
Github Mirror

Week 21


New paper shows direct relationship between coal and asthma"



The Atlantic is on fire. Publishing endless amounts of interesting, distinctive work"


BREAKING: 'Clothes becoming inexplicably tighter just another mysterious effect of lockdown', say scientists"

Yes. It's rare but happens. Some people are wired so differently they will not fit in. Clotaire Rapaille says in that case the solution is simple, buy a plane ticket and leave (he was born French and could not live there).

"Is it possible due to freak accident you never got the culture codes of your country?"

Being aware of them will help. Another way is through advanced levels of certain types of meditation, the hard-core kind, bcz they ultimately lead to "the death of the socially learned self". You cld burn a fuse tho, watch out. Krishna almost died. Krishnamurti did okay, but he had many others helping him. Some high level teachers even, tough mofos, spent a few years not being able to keep food down and lived on freaking jello, simple yoghurt. The shit can kill you. Beware.

"Can you get rid of your culture codes?"

Good good..

"Daily Crunch: Facebook unveils its Shops e-commerce platform"


"Why fix TR identity?"


"How is culture different from national narrative?"

I wouldn't f--k with democracies son. They'll whoop ur ass. They are better at war, for very rational reasons.

Conversely one could say countries with less democracies will be worse at war. Because they know they can hide, linger in a place, a region, they would not mobilize to end the fight in the first place. If your press sucks, you dont fear backlash through it, you fight like a cobsucker that you are.

Bass: "On May 22, China's leaders will convene for their annual People's Congress, during which they will discuss the status of Hong Kong and whether to push forward with their rebuffed attempts to impose upon that special jurisdiction the laws and circumscribed rights of mainland China. If they do so, America and Britain will push back—with lasting consequence"


Des'ree - Life #music


"German pipeline operators present plan for world’s largest grid"



As governments in Western Europe respond to an unprecedented crisis with massive spending to pay for everyone’s salaries, a handful of US senators is proposing a... 4,000 dollar refundable tax-credit for jobs training for people who were laid off"

Taiwan rejected by WHO? These fokkers really sold their soul to the Chink didnt they?

"Taiwan Rejection From WHO Assembly Further Strains Relations With China"


An energy company with big ambitions to produce the clean fuel of the future announced a deal to make hydrogen by using plasma heating technology — originally developed for @NASA"


"Why do TR nats, its mob, make a heavy metal sign, what does that mean?"

Hah, that's true; left to right, and they are also top to bottom higher voltage to lower.

Book about electronics: "Western civilization invented electronics and writes from left to right. You read from left to right and, culturally, more things happen from left to right. Electronics is no different, so it is common to start with the source of the electricity—the battery or power supply on the left—and then work our way from left to right across the diagram"

Motorcycles, cars.. So 2D



Little known fact: you can decide to leave San Francisco without writing a blog post about your decision"


Merkel’s Coalition Partner Pushes for Ambitious Green Hydrogen Production--Germany ashould aim to build up large capacities of #hydrogen production from renewables as part of its highly anticipated national strategy"



Stacey Abrams is a Corporate tool who leans very much Republican, dissed Georgia Students, and was kissing up to of all people, Michael Bloomberg for cash and those are some of the nicer things I know about her"

Hah -- I read Dalia Lama said 'if robots are advanced enough, you will be able to reincarnate into them'.

Yes. If reincarnation is taken as 'entering the game over and over again', makes sense. As a player in a normal computer game, wouldn't we play a sufficiently advanced bot? Sure, why not? People even play hamster, rabbit, fish in games!

Then there is the answer for the conciousness question; can a robot be concious? Well, a concious player can be in one, so yes.

DL -- that guy knows some shit, tiz all I gotta say.

You can prove a creator is more likely, which in a simulation/game angle would be the programmer. Not so far-fetched.

"But you cannot prove God exists".

Goldcuck still doesn't understand -- the unlinking of gold and dollar during Nixon admin was inevitable.

Gold or any other finite amount currency cannot be world currency.

We need bancor. Keynes was a smart guy.

Gao, Japan's Econ Dilemma: "After World War II, advanced industrialized countries, under the leadership of the United States, established the Bretton Woods system and the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) system to promote social protection and to sustain the expansion of trade and production. This international economic order, however, contained the Triffin dilemma: On the one hand, the Bretton Woods system and the GATT system provided the ally countries of the United States with great opportunities to export their products – sustained by the undervalued currencies relative to the dollar – and to increase their trade surplus with the United States.

On the other hand, the United States, as the key currency country responsible for sustaining confidence in the dollar, could not take any action to adjust trade deficits through the exchange rate. The United States enjoyed the benefits of the dollar as reserve, transaction, and intervention currency, thereby extending its economic and political privileges and freeing itself from concern about its balance of payments in the conduct of its foreign policy or the management of its domestic economy; but any devaluation of the dollar to improve American competitiveness would immediately have been wiped out by parallel devaluation of other currencies. Sooner or later, Robert Triffin predicted, either the system would collapse or alternative ways would be found to address this issue...

