
Github Mirror

Week 30

Bingo. Nimitz was going that direction. Open source intel bitch


Watch the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group conducting cooperative exercises with the Indian Navy"



I hope the entire concept of commuting for an hour just to sit in a cubicle all day is gone and never returns"


US govt support of the oil industry is starting to include the power to directly prosecute critics. I've been under house arrest for 11 months without trial after winning pollution case against Chevron"

The plan of action for change doesn't require input from people. Hear the grievance, that's all

So was MLK BTW.


"J. Lewis and 'good trouble' were very unpopular with people back in the day"




Great. All my code went. Phew.

Release the next virus


The snapshot [for the Arctic Vault] will include every repo with any commits between the announcement at GitHub Universe on November 13th and 02/02/2020, every repo with at least 1 star and any commits from the year before the snapshot (02/03/2019 - 02/02/2020), and every repo with at least 250 stars"

Michael Brooks RIP.

"Indian government produces hydrogen fuel cell vehicle feasibility draft"


"RWE is already involved in projects such as the construction of a 100 MW electrolyzer in Lingen"

Now that's a true Republican.


Unsanitized today is about Mitt Romney on the verge of smuggling in a process to cut Social Security and Medicare in the bill meant to bring economic relief for coronavirus"


They need gas masks because you gas them.

Cuccinelli: 'Here is a shield and a couple of gas masks from a rioter arrested in Portland. Not a sign with a slogan that someone expressing their first amendment rights might carry, but preparations for violence. Peaceful protester? I don’t think so'"

Now I got the song stuck in my head

"bitch better have my money!"

Glenn Llewellyn, vice president of zero-emissions technology at Airbus (speaking at a panel), says company is excited about green fuels.

Haha "Mitch Better Have My Money"

I guess slogan is a riff on this song


This is wild


Boris Johnson unveils £350m to fuel decarbonisation of industry


Joking aside, Arduino usage can get obtuse. ALso not pure X.

Arduiono is guinea. Go north, whenever u can, for all things...

"Why not Arduiono instrad of Pi?"

Foldable, light keyboard.. Looks good

RPi + foldable keyb.. hmm.. Maybe I should shift my uber-portable-light computing setup from phone to this. Phones will never be Unix enough for me, Pi is pure X out-of-the-box.

Interesting read...

"Belgium and Ireland argued for and succeeded in getting a 5 billion Brexit fund that will support the countries worst-hit by Brexit. The fund is a reminder that the Brexit negotiations are not on track and there is no sign of real progress"


You look at work done, vs power expanded, the ratio is efficiency. In order to move a 1000 kg car to overcome friction have it go at reasonable speed you need to apply constantly 200 Newtons of force. Take a bitch BEV with 426 km (265 mile) range and 85kWh battery gross weight 2000kg. Work done is Newton-meters, equaling Joules, which is 1/3600 Watt-hours, Force is 400 Newtons for 2000 kg car,

work = (426*1000*400) / 3600.
print (np.round(work / 85000 * 100), '%')
56.0 %

"How can you calculate BEV efficiency as 60%?"

Cramer says he is now fuel-cell believer (Mad Money interview with Plug Power CEO).

I heard of this dude in Istanbul back when he went from the European side to Asian, and the trip was so arduous, adventerous for him that he wrote a book about it. A trip that can be done in a few hours by train today.


.. Like every global automotive OEM, GM understands that 'electric' vehicle refers to the motor not a battery. Despite #energytwitter aspirations, massive EV adoption is a 2030-40s story. OEMs see #fuelcells benefits on supply chain risks/complexity, cost-to-mass, cost curves"


... #newnormal!

'@GraHod A #hydrogen first for me today - eating my breakfast listening to BBC Radio4 & UK transport secretary @grantshapps was chatting in a sensible manner about the Jet Zero Council and option of #hydrogenfuel for aviation'"

So weird

"Hostage siege ends after Ukrainian president endorses Joaquin Phoenix film... Gunman surrenders after video recommending 2005’s Earthlings posted on Facebook"


The classic Gnome desktop actually started giving problems on new Ubuntu's. Well fine, Unity desktop is usable enough.

