
Github Mirror

Week 25


I think it's important for non-aerospace people to know that vibe (vibration) analysis is a real term in the aerospace industry. You think we're doing rocket science, but really we're just vibe checking things all day long"


Anyone know what happened with that @CDCgov Chief Data Officer job? Put my name in for it a couple months ago, but never heard anything. Hopefully they got somebody better for it? ... (and I really don't mean "better" in any kind of sarcastic way - I just know that the set of people qualified for that job is pretty limited, and I'm legitimately hoping they found someone with subject matter expertise who also knows how to manage a data program of that scale)"

Yeah spin that shit Botcha

"Amy Klobuchar says Joe Biden's running mate should be a woman of color as she withdraws from the VP race"

Some famous ppl got whiter in hair under lockdown and I was like that mofo-ka aged from the fear son.. Then I thought nah he just didnt get his hairdresser visit for his routine hair coloring.


Fewer know that a product of effects gives a log-normal (with far greater outliers)

Life achievement is more like a product than a sum"



A sum of independent random effects produces a normal distribution. This may explain the distribution of heights (added effects of many genes)"

Hand-craft it mathematically; so much more fun (plus higher chance of success)

"Norway’s Largest Grocery Wholesaler Gives Hydrogen a Spin"



[USG doesnt] have a policy beyond making life hard for Bashar and hope he implodes"


Probably not a popular opinion, but I have no problem with zillions of scientists working and publishing on COVID-19 even if they are new to the field. We are not in the business of telling who can or cannot work in a particular area or shame people for doing it"

File Brazillia, La Boulangerie Digitale #music


Aahh, the right keyword makes all the difference; "variable pitch".

No. It's a First Wave thing.

"Womens being treated as second-class citizens in history all around the world is a sexual thing"

Basically the motto seems to be if out-of-the-ordinary shoot it, or escalete things so you can shoot it, or at the very least put a chokehold on, then call it a day.


Do y’all remember when the cops shot an unarmed social worker laying on the ground with his hands up trying to help his autistic patient?"



Nothing to see here folks. Just US firm @thermofisher selling equipment to the Chinese government so they can build a DNA database of their citizens for the sole purpose of maintaining authoritarian control"


Great.. of course gov is partially tring to deflect from own troubles by putting attention on someone else's, but this is good.


I’m glad the #UyghurHumanRightsPolicyAct was signed into law today. This legislation is the product of a true bipartisan, bicameral effort, and I look forward to its full implementation soon"


I love when someone attempts to mock me by saying 'you just want some hippie utopia.'

You mean a society where people take care of each other and work together to advance humanity in a positive, peaceful way?

Why yes, Chad. Yes I do"

It was one death too much. Dont look for "tipping points". This issue was something most whites abhorrred.


Like the rest of you, I’ve been puzzled by white people’s mobilisations for Black lives in this moment. Why now? Why George Floyd, particularly?"


Positives of maintaining open source maths software: can do research much faster with tools designed especially for your work. Negatives: trying to do research often degenerates into a day or two of fixing completely unrelated bugs"

Ballard Power @BallardPwr It's happening - the cost reduction of #hydrogen #fuelcell #technology for #FCEBs


Reminder that Roberts, Gorsuch were also in favor of the Colorado baker.


Today we are presenting our European Vaccine Strategy. Joint action at EU level will increase the chance of finding a vaccine and secure necessary volumes at a good price in the EU and beyond."

"Mitsui invests $25m in FirstElement Fuel"


No, it's a 1st Wave concept.

"Slavery is a black concept"

Non-Muslims as percentage of the population during Otto days, in 1884, data from here

print (np.round(4553 / 17143. * 100.),'%')
27.0 %

That's a lot of non-Muslims.. Sad so many are gone.

