
Github Mirror

Week 28


I feel like I’ve generally been healthily pessimistic about the pandemic since the beginning and still the past week has really felt like a sinking in of the idea that nothing is going to be normal for 3+ years?"

"A Congressional Budget Office report commissioned by Sen. Bernie Sanders and published Wednesday found the amount of unpaid taxes from 2011 to 2013 averaged around 381 billion dollars per year, a revenue shortfall the Vermont senator called an 'absolute outrage'"


Reuters: "Energy industry veterans to launch hydrogen investment fund"


The last of my blogspot blog hits the dust, now all in markdown. There is no 'add post' button. There is no 'publish' button. Just files, and git push.

Just watched The Outpost (based on a true story). They made it sound like USG built the outpost in an indefensible position by mistake. Cld be intentional. The place was a like a honey pot, pulling Tali fighters in. At a bad night mil lost what, 7 ppl?, other side close to hundred.


I was in Manhattan today. Did not see a single person without a mask. Not one"

Australian CSIRO had tech for a while now to "crack ammonia" basically converting it on site to take hydrogen out. H2 fuel stations can take ammonia, and serve H2 right there for their HFC car customers.



H2 Fuel News

Proactive Investors


Ammonia! Good choice.

"The completed facility will produce 650 tons of green hydrogen daily, enough to run around 20,000 hydrogen-fueled buses, Air Products said. The fuel will be shipped as ammonia to end markets globally then converted back to hydrogen. Ammonia production is expected to start in 2025"



American healthcare in a nutshell

'@DGlaucomflecken Spent 3 hours on the phone with Cigna today. Apparently I should have been more careful about choosing in-network doctors while I was intubated in the ICU'"


Don't really care how [Biden] uses the word woke. Delighted that he's outraged by noncompete agreements"

TikTok is a Chink app isnt it? Yes FB and other apps are prob doing the same. But I double worry bcz it's a Chink app. India banned the shit FYI

Thinking like a closer. V good


Barkan: "[F]uture leftist presidential campaigns will need to reckon with a traditional media apparatus that isn’t going anywhere. Noam Chomsky is right—the dominant mass media organizations are profit-driven colossi that, too often, safeguard the interests of the rich and powerful. Capitalism is their article of faith. That doesn’t mean, however, the left can’t have a strategy for confronting this reality and mitigating hostile coverage"



I'm tired of watching our movement lose winnable races by tiny margins. The next time a @Booker4KY, or @JCisnerosTX, or @cristinafortx declares their candidacy, we should have their backs on day one"


Tired of "apps", "web sites", or even "platforms"; the next big thing coming out of SV should be all decentralization focused, for apps, for e-cash, for anything

"In recent decades, corporations have taken over the internet with proprietary networks that provide access in exchange for the loss of privacy and ownership. The result has been an extractive data economy that primarily serves a handful of tech giants to the detriment of competition and innovation — and which is ripe for an intervention.

What might it mean to reboot the internet and make it open again? Advancements in the decentralized web such as the Internet Computer .. can put control and ownership of networks back into the hands of the public. ...

'Platform risk is this concept that, if you’re an entrepreneur or an investor in startups, there is a huge existential risk that looms over all software development, essentially, is that at some point if you’re successful, the big guy that you’re dependent on will come and extract rents,' remarked Dixon. 'And in some cases much worse.'

'Like in the case of Zynga,' he went on, 'Facebook just changed all the rules. It just destroyed the economics. Twitter changed their API that just literally killed off overnight a huge swath of startups, like Twitter clients and things that depend on the API.'"


I put it in same category as;

"what do you call cheese that's not yours?

nacho cheese"

😁😁😁 Goofy.. but I like it


The Irish covid tracking app is baller. It simply trades a code over bluetooth to anyone you have had close contact with. When you get a positive diagnosis you get a 6 digit code to put into the app to notify everyone who's code you have collected. No location data needed"

BTW, I keep hearing words like "populists like Bolsonaro, Trump, BJ". These are very different politicians. Bol is like an 80s Rayban wearing Latin American dictator, still obsessed with chasing Communists. Trump talked left, but essentially could not deliver all of it, mixed up some other toxic stuff, it might likely crater his party. BJ might deliver, but will Tories play along?

No, bitch. There is left, that's it. It is ideally delivered in a left party, rightist most likely mix it with other things making the whole thing combustible.

