
Github Mirror

Week 10

Schumah threatening con judges on abortion? He is like "we can't lose our faux issue! That issue is the only reason we are here! That's how we eat! It needs to stay in its current form forever! We need this shit! Do you know what you are dealing with!"

It's so sad. A politician being reduced to this. Inept Dem centrism lead all here, both sides needing a dividing issue so bad, they created this mess, and now they are shocked it can actually take a life of its own. Same with guns.

Heard on France 24 Eng: "Private companies will charge an arm and a leg for those [covid] tests, who will pay for them".

"Mexico will pay for them". 😂😂😂😂

Europeans having a gas at your expense US pols..

The problem with gov deficit spending (towards businesses) isnt bcz of the deficit itself. It is that it replaces people demand with gov demand. Such demand will create inefficiencies in the market if such good is marketable.

I am not talking abt social services, but stuff that is already part of the market econ. Take a toilet seat maker. There is crisis, gov steps in starts buying toilet seats... But it can pay $10,000 for f-ing toilet seat! It happened at the Pentagon before!

"A draft interim report from Ethiopian crash investigators ... concludes the March 2019 crash of a Boeing Co 737 MAX was caused by the plane's design"


2014: 120 Dutch co-operative banks forcibly merged into 1 by the regulators.

Same in South Tyrol, where the big bank-owned Banca d'Italia forcibly merged 50 co-operative banks into 1

Since the ECB started, 60% of the formerly thousands of German community banks have disappeared"

Taibbi: "Some part of Sanders seems to hold out hope that something is left over in the DNA of the Democratic Party from those F.D.R. days, something that can be saved and restored. He seems to have a nostalgic fondness for it, as he seems to for Biden himself.

But this version of the Democratic Party that now has Biden as its face wants to bury him. They’ve smeared him as a racist, sexist dupe for Putin, an amateur and back-bencher who doesn’t understand power and can’t “get things done.”

By getting as far as he has, and raising as much money as he has, Sanders has already demolished half of that argument. To finish the job, he has to show he understands the difference between doing well and winning"


Kudlow: Buy the dip... Spoken like a true drug addict. Markets addicted to FED laughing gas, former cokehead can recognize that...

And burned by Rudd, former AUS PM.


Cruise ships - ugh. Cheap adventurism.

"I’m an expat in Seoul living amid the coronavirus outbreak. I feel like I’m living in the end times... Restaurants began posting signs that read 'no Chinese.'... Seoul looks like a ghost town"




Mythical alleged creator: Satoshi Nakamoto...

Step 1: put this Japanese name in the Japanese order of names: Nakamoto Satoshi 中本智

Step 2: Translate into English: 'Central Intelligence'"

Bernie campaign motto should have been #HimNotUS. I know such words are anathema to the left, even in its authoritarian forms, but have to do what campaigns require..

It's freaky.. the Dem primary fell to 2nd or 3rd in importance in the my news feed. The fin meltdown, coronav is overtaking all else

This reminds me a story from 2016.

"Japanese Seeking a Place to Stash Cash Start Snapping Up Safes"

"Negative interest rates spur sales of safes—a place where the interest rate on cash is always zero"



Isn't it amazing that the Fed is going to cut by 100bps in 16 days. We've trained a generation of free market capitalists to be beggars. Investors are begging on their bloody knees for the Fed to bail them out of their bad processes and bad decisions"

So it is green H2 then. Cool

"Our healthcare system is a giant price-fixing scheme" -- Hanauer

Sleep Walker - Eclipse #music


A generation of Dems was carpet bombed by the Third Way (not Wave) centrists. But now suave, hipster, white-collar, Obama / Clinton Holywood types seem to be out, even if "the base" might have warm feelings towards their era. The remaining characters are all gruff, working-class. The next nominee will have to build an entire new gen to hand the baton to.



In 3 hours of tête-à-tête with Putin, Erdogan understood one thing: Russia's first salvo of stand-off weapons would 'switch off' the Command and Control structure of Turkish forces involved and Erdogan will look like a headless Turkish chicken running"



I'm in Los Angeles and I asked where I could find the nearest bookshop

'San Francisco'"


The 10 year is making the 'something broke" formation'"

Markovitz received NP for doing essentially undergrad level statistics and some optimization. Are u kidding me?!! Physicists do that much math during their sleep!

