
Github Mirror

Week 9


i saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by pretending to be passionate about web development as a means to secure healthcare

Maga Lago


Things Coronavirus has the potential to break:

  1. MAGA

  2. Libertarianism

  3. Resistance to Medicare for All and paid sick leave

  4. Private sector pharmaceutical patent monopolies


NYC @NYCMayor DeBlasio has repeatedly requested permission from federal authorities to conduct all #COVID19 #SARnCoV2019 tests in NYCDOH labs, using kits locally developed. He claims nobody in federal govt has responded to >3 weeks of requests"

When shit is overvalued something always "happens".

"Aw but if [wuflu, trade war, politics, insert your excuse] did not happen, markets would have been fine"

Indicators are divided on recession. Delinq rate, NFP says soon, but initial claims, junk bonds say not imminent.

Another Py package for company financial data, yahoofinancials

from yahoofinancials import YahooFinancials
ticker = 'AAPL'
yahoo_financials = YahooFinancials(ticker)
all_statement_data_qt =  yahoo_financials.get_financial_stmts('quarterly', ['income', 'cash', 'balance'])
rev = all_statement_data_qt['incomeStatementHistoryQuarterly']['AAPL'][0]['2019-12-28']['totalRevenue']
rev / 1e9


Green is the new black: #Shell Exploring World’s Largest #GreenHydrogen Project"



China Southern Airliner from Guangdong (hotbed with 2nd most infections in China) landing in Kenya today. CCP has control of Kenyan govt...reckless behavior from the Chinese Communists. Africa can’t protect itself from this kind of virus"

Go Pope. I like this guinea (he is a Jesuit, they are fine, J are a Renaissance institution).


Purdue Professor Meets Pope and Discusses #Hydrogen


Smart man.. keep it open.. killing off mullah followers?

"Hassan Rouhani told a cabinet meeting that health authorities would continue to "only quarantine individuals".. Teams are disinfecting public spaces in Qom, including [a] shrine .. Its custodian has insisted it should be kept open as a 'house for cure'"


Waa waaa waaaa waaaaaaa




Due to the Corona virus, I am personally going into lockdown. Not gonna leave the house. Unless of course the FED cuts rates 1/4 point, then I will travel the world"


The Fed, with it liquidity operations masked all the underlying issues in the markets over the past year. We had no earnings growth in 2019, we had multiple expansion. The bond market never confirmed the reflation trade"

SP still overvalued. Needs to go down to 2000.


This is not justice!

My sons hands are tied behind his back..

He deserves a fair hearing!

Please watch, retweet, share widely. Help get the truth out.."



William Grove invented the fuel cells in Cardiff in 1838. He was reincarnated today and tested the Pragma Hydrogen bike during the opening ceremony of the Welsh Hydrogen &Fuel Cell Association"

I am pretty sure I can do some damage around optimization for catalysts, molecular chem at some pt 🤔

One more piece of crucial code de-Matlabified and Pythonized.

Finally some f-ing sanity. S&P down 10% in a week.

Now have 1 month's worth of food. 🍫🍫🍫


91-year-old Noam Chomsky being called as a witness by the defence as the US tries to jail Julian Assange for revealing American war crimes... will be a moment for the ages"


Helicopter Money begins. Another interesting chapter in evolution of monetary policy

'Hong Kong to give cash gift of $1,200 to residents'"



[Production leaving US was e]xactly what I had a ring side seat to observe at Hewlett Packard (worked there from 1979 to 2003). When I started there we would take a block of aluminum and create a printer from it, including many of the chips. By the time I left, we only did the marketing"

California's CalPERS Public Employee Pension Fund - you are doing some very stupid moves. You will get destroyed.

I see some Baydın presence in Missiouri, Florida but they are not Super Tuesdee. California is, and also Texas. Bernie looks strong in former and competitive in the latter (ahead even in some polls). If good in other ST states as well Bernie can catapult his way towards the big prize. California would be a big push.


NSG to Test the World’s First Use of Hydrogen Fuel for Glass-Making--Will test the use of #hydrogen as an alternative fuel for the float furnace to manufacture glass at its Greengate Works in St. Helens, U.K."