Cornel West: "[I]n 313, and Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire under Theodotius the First, his successor. And of course, this is the same Roman Empire that put Jesus to death. So one of the real ironies is here you have the cross, the bloody cross which is the symbol of the night side of the Roman Empire. That's where political prisoners were murdered, right? That same empire makes the movement that comes out of the death of Christ, which is Christianity, the official religion. So, you get diffusion of this religion with the state and what we have today in the Christian right are Constantinian Christians. They are imperial Christians. They have lost the prophetic fervor of the very Jesus Christ that they proclaim as their savior"



Spoke with @PitchforkEcon about how our failing market-based drug development model and unhealthy dependence on patent monopolies have failed to meet the challenge of #COVID19 and emerging public health issues. Listen below"



"The PlayStation 4 may be the latest and greatest video game console, but the chip from the original PlayStation has gone where no video game console has gone before: To Pluto.

According to The Verge, the CPU from the original Sony video game console was used in NASA's New Horizons space probe, that just did a flyby of the distant planet.

The MIPS R3000 CPU was repurposed in 2006 by the space agency to “fire thrusters, monitor sensors, and transmit data.” Now it’s traveled 3.6 billion miles through space. That’s a distance so vast, it’s pretty much impossible to grasp the enormity of it by just reading a sentence. ..

According to The Verge, NASA prefers reliability over power—and what’s more tried and true than a CPU used in millions of PlayStation consoles?"


No. The US non-insistence is part of the assimilation actually, it works well.. 10 times better than the TR approach. If TR appr was used in US, here is how it would go.

"But then should we tell ppl to supress their 'identity' as deluded as it might be, like in TR?"

Dumbass talking abt tomato sauce thinking it is Italian when in fact tomato is very much American, it was brought back to Europe from the Americas. Faux Ambassadors.

My niggers...

"Anatolian people never seem to have been big fans of [Otto] wars or military life. According to the historian Erik-Jan Zürcher, by the end of the first World War the number of deserters .. had 'increased to nearly half a million, a number far higher than that of the soldiers remaining in the field'


Piketty says tax the rich at 80%.

Yeah but bcz of Broken Windows mentality he kept going at the guy.. Cop is thinking 'why is the dude sleeping there.. there has to be more to this... lemme probe some more.. some more..' and the guy snaps. IMO that was the training in play there.


The officer who killed Rayshard Brooks had just completed de-escalation training on 4/24/20 and deadly force training on 1/9/20 and yet here we are"



"We are not really competing against them.. Our truck is a true pick-up truck"


Plus there is that annoying detail that US played a huge part turning China into what it is today.

Even if you were correct, that CH is doing well, and here I'll give you the Fareed Zakaria response; what if you are not China? Get it? He is trying to say 'what if you are one of those countries who for whatever reason do not have capable ppl at the helm but now you are stuck, bcz u have no democracy, you cannot change them'.

The results I shared on democracy show clearly, with all things considered, overall, democracy works, so by default countries should prefer that. I dont think anyone can replicate China's freak experiment.

"If democracy works so well, look at China, they are managing"

Cool.. /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/ has charge_now file for notebook battery stat, charge_full for full (non-100 number). Do little math u get pow status in perc on the cmd line.

“When the express terms of a statute give us one answer and extratextual considerations suggest another, it’s no contest. Only the written word is the law, and all persons are entitled to its benefit.” — Gorsuch


Legislators are repeatedly told to support building slower networks because they appear to be "cheaper" to build. But the reality is that low expectations have cost the public billions, with little to show for it"


DJT net popularity -14%


A new report from @CalEnergy estimates that #hydrogen fuel will be near price parity with gasoline by 2025! This is great news for the future of #zeroemission #fuelcell transportation!"


How come the old man did not see the significance of the 0th Wave. Amazing. I feel like that telephatic robot in Foundation series who discovered 0th Law of Robotics. Maybe I should call myself Giskard.

Just as large diff between 0th wave and 1st. At one point you are hunting, gathering, the next the wild animal becomes a sheep and then your girlfriend. Major difference.

Excellent. If you were back at those times, there'd come a time, within a span of ~50 yrs, before / after of the place would look drastically different. Before would be carriages, slow life, hand-sewn clothing, after, train, steam ships, manufactured clothing, much faster life. Diff between two waves. They are always drastic.


