
Github Mirror

Week 27


Oh now all of a sudden it’s my body my choice?? Interesting"

@DailyCaller People marching in Florida protesting against a mandatory mask order are chanting “My body. My choice.”

"UNSW researchers report mass hydrogen storage breakthrough. [R]esearchers led by Kondo-Francois Aguey-Zinsou say they have developed metal alloys capable of storing surplus electricity in the form of hydrogen much more cheaply than lithium batteries to take advantage of the renewables rush"



There's an archaic and regressive wealth tax in America -- called the property tax -- and guess what, its effective rate is higher for Black and Hispanic residents"


Nice.. wonder what event he was referring to.. Russia-Persian war?

H. Marks: "Henry Kissinger was a member of [our] board when I worked there, and a few times each year I was privileged to hear him hold forth on world affairs. Someone would ask, 'Henry, can you explain yesterday’s events in Bosnia?' and he’d say, 'Well, in 1722...' The point is that chain reaction-type events can only be understood in the context of that which went before."

Shoulda gone for clean fuel, but hey, why beat up on this guy


The Tesla fanboys formed like Voltron and ganged up to flag my video for removal on youtube. The video which was flagged for 'inappropriate content' was about me selling my Tesla and buying a gas car instead. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what happens when you anger the hive"

I hear you on the Sodium borohydride, but word is it is expensive to make.

$NaBH_4 + 2 H_2 O → NaBO_2 + 4H_2$

is cool... no doubt. $NaBH_4$ looks inert as fuck too..

Bcz they'll be software services, installed and uninstalled?

It's so wrong..

Also soft updates 1 GB in size.. My my my ...

"Your next BMW might only have heated seats for 3 months"



I have nothing remotely new or original to say about the ongoing denial of democratic rights in southeastern Turkey except that the closer you look the more outrageous it is"

That must be the catch of the day


Seattle, WA: police are back to using pepper spray, two weeks after the Seattle City Council voted 9-0 to ban the use of pepper spray"


Did anyone else just realize they left a half eaten sandwich on their desk in the office four months ago?"

Jazzrausch Bigband mit Beethoven's Breakdown #music


I shouldnt make fun.. guy will be frickin tzar soon



Another win for Poutine

"Kremlin claims 'unambiguous triumph' in referendum allowing Putin to rule until 2036"

The Atlantic: "As Donald Trump’s America continues to shatter records for daily infections, France, like most other developed nations and even some undeveloped ones, seems to have beat back the virus.The numbers are not ambiguous. From a peak of 7,581 new cases across the country on March 31, and with a death toll now just below 30,000—at one point the world’s fourth highest—there were just 526 new cases on June 13, the day we masked ourselves and took the train back to Paris. The caseload continues to be small and manageable. ..

America, however, is an utter disaster. Texas, Florida, and Arizona are the newest hubs of contagion, having apparently learned nothing from the other countries and states that previously experienced surges in cases. I stared at my phone in disbelief when the musician Rosanne Cash wrote on Twitter that her daughter had been called a “liberal pussy!” in Nashville for wearing a mask to buy groceries.That insult succinctly conveys the crux of the problem. American leadership has politicized the pandemic instead of trying to fight it. I see no preparedness, no coordinated top-down leadership of the sort we’ve enjoyed in Europe"


"A leaked draft of the EU’s forthcoming Hydrogen Strategy shows where the next energy competition is coming from. After Germany’s announcement last week of €9 billion investment in hydrogen technology, eyes are turning to the UK"


"INOVIO Announces Positive Interim Phase 1 Data For INO-4800 Vaccine for COVID-19 ... Analyses to date have shown that 94% [responded well to treatment]"


DIE motherfrackers

"Chesapeake Energy, fracking pioneer, files for bankruptcy owing $9b"

The "people governance" part of populism is a crock, obviously. The sorta thing you'll hear from second rate demagogues of Middle East.. There is no such thing... As long as there is a concentrated, centralized system, there will always be representative government where leadership matters.

Part of the reason for the prevalence of this word "populism" is because it provides cover for cons "doing bunch of leftist shit". All of a sudden some of them started talking about worker rights, worker paychecks, but they can't quite bring themselves to say these things are leftist having demonized the word for so long, so they need a different word, and that is populism.