"There is left populism and there is right populism"

Tech infrastructure, homes.. these are good things. Hope he pulls it off.

And here is the "Tory PM" announcing the British NEW DEAL.

Talked abt the "original sin"; starting with fall of the Berlin Wall, left went right, right went insane, and now, in the final phase "outsiders" are jumping in con parties, doing leftist work in there as the need for such approaches never went away, that some label "populist".

Generally I am for (at least) two big parties covering two sides of the spectrum. It matters.. CDU in Germany failed to "act right" during the refugee crisis now Nazis are on the rise. There was a vacuum and they filled it.

Right acting left..


Looking at Labour's Future Jobs Fund (set up in 2009, scrapped by David Cameron) and wow people weren't kidding when they said Rishi Sunak's new scheme is similar..."

My theory is lack of empire always helped Europe, Renaissance cld never take place with "Holy" Roman Empire around. Later possible empires failing helped. So EU should thank the Brits?

G. Friedman, "There were many reasons for the inability of the Europeans to unite, but in the end it came down to a simple feature of geography: the English Channel. First the Spanish, then the French, and finally the Germans managed to dominate the European continent, but none of them could cross the Channel. Because noone could defeat Britain, conqueror after conqueror failed to hold Europe as a whole".

Also anthropology, for everyone.

Everyone who is pushing the boundaries, especially in physics, need to know epistemology. What can be known, what is optimal to know... basically knowledge about knowledge.

How? Through Don Cheadle in Golden Girls? Yeah. Scary 😶

Great of course that also gets talked about.

"But US kept on criticizing that flag"

Absolutely. Imagine, a side fights, and loses a war, and the other side allows them to keep their statues, flags, and even send the occasional President to Washington. And keep on this policy until it literally couldn't, which is probably now. Letting shit be, this is America. It lets "Italians", "Polish", etc to say, call whatev the frack they want to call themselves, albeit delusional, they can say it, just like Confederate states live with their symbols as if they won the war.

"You said US lets subcultures be, allows to be how they are, as a form of light assimilation. Were Confedarate symbols part of that?"

Pretty diverse list of people

"Our cultural institutions are facing a moment of trial. Powerful protests for racial and social justice are leading to overdue demands for police reform, along with wider calls for greater equality and inclusion across our society, not least in higher education, journalism, philanthropy, and the arts. But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity. As we applaud the first development, we also raise our voices against the second"

Signed by Steven Pinker, Noam Chomsky, Zephyr Teachout, Fareed Zakaria, et al


Such an asshole. Unbelievable.

"Bolsonaro tested positive for the coronavirus"


'I think that science fiction, even the corniest of it, even the most outlandish of it, no matter how badly it's written, has a distinct therapeutic value because all of it has as its primary postulate that the world does change'"


Plans to construct a 5bn dollar world-scale green #hydrogen-based ammonia production facility powered by renewable energy in #SaudiArabia have been unveiled today by @airproducts"

"Coronavirus herd immunity may be 'unachievable' after study suggests antibodies disappear after weeks in some people"



Sir Gus O'Donnell calls for wealth tax as part of UK's Covid-19 response"

Taibbi: "[R]ather than confronting how they contribute to systematic racism, companies tend to force their employees into trainings with outside academics like DiAngelo. 

This is how corporate America views the race problem, it views it as an individual issue that where racism is is sort of inexorably stuck in all of us and the only way that we can combat it is through relentlessly listening to corporate consultants"


I like he focuses to fix one thing, not trying to do the grand approach; gravity and Einstein's take on it was always odd, doesn't fit everything else, so he is trying to fix that, using information, entropy and "emergent gravity". Maxwell combined electricity and magnetism. He wasn't trying to do a grand theory of everything, just a theory of .. two things.

Verlinde: "[On the theory of everything] I think it's already surprising that we've come come this far as humans to understand our the universe around us, but it's partly to do with the fact that we are very good at making things abstract in equations that we can handle, but in doing so we ignore a lot of information. I think we're smart but I don't think we're infinitely smart, so for me the idea that we can have a theory of everything, that really explains everything, is sort of hubris"


Just because some people used bad models doesn't mean all models are bad. Without models we'd have neither houses nor highways and wouldn't have weather forecast either. Without models we basically wouldn't have science"

Playing word games.. I dig it. Tickles me little bit... But we all know, within a general context, it is.