"World’s Largest Green Hydrogen Project Will build in NOEM Smart City, Saudi Arabia"



Uniper and General Electric Sign a Cooperation Agreement"

I posted this before, here is in article form, how to publish code and math through Markdown / Github.

The thing abt the Mustache book is I dont think it is written with malice in mind. There are passages in there showing a public servant kind of bummed he couldnt help a President. "Things cld have been setup to expediate this and that.." Sad. But also what u get when u r an outsider.

Diamond inher is a coding thing, as in "inheriting" code, but through multiple paths, the graph looks like a diamond

Yesss C++.. Mmm hm... I was the C++ f-ing master in my time. I ax you a diamond inheritance interview question, you'll go into a epileptic shock

Chrono coding setup through Py actually looks like a pain. I might just do this through C++.

Oh yeah... knock it down bruh!

3D physics simulation... Chrono looks good

Woolsey lines on SG Atlantis crack me up. Writers wrote him as this last-word freak, stuck-up, busy body suit, and it's really funny.

Well that'll work for sure


Colombian cartels executing people who break coronavirus lockdown"


It does seem like US can / does fight for ideology. I know there are other explanations too, but it fought for ideology three times so far. The Civil War on slavery, WWII was a left leader fighting fascists, Cold War was a rightist leader fighting communists.



I was curious about where the word 'dude' came from and I found out about this guy. The King of the Dudes"



all I’ve had today is 2 iced coffees

no water

no food

I have evolved past the need for sustenance or hydration

I need only the Bean Juice

Witness me"

So the electric grid is 40% efficient (reducing the overall efficiency of BEVs, 60% x 40% gives 24%, making it closer to a fossil fuel powered car). One might ask, how efficient is a gas pipeline? It's over 97%. Loss in that scenario is a bug, not a feature, you plug the leaks once found, the normal operation you send molecule from one end, you expect to receive it on the other. The H2 pipelines, when finished, will have the same characteristics.


"Dutch glass producer Celsian to develop tech required for gradual transition from natural gas"



#Kudos to @GM and @Honda for the collaboration and partnership to advance the #hydrogeneconomy"


Haha E. Verlinde has an identical twin brother, also a physicst


They’re gonna rename a bridge after John Lewis and pat themselves on the back while police are still beating folks in the streets and we don’t have a voting rights act"

16 Bit Lolita's ‎– Trading Places #music


WaPo: "Vice President Biden criticizes crackdown on dissent in Turkey"


Joe Biden: 'I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith'"



Tetramer Wins DOE Grant to Develop High-Performance Water Vapor Membranes to Improve #FuelCells"


But it all helped US in the end; von Braun worked in the V-2 program, but after the war, him along with dozens of DE scientists were brought to US through the operaton Paperclip, and with the help of VB the US landed on the Moon.

.. which pushed the development of the V rockets. Amazing tidbit of history.

"The Versailles peace treaty limited the German army to 100,000 men; it was forbidden to have aircraft or antiaircraft guns, or field artillery of more than 3-inch caliber. This may explain why the German army took an early interest in rocket development; the treaty of Versailles didn't mention rockets at all"


Thunderball - Rio Mescalito #music



51 years ago America landed on the moon. Now we’re not even allowed in the fucking Bahamas"

The moral of the story is existing parties, cover all bases, help as much as possible bcz if all fails, then you get national socialism.

I am not saying Trump is Hitler

Here's how it works; shit goes bad. Existing structures fail to help. New leaders rise to fill the void, run the gamut around left and right, left bcz ppl need it, but ultimately the nationalist part which is incompatible spills over its borders, war ensues.

Nationalists do not use the L word bcz during 40s it is associated with internationalism, or [shudder], Jews! It's not used now, but they blow smoke up your ass with the word "populism" bcz Reaganism has been banging on the other word decades.

