
Github Mirror

Week 3

Told ya. With EU relationship weakening, u r p'owned by US now. Next up is a full, hearty, nice stew of chlorinated chicken, and four-eyed fish right out of Hudson River.

"Trump threatened UK with 25% car tariffs unless it agreed to accuse Iran of breaking nuclear deal"

According to reports the China Phase 1 deal is a good start - for China to normalize. It sounds like progress were made on forced tech transfer, China opening up its finance.

"Honda, Isuzu power up fuel cell partnership for heavy-duty trucks" -- Reuters

New grand theory cannot have background dependence (omnipresent coordinate system) at any level, including the quantum. If 1 says "but at that scale it doesnt matter" by definition 1 is accepting that background-dependent QM is a mere approximation. Approx is fine obviously for computation - but at a foundational level it is not.

Burrito is sorta ethnic, is this MAGA diversity? 😶😶

Wasn't the original wording with sandwich?


Crazy MAGA guy: "Go %%% cook my burrito bitch!".

Weird oddballs


Before QE1 v. After QE4


"By choosing prices to aggregate output, economists make ‘productivity’ equivalent to average hourly income... using prices to aggregate ‘output’ leads to bizarre problems... This means that any connection between ‘productivity’ and wages is circular"



Remember when Stop and Frisk was struck down and all these reactionary voices in NYC rose in unison to say it would spell a new era of horrible crime? They were 100% wrong. It's the exact same play now with bail reform"

Smog from coal, wood.. Barbaric. We look at scifi, people are whizzing about in space, traveling in time, hell, going to multiple universes (all based on shoddy, unfounded science BTW). In the meantime there is smog blanketing major cities.



As announced in my #cidr2020 talk and inspired by the #NoSQL-movement, the time is ripe to start the #NotANeuralNetwork ... movement"

"Russian-backed offensive over Idlib presses ahead"


Hydrogène de France Announces the World's First Plant for Mass Production of High-Powered Fuel Cells (Over 1 MW)"


OK.. they come here, following this shamanism.. But there are farmers, peasants in Anatolia. What happens when these cultures mix? It gets weird at this point. Say people are wondering around and see a goat. They immediately worship the goat. Then they are fuckin' it. Now the goat's confused. Sometimes he is up, sometimes he is down... It's a roller coaster. He just wants to be a goat, go about his day, walk around, eating his grass.. But these humans are doing strange things to him. He didn't sign up for that.

Some buffoons in TR are like "tigger came from Central Asia" (complete bull). Who were these people? They say they were following a sort of of naturalistic religion, some kind of shamanism.. So they prayed to cats and dogs and shit. Like, a cat comes over and says "meow", you have to bow down immediately and say "your wish is my command my Lord". That's how the system works.

A strange way of living.

Cobots. I like this name (for augmentation tech).


Frans Timmermans, European Commission executive vice-president, compared the impending disruption of the EU’s push for carbon neutrality by 2050 to the Industrial Revolution"

The thing is Bernie is truly alarmed by climate change. No angle there. But like with many things Bernie it can work for him on votes.

I still maintain that there is a deeper plan here, it's all about the kid. Their (both US and UK citizen) royalty kid will run in US elections first, and become POTUS. Then he will kill off all other members of royal family become king. Then he will abolish UK parliament - controlling two countries at the same time.

The movie telling the tale will be a mix of Game of Thrones and Olympus Has Fallen.

Megxit? Great. Good luck


"Lab-grown food will soon destroy farming – and save the planet"

"Ferming is the new farming"



A wave of new members joined the council today, including financial institutions...It's all about sharing the same ambition: the one of a clean society with #hydrogen. And it's definitely promising! 👏"


I challenge anyone to have vetted #Bernie more than I did in 2016.

I know the oppo inside and out.

The GOP will have nothing to take him down with"

Ah of course - that's why he didnt tie the red headband this time. This is a more mature Rambo. Previously he was kinda gung-ho about war.


In other movies Rambo was fighting sure, but he was still up in other people's business, like in Afganistan etc. For the first time he was "defending his home -the only legitimate case for war really-", like the Vietnamese, with tunnels. Like I said, full circle. A grown-up Rambo in some ways.


No tying of the red headband this time?

How is this a Rambo movie? I need to see the headband tying scene. There was the ammo preperation scene, great. No headband scene.


How come the bad guys keep charging? YOu had to see Rambo is loaded for bear and waiting for you. After the second tree trunk with nails, u shoulda said 'f--k this, im getting the f--k outa here'

(But of course they kept going, and they are all dead)


So basically in the last Rambo movie, Rambo becomes Vietnamese, fighting through all those tunnels... I guess the character came full circle - from PTSD after Vietnam to Vietnamese himself.


Saudi Aramco.



CNH Ind/IVECO, Michelin, Saudi Aramco, Schaeffler Group, Siemens; Chart Industries, Chevron, ElringKlinger, Fortescue Metals Grp, Galp, ILJIN Composites, MANN+HUMMEL, McDermott, Sinocat, Snam, Woodside Energy; Antin Infrastructure, BNP Paribas, Société Générale +2

@HydrogenCouncil 22 new member companies are joining us "

Eugen Illin - Madison Square 1 #music


A big fan of approximation, smoothing. Second func is approx version of 1st. But the 2nd func is twice differentiable.

eps = 1e-6

def norml1(x):
   return np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(x)))

def norm1la(x):
return np.sum(np.sqrt(eps + np.power(np.diff(x),2)) - eps)

data = np.random.randn(1000)
print (norml1(data))
print (norml1a(data))

Steyer keeps looking directly into the camera, like in a local TV insurance commercial. "Have I got a deal for you!"