"To be technically correct the Sun is not renewable energy"

Harbor Tea Rooms - Midnight Hour #music



Good Morning from Germany where [.. e]lectricity prices on EEX slid deeply into negative territory due to too much supply from wind & solar w/no storage facilities (for example hydrogen) available

Laurie Johnson "Jason King Theme" #music


I'll be damned.. The blue of the EU flag looks like advertisment for blue hydrogen now. Nice coincidence.

"NYPD Eliminates Plainclothes Anti-Crime Units Implicated In Many Shootings ... The unit, which included about 600 officers, was formed in the late 1990s. Members have been involved in some of the most notorious police killings of recent years, including the strangulation of Eric Garner in 2014"


Verlinde: "95% of stuff in the universe, we basically don't understand"

Hah. Adding those GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi was an afterthought.. the designer wanted to create a more accessible experience for computing / programming, the way his childhood computers were, like the ZX Spectrum, C64, etc.. But now the biggest growth area for Pi is robotics bcz of its ext hardware conn capabilities... It's important to create options.

"My Bizarre Stint As an Amazon Reviewer for Hire... In exchange for positive Amazon reviews, the mysterious Facebook accounts who recruited me promised me free stuff"


Re-share -- Ancient

Is the Chink really this dumb? Losing all these people to the West, and elsewhere? Just democratize. Stop being a cobsucker. Your history is a repugnant piece of shit. But you can exceed it. You can do better.


@airliquidegroup and @PortOfRotterdam have today revealed plans to get 1,000 #hydrogen-powered zero emission trucks on the roads connecting the Netherlands, Belgium, and West Germany by 2025"


Air Products and thyssenkrupp plan for GW sized green hydrogen plants,, Industrial incumbents shifting to H2. They know scale and integration. Electrons only take us so far. This industrial world needs clean molecules"

The theme of the week: Torque


The lack of harmonised regulations, codes and standards (RCS) is considered one of the major barriers for the commercialisation of fuel cell and #hydrogen technologies.

@fch_ju is playing a fundamental role in removing these barriers"

"Of the 71% of water on earth, only 4% is drinkable"

"Energy consumption of seawater desalination has reached as low as 3 kWh/$m^3$"


With lots of energy many things can become possible. Desalination at mass scale?

Alan Hawkshaw - Dave Allen At Large #music


"AFC Energy raises £32m to scale hydrogen fuel cells"


"AFC's hydrogen fuel cells will have a low cost per kilowatt hour (kWh) compared to alternative generating systems ... Trials have shown that AFC's proprietary fuel cell system can use "off the shelf" ammonia cracking technology, with little difference in performance compared to hydrogen sourced from industrial plants"


The race is heating up

It's true. I couldnt believe so many "accomplished" types acted like f--ing imbeciles. Truly shocked.

“This started as a virus and has mutated into an IQ test.”


#BREAKING: Evidence is growing that a mutated coronavirus strain, the main one circulating in Houston, is more contagious than the original virus, via @ChronMed"

Not cool 😋😋😋😋

If you go with that, Stallone is Jewish.

"But isn't a quarter, or a half enough?"

Haha. He comes across 100% culturally American of course, I mean the actor himself.. which is also true for most minorities in US. He acts a certain streotype well though.. the take is somewhat comical most likely based on impressions he gleaned while growing up among real Italians, u know, the ones truly off the boat.


Robert De Niro is only a quarter Italian"


The winning sand sculpture of the Texas Sand Sculpture Festival"

How much money can Anatolians generate from H2? Based on H2 numbers,

Panels can produce 1000 W/$m^2$.

The green area seen on the map is 100 km x 100 km

1 kg H2 requires 50–55 kW⋅h

In Europe gasoline is 3.51 dollar/kg, let's say H2 is sold at 4 dollar/kg by mass producers. As a conservative estimate, I give 50% efficiency to the entire process.

eff = 0.50
area = 100*100 * 1e6
energy = 24 * 1000 * area * eff / 1e3 # kWh
h2mass = energy / 55.0
print (np.round(h2mass * 4 / 1e9), 'Billion USD / day')
9.0 Billion USD / day

That green area can generate 9 billion dollars of revenue per day.

Area too big? Do a tenth of the area, increase efficiency a little, you get 1 Bil USD / day, >300 Bil annually, more than a third of the country's GDP. That's a lota dough


Im lovin this man..


