
Github Mirror

Week 7

I feel sorry for serious people who come here having to read politics next to a comment about an ass crack 🤷‍♂️

Bernie isnt a pacifist. BTW, neither was FDR. He fought the WW2 bitch! He even let Pearl Harbor happen so US could get into the war!


When I was 16 I was running home after getting off the subway cause I was late for curfew. A group of cops stopped me, threw me against the wall so hard that it bruised my face. Made fun of me for being poor when they saw my shitty wallet. Not first or last time #MyBloombergStory"

I am tired of hearing abt mainland Chink

Decouple already

Meme means 'tits' in tigger


White House considering tax incentive for more Americans to buy stocks, sources say"


A surprisingly significant part of my job as an lecturer in a law school is undoing the damage done by airheaded blockchain marketers & shockingly naive practitioners/academics to law students.

Blockchain is not a useful general purpose technology"


A black man reported racial discrimination to his boss. Then his boss asked the police to arrest him"


#afganistan #chrisRock


Some say "Boutee-Cheech"...? I am confused - howd u pronounce this f-ing guy's name?

No. Rituals don't create culture. Culture has to do with codes, embedded in emotional brain which are transmitted through osmosis, and they effect decisions. Putting a funky hat on, playing with some beads, mumbling some nonsense is not culture.

"Does religion matter for subcultures?

Exactly - where you are born matters. She is French. People who tell her otherwise need to shut the fonk up, and she should remind them of that.

Parents - stop telling children abt their "home country". They ain't you, they'll never be you. You made that decision for them when you moved your punk ass to where you are now from your (very likely) shithole country. They won't belong to your original homeland just for the virtue of being your children.


No. Are u kidding me? You don't want these people running around scared, half-cocked, doing more dumbass shite. I am more supportive of the alliance than ever.

"If US 'allies' did 9/11 should US end its alliance with them"

Geeky. I dig it. 🤓👨‍💻👨‍💻👍

When Libya production went down, who made up the shortfall? Who benefited? Corr analysis to the rescue. Oil production as time series for multiple countries, get corr matrix (it gives corr of everything against everything else, incredibly useful), find who has the highest neg value against Libya.

from pandas_datareader import data
import quandl, datetime
today =
start=datetime.datetime(1992, 1, 1)
end=datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,
df = data.DataReader(cols, 'fred', start, end)
df = df.dropna()
df.columns = ['us','uae','sa','iran','qatar','kuw','iraq','libya']

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10)
pd.set_option('precision', 2)
         us   uae    sa  iran  qatar   kuw  iraq  libya
us     1.00  0.79  0.65 -0.60  -0.85  0.47  0.89  -0.73
uae    0.79  1.00  0.94 -0.41  -0.53  0.88  0.85  -0.66
sa     0.65  0.94  1.00 -0.28  -0.44  0.93  0.74  -0.62
iran  -0.60 -0.41 -0.28  1.00   0.50 -0.35 -0.45   0.57
qatar -0.85 -0.53 -0.44  0.50   1.00 -0.20 -0.75   0.71
kuw    0.47  0.88  0.93 -0.35  -0.20  1.00  0.60  -0.53
iraq   0.89  0.85  0.74 -0.45  -0.75  0.60  1.00  -0.77
libya -0.73 -0.66 -0.62  0.57   0.71 -0.53 -0.77   1.00

US and Iraq (now tied to US I guess) benefited. So wanna help Iraq, wanna help yourself? Knock out Libya, you sell more of your product.

Below is oil production data for the world and Libya. Since 2011 Libyan civil war their production was hammered, but world production went upwards, unscatched. Clearly someone picked up the slack and that someone benefited.

When it comes to oil chicanery, "taking the oil" may not be the only game in town. "Denying the oil to someone else", "crippling oil production somewhere so somewhere else can produce more" are probably all in the playbook.

from pandas_datareader import data
import quandl, datetime
today =
start=datetime.datetime(1992, 1, 1)
end=datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,
df1 = quandl.get("BP/OIL_PROD_WRLD-Oil-Production-Total-World", 

df1 = df1[df1.index > '2000-01-01']
df1.columns = ['World Oil Production']
df2 = data.DataReader(['LBYNGDPMOMBD'], 'fred', start, end)
df2.columns = ['Libya Oil Production']
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,sharex=True)

I see.. good behind-the-scenes ppl shuffling skillz, knock out that piece, freeze that guy, etc. Good capability on ad targeting, and of course, unlimited war chest.

