
Github Mirror

Week 52

Saint Nicholas aka Santa Claus was from Anatolia. So he a tigger.

Ho Ho Ho motherf..kas!!


What a waste ...

"Electric Vehicles – All That’s Left to do is Everything"


I remember the Kal-ee-fornia recall election run and the Ahnuld campaign. He probably started out with consultants, slicing and dicing "issues" (do this, u get 3.4%, do that u get %6, ..., add it up, we win). I got this inkling bcz at some pt he said something abt the "Armenian issue", and TR corporate media started shitting their pants, this is when I heard. It's a good to issue to defend, but seriously, WTF would Ahnuld know abt the Armenian issue. I bet some consult weasel fakk said, "do this u get %1.5".

But I think governator later on saw this appr wouldn't work him, he changed tack. He became ultra-pro green. Now that sells - a Republican, very green, you stand out. It's an issue you can lead on, so you look like a stand-up person.

Issues are not important on their own per se, especially when u r the challenger. They need to contribute to your character which is.

And character needs to be part oaf + not crass + leader + relatable + part cool. See urself as these, so ppl will see it that way too.

Be it. Know it.

Authenticity, good. It will sell (not that Bernie does it 4 that reason).


I admire the fact that @SenSanders speaks up for the Palestinians. I suspect that this costs him votes every time he does it, and yet he brings it up regularly. It's like his concern for the crisis in Yemen -- no votes in it, but a sign of values and authenticity"


Lebanon's bankers and the web of elite politicians who were responsible for the economy make Madoff look like a mouse. His Ponzi scheme grew to $65 billion. Riad Salameh, Lebanon's Central Banker duped an entire nation for almost 3 times that & received a closet full of honors"

Relational, comparative thinking = key. Some were going douche about a moon landing hoax, I used this picture below to debunk it.

That's how ppl flew during 50s. In luxury, essentially in a metal can hurling through air >500 miles/hr. If you can do that during 50s, u can bet your ass u can do the moon landing during 60s.

Hey if it works for NASA it'll work for airplanes.

What a mess at Boeing. Next thing u know they'll announce a battery electric airplane. Nosedive!

Sounds terrible.. i guess there is a reason why Saudi Arabia isnt covered with forests, but barren deserts, and all places could turn into Saudi Arabia bcz of global warming.

Seems to work. Good shit.


Positive result means non-convex. Bu neg does not rule out non-convexity all together, watch out.

The reference from Boyd's lecture as a hint for this method.

from scipy.optimize import rosen
import convtest
convtest.check_convex(rosen, gen=(5,),
not convex (diff=0.619807)


Proving that a function is convex is not always easy. Here's a small script that I often use to get numerical evidence that a function is convex before trying to prove it"


How Cuomo blew NY’s high-tech success


Conspiracy Keanu

There is a top-level domain name .wtf. U cld have There is

Signed by HW. Interesting.

"[Since] 1992 Energy Policy Act, hydrogen is considered an alternate fuel and is thus eligible for tax credits"

This cost function will have a numerical differentiation along with numerical integration which will again will be numerically differentiated from outside to be optimized over.

Yes. Follow the GA model - Related ~200 ppl per plant, and everyone, from designers to HR to managers are near those plants.


Unless Boeing returns to its roots as an Engineering Company, its doomed. The new CEO is an accountant.

The first step should be to move management back to WA"


Laying the foundation. Engineers @JHUAPL prepare part of our spacecraft’s propulsion module for shipment to @NASAJPL, where construction will continue. Things are getting real for our mission to Jupiter's mysterious moon:"

"France: Symbio to Establish Europe's Largest Hydrogen Fuel Cell Plant in Lyon"



Your smartphone broadcasts your exact location thousands of times per day to dozens of different companies. Each has the power to follow individuals wherever they go, in near-real time"


Never shoot down single var Calculus. Line search, root finding, the whole spiel around the descent property depends on it.


Section 2 of the Sherman Act of 1890. Hard core.

Sounds like vaporware is illegal.

A possible Nano fork which creates money in everyone's account monthly/annually will get us the best of both worlds. It won't be deflationary (like gold, Bitcoin), it will inflate away some wealth if some are sitting on money for too long and it will spur spending, create economic activity for the same reason. Also it gives money to everyone, supplying a basic income electronically as a human right.

How did I come up with the interval analysis for the "dollar strong" argument? We hear finance types say such things, dollar is strong, then weak, etc. I dont believe a single word these f--ers say. Strong? What does that mean? Relative to what?

Probably some historical average. Weak and strong would then be a band, based on an interval of historical prices. How to construct such an interval? Compute mean and standard deviation, mean - stdev, mean + stdev gives a lower/higher band. About 68% of historical data points fall here. 2 stdev below and above would get you 95%. If curr price is closer to upper band, dollar is strong, close to lower, it is weak.

But dont believe me either - when someone says 68%, or 95%, how did they come up with that? How do we derive it?

If prices are assumed to be normally distributed then we think of the area around mean (data comes from, falls in that region), between stdev to the left, and right. If any normal dist can be reduced to standard normal dist N(0,1), the area is

from scipy.stats.distributions import norm
Out[1]: 68.0


Out[1]: 95.0

Now we know for sure

NOAA has some serious weather modeling going on. Gov and many others use their results.