3D printed meat

Don't beat yourself up son. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, with all that "euphoria", there is no way US would not end up tilting to right especially since Reagan and HW were seen who crushed the Soviets, two Republican presidents (just like Democrats winning WWII gave their slant of governance legitimacy). Afterwards left would go right, right would go insane, polarization would increase.. on and on..

Now there is need for some correction..


"DFINITY believes that making the internet a free market again will lead to a boom in innovation like the one we saw in the dot-com days, with startups exploring new ways to make money."


Me: every one of my 40 Chrome tabs is precious I couldn't possibly narrow these down

Also me when my computer crashes and the tabs don't recover: I can't remember a single tab I had open

Aaah you were doing fine so far tech person, but now swept up by politics, and started sharing that centrist DNC junk... That's a straight Unfollow.

#H2 LEGO Kit

Skylar Spence - Bounce Is Back #music


I remember that case, the way it was talked abt in corporate press and among ppl was an example of overlitigation of US, as in some ambulance chaser lawyer was now using coffee burns to make money.


[In 1994 let's] remember that McDonalds served their coffee at 190 degrees, which is hot enough to leave 3rd degree burns in just 3 seconds of contact with skin. They knew this and decided to serve the coffee at 190 degrees because it had ...

a longer shelf life than serving it at the standard 160 degrees. They calculated that burn related law suits would cost less than just wasting coffee that wasn’t good anymore. They risked people getting deadly burns to save money. And when the big law suit happened they slandered ...

the victim, who had 3rd degree burns on 16% of her body and nearly died from shock. They painted her out to be dumb for not realizing that coffee would be hot and made it seem like a frivolous lawsuit of someone who was trying to scam them.

also literally all the victim, Stella Liebeck, wanted was that McDonalds pay her 20,000 medical bills because she was poor and medicaid wouldn’t cover them. Then the media made her out to be a greedy scammer"

Author says he might have been suffering from "hip certainty" when he comdemned Nix too quickly in his younger days.

"He inherited the catastrophic Lyndon Johnson-concocted Vietnam War inside the Cold War, and yet Nixon found ways to get out of Southeast Asia, invent détente with Leonid Brezhnev’s Soviet Union, open dialogue with Mao Zedong’s China and manage nuclear brinksmanship in South Asia and in the Middle East"


Reuters, space mining


360 deg rotation bitch. Top mount for horiz, the cross inside ring hooked on the left for vertical.

Aaaah found a short-term soln now, but I wanted to see this working too.. maybe later.

A generous rich guy who wants to be taxed?


What does a Porsche with a Bernie sticker mean?"


Trump's determination to give his supporters the orgy of anti-science, anti-expert, anti-left, pro-white, red meat they crave isn't exactly paying off. He's bleeding white voters"


"Dfinity creates TikTok-style app that doesn’t snoop on your data... The creators of the ‘Internet Computer’ are showcasing a decentralized version of TikTok to prove a point"


"India bans 59 Chinese apps including TikTok, Helo, WeChat"


Eliminate tax payer funding for all private schools"

I hate burgeois bullshit


Had to do my hair (which is in desperate need of a touch up and trim, thanks Texas COVID) and makeup today for the first time since February and man, we really did this bullshit every day?"


It's crazy if u think abt it...

"Europe and Mexico are suffering from a carbon dioxide shortage"


Is that Greek hip hop?

Noizy ft. Snik - New Benz #music



i'm not actually sure what a normal person would use a 1 Gbps uplink for. i have a completely ordinary 600 Mbps connection and Steam downloading a game only uses like 300 Mbps, becoming CPU-bound after that"


It appears that Communist China is beginning to stir the pot in Taiwan. The CCP looks to be executing the Hong Kong shuffle in Taiwan. The world's democracies won't stand for this aggression. Crippling sanctions are coming"

"China’s campaign of ‘genocide’ could bring the U.S. and E.U. closer together"



Far-UVC light (222 nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses"


As @grantshapps endorses proposals for an 'all-hydrogen bus town', Ryse and #JoBamford sign significant three-year contract with Suttons Tankers to transport bulk hydrogen to different locations in the UK"

Seeing search results from addresses always makes me glad. Cuz I know the author of the post is tech savy, most likely has code to go along with math which is exactly what I look for.

Aah, came back full circle to the great Kailath!

Awesome book.