Sweet. But there is a method that uses simple cross product


My favorite way to see if a point is inside or outside a path


Cuck Todd

What's ahead (from link)

The third of Novambah - a day of celebration, hopefully

Date State Democratic Republican
February 3
Iowa Caucus
February 11
New Hampshire PrimaryPrimary
February 22
Nevada Caucus
February 29
South Carolina Primary
March 3
Alabama PrimaryPrimary
American Samoa Caucus
Arkansas PrimaryPrimary
California PrimaryPrimary
Colorado PrimaryPrimary
Democrats Abroad Primary
Maine PrimaryPrimary
Massachusetts PrimaryPrimary
Minnesota PrimaryPrimary
North Carolina PrimaryPrimary
Oklahoma PrimaryPrimary
Tennessee PrimaryPrimary
Texas PrimaryPrimary
Utah PrimaryPrimary
Vermont PrimaryPrimary
Virginia Primary
March 10
Idaho PrimaryPrimary
Michigan PrimaryPrimary
Mississippi PrimaryPrimary
Missouri PrimaryPrimary
North Dakota Primary
Washington PrimaryPrimary
March 12
Virgin Islands Caucus
March 14
Guam Caucus
Northern Mariana Caucus
Wyoming Convention
March 17
Arizona Primary
Florida PrimaryPrimary
Illinois PrimaryPrimary
Northern Mariana Caucus
Ohio PrimaryPrimary
March 24
American Samoa Caucus
Georgia PrimaryPrimary
March 27
North Dakota Convention
March 29
Puerto Rico Primary
April 4
Alaska Primary
Hawaii Primary
Louisiana PrimaryPrimary
Wyoming Caucus
April 7
Wisconsin PrimaryPrimary
April 28
Connecticut PrimaryPrimary
Delaware PrimaryPrimary
Maryland PrimaryPrimary
New York PrimaryPrimary
Pennsylvania PrimaryPrimary
Rhode Island PrimaryPrimary
May 2
Guam Caucus
Kansas Primary
May 5
Indiana PrimaryPrimary
May 12
Nebraska PrimaryPrimary
West Virginia PrimaryPrimary
May 19
Kentucky PrimaryPrimary
Oregon PrimaryPrimary
June 2
District of Columbia PrimaryPrimary
Montana PrimaryPrimary
New Jersey PrimaryPrimary
New Mexico PrimaryPrimary
South Dakota PrimaryPrimary
June 6
Virgin Islands Caucus
June 7
Puerto Rico Primary
July 13 - 16Democratic Convention (Milwaukee, WI)
August 24 - 27Republican Convention (Charlotte, NC)
September 29First Presidential Debate (South Bend, IN)
October 7Vice Presidential Debate (Salt Lake City, UT)
October 15Second Presidential Debate (Ann Arbor, MI)
October 22Third Presidential Debate (Nashville, TN)
November 32020 Presidential Election



Not flipping.

Not speculating.

Not gentrifying.




Yes, it's great that NSA finally acknowledges the Section 215 call records program was a massive waste of time & money. But, there would be no pressure on them to fix it if not for @Snowden. And the pointless invasions of American's privacy is staggering"

Credit Card Delinquency Rates - Small Banks

I believe this is % of ppl missing payment for 30 days or more. If increases, means citizens are overlevered.

import pandas as pd, datetime
from pandas_datareader import data

today =
start=datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 1)
end=datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,
cols = ['DRCCLOBS']
df = data.DataReader(cols, 'fred', start, end)
plt.axvspan('01-09-1990', '01-07-1991', color='y', alpha=0.5, lw=0)
plt.axvspan('01-03-2001', '27-10-2001', color='y', alpha=0.5, lw=0)
plt.axvspan('22-12-2007', '09-05-2009', color='y', alpha=0.5, lw=0)


World's first hydrogen-powered aircraft powertrain has been developed by California-based company, @ZeroAvia"

Pop quiz - what is Roubini culturally? His parents are from Iran, they were Jewish, he was born in Istanbul, he grew up in Italy, he spent long time in US.

Because he was born in TR, I could try to claim him as one of my own, my tigga, a homeboy.. But that would be a mistake, he didn't spend much time there. He a Jew? Where was he at when he grew up? In Italy, hence the accent. That's the answer: he's a guinea. Real guinea, not like ones in US who are Americans but try to cling to a faux identity because of their moronic parents so they wildly gesticulate trying to look a certain way but fail. No, this guy is a legit guinea. Problem solved.

Hmm supply shock is inflationary, but growth slowing expectation is deflationary. I wonder which one would win, and if the former, would that cause treasury yields to go up? 🤔


Can we just pause to note that somehow Bloomberg managed to be on the 'Politburo not so bad' side of a debate with Bernie Sanders"

They are all trying to close - I respect that. Feeling the #Bern.


Bootee-Cheech came across little more desparate this time.