Still no guarantee though all that will work against Trump. DJT showed an ability to bypass usual channels and reach people. The contrast angle doesn't work either. Two uber-rich people, both from Manhattan.


Earlier this year, Democrats lost a state House special election by 79 votes. The campaign was without a manager for the final 3 weeks.

Why? Bloomberg had hired him and sent him to Wisconsin. This is an epidemic"

Yes, US was born between two waves.

"James Watt patented his steam engine on the eve of the American Revolution, consummating a relationship between coal and the new Promethean spirit of the age, and humanity made its first tentative steps into an industrial way of life that would, over the next two centuries, forever change the world"

#rifkin #h2book

Peak capitalism

👍 👍 👍


Germany wants to import massive amounts of green hydrogen from Africa!"

Partially watched debate among 4 prospective Labour leaders three ladies and a bloke. Bloke is an idiot, can't close. The hausfrau wont do. The other lady has no presence, has that OMG face, like they are discussing the most regular topic camera shows her face it says OMG. OMG! 🙀 She has no chance in the general. So my pick: Rebecca Long-Bailey. She comes across more of a closer - talked about need of of clear message, is already in Corb shadow cab?


Mike Bloomberg wanted to fingerprint more than 600,000 nyc public housing residents to, according to him, prove they actually lived there"

I think you ruined it on your own just fine last time, buster

"Lloyd Blankfein Says Bernie Sanders Would ‘Ruin Our Economy"

Taibbi: "For Sanders supporters, the calculation has always been simpler. Are you bought off, or not? Just by keeping to the right side of that one principle, Sanders will [.. fingers crosssed] keep grinding toward victory"


This is the famous H2 boat.

Fantastic 🏋️‍♀️⛹️‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏂🏇🤺


🙏We've been selected to carry the Olympic flame"

A side effect to the such is public sphere overcrowding with drama queens. Lowest hanging fruit, one-step solutions are tried already. The remaining ones are moronic and intractable, so it takes a lot of energy and drama to mobilize towards them. Then there is drama afterwards when things invariably fail because the direction was dumb in the first place.

All that could be avoided with a little foresight. Not much, just a little.

Most of the stuff I advocate is nothing special - but I try to take two steps instead of one.

Taking one step from the established understanding of QM takes you to all the chaos we see on TV, ppl running around confused, going back, forward in time, space. If we take one step in Einstein's direction, then take another towards QM as approximation, the rest makes more sense.

Or popular view on energy says 'I have batteries on laptop duuude, wanna put it in my car'. Better is generate clean fuel (step 1), then next step put it in the car (step 2). Two very simple steps, that require some upfront investment sure, but doable.

We are stuck, on a lot of fronts. I don't think a single one step, as "courageous" it might seem, will provide any more Earth shattering solutions. No more superhero-ish, cult leaders. Just boring, able people trying to lay groundwork for two steps ahead.


this has genuinely fucked me up i keep laughing"

Boy did subgradients, subdifferentials took over the field of optimization. Last time I was studying opt there was no such thing

I am learning Bernie's accent now.




I want one


Why a rotary cellphone? Because in a finicky, annoying, touchscreen world of hyperconnected people using phones they have no control over or understanding of, I wanted something that would be entirely mine, personal, and absolutely tactile, while also giving me an excuse for not texting"


BEVs have a demand problem - and they'll always have a demand problem. The tech is moronic.

From US Energy department

"A tax credit of up to $8,000 is available for the purchase of qualified light-duty fuel cell vehicles, depending on the vehicle's fuel economy"

There doesnt seem to be any limits on how many cars are supported.

The proposed bill Drive America Forward act is looking to extend the HFC credit for another 10 years. The BEV part is seperate..?

"Throw'em up against the wall"



It's true.. there's been immense productivity increases.. but most of it went to Walmart, along with the spoils. Overconcentration screwed people in more ways than one.