'Middlemarch is the greatest novel of the 19th Century, charting the monumental shift from agrarian to industrial England and the intellectual sea changes of the Romantic era, and if any Bronte Boys come around here saying different, they’ll be shitting teeth for a month.'"

Great... My exactly zero doubts on the issue have been properly assuaged 😑

"Trump says he will leave office peacefully if he loses election in November"

"Australian hydrogen generation set to soar with Sydney-based Amtronics"


#SymbioWatch Germany plans to become a world leader in #hydrogen production and transport. France has the potential to lead the race too"

Very cool


BREAKING: The Supreme Court has delivered a historic victory for LGBTQ people — ruling that the federal law that bars sex discrimination in employment does apply to LGBTQ employees.

The vote was 6-to-3, with conservatives Chief Justice John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch joining the court's four liberal justices in the majority"


What comes after gen Z? Gen A? Or is it gen Z because at this point we're all assuming it ends here?"

"Last year marked an important milestone for the hydrogen fuel industry, after the world added 1GW of global hydrogen fuel capacity, crossing the 1GW mark for the first time ever. That represented 40% Y/Y growth, or double the global EV unit sales growth.

Hydrogen fuel cell stocks have lately been cleaning house: PlugPower Inc. (NASDAQ:PLUG) has soared 50.6% YTD and 81.1% over the past 12 months, Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ:BLDP) is up 67.6% YTD and 188.5% over 12 months, FuelCell Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:FCEL) has rallied 1.2% YTD and 534.8% over 12 months while Bloom Energy Corporation (NASDAQ: BE) has returned 16.3% YTD and -17.1% over the past 12 months"


Interesting study #H2


Remember a tweet exch, dude named Chris was protesting someone's name bcz it was Islam, saying 'it is overtly religious', then someone responds, "Okay, CHRISTIAN". Some funny shit.

"Scientists close in on 12-billion-year-old signal from the end of the universe's 'dark age'"


Vulcans have only one name..? Spock, and Mr. Spock, never hear any other name...

The man needs a first name. Like Jake, or Todd. #Trek


A 70-year-old man in Seattle survived the coronavirus, got applauded by staff when he left the hospital after 62 days -- and then got a $1.1 million, 181-page hospital bill"

"US State Department demands the removal of mercenaries from Libya"


Feel like it shouldn’t be legal for police to shoot someone who’s running away"

When that Nokia pivot to MS happened, lots of Unix, open source ppl I knew were upset... Nokia should've gone forward with that MeeGo, do their own thing, in Europe.

I'd ditch droid in a second if this becomes viable. Anything that gives me a true Unix cmd line, and wont trigger 1 GB updates, and not based on f-ing Java is good.

Has Android compatibility; Cool.

"The European alternative to dominating mobile operating systems

Sailfish OS is flexible, adaptable, and secure, ensuring that all data remains fully in your own control. Sailfish OS is managed and developed by European mobile company Jolla, which has a strong heritage in Nokia and MeeGo OS"



Econ minister Peter Altmaier called Germany's #hydrogen strategy "the greatest innovation since the EEG".


60% of Black people shot and killed by police in Georgia are unarmed or shot in the back"

Yes Toffler might have said some pro market things. But Heidi Toffler (the wife) was sufficienty left. And the books are a product of both.


I don’t know who needs to hear this but doing everything right won’t save you. Breonna Taylor was asleep in her own bed"

Lineker is a legendary UK ball player

Hitler would be too I am sure

I detected that on the show Dr Who out of all places.. Every other villain was a variation of a Nazi and they constantly brought up WWII

That's one less junk info on the Internet.

You are welcome.

Great; guy corrected his drone aerodynamics calc after I told him his doc on the Net was effed up. He was doing the amateur thing, "Imma think this through on my own", "uh, like air, has mass, goes down.. uhhh uhhh" disregarding years of knowhow, the concept of a slipstream. Expertise matters. U can choose to ignore broken stuff but have to know what the F they are first.

I like the slogan.


