
Github Mirror

Week 22

If you think u can parachute in on the Dem nomination, u are even dumber than your father Fredo... And that guy was dumb.. He was mostly known for his "oratory skills". He gave an ok speech at the 92 Dem convention, so he might have helped elect Bill F-ing Clinton with his "oratory".

"‘How can I get funding for my fuelcell bus project?’ Everything you need to know about financing and planning an FCB project is now at your fingertips!"


Trump net approval -11%



Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft have announced 19 deals this year, according to Refinitiv data from May 26, representing the fastest pace of acquisitions to this date since 2015."

"Green hydrogen developer plans California startup of world's largest facility ... Plant to produce 40,000 tons/yr, operational by 2023"

That thing has Wifi, Bluetooth can run a display, a full-blown computer. Added bonus, small, with pinned outputs it can control embedded electronics.


Hong Kong was how Communist-party-ruled China and the capital side of the world economy co-existed. The end of Hong Kong's autonomy necessarily means there is no way back to the old accommodation"

Ah of course, we are supposed to clap more when shit is privatized. Gov does lota handholding, spoon-feeds, lets them have glory, the same ol' work as before, but things are now private.. Yeeeyyy... clap clap..

Launching astronauts to ISS from US soil is a big deal now?

CNN you are a pest whereever you are, whichever country u r in

TR: ".. a franchise of CNN, the US broadcasting giant owned by Warner Media — has been plunged into the spotlight in the media freedom controversy"


It's that parallel universe story.. The moment I saw it I knew it was a crock. Then I waited to see who'd come down on it. Peter Woit didn't disappoint.

"I never thought I would see this happen: a university PR department correcting media hype about its research. You might have noticed this comment here a week ago, about a flurry of media hype about neutrinos and parallel universes. .. The main offender was New Scientist, "



"The National Science Foundation (NSF) would get a sweeping remake—including a new name, a huge infusion of cash, and responsibility for maintaining U.S. global leadership in innovation—under bipartisan bills that have just been introduced in both houses of Congress.

Many scientific leaders are thrilled that the bills call for giving NSF an additional $100 billion over 5 years to carry out its new duties. But some worry the legislation, if enacted, could compromise NSF’s historical mission to explore the frontiers of knowledge without regard to possible commercial applications"


Interesting. A helicopter is more stable than a quadcopter. More control work needs to be done (constant adjustment) on a quad than on heli.

:):) That F4 was the really bad one wasn't it?


That makes at least two of us.

@IGN Fantastic Four director Josh Trank has no interest in Fox/Disney releasing a 'Trank Cut'"


A certain focus on essentials, deriving from base theories; this I usually get from Europeans. For a derivation I was looking for, I found it on a book written by a Dane based on lecs in Denmark.

Yes, flip it. Do it... Do it now.

U know he was personally running that shit.

“A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not.”

Haha.. I like it how he compared current healthcare system to slavery.


Somebody said the other day, 'You don't have to change the whole healthcare system in the middle of a pandemic!' But we changed slavery in the midst of slavery"

Those commitees...

The House Rules Commitee


"Congressman Richard Neal, who represents the state’s 1st district, has time and time again blocked popular progressive priorities as the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. ...

This year, he finally faces a real primary challenge from a dynamic progressive ...

'Even in the middle of this pandemic here in Holyoke, in this district, when you look at outcomes, you would never know we have one of the most powerful members of Congress representing us,' [challenger Alex Morse] says. 'In the middle of this pandemic, our community hospital here in Holyoke isn't qualifying for substantial benefit or aid from the CARES Act'"


This couldn't not happen... Some of the smartest people are in physics, they had to notice they were stuck in the mud and going nowhere with string theory. I dont care how many 'eminent' types they pulled over their side, how much of a religion it became, eventually reality had to set in.

That's good.. so things are improving...


Pat Tillman was a victim"


Like clockwork, Pat Tillman gets rolled out on Memorial Day despite the wishes of his family, completely ignoring that he was killed by American troops and all of the other horrifying contexts"


You can wear, simultaneously:

Smart watch

Smart watch strap (Sony Wena)

Smart ring (Oura, Echo Loop)

Smart glasses

Am I missing anything? I want to be super smart"

And.. "human capital stock". Are you buying potatoes from the market asshole?