Disregarding this dilemma, unfortunately, advanced industrialized countries pushed the expansion of trade and production beyond the capacities of the postwar international economic order. The increasing holding of the dollar outside the United States eventually forced the U.S. government to unlink the dollar and gold. That action led to the collapse of the Bretton Woods system"

Religions hark back to our pre-agro life, in terms of the social contract and eating habits. Back then there were no rich people, and some ppl could go hungry for a few days (sometimes the hunt doesnt go well). So religions at their core both stress equality, and many have fasting. This is an underhanded way of reminding ppl of our origin.

Don't jog. Outside, great.

"I miss jogging, being outside"

Summah time

Terry Jones' Barbarians Book talks about the 'Celtic lands of Galatia' in Anatolia. Some interesting relations btw them and Rome. Wouldn't it better to research these ppl instead of some pigmy motherf..kers from Central Asia whose cultural effect for today is minimal, next to none?

Muller-Plantenberg: "Japan’s large and sustained current account surpluses are at the root of its current economic problems. By pushing up the yen very strongly over decades, Japan’s export boom has contributed to the deflationary pressures from which the economy has been suffering from for quite some time. Of course, removing the external surplus would fix the problem according to the logic applied here. Yet the current account is not a policy variable, and at any rate a strong demand for Japanese exports seems to provide a welcome stimulus for the economy. Policy makers naturally look for other kinds of remedies, namely for measures they can potentially control.

What Scope for Monetary Policy? .. With interest rates hitting zero, the Bank of Japan’s only way to induce money growth is to keep printing money. But the BOJ has already bought government bonds, and thus created money, on a large scale. The monetary base has increased at an annual rate of almost 25 percent over the two years to 2003 (The Economist, June 19, 2003). Yet this has not led to higher growth in broad money. Instead, bank lending has continued to fall. Banks are reluctant to lend, as they are already piled up with bad loans, a problem that is only slowly being overcome. Moreover indebted firms are unwilling to borrow as long as the deflation environment persists"

I'm a big fan of these repeat names, Abdullah Abdullah. Boutros Boutros... Whats ur name? Abdullah. What's ur first name? Abdullah. It's fly.

😆😆😆 they were both like 'Im the real prez biaatch!' this is hilarious

"President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani and his rival Abdullah Abdullah have agreed to share presidential powers. The decision ends months of uncertainty that had included dual inauguration ceremonies"

Interesting, started a new thing with no net, but already have enough material offline in da stash so chugging along

"'Believe all women' was always a flawed #MeToo slogan. The impetus for it was understandable: A sordid history of reflexively disbelieving most women had to be overcome. And 'Don’t reflexively disbelieve women; diligently investigate their claims' isn’t very catchy. But the diligent investigation of claims and an absence of stigma or vilification is what accusers require from the public sphere, not masses of people taking to social media to proclaim, “I believe.”


"Roosevelt and his advisers were far from the clairvoyant visionaries of legend. They never had a master plan [Roos certainly did not win on any 'plan' as challenger]. Rather, in the administration’s first 100 days, they implemented a flurry of laws and regulations. If those programs worked, they remained. If they didn’t, they were dropped, to be replaced by others.The National Industrial Recovery Act, for example, with its voluntary codes of fair competition for prices and wages and limited encouragement of collective bargaining proved inadequate, and then was ruled unconstitutional. The administration quickly developed alternatives, including the National Labor Relations Act (known as the Wagner Act), which offered a clearer path to unionization.Not until after 1935 did the New Deal’s welfare state of Social Security, unemployment insurance, and public housing emerge"


EFF: "The House of Representatives has introduced new COVID-19 emergency response legislation to address the largest public health and economic calamity the United States has faced in generations. Like the crisis it is meant to address, the bill is massive. One provision deserves particular attention: guaranteeing free Internet access if you have been economically harmed by COVID-19 (as originally envisioned in legislation promoted by Congressman Marc Veasey). ...

As various parts of it are renegotiated, Congress must keep in mind that Internet access is vital and cannot be bargained away.

Many Americans have little to no choice among high-speed Internet providers. And monopolies and near-monopolies have little to no incentive to keep prices low or speeds high. This bill will address the price part of the equation"


Gov formed in Israel, finally. Unity gov with Gantz.

There was lota heckling during his parliament speech.

I like it how the translator is really acting it out while translating



AI will never take over my job, because once it's smart enough to combine 6 different customer's Excel files, each with different columns, different data encodings (i.e. cell colors), and different kinds of missing data, it will be smart enough to pretend it can't"



Zoom sucks, we started having editorial meetings in Red Dead Redemption instead. It's nice to sit at the campfire and discuss projects, with the wolves howling out in the night"

Yeah SV was madly behind this thing (OO). If u need any proof how much useless shit SV is engaged in, look no further.