Internet of Cows

"Connecterra gets €7.8m boost for connected cows"



I get it, radioactive waste is interesting cuz radioactivity, but also most radioactive waste facilities are just.... fancy highly-engineered dumps? People rarely think about where trash goes, but we produce tons and tons of chemical waste that NEVER decays as well"

The eyes look even freakier with the mask on

Another culling, this time for machine learning follows


I love how these people are fucking terrified of the French Revolution yet all they do is cut taxes, eliminate social programs, and give their golf buddy a no-bid contract that lets them sell the fabric of society at a 10,000% markup"


On June 30, 2000, eight Senate Democrats joined 48 Republicans to kill an amendment from Sen. Paul Wellstone that would have set strong pricing rules for drugs developed with public funding"

Simulation fleshes out mistakes early on.. great.

This is a form of distributed app system I talked about before.

Quantic - The 5th Exotic #music


The Guardian: "Hydrogen fuel bubbles up the agenda as investments rocket. Governments and carmakers press on with hydrogen fuel cells to power cars, buses, trains and even aircraft.

More than 50 years ago hydrogen fuel cells helped put Neil Armstrong on the moon, but mainstream usage of the technology has remained elusive since. Now there are signs that may be changing, with a spate of new investments even amid the coronavirus pandemic"


Looks promising; pymunk

That's funny even tho is a complete crock


Describe the Trump presidency in one drink.

I’ll go first: White Russian"

From almost 10 years ago.


"Lotteries are stupid. My math friend told me so"


Progressives zero in on another House chairman in primary"



Pokémon, not Children of Men, is the greatest expression of capitalist realism in today’s culture"

If they chose to, fine; But if it turns out they are culturally so different, and they are concentrated in a certain region, then local governance..? In Germany south is Catholic, north is Protestan, and guess what, local loc gov is strong. Conservatives of both regions don't even compete against eachother. Con of south CSU and con of north CDU govern together if elected, during elections stay out of eachother's way.

Not sure what TR minorities will do .. The only state response these people ever saw was one authoritarian regime after another.

"You said US acceptance of subcultures makes their assimilation easier. Do you want TR Kurds to assimilate?"


Wondering how many tech workers have realized, in the absence of all the perks and corporate coddling they get on campus, that their company’s mission is meaningless"


NEW: Due to the rising spread of #COVID19, CA is ordering bars to close in Fresno, Imperial, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, San Joaquin, and Tulare, while recommending they close in Contra Costa, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Stanislaus, & Ventura"

Dude wasnt just a dumb Excel user, he was prophetic!

Good good.. seeing more alternatives... One model makes QM as emergent, an approximation, another re-drives gravity.

Erik V used to be a stringer, but quit it bcz it was going nowhere. You don't need ST for emergent gravity, there are references to a certain math used there that's it

Eric Verlinde: "Gravity has given many hints of being an emergent phenomenon, yet up to this day it is still seen as a fundamental force. The similarities with other known emergent phenomena, such as thermodynamics and hydrodynamics, have been mostly regarded as just suggestive analogies. It is time we not only notice the analogy, and talk about the similarity, but finally do away with gravity as a fundamental force.

Of course, Einstein’s geometric description of gravity is beautiful, and in a certain way compelling. Geometry appeals to the visual part of our minds, and is amazingly powerful in summarizing many aspects of a physical problem. Presumably this explains why we, as a community, have been so reluctant to give up the geometric formulation of gravity as being fundamental. But it is inevitable we do so. If gravity is emergent, so is space time geometry. Einstein tied these two concepts together, and both have to be given up if we want to understand one or the other at a more fundamental level"


This approach isn't abt quantizing gravity

There are two good things abt the Verlinde model now.. One, it has no free parameters, two, it can explain dark matter (says it doesn't exist, but explains why it is thought to be there).

His type of theory is called 'emergent gravity', he claims gravity emerges from entropy and information. Like temparature is an emergent property of particle interactions.


[Range limit] is fundamentally the big problem with EV still. Range anxiety is real, cold weather range sucks, and people that don’t think that’s true are blinded by shiny objects.

'@paulbraren Our Long Range AWD (barely) handles winter & 100 miles-each-way drives to NYC & Boston w/ no charging'"



The mayor of St. Louis is facing backlash for reading aloud during a public briefing the full names and street addresses of protesters who are calling on the city to defund the police department"


parent: if all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?

machine learning model: yes"

"Why a small town in Washington is printing its own currency during the pandemic In a bid to lessen the blow of COVID-19, the town of Tenino has started issuing its own wooden dollars that can only be spent at local businesses. Will it work?"