Keynes was right that the enormous wealth created by the productivity improvements he correctly predicted would free people from work. He just couldn't imagine how FEW people would be freed, while keeping the 99.9% under pressure to continue work - unnecessarily as his figs show"

Not a good idea to be a libertard goldcuck. They will have a lot of deflation.


Hey, all you crazy conspiracy theorists who claimed Apple was slowing down old phones...

Apple fined $27Million.

For slowing down old phones.

A whole $27Million.

Apple is worth 1.3 Trillion...

'Apple Fined €25 Million in France Over Slowed iPhones'"

Did not know LeBron could act. He was hilarious in fact. Haider did good too, in Trainwreck.

This tech is moronic.. Straight up. Almost nothing else compares. Hula Chair, Fake Ponytails, or Clippy may come close, but still not this dumb.


#israel #palestine #oneStateSolution


Credit card debt nearly doubled since the 08 crisis. Now it is over 4 trillion. Did ppl's income double? No.

That is 13K $ debt per person - man, woman, and child, where most ppl cannot come up with $500 for an emergency. The interest rate on this debt is not favorable - per @RaoulGMI. So it cannot be paid. Someone will burn. In a post 08 world, I dont think it will be ordinary people this time.

"Life is a tragedy for the poor and a comedy for the rich.” -- Aleichem

Some tough guy - Link

"The budget Trump unveiled today proposed slashing Medicaid—health coverage primarily for low-income and disabled Americans. [In a 2015 tweet] Trump pledges that there will be no cuts to Medicaid"


Corporate comedians.

Can someone put together an ad budget and push informative H2 ads to all politicians in the world?

Bitcoin, waste of energy, too much computation

Deep Shit, too much computation

Post 1973 physics / QM, "shut up and compute" era - too much computation

Lack of theory, use of creative brain, slick modeling seems to be the common theme here

“We speak of machines that think, learn, and infer. The name of the discipline itself—artificial intelligence—practically dares us to compare our human modes of reasoning with the behavior of algorithms. Such rhetoric is at best misleading and at worst downright dangerous.”



I don't hear bankers complain about 'big government' when taxpayers hand them a trillion-dollar bailout.

I don't see drug companies grumble when 'big government' gives them patent monopolies to charge sky-high prices.

I don't know who's more corrupt: Wall Street or Big Pharma"


Corporations have dumped toxic 'forever chemicals' into our environment. It's now in 43 cities' water supplies.

My bill forces these companies to pay for the cleanup.

Maybe I'm 'radical,' but I think the water in our taps must be free of toxic chemicals"

Mmm good shit. It's basically bunch of pistacio, almonds and dried fruits held together by honey and fat. Doesn't feel too processed. I think I've found da bar.

Honey is great - they say it has healing effects.


Sean Carroll.. what a jerkoff. This guy is everywhere trying to sell his shit, I guess attempting to do through popular media what he can't do in theoretical science. His particular slant is perfect for movies, would come across pleasing to drugged-up guru seeking sponge brains.

Instead of looking for f-ing universes in multiples, wouldn't it be better to build upon "space-as-an-illusion" idea - a route already hinted at by Einstein who showed space-time can bend? Take the next step, show space is not primary but emergent, and show QM falls out of this as an approximation.

But no, let's make a struggling actor's job harder.. Now not only do they have to play the hero, but also the evil twin, in the same episode from a different universe. This is exploitation. They are now working double time, the goatee itches, and there is always that annoying draft up the crack of your ass thanks to the leather pant with the butt cut-out; an indispensible part of the evil twin visual.

Right - if space is emergent, an illusion, that solves nonlocality of entanglement. There is no "spooky action at a distance" because there is no distance.

Smolin: "If locality is not absolute, if it is the contingent result of dynamics, it will have defects and exceptions. And indeed, this appears to be the case: how else are we to understand quantum nonlocality, particularly nonlocal entanglement? These, I would hypothesize, are remnants of the spaceless relations inherent in the primordial stage, before space emerges"

Smolin: "I drew a lesson from a survey of approaches to quantum foundations, which is that space and time cannot both be fundamental. Only one can be present at the deepest level of understanding; the other must be emergent and contingent. This seems ultimately to be forced on us by the nonlocality of entanglement, which leads to a tension between realist approaches to quantum mechanics and special relativity. The latter unifies space and time into spacetime, which the experimental tests of Bell’s restriction suggest is transcended in individual quantum processes. I would then like to suggest that the tension is resolved by making one of the pair space/time fundamental, while the other is an emergent and approximate description, ultimately a kind of illusion. For many reasons, some described here, some the subject of earlier books,1 I choose to focus on the hypothesis that time is fundamental, while space is emergent."

