2020
See (from 2013).
This is awesome man :) He gets web pages mailed to him..? Class.
And boy did the recent events prove his "paranoia" right.
Richard Stallman: "I am careful in how I connect to the internet. Specifically, I refuse to connect through portals that would require me to identify myself, or to run any nontrivial nonfree Javascript code. I use LibreJS to prevent nonfree Javascript code from running..
I usually fetch web pages from other sites by sending mail to a program (see https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/womb/hacks.git) that fetches them, much like wget, and then mails them back to me. Then I look at them using a web browser, unless it is easy to see the text in the HTML page directly. I usually try lynx first, then a graphical browser if the page needs it"
?In New York City, one-quarter of all renters haven?t paid their landlords since March.?
— Gloria Pazmino (@GloriaPazmino) July 27, 2020
The Coronavirus Recession Is a Housing Crisis https://t.co/nlk1RjQyzM
Few people have had a more profound impact on tech's data-hoovering propensities than @maxschrems, who, as a law student, sued over Facebook's data-handling and won, leading to the passage of the #GDPR"
#SymbioBiz Le PDG de @GroupePSA Carlos Tavares a testé le prototype de voiture de course LMPH2G ! Il est équipé en système #hydrogène par Symbio, dans le cadre du programme @MissionH24 dont nous sommes partenaires avec @Michelin. https://t.co/dQuvpxeAha
— Symbio (@SymbioFCell) July 27, 2020
@PowrInnovations has successfully powered a full data centre sever load for 48 continuous hours with #hydrogen fuel cells"
We're pleased to announce we've been awarded a grant by the DOE to develop a novel #electrolyser stack, enabling lower cost #hydrogen generation. Learn more from our press release: https://t.co/Q7jZv0le7I pic.twitter.com/6y3yfjXqxB
— Nel Hydrogen (@nelhydrogen) July 27, 2020
Being in the same acknowledgements paragraph with David Blei, Thibshirani.. 😆😆 This is a gas
That's right, he is talking about being "hood rich". You can be rich, but how rich? Hood rich, may not be enough.
Russia is the next country to unveil their road map to a #hydrogen economy as gas giant Gazprom will begin testing and producing #H2 starting next year. Russia plans to export hydrogen to Japan"
Nice.. Github lists the computer languages used in your repo in percentage. My tutorial repo has roughly,
TeX 71.0%
Python 12.2%
Java 11.1%
Common Lisp 1.3%
JavaScript 0.3%
That's exactly right. TeX is high in the list, obviously, the whole thing is written in LaTeX. Python is next up, the main language of all computations. Java is from the sub-blog, the non-math, tech part. Some my early AI posts are in Lisp, GH caught that. Very good.
Germany could be taking the lead in #Hydrogen technology, with a 7 billion euro plan last month for its domestic hydrogen industry. So it's no surprise @BMW have announced their Hydrogen SUV is going into production #ukhydrogenstrategynow #greenrecoveryhttps://t.co/iXXYBe00gL
— RyseHydrogen #wecantwait (@RyseHydrogen) July 27, 2020
Guy is coughing up a lung over here
We have never endorsed you @joekennedy.
— Sunrise Movement 🌅 (@sunrisemvmt) July 27, 2020
Also, the majority of our endorsement slate is filled with challengers, not incumbents.
Young people have spoken, and we want @EdMarkey in the Senate, not you. #MASenpic.twitter.com/S2o1jfjFi8
HyTime. Great name. As in "it's HyTime we switch to renewable fuels .. "
"With between 20-45% of the diesel fuel being displaced by green hydrogen on the various vehicles, the HyTIME project concluded that with the appropriate hydrogen infrastructure, fleet wide roll-out could provide a huge and timely step change in overall fleet emissions"
The grid is inefficient as hell. De-electrification is needed.