Kasparov: "AI is a tool. This is why the phrase 'AI ethics' bothers me, because it feels too much like an attempt to blame a tool – humans must always remain responsible for the bad decisions."



Ability to tolerate prolonged mental discomfort is an underrated mathematical virtue"

That's the idea


Ron Moore has said he just randomly chose what characters to switch to women. He never gave it a thought. The best part was BSG NEVER talked about Starbuck being a woman...she was just Starbuck 🤷🏼‍♀️"

No. I am for expertise. Go to Wash, get better at what you do. Journalists, keep pols in check. That term limit concept, along with a lot of "populist", "people governance" biz is now coming to an end, it seems. See Jesse Ventura (for term limits, ousider etc).. Good guy but nothing going on there.. tone is like Trump's (who actually along with McCain copied his style), and DJT himself might check out soon?

"Are you for term limits?"

No. This is the scale you want gov to be involved, and this is the right discussion to have.. Higgs Boson was confirmed in 2012, 8 years ago.. LHC did some good. WWW came out of CERN. But it is becoming clear String Theory will not get confirmation from LHC. Continue discussion.

"If LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is wasteful spending, isn't that a case against gov spending"

"One month since the death of George Floyd and 100 days since lockdowns began, our problems remain vast, but our democratic will is growing stronger"


It's probably cultural. Fine 4 you, but at policy level morons think culturally. You can sell culturally but that's different.

"But I'm scared of human-like robots"


My dad is in jail on a conspiracy charge. Which means people said he had drugs on him but they never found drugs on him. You can kill somebody and still get out of jail before my dad. They gave him 2 life sentences. A couple years ago they made this law illegal..let my dad go!

We need to engineer this shit better.

Locust.. OKay

"Locust swarm blankets city in India"

DJT net popul -15.5%


Udacity; coulda added a little object icon for the thing moving in physics_sim and make 3D plotting explicit. And all that RL junk.. Barf. You bastardized the main topic of that example.


Location of yesterday's explosion inside the Khojir missile development complex. This particular site seems to belong to Shahid Bakeri Industrial Group, which is responsible for the production of Iran's solid-propellant missiles"


BREAKING: California's Senate just voted 30-9 to move @SenGonzalez_33 's SB 1130 to the Assembly. The legislation, sponsored by @EFF, will create a fiber infrastructure program to end the digital divide for Californians lacking high-speed broadband"

Fan of Michelle Hurd. Great on Picard. Spotted her on Hawaii Five 0, and I swear saw her on Doctor Who as some kind of cat alien.


The global Fuel Cell market size is valued at 5.057 Billion USD in 2020 and is expected to reach 40.030 Billion USD by the end of 2026, growing at a CAGR of 34.0% during 2021-2026"


"The US Department of Treasury’s imposition this June of the so-called Caesar Civilian Protection Act, a draconian set of economic sanctions on Syria, amounts to a medieval-style siege on all Syrians living inside the country"



FDR had polio. I’m quite sure that he would have taken seriously a deadly pandemic.

'Tom Brady's coronavirus message: Only thing we have to fear is fear itself'"


Now that the predatory 'no-bid' OBOR contract with the Chinese has been declared illegal by Kenyan courts, other African nations being preyed upon and bribed by the CCP should default in a chain-reaction.

OBOR is the chinese Communist’s method of bribing local officials to take on crippling debt for overpriced projects that are then built by chinese slave labor. The chinese workers are brought into 'work camps' and fed by the CCP. There is next to zero local positive GDP impact

And the CCP expects payments on the projects to be made in USD. It’s time for an African Jubilee on illegal chinese loans.

'Contract for Kenya’s China-funded railway ruled illegal'"

"California mandates zero-exhaust big rigs, large pickups"



I keep seeing viral hot takes on the Stanford Prison Experiment & police brutality. While it's tempting to conclude that people in a position of authority automatically become abusive, that's not what the study reveals"

And whatever can handle big scale will win the small. There will be a lot of incentives to use one solution for everything. Alts will become Betamax.

"In the next 10 years [H2] will prove that it is the best choice for at-scale decarbonisation"
