
Github Mirror

Week 43


Exxon is now misleading the public about its history of misleading the public (and shareholders)"


I think there are too many aristocrats in the world. You are dead weight son.

He is in his 30s isnt he? This is a strange kind of millennial.. A bizarro millennial.

"Prince William warns that there are too many people in the world"


Complaints about China notwithstanding, in the West things might be, not as bad, but close.

Guy on Twitter working for psyop team #dore


On a different note, fact-checking political ads are ludicrous. Some people are throwing up their hands in useless exasperation as if such advertising never existed on TV.

AJ Downing and the Buick 6 - The Facebook Song #music


Telecom analogy is a start, but not perfect. They could break up regionally. Here friendship graph is the key.

Load balancers distribute user traffic, before any major processing is done. Major processing would be taking data, recommending friends, etc. which are done by so-called "app servers". Load balancers are banks of computers / switches that do basic routing before user gets to app processing. Anti-trust can go in at this level, and do enforcement on user sharing level.

Data portability - Sen. Warner

Is this guy serious? SocMed companies are more about relationships than one person's data. I take my data, but I cannot take my friends to another company. Advertising might care about that person's data, but that person is there to be advertised to because of other users.

Then, it might be a good idea to force comps to share their entire user graph, and the easiest way to do that would be to break them up, same user should be able to login from FB1, FB2 and see their all friends. Well maybe this is more of a cloning, than a break-up. Hell distribute traffic from main domain name to either 1 or 2 to give the second comp a headstart (e-z to implement at load-balancing or even DNS level)... Then the third, fourth company would have an easier time to join in.

"WeWork Needed a Bailout—But Adam Neumann Still Leaves a Billionaire" --

Groupe Renault introduces #hydrogen into its light commercial vehicles range, completes its offer with Renault KANGOO Z.E. Hydrogen at the end of 2019 and Renault MASTER Z.E. Hydrogen in 2020. Range triples to over 350 km in 5-10 minutes.


The so-called "New Democrats" (which really mean good-ol Republicans) probably went overboard in their anti-Russkieness to prove to everyone they were just like Reps.. The way a born-again Christian is more fervent believer than a regular Christian, they lost their marbs to prove their security state credentials through this one issue?

A Republican would have nothing to prove, so they can go hard, they can go soft - whatever. It is a well-known fact HW Bush tried to save / help the Soviet state until the last moment (who needs the extra chaos?). But did the Clintons try too hard during 90s to kick the Russians when they were already down?

3D bioprinting in space. Produced meat in ISS.


"For five years, the ECB has applied negative interest rates on commercial bank reserves, and commercial banks have paid €21.4bn to it in deposit interest. Since it introduced negative interest rates, it has injected some €2.7 trillion of base money into the Eurozone economy, increasing M1, the narrower measure of the money quantity, by 61%. Almost all of it has supported the finances of Eurozone governments.

The effect on broader money, which includes bank credit, has been to increase M3 by 30%. Far from stimulation, this is daylight robbery perpetrated on everyone’s liquidity and cash deposits. It is a tax on the purchasing power of their wages.

The ECB is not alone. Since Lehman went under, the major central banks have collectively increased their balance sheets from $7 trillion to $19.4 trillion, an increase of 177%. Most of this monetary expansion has been to buy government bonds, providing a money-fountain for profligate governments. The purpose of money-printing is always to finance government spending, not to stimulate or ease conditions for the private sector: while some trusting souls in the system believe it is for the latter, that amounts to just a myth."


"We are looking for an experienced Fuel Cell System Expert to inspire and lead the powertrain system development in the area and in products across the Volvo Group. A person who knows that curiosity, a drive for results and a desire to learn is the key to business success.

In this role you will have a central part in the fuel cell system concepts and technology strategy selections within the Powertrain Strategic Development team. You will represent the Volvo Group in both external, international and internal activities. The role includes both “hands on” activities in order to support our development projects, as well as long term energy perspectives". -- Volve Group


It's hard to overstate how well-read these people are. That m..f..ka would have read everything that was ever written about Islam.

(Major works that is, stuff with academic value).

How come Hunting did not take that extra step himself...? Maybe was being coy.

Attempting to "merge" relativity and QM will not work - same reason. They tried, with these extra dimensions, curling-up, splits, joins, whatever.. all failed. QM and GR need to be manifestations of something different, something deeper - a completely different abstraction. No synthesis. No dialectic.

Hell some could build on the latter and say maybe some pol leaders had div intervention. Story goes Abraham Lincoln used to sit up late at night and stare outside for hours on end, like a crazy person. Maybe he experienced some intervention.. ?

'Religion as left' does not say anything about divine intervention (or superuser access to the ancestral simulation). Some could believe religious leaders were smart, some could say they experienced intervention and still end up doing the same things.

Huntingon said "the great political ideologies of the twentieth century ... are products of [the West]. No other civilization has generated a significant political ideology. The West, however, has never generated a major religion". Great observation - but can be debunked with religion is in fact ideology, and specifically, left ideology (rooted in pre-agro, pre-village, pre-sheep).