Interesting... I'd say let the fossil mofos live a little, but all that flaring biz in Texas was truly infuriating. If methane leaks, flaring, and other side effects can be regulated, then blue.

One good thing with blue would be enticing Russians to switch over to it, but they also have sunlight don't they? And an obscene amount of landmass.

If not, hammer time. Green Blitzkrieg.

"A split has emerged within the German cabinet as to whether its forthcoming national hydrogen strategy should exclusively support green hydrogen produced from renewable energy or include so-called 'blue hydrogen' produced from fossil fuels with the carbon captured and stored."



Everfuel joins forces with Toyota, Hyundai, @Statkraft and @VatgasSverige in EU-supported initiative to explore #hydrogen road transport in Sweden"



@PowercellA has delivered a MS-30 fuel cell system to the Italian ship building company Fincantieri. Fincantieri S.p.A is .. Europe’s largest and the world’s fourth largest ship builder"

I liked Passangers (there was another "outrage" around it, which I ignored). JL was lovely, Pratt did great.

Great. Now let's add the automagic-money-creation-per-user, digital-basic-income feature so money base expands, everyone has money for basics, we can then have the digital currency of the future.

Nano on Wikipedia: "Nano is a decentralized, open-source, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency released under the FreeBSD License. It facilitates feeless and fast-settling transactions without intermediaries by utilizing a distributed ledger. Nano’s goal is to address the scalability limitations of Bitcoin, which can result in restrictive fees and increased transaction confirmation times when under load. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Nano does not rely on mining or transaction fees, and transactions typically confirm in 0.25-10 seconds.

The Nano protocol functions by employing a block-lattice data structure, a unique implementation of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), in addition to a voting-based consensus algorithm called Open Representative Voting. Accounts on the Nano network each have their own blockchain, which enables transactions to be quickly processed asynchronously. The transactions are then voted on by user-selected representative nodes before being immutably confirmed"

"China rejects Foxconn's request to resume production in key Shenzhen plant"

Wikipedia's "Download as PDF" feature is awesome. Better than going through browser's print as pdf option - internally WP aligns everything, PDF looks better 👍🍺



Bloomberg will have trouble with the black vote




"#FuelCell @BallardPwr aims 70-80% Price Drop as Production Volume Scales. Automation & design optimisation as strategic leverage"


Looking at just this poll, seems like there is overlap btw Booty and Biden voters. Booty took a big bite out of that Biden cake. Now the JB attack video makes sense. He lost voters to Mayo.


#NH YouGov/CBS Poll (Change from Jan 3)

Sanders 29% (+2)

Buttigieg 25% (+12)

Warren 17% (-1)

Biden 12% (-13)"

CCP performs population control?

Scenario: China's place as the world's cheap labor is coming to an end. How can CH feed >1 billion people with less to export? No food -> revolt.

Solution: Less people less problems. Enter WuFlu.

Did NAFTA cause Mex immigration increase to US? Analysis below says no. Looked at immig annual increase averages - before and after NAFTA. I don't see an increase.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(1910,2010))
df['immig'] = pd.read_csv('mex.csv',index_col=0).immig
df = df.interpolate()
chg = df.pct_change()
print (np.round(np.float(chg[df.index <= 1993].mean()),2))
print (np.round(np.float(chg[df.index >  1993].mean()),2))


The late leftist Congressman Patman on corrupt financiers: “They only believe in law and order if they write the law and give the order”

Effective ad.


"Wall Street Pete". Ouch

Hey this is very good. An Iranian uni was part of it too. Ditch that f-ing oil, scale and switch to this thing.

"The potential of the algae-bacteria combination has been proven and opens the doors to its being used in industry since the sugar added for bacteria fermentation in the lab can be transferred to waste in the real world. In other words, the relationship between algae and bacteria could use industrial waste and dirty water to produce hydrogen"