Beyoncé is not even African American. She is faking this for exposure. Her real name is Ann Marie Lastrassi. She is Italian. This is all part of the Soros Deep State agenda for the Black Lives Matter movement. BEYONCÉ YOU ARE ON NOTICE!

#GreatAwakening #QAnon #WWG1GWA #Trump2020"



Ghana is offering discounted land to Americans who are tired of racism. Some are packing their bags"

Mind Enterprises - Mont Blanc (Purple Disco Machine Remix)


"[Iceland] had done what it needed to do. People had listened to the scientists, trusted its leaders, tested widely. If you needed to quarantine, the government would put you up in a hotel and you would continue to receive your pay. The country responded in a rational and robust way and did everything it could to ensure that schools remained safely open. Iceland was still managing the pandemic, but it had thus far been successful, and life was continuing mostly as normal"

"[NYC] First there were near-constant ambulance sirens and an ominous feeling that people were suffering and dying all around us. During the Black Lives Matter protests, the sirens transformed into police sirens—a new kind of ominous. Low-flying police helicopters and fireworks kept the children up at night".


Next step: use a few teachers' recordings, fire the rest.

It will work if you flip the class. Record teacher, deliver online.

"But online ed doesnt work"


Harvard University has told all students to move out of the dorms by Sunday. They will likely not return for the rest of the semester and all classes are to be taught online"

“But when people find lower-risk ways to enjoy their lives, that’s actually a public-health win. 'The beach shaming is especially terrible because, so many months in, we now know that the virus spreads most readily indoors, especially in unventilated, crowded spaces, and even more so in such spaces where people are talking or singing without masks.


Thesis: the average 18 year old student in, say, York in AD 800 (the middle of the so-called "Dark Ages") had read more, knew more languages, was better trained in logic, could read more music, knew more mathematics and astronomy than the average student from a university today"

Omne malum facit Latine sonus


This morning I submitted yet another refusal to do a peer review by saying 'I cannot review this as I do not have childcare during the pandemic.' I can’t do anymore unpaid labour"


Researchers say they have developed a titanium metal alloy capable of storing surplus electricity in the form of #hydrogen much more cheaply than li-batteries. Aim is for fridge size household batteries that would allow grid independence"



Mexico has closed its border with the United States and my irony detector just fucking exploded"

Countries in and around Europe with lots of sunshine can do well in this econ. Spain, Greece, Italy, Anatolia... Export energy as H2 to the rest of the world.

"Currently, the European hydrogen economy has a turnover of €2 billion. The EC’s has set an ambitious goal of €140 billion by 2030 . Besides the obvious geopolitical and technical advantages, some 140.000 jobs could be created along the way.

Although previously similar efforts have been made, strong support from EU institutions in Brussels and several national governments make a convincing case concerning the hydrogen strategy. Germany recently unveiled a €9 billion plan to set up its hydrogen economy"



Ask any public defender & they’ll tell you. Police lie every day. Not just sometimes. Not just some police. All police. Routinely. Not only are there no consequences, lying is incentivized. The more arrests, the more promotions. Lying is a winning strategy"

Why Blue Lies Matter

David McKay.. cant say enough how shortsighted that son of a bitch was... His climate book is full of hot air. Yes I said he "was". He dead.


Great to hear Prime Minister @BorisJohnson committing to 'invest massively in hydrogen' at PMQs this week"


The #science is in: reading to a child is one of the best ways to support their learning"


Me and the boys are grabbing some $23 burgers, our waiter is dressed like an army medic, we’re sitting at a table in the street, cars are screaming past us, life is good"

I actually do like the Snyder movies, even the Bat vs SM. Why go emo on the former, w Patterson.. Patman? Affleck was good.

Hey this is a great idea #starwars



PLUG is already at $5/kg #hydrogen in some US regions"


PLUG Hydrogen is already cheaper than Diesel and will slowly but surely push its ways to competing with Gasoline"

Ninetoes - Volar La Pluma #music


Some interesting answers..


If games are a form of escapism, where is my 1st person game where I run off to a cozy cabin in the woods and pick berries and bake bread to sell at a nearby market and befriend the townsfolk and wildlife and have 30 dogs and cats and live a simple peaceful life?"


I bet quadchoppa became common because most work is done at control level and that control, though excessive in terms of compute, can be done through simple PID coding ('tuning' means finding constants for the PID of the choppa).

And if u make it an artificial island, floating and can move, even submergable in case of emergy, I'll pay double.

Do you take pregistrations? Wanna move