
Github Mirror

Week 48

I. Morris says ppl actually willingly switched to agro; and there was a certain ease abt the "security" of food retrival IMO, tho quality is of course is questionable. I agree in the long term it was a lose-lose situation.

"Jared Diamond’s 1999 essay about the transition to agriculture is called, ominously, “The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race.” More recently, historian Yuval Noah Harari goes so far as to call the agricultural revolution “history’s biggest fraud.” In his 2015 bestseller, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, he writes, “The Agricultural Revolution certainly enlarged the sum total of food at the disposal of humankind, but the extra food did not translate into a better diet or more leisure.” Harari agrees that all that extra food merely fueled “population explosions and pampered elites” and that farmers typically worked longer and harder than foragers for an inferior diet. Forced into settled communities as a last resort, agriculturalists faced drastic increases in social inequality, much more violence in the form of organized conflict, and self-appointed elites who used monotheistic religion to lock in their power" #civilizedToDeath


Crossing Antarctica alone was only the beginning.

@colinobrady is trading in his skis for oars in an attempt to cross one of the most dangerous waterways in the world.


Suman Dutta - good writing. Chemistry guy, dabbles in optimization.

Switched over to duckduckgo - good so far.

When will the issue of tech monopolies be addressed? What's the timeline..? Hell, it took gov 7 decades to address the comm monopoly of AT&T.

So by around 2080 we might see some action.

Lowering interest rates not spurring growth.

Same story everywhere, apparently in AUS too.


Steering wheel on the right side? Like UK? #AUS

Aha; butta means "throw", fuoco means "fire". So the name is not about butt f--ing. But of course everyone interprets it that way.


Time traveler from the past: *disgusted* You haven't ended hunger or war or poverty but you have a phone in your pocket with a camera?

Me: No... it has two cameras"

From the prestigious journal Applied Energy - says batteries will never fall below $124/kwh making them useless for competing against fossil. Making huge waves today.

"Learning only buys you so much: Practical limits on battery price reduction ...

Conventional learning curves for manufacturing costs, used in many battery projections, unrealistically predict battery prices will fall below $100/kWh by 2030, pushing EVs to hit price parity with internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) in the absence of incentives. However, in reality, essential materials jcosts set practical lower bounds on battery prices.

Our 2-stage learning curve model projects the active material costs and NMC-based Lithium-ion battery pack price with mineral and material costs as the respective price floors. The improved model predicts nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) battery prices will fall only to about $124/kWh by 2030 – much cheaper than today, but still too expensive to truly compete with ICEVs, due primarily to the high prices of cobalt, nickel, and lithium"




"[Werner Herzog] was born during World War II, and when only a couple of weeks old, the house next door got bombed"

"[Morales] wrote a new constitution that gave him greater powers... And he was unwilling to acknowledge the existence of a legitimate opposition, perpetually vilifying his adversaries as traitors.In recent years, as Morales’s support among the Bolivian people began to slip, his attacks on democracy became more blatant. [H]e [.. unconstitutionally .. ] ran for a fourth term as president. And when he seemed to fall short of the necessary majority to win election in the first round, he engaged in what the Organization of American States decried as a “clear manipulation” of the vote. Among other measures, he tampered with the electronic tally and halted the count. His attempt to steal the election cost Morales the support of a large number of Bolivians, including many trade unionists, indigenous people, and longtime members of his own political party. As protesters took to the street to demand his resignation, and police forces across the country refused to use force to quash dissent, Morales was forced into exile in Mexico"





When will the market ask why is the Fed stopping QT, talking about more QE and floating ideas like this????"


Capping yields would require massive outright purchases."


Got gold?"