I hear relatives of A. Nobel want to cancel it BTW. Swedish CB sneaked it through backdoor, but it sullies the whole Prize. A f-ing abomination...

Haha.. bcz current prize is not from Nobel himself, it's a faux prize. Funny


Good thing there is no Nobel Prize in economics, it would become highly politicised. Wise Alfred Nobel..."


Today #Europe is one of the global leaders on #hydrogen stations and #fuelcell buses thanks to our Public Private Partnership on hydrogen says @vonderleyen at the #BusinessEuropeDay 2020 #EuropeanGreenDeal"


Another positive (besides mortgage rates) of the coronavirus is that companies will start to realize how much more efficient employees are working from home; and how much money is wasted on unnecessary travel for work that can easily be done remotely"

"Scientists Found a Caterpillar That Eats Plastic.

Could It Help Solve our Plastic Crisis?"


What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever been told about capitalism?: Translation: "That you only have to work hard to be successful"

The Steepening After the Flattening

Could be a movie title..? "First there was flatness.. then steepness....But one man.. Stood all alone.. [movie guy voice]"


Friendly reminder.

These are the last times the Fed & the BoC cut rates by at least 50bps in the same month:








After 9/11 immigration was ripe to be a polarizing issue. But pointing out economic effects, policy, etc would not be enough. Only after "rapists" comment the issue took off. Trump communicated culturally.

Why? Was testing equip manufacturing shipped to China too?


Breaking News: The CDC has broadened the guidelines for coronavirus testing: Anyone with symptoms and a doctor's approval can get one. But there may not be enough kits yet"


The only reason a rich, advanced democracy would make its citizens spend 7 hours of a work day to vote is if they didn't really want them to vote"

Bernie is Mellow Meadow.

Yes just like Baydın


Given power of corporate stock buybacks in powering the 11-year bull market, it’s worth considering the risk if corporations decide to preserve cash and lessen their focus on buybacks"

The real Fredo

Now have 2 month's worth of food. 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫

It's fine. Capture carbon at the source, as long as H2 is the intermediary (which strengthens its status as the ultimate fuel) I am fine with it.

"Energy policy shake-up [in Australia] flagged as Government looks to dump solar, wind investment.

Research programs into wind and solar could be dumped by the Federal Government in favour of emerging technologies in hydrogen, lithium and reducing or storing greenhouse emissions from major industries, the Energy Minister says"



Scientists: the more u sit on ur ass with your Standard Model status-quo the more this shit will fester


Feeling dumber for watching this.

LNP senator Gerard Rennick argues Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle (which describes quantum scale effects), means we can't accurately model the climate (somewhat larger than quantum scale)"

Nice. Cutting into Baydin's strengths. I like it.

If Bama is the selling angle u do the Bam.


Folks, this Bernie Sanders campaign ad with Barack Obama ad is gonna be a talker

Airing in FLORIDA now"


No East Coast, no West Coast - it's Middle East Coast hip-hop baby

😶 LP based method solution similar to shortest-path prob in CS? 🤙


"We will now see that the Primal-dual algorithm is, essentially, a disguised version of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm"


I didn't have immigrant parents, but now many immig families and I've been an expat, a foreigner for long periods of time in foreign lands, though under very favorable conditions, I can see the life is not for the faint of heart.

Because they are scared..? They could be lonely, strangers in a strange place, what do you do about that? Meet ppl who are like you, or you make people like you (children). It wont work necessarily.. Kids can feel that and want to help their folks, act a certain way but they will always be different, local. If that sits badly parents shouldn't have left their shithole country.

"Why would immigrant parents expect their kids act like them even tho the kids are now local to their country?"

The range of bitch BEV at that temparature would be peanuts. It's not even a apples vs. oranges comparison at this point, it is apples vs... nothing. Empty air.