Great, give Bernie more M4A questions. He just kills it and works in his favor.


That was good back and forth between Biden and Steyer. We learned some things, and Steyer came across okay.


It wasn't such a bad debate.

If peeps think the angle on guns will work on Sandahs you are sorely mistaken. He did just fine with that 'mom-and-pop gunstores' line in 2016; it was a line that would work nationally (taking away a bullshit hot-button issue from Reps) and therefore, would increase his electability, hence chances during the primary.


Wars have gotten weirder and weirder.. Almost none is being fought for the reasons claimed.

Oh but we could not switch to renewables bcz of -blah-. Bunch of crock. Entrenched interest are behind it all.

"Puerto Rico Officials Undermine Rooftop Solar Movement in Favor of Natural Gas" --

Ideally I'd support all kinds of shit. But Israel made TSS all but impossible by turning the West Bank into swiss cheese by allowing settlers. They won the war took that land fine. But then they were indecisive abt what to do with it, Israeli citizens started slowly to settle there, drip drip drip and we are here. Does this indecisiveness have something to do with Israelis psychologically seeing self (incorrectly) not being ready for governing others? Jews lived under majorities for a long time in other geographies right? Maybe that feeling of outsiderness plays a role. Have to let that all go son. U win it, u own it.

"But you said nations are defined culturally, if a culture is different enough it should be its own country. Why not support two-state solution in Palestine then?"

I'll drink to that


Elected a real-estate developer as President, Americans stil can't get enough housing.

Burn 🔥

Corporatocracy 👊

Got lota camping food I could go for weeks wout grocs. Have a fine knife and other good stuff... Hell I have portable solar panels. If elec shuts off can at least charge a phone.

Screenplay: the entire Earth population dies from virus, only ones left are in ISS. Movie is about them trying to land on their own then exploring Earth, starting new life. Maybe a few zombies too.

"As Idlib collapses, the best path forward also seems the most unlikely: Washington should pressure Turkey to negotiate the opposition’s surrender, rather than backing Ankara’s decision to give open-ended but inadequate support to these armed groups"


Galloway: The DNC material was leaked to Wikileaks from inside DNC not hacked [says knows this from solid source but cannot disclose]

Speedometer - Same Old Thing #music


Great Kobe story


I love being goaded through a material by a great lecturer. Tibshirani, 5 stars. Whose got two thumbs and following good material? This guy!! 👍 😊 👍

Hierarchy of needs? Here is a good one


The Egg - Catch #music


Open borders my ass. We need even less travel than we have today.

Some weird shit


"You've probably heard about the sudden outbreak of the virus in South Korea. Well, did you also know that this is, in large part, to thank to an actual death cult? It's called #Shincheonji"


Maybe better wording is "right after a delay" and "more right on some instruments than others". But at any given time sure, it may not be.

No thanks


It is better described as grandparent envy actually

"Bernie Sanders' politics sounds like rich envy"


In another blow to US energy producers, natural gas has become a waste product in West Texas. There have been brief periods of negative prices before but now forward prices for the whole summer are -5¢"



We have a 3rd down day in a row and:

'Rate Cuts Now'"

For coronav stats I dont look at deceased / confirmed, I look at deceased / deceased + recovered ratio - that's your death rate. I've seen ratios btw 10% and 20% using this mthd.

Fin types are melting down with the spending pledges I'm loving it


Pic had Bern with a black family.

They gonna take my money and give it to black people !!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


Caring for children in America is so outrageously expensive that having children is a leading cause of poverty in the United States.

That ends when we are in the White House"



Electability update

Mike Bloomberg: Many smiling photos with Harvey Weinstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Henry Kissinger, Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump

Bernie Sanders: No known photos with any of the above individuals"


Mark Levin, Charlie Kirk, and the rest of the Low IQ mainstream GOP infotainment apparatus have no idea how to run against Bernie. They knew how to run against Hillary and would've done reasonably well against Biden. Follow the same script against Bernie and you will lose"

Current grid cannot carry the load required for widespread EV charging. Some say "let's upgrade the grid". Why? So shoddy EV tech can work average-reliably, only half the time compared to ICE? Does any of this make sense?


More than $200 million is frozen in the California broadband fund because amendments pushed by incumbent ISPs prevent it from being spent on fiber"




Money was printed for non-productive purposes, all that money, mostly held by the rich, is slushing in the system. What to do about it? A stock market crash fixes it actually. Excess money buys stock, stock costs 100, after crash it is 10, never reaches 100 again. That money is gone, woosh. Problem solved.