Of course its physics based not Deep Shit. Sorry - "AI".

The thing is SWars probably did need some young blood in terms of directorial talent. So now maybe after all this fail the new-new blood will form around Favreu, and.. Feige? That'd be grand.

"California Governor Gavin Newsom rushed to defend wine caves, the underground cellars where vintners can age wine in cool, dry surroundings and host their fancy friends. Newsom happens to own a wine cave, and he noted that the one where the Buttigieg event was held is regularly used for Democratic Party fundraisers. Its owners, Craig and Kathryn Hall, are longtime party donors; Kathryn was an ambassador to Austria under President Bill Clinton. This battle might be about money in progressive politics, but it’s also part of a much larger war over American wealth, fought in part because of what the internet has illuminated about the nation’s inequality" -- The Atlantic


"[Contains spoilers] Nothing stays put in The Rise of Skywalker. J. J. Abrams, the director and one of the co-writers, picks up and ditches intriguing concepts so capriciously that viewers are left feeling as if they’ve watched someone sneeze on all the items at a fabulous buffet. This approach—which is “for want of a better word, completely manic,” my colleague David Sims wrote—is a big part of the negative critical reaction to the movie. But the wasteful use of settings, doodads, characters, and space horses does not just exhaust the audience. It also undermines the most essential prerogative of Star Wars: world-building.

Lucas’s original trilogy didn’t fret all that much about having a clever plot. The arc from A New Hope to Return of the Jedi was a relatively clean and straightforward one about good guys struggling to overthrow bad ones, with limited detours to explore the consequential backstory of the main hero and main villain. Upon this sturdy spine, Lucas and his team draped exquisite set pieces set in interesting locations. The characters lingered in snow bases and treetop villages. The journey was absolutely as important as the destination" -- The Atlantic



Something very big happened in the Netherlands recently and it will have a ripple effect in Courts around the world: The Netherlands’ Supreme Court upheld a ruling ordering the country’s government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the end of 2020

The Dutch Supreme Court affirmed that Government's care is directed at 'keeping the country habitable and protecting and improving the environment',

Even 'if the State itself is not the cause of all Dutch greenhouse gas emissions',

Even 'if Dutch emissions of greenhouse gases in absolute terms, compared to global emissions, are very low',

Even 'if the State cannot solve the emissions problem on its own',

... The State should, from its own territory, take measures to the best of its ability that, together with the efforts of other States, offer protection against the dangers of serious climate change.

So: The limited partial responsibility of the Dutch State in relation to the global climate problem does not relieve the State of the duty of care it bears: The government had explicit duties to protect its citizens’ human rights in the face of climate change"



The 5 warmest average January-November global temperatures have all occurred within the last 5 years..."


"Election result: 52% of votes go to pro-referendum parties"


If 2019 confirmed anything, it is that we should not trust the microphones and cameras that large corporations sell us to put inside and near our homes"


"Trump signs $738B defense bill including sanctions targeting Russia, Turkey"


I'd say 'left', but other than that bang on


Franklin Graham: 'There’s a liberal element within the evangelical movement.'

Yeah, I think that started with a man from Nazareth who said you should help the poor and heal the sick and welcome strangers. Liberal through and through"

10 yrs ago I used to watch that BBC weekly show with Gavin something (great host) w journos discussing the week. I dont see it online, now I watch World This Week on France 24 Eng. Change of times? Brits are way too far gone to analyze the world anymore?


"Sanders Is Hot in the Polls, and Still Treated Like a Second-Tier Candidate"


This is odd. Two EU members (France and Italy) backing different sides in Libyan civil war.

"In Libya, where dozens of rival militias have been fighting for supremacy since the 2011 NATO war, the two EU members are conducting a proxy war over control of Africa’s largest oil and gas resources.

While Italy backs the Government of National Accord (GNA) of Fayez al-Sarraj in Tripoli, which is also supported by Germany and the UN, France has sided with the National Army of Libya (LNA) of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, who presides over its counterpart in Tobruk. Egypt and Russia also back Haftar"


People are better at judging people than policy, but even that fails sometimes. So ppl judge a person based on guess who's thinking?

That's right - their own. That same person's idea of themselves.

"People will see you as u see yourself" is an old chestnut but it is true, especially in politics. So when attacked u need to attack back, because, "pfff of course there is nothing wrong with me".

This is the game - mostly about how things look.

Two Star Wars fans I've seen were disturbed after this last one. Like Whhhhaaaat da f%%$% was DAT? With long face, looking down and everything. I didnt think anyone could make a movie that bad. I never thought I'd think fondly of the prequels. The latest shit makes them look like masterpieces!

This should be an honor for you Booty. This is the most u'll get out of this race. I'd frame that moment and tell my family and friends about that time I got chewed out by Bernie.


Bootyjudge was just slam dunked by his one-time hero, right?


FTW is WTF in reverse. WTF

Bernie FTW



This is amazing. Please look at Peter Buttigieg's face when Bernie says he's a competitive guy and wishes him luck on catching up with Joe in the billionaire supporter contest. "



Klobbamancha did some damage. And that wine cellar thing.



Military members have donated more to @BernieSanders’ campaign than to Trump, Biden, and Buttigieg combined"