Is this the same guy with the cubic model?

'White House adviser Kevin Hassett: 'Our human capital stock is ready to go back to work.''"

Waaaaa waaa waaaa waaa

"Work to construct seven wind turbines and a hydrogen plant in Germany is progressing well. Comprising the Windpark Salzgitter, three turbines will be erected on the site of the integrated steelworks operated by Salzgitter Flachstahl, with four more on the surrounding group premises"


Not to let Bam off the hook; whatever improved in 2nd term, it still wasn't enough.

Now that I think abt it, the Libyan mess is also Obama's 1st term.

Likely pattern in the GINI (inequality) plot..? Starting from the beginning of second Clinton term, until the end of 1st Bam term GINI becomes worse. It's almost a straight line from Clinton to Obama. What went wrong in that 2nd Clinton term? W was a mess sure, but degredation continued throghout Bama's 1st term.

What were the changes for his 2nd term? I know a lot of Clinton types were gone by then, including "the Clinton" herself, Summers, f-ing Rahm 🤔. Is there causality here, or just "W tax cuts expiring" as some comments suggest.

The skinny on Lebanon among IR types is this; every religious, ethnic group is represented there. So whenever there is conflict between those groups on the outside, there is conflict among the same groups on the inside. IOW the situtation in Lebanon is fragile, the setup is ready to blow, bcz of those groups. Who, which, when; that's like trying to guess which water molecule will crystallize first in water when temparature is lowered. Some see that event as a surprise, "tipping point", an unexpected event; the truth of the matter is temp is low, and at some point, no matter which part of the water crystallizes first, the whole thing will turn to ice.

"Noone could have predicted the Lebanon Civil War"

1 Million TON


A leaked EU document, shows a planned “1 Million ton of clean hydrogen commitment” ranging between EUR 5 billion and EUR 30 billion to be covered, including funding support for hydrogen and zero-emission transport"


Like I was saying..

"In the mid to late nineteenth century the Ottoman intellectual and political elite adopted romantic nationalist ideas that equated Ottomanism with Turkishness. This trend contributed to the alienation of the non-Turkish subjects of Istanbul, most of them Arabs, from the Ottoman Empire"



I always found it wrong that - despite huge demand for it - the world’s best universities did pretty much nothing to increase the reach of their teaching. Perhaps some universities take the pandemic as a chance to change their business model and start reaching millions"

"CH troops challenge India at multiple locations in eastern Ladakh, standoff continues.. troops crossed 3 km into what India perceives to be its territory South East of the Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh"


Leaders, experts are small in numbers in any field


Internet communities depend on just a few people because of the 90-9-1 rule: 90% of people lurk, 9% contribute a little, 1% do a lot. It is true on Reddit, where 25% of the most popular subreddits are administered by 4 people; on Wikipedia (77% is written by 1% of users!) & more"

🙄 Tired of this subject. It should never have been made the centerpiece of political food fight.

"Doubts about that article claiming that hydroxychloroquine / chloroquine is killing people"



We're living in the 'upside down'. Kids can't go to school but I just saw a job opening for 15 yr olds at the grocery store. Let's put them at risk of getting a deadly virus delivering canned tuna to rich people who clap for 2 mins at 7PM but make sure they can't get educated"

CH skeptic Gen Spalding is on TRT World (TR Eng news channel).

IMO this quantum stuff is a waste of time for Google. This is the sort of work gov funds. It is very possible the whole thing is a crock, and might not bring any benefit to any company in near future.

"In this paper I want to present to you my theory explaining why computationally superior quantum computing is not possible, discuss the laws of nature that may support this theory, and describe some potential connections and applications. .. [T]ghe assertion of a paper published in Nature in October 2019, declaring that 'quantum computational supremacy' was achieved by a team from Google on a 53-qubit computer, seems to refute my argument. We will describe and give a preliminary evaluation of Google’s claims. ...

My argument against quantum supremacy and quantum error-correction Here, in brief, is my argument against quantum computers. ...