"I'm most interested in seeing how Bloom Energy can potentially solve two problems at once with a new strategy. The company recently announced a new solid oxide electrolyzer that it expects to have available in 2021. In its simplest form, an electrolyzer simply uses energy (usually electricity) to split water into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. It's the reverse of the chemical reaction that takes place in a fuel cell.
The reason electrolyzers are important for energy is that -- if they're cost-effective -- they could essentially make fossil fuels obsolete by creating clean, abundant fuel. Water is abundant, and there's more than enough wind and solar energy to replace all fossil fuels, so clean energy isn't a problem either. Bloom Energy plans to use this fuel for its backup markets, but it could also be used in large ships currently being developed by Samsung Heavy Industries and Bloom Energy. This could disrupt shipping as well as the grid"
"10 Stocks Riding the Soaring Demand for Hydrogen Fuel"
Maybe the whole world can adapt the Japanese bow instead of the handshake.
"Could Covid spark the end of handshakes?"
this is 3% the size of the pentagon budget just passed by the senate https://t.co/PkQIxvmeGT
— Georgia (@nationalparke) July 26, 2020
South of Greek island #Crete [with] the US aircraft carrier. Exercise of the Navy and Air Force of #Greece is expected to take place with the task forces of the #USΑ aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower on August 2-3"
BREAKING: New @cnn polls.
Biden +5 in FL, +4 in AZ, +12 in MI"
"The [NYC] police officer whose use of a prohibited chokehold led to the death of Eric Garner in 2014 had a record of misconduct"
For decades, NY has kept cops’ records secret. You couldn’t know an officer’s history, or even they’ve been displined. Police unions have gotten a judge to stop NYC from releasing most of the docs But we have the records too. And now, so do you"
H2 energy for houses.. 👍
"The LAVO system uses innovative, patented metal hydride technology to store hydrogen equivalent to up to 60kWh electricity, which is enough to power an average household for approximately three days"
It's a Kobayashi Maru. You have to pick the guy or he just shoots you, and two people can't defeat that many rats no matter what. So even with the rats and the shotgun guy, you can't even stop all the bulls (let alone the rest). I would choose to die with the wolves and lions.
— Socially Distant Cousin (@OchamsRazr) July 24, 2020
Cold War is not a bad idea. Better than a hot war, right? One thing is for sure I dont want these c@#ksuckers at my door, or anyone else's, peddling influence.
The Atlantic: "Keeping Arizona red shouldn’t be a challenge; the state has long been a Republican stronghold. But Arizona is changing rapidly, and right now, the forecast for the GOP looks grim .. Joe Biden has been leading in the presidential polls there for weeks"
The Atlantic: "The U.S. and China both offer different social and governance models—one is generally free and open and the other is authoritarian and closed. Each threatens the other, not necessarily because of the foreign-policy choices the leaders make, but because of what the governments are at their core. Beijing believes that the freedom of the press, the internet, social media, NGOs, economic interdependence, and exchange programs all have the potential to undermine their regime. They are not wrong. Indeed, many Americans saw this as a positive side effect of engagement. Many Americans rightly understand that China’s authoritarian model has negative externalities that threaten U.S. interests and freedoms. Tools of repression domestically find their way overseas. Beijing seeks to censor all criticism of its regime by coercing other governments, companies, and individuals. It sucks up data on foreign citizens. It employs mercantilist techniques to pursue dominance of new technologies. China is actively seeking to eviscerate liberal norms around human rights, anti-corruption, and freedom of speech. The regime interferes in democracies to advance its interests. Neither side can accommodate the other without compromising the essence of its system"
Sorry but if the spectacle of a ragtag band of savvy Home Depot shoppers armed with $50 leaf blowers choking out federal stormtroopers with their own tear gas doesn’t fill you with joy, you’re a bad patriot who hates America, sorry I don’t make the rules https://t.co/mVuk6TcYKa
— Jay Willis (@jaywillis) July 25, 2020
"The first submersible application of fuel cells is the German Type 212 submarine. Each Type 212 contains nine PEM fuel cells, spread throughout the ship, providing between 30 kW and 50 kW each of electrical power. This allows the Type 212 to remain submerged longer and makes them more difficult to detect. Fuel cell powered submarines are also easier to design, manufacture, and maintain than nuclear-powered submarines"
Sitting on the porch. Just told a teenager to pick up a bottle he threw on the ground. He looked irked, but he did it. I’m officially old.