Actually, I’m think of moving into harder assets at this point. Canned food and shotgun shells"

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” - Mark Twain



The Federal Reserve also has its own law enforcement unit: Federal Reserve Police. According to Wikipedia, over 1000 sworn members, complete with Special Response Teams, Explosive Detector Dog Teams, Hazardous Materials teams and Active Shooter/Patrol Rapid Teams"


China on track to increase production of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles by 53% in 2019 - Renewable Energy World

Very important point. Wout "free stuff" (Linux) libertard goldcucks would not have the "commercial stuff" (Android phones). iPhones have similar levels of free, publicly-funded research in them.

So bug fixes, new features, for many projects were flying through the Internet over this mechanism. Apache (>50% of web servers today), Linux (the core of all Android phones), u name it.

Text based. Code. Not rotating balls. That's how it works.


A lot of open source in the early days worked through "patch files". Say I have a file (it could be a piece of code), originalfile

These are a few words.
One word is worth thousand pictures

And I made changes to the first line inside file updatedfile (this an example, usually the change would be in the same file, but maybe in a different directory)

These still are just a few words.
One word is worth thousand pictures

Now I can use a tool called diff to find the differences, and put those differences in a "patch file",

! diff /tmp/originalfile /tmp/updatedfile > /tmp/patchfile.patch

! cat /tmp/patchfile.patch

This is the patch,

< These are a few words.
> These still are just a few words.

Now I can copy and paste this into an email, to a forum, anyone can take it, and "apply the patch" to their code base, fast forwarding their originalfile to my changed version updatedfile,

! patch /tmp/originalfile -i /tmp/patchfile.patch -o /tmp/updatedfile2
patching file /tmp/updatedfile2 (read from /tmp/originalfile)

And recreate the version that I have,

! cat /tmp/updatedfile2
These still are just a few words.
One word is worth thousand pictures

One possible civilization could be "locally-mobile" comm based (mesh networks), mobile computing, sustance through one very basic / ultra-nutritious food replacement power bar dropped to various places (skelatal gov provides along with health insurance), water and H2 generated through salination / electrolysis, shelter in prefab or large enough tents, or H2 RVs. Private land is reduced to minimum, monetary system through non-mined ecash where debt is issued based on repayment success.


Seems to be a few former Conservative MPs advising people to vote against the Tories this year, as Brexit keeps devouring its children"


Rose's Pawn Shop - Danger Behind the Wheel #music


Ancestor worship is an agrarian concept (see Ian Morris, WTWRFN). The bad state of the so-called monotheist religions has to do with co-optation of them by the agro-mafia-state. The Catholic Jesus is not the same Jesus who preached to people.

Cat, kitty face filter



Atmospheric rises in greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, and N2O in 2018 all greater than their annual rises in previous years"



I haven't blocked this many bots, cultists, and fanboys in a single day, in a very long time. Full on astroturfing campaign right now and a defcon 62 event for the faithful to man their battlestations"


Potentially BIG news for China's credit market. A state-owned enterprise (SOE) is proposing a 64% haircut on its dollar bonds. We've rarely seen SOEs default on their debt"


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you.. and they don't even fight you... Then you lose.


Limp pump :) @TeslaCharts #tslaq

Now cacerolada in Columbia


Absolutely correct, it was leadership-by-merit, there was no constant, pesistent hierarchy. #civilizedToDeath

No wonder why The Matrix was such a hit back in the day. It unknowingly hit a nerve. Current env is some 1984 level shit #civilizedToDeath

How We Are Being “Civilized To Death” w/Christopher Ryan

#dore #civilizedToDeath


Bam deported many people (read: Hispanics); makes sense, he'd want his minority to remain as sizable in comparison to any other minority. Hispanics are as sizable, if not bigger than blacks at this point. That can have electoral consequences.

The $370 million fund will be financed from existing Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) and Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) allocations with the aim of transforming Australia into a world leader in hydrogen production and exports.