Americans might too far gone to push for that next-gen tech due to the neutering of their government and pervasive private concentration in all things, especially tech. Europeans, part of democratic Asia is our last best hope.

♪♬ You a Snitch Tigga, when you rat on yo friends

♪♬ Bitch Tigga, when you steal an' sass

♪♬ You a Snitch Tigga, specializin' at bumpin' ya gums

♪♬ You a Trick Tigga, countin' all your bricks but all I see is crumbs

♪♬ Bitch Tigga, ain't you tired of running your mouth

♪♬ Can't even go home, cause a jacker might run in your house ♪♬

Elections are about candidates. Get elected somehow, and enact policies (which people don't know shit about) and get judged by a rough, overall success of them.

(Surely u want to get elected while u promise the said policies so u can declare u have a 'mandate' if elected, but that's the secondary game. The primary game is getting your ass into that frickin post).


IMPORTANT #SuperTuesday takeaway that is flying under the radar — every state with exit poll results shows majority support for replacing private insurance, it’s winning by huge margins in a few — is it time to ask ourselves if #Medicare4All is actually a winning position?"



Ironic: Italian #COVID19 epidemic is now so deep and widespread that today China reported 7 new infection cases *imported from Italy* "

Go higher.

Was that f-ing gov Cuomo saying it is abt 1%? How'd you calculate that genius?

Arent you tired yet getting conned by Mux?

Maybe he is the real Fredo.


The new 3.4% mortality announced by @WHO is too damn high"

Iranians apparently do provide a lot of manpower to the fight in NW Syria, numbering in tens of thousands. Even with the flu they could muster to send more. RU has everything else. Tigger econ is not in good shape.


Just happened! The yield on the 10-year US government #bonds just traded at 0.9999%. More to follow"

The market right after the FED cut

Coronav testing experience shared below - not good


Primal-dual IP, show your secreets to meeeeeeee

A renewable fuel based economy is issue #1 for me. Everything else is a distant second at this point.

Lining up supply, trying to distribute risk among many countries, etc. This is getting serious.

It. Is. Happennnnniiiiing.

"Germany Moves Into Hydrogen With Lessons From OPEC and Russia..

Ministers are cutting deals in Europe and Africa to ensure supply of the fuel from many sources...

Four separate ministries in Berlin have been working on a blueprint to substitute the lightest element for oil, natural gas and coal. The program is due to be announced later this month by Economy Minister Peter Altmaier"


The current "system" is nowhere near at its optimal given its technological base. 3W progress is patchy. For large-scale systems you design for connectivity loss, problems, shutdowns from ground-up. We need to be ready for intermittency, not constant connectiviy.

"Constant connectivity defines 21st-century life, and the infrastructure undergirding it all is both digital (the internet and our social media platforms) and physical (the gig economy, e-commerce, global workplaces). Despite a tumultuous first two decades of the century, much of our connected way of life has evaded the stress of a singular global event. The possibility of a global pandemic currently posed by the new coronavirus threatens to change that altogether"


CNN has 2 mins of Sanders rally 10 mins of Biden rally says a viewer. MSM sold his soul like it always does. Fairness? What's that?

Great job.

[slow, sarcastic clap]


print (np.round(roic('TSLA'),2))


And here I thought there was infinite demand for EVs?"


Tianqi Lithium, responsible for +46% of global Li production, reported loss of ¥2.82 billion ($403 million) in 2019, down 228% y/y. Cited slumping product sales triggered by rollback of govt subsidies for EV cars'"


'... Turkey is on the brink of disaster in Syria' - by Simon Tisdall"


Right on canceling (due to range they say) but it is possible to get range from renewables.

"IndyGo is canceling an electric bus order and buying diesels. The IndyGo board approved on Thursday the order of new diesel buses to run on Route 39, the future Purple Line, and canceled an electric bus order"


Like I said death rate is closer to 10% than 1%. The way to calculate it is death / death + recovered. From the latest China numbers,

Confirmed  Deaths   Recoveries
79,251     2,835    39,246
2835 / (39246.0+2835) * 100.0
Out[1]: 6.73700720039923

Death rate is nearly 7%. This is huge. It can kill half a billion people!