Australian fires since 1910, color coded


To put this in context:

Oceans are warming at same rate as if 5 Hiroshima bombs were dropped in EVERY SECOND


Because we are burning enormous amounts of coal, oil & gas

Because Big Oil obfuscated the truth for 40 years and still spend $200m/ year on 'lobbying'"


Many folks assume you have to have it all figured out in order to share your expertise... But the more expert you become, the more you forget what it was to be in the dark.

There's always value in sharing what you just learned with those one step behind you"


All people have the right to protest without fear of violence. I call upon the Iranian government to respect that right. The Iranian people's future is theirs to determine, and I stand with all who seek a future of peace, dignity, and equality.

Kaleeefornia. Sacramento is not all comatose


California is looking to use #hydrogen-powered buses and trucks to cut pollution from transport, the giant state’s largest source of carbon emissions"


@Daimler R&D director Markus Schäfer said at #CES2020, they could commercialize a hydrogen-powered bus in the next 2 to 3 years"

From Didier Sornette's bubble observatory... Below is the so-called contrarian seller quadrant showing "[s]tocks with a weak value score are expensive relative to their earnings potential.. [t]he strong positive bubble signal is an indication of sentiment and herding increasing the price until it is not linked to fundamentals anymore"

Who is in it? Nike. Sirius XM. Visa.


Now they effectively jumped the shark


Federal Reserve officials are considering lending cash directly to hedge funds through clearinghouses to ease stress in the repo market. But that could be a tough sell for policy makers"

"Hydrogen On The Rise At CES, From Drones And Daimler Trucks To Toyota’s City Of The Future"


Exec ability is most easily proven through service in goverment (contrary to pop belief, it still matters). Boris J was not too suave but he is enough of oaf, with some presence, and was the mayor of a large city once. If that managerial skill is seen on media, that is okay too; people saw Trump acting as an executive on a show, that was good. Hell, the current Ukrainian President merely played a President on TV, even that was proof enough of managerial ability.

The rest is media / mind manipulation - at a cultural level - second level in the brain, stronger than intellect

To clarify: They don't want have a beer with someone like them. They want -what is the cool kid streotype in US, the quarterback of the football team?- the quarterback to want to have a beer with them. That is, they want the cool guy to appear now s/he is caring for them - not some random jagoff.

Again, gotta be part oaf, cool, not crass, with provably present executive ability....

"People who voted for [X] said that 'I could imagine haing having a beer with him'"

Israeli left-wing merges before the next election


Better to take the basic income discussion out of gov realm. It is such a huge change that it belongs to a world-shaking, 3rd Wave transformation along with citizen centric digital currency. Both these ideas (should) go together. The agenda, the plate of the left is already full. US lost so much ground on anti-trust, worker's rights, social safety net as it is, that adding BI on top clogs the agenda.

"In [a certain] class of problems, a noisy indirect observation y, of an original image x, is modeled as y = Bx + n .. It is well known that the problem of estimating x from y is ill-posed, thus this inverse problem can only be solved satisfactorily by adopting some sort of regularization"


"In the third year of the Trump presidency, which has not been particularly supportive of renewables, U.S. clean energy investment set a new record by a country mile"


I still cannot believe Boeing faceplanted so badly. They were a go-to example for a kickass engineering company.

"Despite new EU emissions standards, carmakers admit they are having a hard time selling electric cars in Europe"


Yes. See the same video.

"Are deep nets (that is, their objective functions for data fitting) non-convex?"

DL increases the parameter space to millions, billions - these params create many optimal points that are equivalent, giving more chances to the optimizer to reach them. See Le Cun

"How can deep net models manage to find a model at all?"

Most popular approaches in derivative-free opt break the optimization into many steps, in each step they solve a convex problem. So u still need to know about convex approaches.

"But Convex problems are so weak.. I hear all action is in non-Convex problems.."

"Eadon, a 36-year-old veteran of Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns [who endorsed Bernie]. 'Something that Bernie has that other candidates don’t is he has that background and that consistency,' Eadon said. 'He is not just saying ‘Medicare for All’ or ‘no corporate money’ while he’s running for president. He’s been there all along'"


Hah. Policy is a skill, can be taught, improved etc. Not something random guy off the street can do. Shocking.

"The Australian Science Policy Fellowship Pilot Program gives scientists the opportunity to work in a Commonwealth Government department for one year. It seeks to grow the diversity of expertise in the Australian Public Service workforce by providing a pathway for early- and mid-career scientists and engineers to become skilled policy practitioners"



Congratulations to @BernieSanders and his campaign bc, if I am not mistaken, the person who has led this poll [The De Moines Register] has gone on to be nominee in last six cycles. Leading this poll is momentous"


“In affirming my belief in Christ's teaching, I could not help explaining why I do not believe, and consider as mistaken, the Church's doctrine, which is usually called Christianity.”

― Tolstoy


Much to dissect when it comes to protests in Iran & Iraq but it’s now clear the fallout over Soleimani’s death will not silence or stifle critics of the regime. There won’t be a rally-around-the-flag effect. Protesters have proven to be more resilient than initially anticipated"