Is dialectic used to reach this concl ? No. This is no "fusing", "synthesis" btw two disparate things, it is falsification. Destroy the idea of religion as known, then go to a different abstraction, and say these two events, political ideology and religion, are actually manifestation of the something else - a rebellion against inequality.

Ex-Prez endorsements are tricky. What if he endorses someone and that person loses? Then the Prez image takes a hit. Usually not done.. Reagan, and after his death Nancy Reagan would just endorse whoever won the nom. Same with others AFAIK.

"If Biden is Obama's continuation, why didnt he endorse him?"

On healtcare spending Warr Buffy says "healthcare spending is already approaching 20 cents on the dollar. There is only 100 cents on the dollar". How bout just saying percent? People need to do more to communicate the situation - cuz it is dire.

"Vital innovation, Zuckerberg threatens, will only happen if you’re nice enough to him and his rich friends.

As common as this argument is, it also happens not to be true. Take the basis of Mark Zuckerberg’s fortune. The internet was developed out of a small Pentagon network intended to allow the military to exchange information during the Cold War. In her book The Entrepreneurial State, economist Mariana Mazzucato shows that iPhones – the ones that Facebook skims prolific amounts of data off of to sell to the highest bidder – are in large part a collection of technologies created by various state agencies, cobbled together by Apple into the same sleek case.

Instead of leading the way to improve health outcomes, the quest for profits in medicine has led drug companies to produce products just different enough from those of their competitors to patent, effectively allowing these firms collect rent from the sick" - Aronoff


Re-share. Brexiters up to no good on healthcare.


:) #dog #rap



The dynamic explained there still exists BTW, through media, Internet. Does this mean ppl are even less skillful on politics than we thought? They dont even chose a representative, they chose a thought leader who choses a representative? Not necessarily.. they still chose a person to follow, who they think knows about an issue more than they. That also takes skill.

The great sin of the white-collar cognateriat = pretension...

So since the crowd has no "wisdom", on the referandum they simply reflected back the elite divison back to the elite, albeit with somewhat of a tilt towards Brexit, because they lied better.

Another proof that issues are distant to people. He most likely was regurgitating talking pts from a thought leader he follows.

This is why referandums are unnecessary. People already pick other ppl to follow ideas of... No need to burden them any further on deciding on the issues themselves. They have their work, specialty which I am sure is challenging on its own, but different from government.

Optimization is everywhere, through so many different methods. The x that will give Ax closest to zero? Eigenvals/vectors bitch!

Nice trick I learned from multiple view geometry back in the day.

New concoction

Dried veg



Mixed nuts and dried berries other fruits

Dry bread

Interesting on drones, law, tech


Augmented Lagrangian Adaptive Barrier Minimization Algorithm = ALABAMA. An R project apparently.

That's funny with the deja-vu. But Im still waiting for the cons to implode.


Right. Because the parliament passed a law saying he has to send the letter. Otherwise he'd be jailed. I'd pay to see that!


So Johnson has told Tusk that he is sending the letter. Seems he doesn't want to be dragged out of number 10 and thrown in the back of a police van. Monday just got slightly less interesting"

Here is the essence of the MAX debate.

Let's say a car manufacturer made all their cars to go like this

Now this pose is unstable, too easy for car to fall to either side. So the manufacturer says "I can fix that, we'll add software detecting when a car is about to keel over, make a tiny correction immediately, and keep the car on two wheels".

Fine but the system is still fragile. All this work is being done to keep a car in an odd position.

Much better to have a car on four wheels and have no correction than on two with huge amount of correction.

"Oh but we fixed the 737 MAX software"

I guess the rule is whenever a Trump official says "not thinking of stepping down", they are stepping down soon.


Fed’s Williams: Fiscal Policy Should Be Deployed in a Downturn

Has he seen how much debt the US is issuing in an 'upturn'?"

"Number of China Bond Defaults Touches Last Year’s Record" -

The worst DJT net approval reached was -20, check the date, says Aug 2017, during Charlotesville. Even now it is at a boring -12.

Vanity Fair insider trade claims, analysis... (thread)


"[T]he teams at TME and CaetanoBus were able to develop the new hydrogen fuel cell bus .. thanks to the strong effort and technical capability of the engineers while demonstrating the good adaptability of Toyota’s fuel cell technology beyond the Mirai passenger car.

The stack is located on the bus’s roof and is coupled to 5 hydrogen tanks with a total capacity of 37.5 kg, giving the bus a range of up to 400km. It can be refuelled with hydrogen pressurised at 350 bar in under 9 minutes, and its only emissions are water vapour"


No - competing against Airbus is not enough. Then you get into that "national champions" business, harmful IMO for domestic economy in the long-term.

Boeing as the sole aircraft supplier in US is hampering airlines, after that MAX debacle, there is no alternative US supplier.