— Marc Lamont Hill (@marclamonthill) July 25, 2020
Need to learn from the founders. While designing the system they always had the worst-case scenario in mind.
"Barbara Boxer: DHS was a mistake. I regret voting for it. I never imagined a president like Trump when I voted to create the Department of Homeland Security" -- washingtonpost.com
Nobodys that dumb. Not even the Army
Honeypot. Guaranteed.
"But I still cant believe that post was placed there intentionally. It has to be a mistake"
Jake Tapper wrote the book on which The Outpost movie was based? Not bad...
Finally someone with half a brain at CNN!!
"Videos Show How Federal Officers Escalated Violence in Portland" -- nytimes.com
"Amazon Met With Startups About Investing, Then Launched Competing Products" -- wsj.com
It costs an estimated 790 dollar to fully dress a police officer in riot gear. It costs an estimated 11 dollar to dress a medical worker in PPE"
Suranne Jones, wonderful as the female Tardis.
Coalition mgmt as orchestra conducting, fine. As long as the horns get their turn as much as the cellos
So it's all in the smell.. Where is the nonlinear regression (sorry, "AI") model to replicate this? If there are smell sensors accurate enough as dog's nose then the rest would be doable
Dogs with a few days of training are capable of identifying people infected with the coronavirus, according to a study"
BMW was undecided for a while but must have sensed the winds changing. Or a kick in the pants from the DE gov
BMW X5 hydrogen fuel cell version coming"
N. Patrick Harris is in the new Matrix?
Is this thing going to be a dark parody of the first three movies? Like a Starship Troopers but for computer simulation.
They might have tried to pander little bit, bad guy attacks "the East", which is behind a wall, their leader looks Asian, but it's good action movie, which means it talks to something human. You can't lay it on too thick and expect it to be a good movie.
"Mortal Engines (2018) looks a bit like CH propaganda"
"UK Government launches Hydrogen Advisory Council"
Macron: "Stress support for Cyprus and Greece on TR incursions into your territory, territorial threats against a EU member state is unacceptable, transgressing side needs to be punished"
Every player and coach on the Yankees & Nationals took a knee before the national anthem tonight in D.C.
— FOX Sports: MLB (@MLBONFOX) July 23, 2020
(via @MarkZuckerman)pic.twitter.com/PrPKv4Gs1Z
The race is on against COVID-19 to develop a vaccine. There are now more than 140 potential vaccines being tested around the globe. CSIRO’s Professor S.S. Vasan shares an update"
Oz 👍👍👍
Seven projects with a collective value of half a billion dollars have advanced to the next stage of ARENA’s hydrogen funding round. Learn More at ARENAWIRE - https://t.co/mU7ICs8KXO pic.twitter.com/fvxXH5Puyx
— Australian Renewable Energy Agency (@ARENA_aus) July 20, 2020
That amt of lithium can destabilize countries (Bolivia?). This tech needs to be buried. Not fit for use anything other than quick buffering of energy, in small amounts.
Even if battery makers removed all cobalt, the remaining issue is lithium. Then we have 8-15 kg vs 0.007 kg of rare earth usage. This is not even a contest. The closer I look at this, the worse the BEV option looks
"In general, lithium demand for BEVs is 8–15 kg Li for [typical] 50–100 kWh EV battery pack"
"A catalytic converter in a diesel passenger vehicle typically uses three to seven grams [of platinum which the next Bosch fuel cell will replicate]"