#EV performance can drop by 50% in cold weather.


Countries ranked according to H2 use


The FED wanted to party with zombies, the punch was never taken away, end result is a bubble everywhere and yield nowhere -> underfunded pensions.

"[Parap] There is funding shortfall in pension plans. They projected for 6-7% returns, bond yields are at <3% [hell even junk bonds are around 5%]" #raoulgmi


"[Parap] AAPL, MSFT, AMZN, GOOG combined are worth more than the German stock market" #raoulgmi



Now we can tell you that @BernieSanders campaign talked to Latino culinary union voters at least 22 times before caucus day, Starting 6 months ago! We organized, listened and invested and it paid off!"

I've become an avid collector of macro indicators. Whenever I see a new one Im like ooooOOOoo - how do I get that one ..? 😍😍

When the frickin PLAGUE starts it's time to take the hint. Do not do whatever it is making hard to do.

The kerkuffle with Scott Ritter was gold.


None of that would be necessary if the press didnt try so hard to play 'gotcha'. But then again, they do that, bcz it worked on people in the past (their viewers)... Sad.

Another aspect of Bernie's use of the word socialism is to front-run its "slur" status. Thanks to the lovely centrists people the pol sphere shifted so far right that even a person with European leftist views would invariably be called a socialist, of the extreme kind; so by owning up to the word beforehand u aim to neutralize its effect. Solid move in polemic; someone calls you a name, u either deny the name, or do the unexpected, own up to it.

So first, socialism creates a contrast, second neutralizes a "slur". If pressed on specifics, 'aw but it's socialism for this and that', u give the run-around, 'certain services are already socialized', how it is democratic socialism not that crazy kind, etc Bernie had the MLK quote in one debate which was great.

The bonus is they keep fighting you, the attention is always on the "socialist", being attacked, now the peeps thinking "maybe there's something to this guy". They can't win.

"It seems that the markets have understood. From the beginning of this year the shares of companies in hydrogen technologies – especially electrolysers and fuel cells – have gone up dramatically. This is a good sign but definitely not enough. The price cuts of this disruptive technology will follow only if we embark on a joint acceleration of an industrial manufacturing. Here we need policy makers to pave the way with a clear commitment that the right legal framework will be set up. Still the use of electricity for the production of hydrogen is burdened by policy driven factors.

To be honest, the recent recast of the 'Renewable Energy Directive' is not helping the case as it is built on the logic of an 'all-electric scenario' which would delay the decarbonization"



'Norwegian Oil and Energy Minister Tina Bru says that ammonia will be set on equal footing as an energy source in the country's new strategy to develop #hydrogen. This could be interesting to shipping, which is looking for new energy types.'"


People don't seem to appreciate what modernity does to its citizens. You get thrown around, from one concentrated institution to another, in a constant game of musical chairs. You are constantly interacting, moving, and need to adapt to the common language to survive. From Gellner,

Men located within [modernity] cannot generally rest in the same niches all their lives; and they can only seldom rest in them, so to speak, over generations [..] ... [Modern society ..] has to be mobile whether it wishes to be so or not [.. Also] a society which is destined to a permanent game of musical chairs cannot erect deep barriers of rank, of caste or estate, between the various sets of chairs which it possesses. That would hamper the mobility

Most still see majority - minority relations in terms of agrarian empires who would let religious, ethnic groups in their ghettos, with different dress..

All that is gone. Modernity is a freight train. We are all on it.

The trick Jewish people did best was, like the French lady's example shared previously, the parents, and parent's parents managed to keep the "homeland" idea alive. Then, sold on this idea, some went "back" when time was appropriate. But, in a way, they were fooled.

Now together in the new country, as any group can reach some kind of merger, the new arrivals are creating a new culture (people born into it would become automatically part of that culture). Not necessarily ancient Jewish per se, but a combo of all nationalities who arrived there, Russians, Polaks, Germans, etc. enmeshed with the realities of the region. In a way they are much like United States. No wonder Israelis like US so much.

You were, actually. With the exception of maybe those Hassidic guys, or ones who truly isolated themselves, the rest were assimilated.. So what "came back" to the "homeland" were not Jews but Germans, Americans, etc. How the f--k would u beat Arabs otherwise? German, European know-how, organization ability, culture beat them, not your funky hats. And now there are Jews from Moscow, St. Petersburg and guess what? They are Russians.

"Netanyahu: [Parap] Jews came back to their homeland and we are proud to maintain our culture. We were never assimilated"