Interesting. Used it on #tslaq - a stock teeming with suckas. EWMA does seem to point to an optimal price to stay at... Following this logic after Oct 23rd u'd follow the up, but stay pat below 320 which the sucka would eventually come back to, and you could make some $$ in that process.

import pandas as pd, as web

start=datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1)
end=datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 1)
s = web.DataReader("TSLA", 'yahoo', start, end).tail(400)
s['ewm5'] = s['Adj Close'].ewm(span=5).mean()
s[['Adj Close','ewm5']].tail(30).plot()

Henrich uses 5 EWMA (exponentially weighted MA, giving more weight to more recent part of the time series). Algo trader R. Carver uses two EWMA trackers at different speeds. Imma check this out.

"AAPL has same earnings as 2015 but stock price doubled. Why? Bcz Apple is buying back its shares" -- Sven Henrich

"NEW STUDY: Planned fossil fuel production will blow past the amount of extraction the planet can handle by 120%"


Part of news is sensationalism, sure. Talking abt things that stand out, are interesting. Like instead of "dog bites man", it is "man bites dog". But, "Florida man bites dog" isn't necessarily newsworthy either. There is a certain level of shock, a certain standard we expect of the Florida man. Anything below that is unnewsworthy.

Wout PG and similar open source software most of those SV startups would have a hard-time to get off-ground, like maybe, ever.

Licences? Pfff. Noone waits around with dicks in their hands waiting for permission jerk off. With OSS anyone can f--k.

I once saw a diff file submitted by Assange to the open source DB project Postgresql.

Open source + open society.. Similar attributes tend to cluster.

PG is a direct competitor to Oracle BTW.



From 2018: Sweden tried to drop Assange extradition proceedings in 2013, CPS emails show, but UK prosecutors dissuaded Swedish counterparts from doing so"

Wrote a Youtube vid downloader to my mobile tool (flask app running locally). Give URL it extracts the audio of vid and saves it in a dir. Simple.

Libertards seem to think whenever they pull out that "private property" card, it's an automatic debate winner. It isn't.

Before the Civil War, according to the law of the land, certain section of humanity was considered "property". Was that a proper use of the word? Military men like this guy along with the opressed fought an entire war to fix this.


People like Dan Sheee Shaaa think all happens through commercial relations, happy ppl happily transacting in their little happy libertard village. Wout the social part the free stuff boy you would not have a proper patch on your eye. Noone is expecting u to turn left but u need to learn to respect the presence of the other side.

It's been done before; federal government forced AT&T to share its know-how on transistors which made the later innovation in electronics possible.

F-ing libertard. I bet he is a goldcuck too.

"Harris, like Warren, tells her audience about using presidential powers to to make drugs cheaper.

If they resist: 'I will snatch their patent ... '"

Responding to @daveweigel


.. Patents are unequivocally protected in the US Constitution... Even if they weren’t, it doesn’t take a genius to understand that stealing people’s property ...



Just drove into Chapel Hill. Noticed a huge number of Bernie 2020 bumper stickers. Dems are going to have same problem as in 2016 - the DNC will NOT allow him to win. Ever. And so you'll have same unmotivated base in the general which will lead to four more years of Trump"

Interesting.. tho France is known for its secularism, but the other side of that would be Catholicism which is of course deeply tied to Roman patriarchy.

I wonder how the culture was in Gaul before the guinea got there...

"Women in France rally against domestic abuse after 116 die in acts of violence"


Stoller, Goliath

"Cheap gas and an endless real estate boom were hallmarks of the thirty years of postwar American dominance and prosperity; both ended in 1973–1974. There were shortages of gasoline, electricity, and even onions, and rumors of insufficient stockpiles of everything from mustard to vegetable oil to cat food. In November of 1973, The Tonight Show host Johnny Carson made a joke about a toilet paper shortage, prompting a run on toilet paper as Americans rushed to buy every roll they could find"

If Computers Are So Smart, How Come They Can’t Read?


"A Florida dog put a car into reverse and drove it in circles for nearly an hour"


Translation: if the FED did not up the laughing gas, noone would be laughing today.