But action speaks louder than words. Trump did promise not to touch social security, Medicare, and promised to end wars during the 2016 campaign.

"Fascism developed the Italian social security system, aimed at a comprehensive restructuring of the relationships between factors of production in a 'corporatist' fashion, and nationalized banks and businesses. The second feature of the regime did not survive its end (though one may argue that its legacy has long impacted the Italian economy). But some version of social security and nationalized banks and companies did"


From Hitler's True Believers, "Insofar as Hitler had fixed ideas at the end of the Great War in 1918, high on the list was nationalism, in spite of the aspersions cast against it by mutinous sailors and rebellious soldiers tired of the fighting. Some aspects of what became his doctrine or ideology stemmed from the cluster of ideas, resentments, and passions widely shared in Germany at that time. His views and those of his comrades also reflected the fact that Germany was already a nation with a great deal of egalitarianism baked into its political culture. Almost without exception, the Nazis emphasized all kinds of socialist attitudes, to be sure a socialism 'cleansed' of international Marxism and communism. Indeed, when he looked back from 1941, Hitler said of the NSDAP in the 1920s that '90 ninety percent of it was made up by left-wing people.' He also thought it was 'decisive' that he had recognized early in his career that solving the social question was essential, and he insisted that he hated the closed world in which he grew up, where social origins determined a person’s chances in life.

That Germany on the eve of Hitler’s appointment as chancellor in January 1933 continued to have a socialist-oriented political culture can be illustrated by pointing to the last free elections of the Weimar Republic the previous November. No less than 71.6 percent of the vote went to parties with 'socialist' or 'communist' in their titles"

Yes yes.. I know all the twists and turns of that polemic... But the fact remains, fascists did enact left policies sometimes. It should not be surprising, they are trying to help people! (then organize them to kill others, but that's later).

"But that's an old debate, later conservatives said 'look Nazis were also socialist to bash the left"

Yes. By a party who called itself Nationalsozialistisch. National socialists of Germany.

"Right adapts left politics too, you said, but does not refer to it excessively. Did this happen in history before?"

"The biophysicist Jeremy England made waves in 2013 with a new theory that cast the origin of life as an inevitable outcome of thermodynamics. His equations suggested that under certain conditions, groups of atoms will naturally restructure themselves so as to burn more and more energy, facilitating the incessant dispersal of energy and the rise of 'entropy' or disorder in the universe. England said this restructuring effect, which he calls dissipation-driven adaptation, fosters the growth of complex structures, including living things. The existence of life is no mystery or lucky break, he told Quanta in 2014, but rather follows from general physical principles and “should be as unsurprising as rocks rolling downhill.'"


Maybe he'll grill them to be more efficient at their job


Rep. Joseph Kennedy III, tasked with grilling five pharma companies at a hearing tomorrow, owns ~$1.7 million of stock in three of them"

There is the planned H2 network. I see three major lines going to Africa.

Holy f--ing shit. That is a track left by a moving city.


They speak of old tech like it's the best thing ever


R. Sheehan looks kinds of like J. Trudeau


Mortal Engines, good scifi. Moving cities!


"While a resurgence in coronavirus cases in Texas has brought many businesses to a screeching halt, eight robots have kept All Axis Machining's metal fabrication facility in Dallas humming.

The small, nimble robots perform multiple jobs, such as machine-tending, sanding, deburring, part inspection and laser marking, leaving owner Gary Kuzmin far less dependent on manual labor. When all the workers on one shift went into self-quarantine last month, it had no impact on the facility's productivity"


Chris Joss - Rififi Rococo #music


Chris Joss - Optical #music


40% efficiency..? Inefficient as fuck. Moving molecules is much better.

An energy corridor will run from Africa to the EU rather than Russia to EU? It'll get Africa money, richer continent will not migrate, EU gets its energy, dependency on RU reduced.

They r doing this thing. Awesome

"Shares of Bloom Energy surged nearly 35 percent on Wednesday"