Celebrating the physics of all that flows"

Watched Rampage in a foreign language. Looked fine. No idea what they talked about.

The Atlantic: "[In the show Cops t]he arrestees are often referred to as 'bad guys,' and they get no backstory, no biography beyond what they volunteer to the officers in front of them. They’re human beings reduced to the sum of their rap sheets, or to their mental and emotional state on the particular day that the cameras are rolling. The cops don’t get much more by way of characterization, although they occasionally throw out one-liners to the accompanying cameramen to acknowledge the viewers at home.

I was reminded of this detail when Officer Tou Thao of the Minneapolis Police Department cracked, 'This is why you don’t do drugs, kids,' to the assembled crowd watching the killing of George Floyd in real time. The line struck me as something someone might say if they had grown up watching Cops, and had absorbed the show’s motifs as emblems of police work. In Cops’ world, the police are by default the good guys, because theirs is the only point of view the camera follows. Fleeing suspects must be captured because—on Cops—they’re always guilty of something. And the structure of the show’s acts, punctuated by ad breaks, means that the good guys unfailingly capture and overpower the bad guys in a matter of minutes.Never have these qualities felt so out of touch.

That Cops was still in production shocked some people this week, given how much it seemed like a relic of the late ’80s and ’90s, something unearthed from a time capsule alongside The Tracey Ullman Show and the 'Just Say No' antidrug campaign. But that the series was finally canceled by the Paramount Network, where it had moved after 25 seasons on Fox, was less surprising"

♪♬ Bad boys .. Bad boys ♪♬ .. Watcha gonna doo? Watcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪♬

TV Show COPS canceled?


US response is coming. Hope you CCP tabloids are ready for what’s next. You will not extinguish the freedoms that have burned for over a century. Global Times propaganda should be labeled as such. Big red letters.


As more external forces are involved in #HK's internal affairs,

China's determination to legislate national security laws for

#HongKong becomes stronger. China has expressed its strong dissatisfaction to the #UK over its six-monthly report on HK: Chinese FM'"


Maybe someone should rename this pandemic 'voter turnout' so that Brian Kemp will actually make an effort to suppress it.


Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announces, effective June 16, restaurants no longer have limits on patrons or party numbers. Servers are only required to wear masks while interacting with customers.'"

It doesn't sound like Jesse has it in him. The environ arnd him doesn't look like conducive for a run either.


The Scottish Government has today announced a £62m Energy Transition Fund support package to help deliver a net zero future"


Blindspot is following trends well.. One ep they had characters experience cabin fever, in this one they had main character (a cop) deal with his anger issues, some past killings.

Germany's culture code for itself is ORDNUNG. This is their "body-image", how they see themselves, want to be. The code can conjure up images of people walking in a single file, like automatons but ORDER isn't necessarily that. It could simply be absence of chaos. Also for an unchaotic process, you need to know the fundamentals of a situation, then a system can be designed to handle it. Take Berlin U-Bahn, there is no charge at the station entrance. You just freely walk in hop on the train. You have to have a ticket on you when you are on the train, but there is no stringent check at early entrance. This speeds up entry, exits. There are / can be checkers in the trains, enough of them that if you make a habit of not paying you'll eventually get caught. So everyone buys a ticket. No chaos.

John Adams: "As he explained to Jefferson, [Adams thought a] simple, perfect democracy had never yet existed. The whole people were incapable of deciding much of anything, even on the small scale of a village. He had had enough experience with town meetings at home to know that in order for anything to be done certain powers and responsibilities had to be delegated to a moderator, a town clerk, a constable, and, at times, to special committees"

I met Weckl on Sam Ash NYC, had a drum head signed.

Never got to meet the great Peart though, too bad. And now he passed away.

How come I can find everyone else except Dave Weckl playing Festival de Ritmo (his song), on YT?

This girl does it pretty well though


Hyundai on Why the Auto Giant Bet on Fuel Cells


Lota cons look dazed, confused, as if woke up wout much sleep middle of the night. These protest must be their worst nightmare.