(A) From the perspective of computational complexity theory, noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) circuits are low-level classical computational devices.

(B) Therefore, by naturalness, NISQ systems do not support quantum supremacy. In other words, the rate of noise cannot be reduced to the level allowing quantum supremacy.

(C) Achieving good-quality quantum error-correction requires an even lower noise rate than the one required for achieving quantum supremacy.

(D) Therefore, NISQ systems do not support quantum error-correction.

(E) Hence, large-scale quantum computing based on quantum error-correction is beyond reach"


"Scientists at the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have developed platinum-free fuel cell catalysts that can be used for cheaper hydrogen fuel cell production"


Listening to a debate between a BJP rep (nationalist party in India), and a lady from oppo. At some pt she angrily says, referring to the Moslem minority, "I will not let you turn them into a bogey" :) She probably meant 'boogeyman', came out that way, but with the accent it was funny. Good-funny.

Reducing econ follows

:) "Dream on, Klingon"

CleanTechnica: "BP Smacks Exxon Upside Head With New Green Hydrogen Scheme.. Why, it seems like only yesterday that ExxonMobil was forecasting a rosy scenario for fossil gas in the sparkling green economy of the future. Now along comes rival BP with a deep dive into green hydrogen. Renewable energy is already threatening gas in the power generation market, and if all goes according to plan renewable H2 will push gas out of the coveted industrial energy marketplace, too"



Arbitrator that decided in Uber’s favor on the price-fixing lawsuit said on the record: 'I must say I act out of fear. My fear is if I ruled Uber illegal, I would need security. I wouldn't be able to walk the streets at night. People would be after me.'"

Retracing Newton's steps.. awesome


KR was a great show. When I rewatched one ep many yrs later I realized it was also a serious detective show.



Knight Rider - had quite a few requests for this one and no wonder because it's a total banger"


Trump net approv -10%


Zombie Apocalypse prep; Cars are useful (they'd be lying around) but 3D travel.. much better. Both to avoid zombies and get to any elev easily. Fuel wld be in abandoned gas stations, so everywhere. No need to worry abt GHG, world wld be empty.

Some r still being confused by Trump claims.. [checks non-existing watch], May 2020.. okay.

"Trump medical claims causing confusion"

"Well the Euro sucks, what else is there?". Regulation. Trade policy. They negotiate as a block; you don't negotiate with a single country, you negotiate with the entire block. That's a lot of leverage.

I noticed some recurring themes in some journalistic circles related to EU -- they revolve around "will they unite more?' and 'is this the end of EU?' Any new event can trigger this.. Border closures bcz of COVID..? IS THIS THE END OF EU?

Mate, the union (and it is a very light union) is there bcz it is beneficial to all parties involved. It will end the moment it stops being beneficial to those parties. To pinpoint that time, 1 needs to analyze what made them to come together to begin with..


Europe unification or not is an ongoing joke

28:40 "Are we seeing a Federal Europe", answer "that's too far, the F-word is not being used".



.. I concur from personal experience, that socializing with colleagues outside of work does not improve relationships nor productivity. Working with my remote team over last 9 years has been A+"

Like this one, it was bang on.

My automated news collector has The Atlantic in the RSS list and I keep getting good stuff from them. Dont know abt the rest.

Full fledged computer with Linux is sold <50 dollars next door (raspberry pi). 10 yo me wld be very jealous of current me... And 10 yo me wld kill me if I didnt do anything w this tech.


I was today years old when I realized that firmware is called FIRMware because it's halfway between HARDware and SOFTware..."


in 2050 we'll get a federal holiday just for updating our smart crap


just got new headphones and the first thing they asked me to do was update their firmware

I realize everything is a computer now but c'mon'"

There is a point when I start the new thing I realize more what looks more unfinished in the old thing, so in the beginning of the new thing a lot of old stuff gets done. 🤷‍♂️


Guess today is a 'dimensional analysis on the back of a literal envelope' kind of day"


Took me a month but finally realized that 98% of VC tweets are really meant for other VCs. (Leaders at high growth cos have no time.)"

Richard Hatch (of BSG fame, Apollo) died 2017? Late RIP.