Goldman: 'With S&P 500 earnings on track for roughly zero growth from this time last year, solid returns likely would not have been possible without central bank support'"


Trump narrowly leads Biden but trails Sanders in head-to-head 2020 matchups"


"Bolsonaro is turning back the clock on Brazil, says Lula"


Merle Haggard - Set My Chickens Free


Go Strong Woman #southpark


A lot of Eng names have weird TR counterparts.. "Biden" phonetically means telling someone "you bored me to sleep (baydın)", in slang. Yellen is asking someone to pass wind, as in flatulance, first person imperative. Yellen! ff f f f.

Whenever I hear Farage my mind thinks of the TR word faraş - a cleaning utensil, but not the broom part, the other part, the thing you push all the dirt into, with the broom.

Kinda like this guy, no?

Australia - very good.

Hot shower, followed by a hot toddy.. and hot.. yiieeaaah

Ghost Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash #music



Ew I’ve been 22 for a week"


Outdoor cats.. interesting


"Chanos: The size of China's residential real estate mkt stunned us. It's the biggest real estate bubble in history.

They're building 1.8 bil sq meters per year of residential. That’s 20 mil apartments. It’s about 20-25% of their GDP"


'who the HELL is in my Google Doc' I think furiously, before realizing it's me in a different tab"

"In Bizarre Admission, ECB Warns Its Policies Threaten Financial Stability, Could Lead To A Crash"


"Bernie Sanders wants to take fossil fuel companies to criminal court... At the fifth Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders reiterated one of his most aggressive proposals on climate change: As president, he’d like to see fossil fuel executives criminally prosecuted"



Why is there no climate action?

Because governments, media and Big Business are all part of the same mutually supportive system, and mainstream media refuse to say that the fossil fuel industry and governments that support it are committing crimes against nature and humanity..."

And these ppl somehow ended up being corp sluts.

"Though mainstream economists didn’t care about Hayek’s views, he and Simons began collaborating on the possibility of putting together the Free Market Study. Both men were fiercely anticorporate, seeing private corporate power as an equally dangerous form of central planning" -- Stoller, Goliath

Stoller, Goliath

"Still, as exciting as the project might be in 1946, returning to a pre–New Deal world seemed impossible. To reconstruct the system over which Andrew Mellon reigned required an architecture with three components.

The first component was the ability to rule an entire market through a specific corporate monopoly, or shared control of a market through a small set of corporations (which was known as an oligopoly rather than a monopoly). Each monopolistic company would be a mini-government, governing the prices, quality, labor, and supply chain of an industrial product or service, such as aluminum, oil, steel, ships, and magnesium. But during the New Deal, robust antitrust enforcement kept concentration and monopolization at bay.

Each company had in turn been controlled by one of a small number of oligarchs or banks, such as the House of Morgan, DuPont, Rockefeller, or Mellon himself. This was done through the second component, the connective power that turned each monopoly into a networked whole, with mechanisms to discipline wayward corporate structures. This was Wall Street, with tools such as holding companies, interlocking directorates, stock watering, debt issuance, and various forms of financial instruments. Wall Street, however, was deeply constrained by financial rules.

The third piece was the rhetorical machinery, a set of intellectual concepts and political institutions that would protect financial empires from democratic influence. Money would be necessary, money to develop and sell this ideology, not only to fund new academic departments, but to buy politicians and lawyers, to influence voters and newspapers, to set up institutions to persuade judges and professors. Even more critical was rhetoric to explain the world in ways that would organize citizens to seek not freedom from capital, but freedom ​for capital. But this was difficult to imagine, as New Dealers seemed to rule the centers of cultural capital, the newspapers and academic institutions.

It was their task to imagine it nonetheless. They saw themselves as up against the world, and they were going to conquer it. The Free Market Study, and then the Antitrust Project, would serve as the intellectual testing ground for the set of ideas that would eventually burst out of the academy and generate a political and financial revolution"