California Senator announces a new bill to encourage the use of #greenhydrogen to help California meet its carbon-neutral and climate protection goals"


Markets are always in turmoil on cnbc unless they’re at record highs"

Kills people leaves buildings intact. Trump probably thought word meant the guy "was the bomb", "an energetic, lively person".

"A neutron bomb .. is a low yield thermonuclear weapon designed to maximize lethal neutron radiation in the immediate vicinity of the blast while minimizing the physical power of the blast itself"


Neutron Jack meant he left the buildings in tact and fired all the workers. It was supposed to be an insult!"


'Corporate efficiency' is Boomer speak for 'deindustrialization,' in case any Millennials or Z were wondering why they have only gig economy jobs waiting for them after racking up $100,000 in worthless college debt.


Jack Welch, a champion of corporate efficiency who reshaped GE and influenced generations of business leaders, has died"

ROIC = Return on Invested Capital. Seems like a good metric to judge company by. From link,

"ROIC measures the return that an investment generates for those who have provided capital and how well a company generates cash flow relative to the capital it has invested in its business."


NOPAT / Average Invested Capital

NOPAT = Operating Income * (1 - Tax Rate))

Average Invested Capital = (Total Shareholder's Equity + Debt - Cash)

Tax Rate = 25.75%

They do the AIC as average btw to quarters. I just took Q4. Operating income is a sum of last 4 quarters, the rest again Q4.

from yahoofinancials import YahooFinancials
import pandas as pd

def roic(ticker):
    yahoo_financials = YahooFinancials(ticker)
    all_statement_data_qt =  yahoo_financials.get_financial_stmts('quarterly', ['income', 'balance'])
    i = all_statement_data_qt['incomeStatementHistoryQuarterly']
    b = all_statement_data_qt['balanceSheetHistoryQuarterly']

    operatingIncome = 0
    for j in range(4):
        q = i[ticker][j]
        dfi = pd.DataFrame(q)
        operatingIncome += np.float(dfi.ix['operatingIncome'])

    q4b = b[ticker][0]
    df4b = pd.DataFrame(q4b)
    totalStockholderEquity = float(df4b.ix['totalStockholderEquity'])
    debt = float(df4b.ix['shortLongTermDebt'])
    cash = float(df4b.ix['cash'])
    nopat = operatingIncome * (1.0-0.2575)
    return (nopat / (totalStockholderEquity + debt - cash))

For Apple,

print (roic('AAPL'))

81% looks pretty good.


print (roic('AMZN'))


I once read somewhere he called himself "Middle Eastern" (bcz he was a Jew?) 🙄🙄🙄 C'mon guy. This is getting ridiculous.

Culturally speaking though, he was German.


"In a humorous aside Einstein once remarked that 'if relativity is proved right the Germans will call me a German, the Swiss call me a Swiss citizen, and the French will call me a great scientist. If relativity is proved wrong the French will call me a Swiss, the Swiss will call me a German, and the Germans will call me a Jew.'"

U definitely dont want to be around for that shit...


From the point of view of other animal species humans are the worst virus on the planet as our anthropogenic degradation of the environment has already caused disappearance of 60% of all animal species with the rest at extinction risk too in next century"


So, we need to prepare for the worst, a pandemic, by not irrationally selling our debt-ridden stocks that are trading at > 50x forward earnings at the height of a historic bull market

Possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read.

WHO chief on coronavirus: Global markets should calm down and try to see the reality"

That's the death-cult I shared info on. Good for SK they got the mofos.


Update: The government of #Seoul has charged Lee Man-hee, the founder of Shincheonji Church, with manslaughter"

What was that saying? FB is for the people you used to know, TWTR is ppl you would like to know? Hence better convo on TWTR...


Scrolls through Twitter. COVID, COVID, COVID. Facebook for first time in a week - cats, kids and ski trips. Someone is very, very wrong. I wouldn't bet against the hive mind of twitter.... the public narrative is far behind the Fintwit narrative"

Virus might hurt voter turnout, in future primaries, elections. Not good.