"New Zealand's Ardern turned away from cafe under coronavirus rules

Hailed for her leadership during the coronavirus pandemic, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her partner were turned away from a cafe on Saturday because it was too full under the physical distancing guidelines"


Russia has sent six MiG-29 fighter jets to Syria to support the military, according to Iranian sources"


Auto-LaTeX in Google Docs is neither Auto nor LaTeX"

"Why Rain Constantly Fell for Two Million Years During the Earth’s Late Triassic Period"



LAMMPS and GROMACS are two molecular dynamics packages that are popular in the community that I am familiar with. both of them have a Python interface"

CFD could be overkill.. All I need is some molecules jigglin..


Forbes: "Strange Bedfellows? Maybe Not…"


"Craig Wright says I wrote Harry Potter". Haha


Bitcoin as SOV? It costs so much money to send the shit you are afraid to spend it, so you store it => SOV -- minus the value part.

"Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) announced Tuesday that the state plans to hire and train more than 1,300 contact tracers by the end of this week in an effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Inslee said the 1,371 contact tracers will allow more businesses to open and more people to be active in public while helping to slow and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Inslee's extended stay-at-home order is currently set to expire at the end of May [...T]he information about who came into contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be confidential. Contacts will not be told the name of the person who may have exposed them to COVID-19.

He said the plan involves contacting people within 24 hours of a positive test result and talking to their close contacts within 48 hours....

In Washington, when someone tests positive for COVID-19, Inslee said an interviewer will reach out by phone. They will ask who that person has been in close contact with, then reach out to those other people to let them know they have been exposed. Those people would need to isolate or quarantine themselves, but there will be no enforcement"


Aah of course that's why Mike Brown calls the planet he is looking for Planet 9. Because he killed Pluto as a planet (the earlier planet 9) so this will be the new one.


Yees automation bitch

Bloomberg: "Firms That Left U.S. to Cut Taxes Could Qualify for Fed Aid"

“In #HongKong, we’ve managed to get away without needing a lockdown because we’ve been doing test and trace,” says Prof @bencowling88 of @hkumed . “If we weren’t doing test and trace, we would have needed more social distancing instead.”


World R = 0.25. Daily change rate of confirmed cases 2.26%. Brasil and RU look bad, after US.


Cop QM assumes an existing background, a non-changing geometry.

Yes, so geometry is not something fundamental, it needs to emerge from something else, conceptually it takes the backseat to a primary, more fundamental construct. Any theory of everything which assumes certain geometry to be constant is in fact an insufficient theory of everything.

"Principles for fundamental physics

1) Background independence.

A physical theory should not depend on structures which are fixed and which do not evolve dynamically in interaction with other quantities. This is a key concept, which takes some unpacking.

All physical theories to date depend on structures which are fixed in time and have no prior justification; they are simply assumed and imposed. One example is the geometry of space, in all theories prior to general relativity. In Newtonian physics, the geometry of space is simply fixed to be Euclidean three-dimensional geometry. It’s arbitrary; it doesn’t change in time, it can’t be influenced by anything. Hence it is not subject to dynamical law.

In Newton’s time, Euclid’s was the only geometry known, so he had no alternative and didn’t need to seek a justification for choosing it. But in the nineteenth century, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Nicholas Lobachevsky, and Riemann discovered an infinitude of alternate geometries. Any fundamental theory that comes after their work must justify the choice it makes for the geometry of space. The principle of background independence requires that the choice is made not by the theorist, but by the theory, dynamically, as a part of solving the laws of physics" -- Smolin

"'Now is a really crucial and pivotal time for the [UK] gas industry,' says Dr Angie Needle, Director of Strategy at Cadent Gas... 'The Net Zero legislation has set a completely new agenda, and Cadent have got an amazing opportunity to be the delivery vehicle for green gases in the future.'. Cadent deliver gas to 11 million customers. With the Government aiming to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, the organisation is working hard to demonstrate the gas industry’s role in this transition. 'We know net zero has an end goal. But actually, nobody's yet developed any particular goals for gas,' she says. ...

Dr Needle believes the decarbonisation of heat and the role of gas distribution networks in support of this are the 'first problem to solve.'. In the UK, 300 terawatt hours of electricity are used every year, but this is dwarfed by the 900-terawatt hours of gas which is used. 'In the grand scheme of the energy that the country needs, gas far outweighs electricity. I'm always surprised at how little attention it gets,' says Dr Needle"


"JetBlue’s Founder Helped Fund A Stanford Study That Said The Coronavirus Wasn’t That Deadly"



"U.S. Syria Representative [Jeffreys] Says His Job Is to Make the War a 'Quagmire' for Russia"


New Trek Show announced, around the famed Captain Pike, played by Anson Mount, great actor.

Showrunners, producers, writers; don't botch this one up. Don't make it cuck. Don't make it too woke. Battlestar Galactica, or Lost level would be just fine, and these shows were progressive already. Please keep the Orange Hitler allegories to yourself. Don't get mad at us for saying these things, we are not your competition. Your competition is The Orville, the Trek TNG show with fart jokes. They are kicking your ass, dragging it across the room and kicking it again.