Side note: Clinton admin allowed the Boeing / McDonnel Douglas merger that created this monopoly.


Eisman of The Big Short fame is short TSLA.


I hear there is a certain etiquette among senators - "still a place where u can trust an agreement on the basis of a handshake", said a Prez once?

Maybe that's why it took a while for top three Dems to start going at it...


"ExxonMobil CEO Depressed After Realizing Earth Could End Before They Finish Extracting All The Oil" --


Nestle produced 1.7 million tonnes of plastics last year. That's the weight of 10 000 blue whales and that needs to stop"

Shipping. KEY.

Bitch - the food I eat daily would blow your mind. I'll give you some food, u take a bite, and you'll fall down and die. There'll be convulsions.. shake.. shake. And a final one... then freeze - flatline. Your eyes will be wide-open throughout, when you finally check out, they will still be open, as if wanting to take that one last look at that mo..f..ka that just killed you. It's that good.

"But how much better food could you have over there? Sure there are chains, some bad some good, but you can get good gourmet stuff"...

No she didn't do well.

"Did good" or "bad" all depends on the objective. Dropping that oppo like it's hot might not be a good criteria for debate perf. Trump's goal was not an oppo fight. It was banking on Hillary's (un)likability. All I remember from the debates some time later now is Trump looking down, constantly shaking his head and saying "terrible woman... terrible woman", an underhanded way of silent comdemnation, pointing out to her likability.

It turns out this was Kellyanne Conway's idea, in a memoir I read, DJ is not following direction in one case, and KC chides him "I am trying to make this about her, why don't you let me?".

So given that strategy, debates were a success for Trump. If criteria was to "hit a terrible man with bunch of stuff" than it'd be a success for Hillary. But DJT was playing a different game.

"Hillary did well on all debates, yet she lost"

The off-seasons are bad.. so if you are an ineffective campaigner, tried bunch of times before, that's your slot. During on-season, they'll find that suave shiny brother with a big smile to swoop in and take it from you.

Remember 2000 Rep primary, largely an empty field. After Clint impeachment which backfired, incumb popularity was high. The Rep line-up was McCain (who?), the black-sheep idiot-son of the Bush family (I guess that's now Jeb), and the "Republican black" cant remember his name. Empty field.

Yeah. So all that stuff they had him say, they never use, or even think about. These are computer science interview questions, asked, and never heard of again - until the next interview.

Which other profession does software work resemble most? It's probably more like construction than rocket science. I already talked abt 90% of SV do not use math, or even computer science. They are usually dealing with shuffling shit around, trying to build artificats that are maintainable, with good enough foundation, and look good - all these concepts resemble construction and on a visual sense, building architecture. A project, program manager isn't a like NASA admin, he is more like a construction foreman.

I am saying this so lawmakers, bureucracy does not treat these ppl as if they are geniuses. They sure as shit are not.

Silicon Valley is like anywhere else in terms of the depth of its politics. How much would a doctor, lawyer, etc would know? SV's pol stance is a little Trek, a little Zen, mixed up with little libertardism, sometimes centrism. The best politically-aware coworker I knew could drop that spiffy Team of Rivals reference, but that just means you read the New York Times. If that were enough there'd be political genuises all around us already. U need take that extra step, if not more.

Now there is some backbone, social awereness in open-source circles - but you won't come across to these guys in polite company.

"The worst-case complexity of the simplex method (the number of arithmetic operations required to solve a general LP) is consequently exponential in the problem dimension" -- Wright

Nice vid on Loop Quantum Gravity.

Background independency is key.

AFAIK Smolin has since moved on to greener pastures, apparently he lost hope on LQG. His new theory, the ensemble approach, is also B.I. but can reproduce QM formulas in an approximation.


We are all dead.



"'Fébus' Crowned World’s Best Bus by Busworld Europe"



Public infrastructure for Plug-in EVs will not scale and we'll rip them out in twenty years. Location and coordination costs. Grid balancing costs. H2 fueling (at scale) is cheaper. 2017 Julich study Germany. Majority of people can't plug in at home. Fueling station model scales"


F--in Dubya. This guy was one of the best political operators. There was a moment after Trump mishaps 2017ish where where he could salvage his image, he jumps in with a whole new speech complete with a new self-deprecating joke ("I was misunderestimated"), some other stories. . When did you pull that off? Do you have speech writers on hand, waiting for that signal to write the next speech after being away from pol >8 yrs? Unbelievable.

Brexit is like quicksand. I can't get out.

"Encyclopedia of Optimization".

No kidding. It's 4600 pages.

[geek]"There is less need for quasi-Newton methods bcz they did bunch of extra stuff to avoid extra computation but computation became cheaper, so no more need for the extra monkeying around, says Freund at MIT. I like it"[/geek]


Financier: 'The whole concept of negative yields, of people paying for the privilege of lending money, is insane behavior to me. I do not pay to lend money. That’s not fixed-income investing, that’s fixed-loss investing.'"
