
Github Mirror

Week 36

"Hariri is right. If you want to to talk about Hezbollah’s rise in the last three decades, it was made possible by a Syrian order in Lebanon blessed by the U.S. and accepted for a long time by Israel"



Biden just confirmed he opposes banning fracking on the state and national level. A measure Germany and France introduced long ago.

The fact that his fundraiser tomorrow night is put on by an executive up to his eyeballs in fracked gas is totally unrelated"


When you think your dog is barking at nothing he's actually barking at capitalism

"Democracy Dies From Bad Fact-Checking

The Washington Post is feeding into Trump’s agenda by turning fact-checking into an ideological weapon. By Jeet Heer"



"Clown Prince Johnson cowers in the face of the Rebel Alliance | John Crace"

Manoloco - Labels #music





We rightfully nag on Chris Matthews now. But for as long as I've seen that guy on TV, he's regularly said "these people are exaactly the same!" in that punishing tone of his, meaning Democrats and Republicans during 90s and later. In fact I have a memory reel in my head passing thru airports, cafes, restaurants, with TV in the background, and CM on TV yelling "theeese peeople aaaare exaaactly the saaame!".

MSM types aren't all idiots. Some if not most see what's going on.

Great scene in the beginning... Joss Whedon is a master.

Firefly Ep

I wonder if CH wants trade war to continue so when the impending crisis hits they can blame it on America.

Haha.. can't even quit. What is this the mafia?

Oh wait, it kinda is.

"Exclusive: Carrie Lam says she would 'quit' if she could"

Energy distribution could be renewable gas based. It would be more efficient.



Winston Churchill’s grandson is prepared to vote against government to stop no-deal Brexit...and will subsequently be deselected from Conservative Party."


DIY Band Secretly Wishes Somebody Else Would DI"


Gun sales in f--ing Walmart. This is some kind of insanity.

Ladies and gents, this is what politics of trinkets, small-time non-issuism looks like. I can assure you US founders are turning in their graves.


BREAKING: Walmart plans to dramatically step back from gun sales after 'horrific' shootings at its stores"

It's true. I checked. Last time I ran that it was around 51. PMI is good proxy for demand.

"The ISM U.S. manufacturing PMI declined to 49.1% in August, the lowest reading in more than three years"



Long-distance travelling could soon be powered by #fuelcells! Travel operator @FlixBus and @Freudenberg_FST together intend to launch buses with fuel cells"

Oh no you didn't.

Hanneke Cassel - Dot the Dragon's Eyes #music


Get it, 1D chess? You can only move left and right..

Not fun when it's explained 🙄

3D chess my ass.. You are playing 1D chess with nature. "Nig--r check!". He be like 😶

"Only a bunch of PhD Economists could have managed to take a bad, but contained problem (aka, the Great Financial Crisis) and made it worse*. Unfortunately, this was completely predictable.

In fact, it was predicted by a world famous PhD macroeconomist, Anna Schwartz. In a series of interviews in October 2008 (see here and here), she openly criticized PhD Economists for using monetary accommodation and fiscal stimulus to address what was an opacity problem.

The Fed has gone about as if the problem is a shortage of liquidity. That is not the basic problem. The basic problem for the markets is that [uncertainty] that the balance sheets of financial firms are credible.” She made the point of saying how hard it would be to stop these macroeconomists from supporting and pursing endless rounds of monetary accommodation and fiscal stimulus rather than admit their theories were wrong and they had no idea what they were doing.

If I regret one thing, it’s that Milton Friedman isn’t alive to see what’s happening today. It’s like the only lesson the Federal Reserve took from the Great Depression was to flood the market with liquidity. Well, it isn’t working. Professor Friedman would have enough stature to get them to listen"


We Bonjo 3 - Kentucky Grind #music



Worth clarifying and we have known this for a few weeks already. Battery electric vehicles are falling. Fuel cell electric vehicles are surging, Ten fold"



When May was making those speeches, there was always a protestor out there somewhere, dude'd be howling, screaming at the top of his lungs. That guy was awesome.


Watching #BorisJohnson's statement on #Brexit outside #DowningStreet was like watching Nicolae Ceaușescu's last speech before he was toppled. The sound of the protesters almost drowned Johnson out.

Right... because charging is slow as shit you'd end up in a bitch queue with your bitch bev.

UK cons will split. This party does not deserve to be united, it certainly doesn't deserve to be in charge.



How on earth could the primary purpose of corporate political journalism be to hold corporate power to account?"

Most ppl have no ability to judge an idea on its own merits. They'll judge it based on where it comes from.

"OooOO and they have BIG PLANS with GOLD they are SECRETLY BUYING."

Fuuuckkk ooooffff


The Chinese yuan share of international payments drops to 1.81% in July - it peaked at 2.8% in August 2015, no real progress on mythical RMB internationalization.

75% of 'international' RMB payments are only recorded that way bc Hong Kong is counted as a separate jurisdiction"

#uk #H2 #hynet


Still wild to me that there's this fictional thing called 'money' and if you dont have enough of it society kills you and some people are willing to extinct humanity to continue to accumulate it"

I've done some multiple-view geometry. Great math. This is a nice application.


#Samsung announced their new smartphones will allow anyone to perform #3D #scans of any object, to be 3D printed, or used in digital applications"



One of the biggest problems with TR diplomatic efforts based on a "shared Ottoman past" is the general ignorance of how that past is remembered elsewhere."


Hayek vs Keynes, Round 2

I guess by now everyone saw Round 1

This is incredible art by any definition; entertaining and thoughful. There is hard-core econ in it (mainstream but still..). So you had to merge econ with rhyme, and the comical story telling.. Who makes this stuff? They made Keynes kinda flash, suave and that's exactly how he was, same with Hayek, a little square.. Pff

They are the result of a system that prefers such talk. If that preference is gone, they will be gone with it.

"But there are so many cons talking abt abortion, guns. It must be a real issue!"

Fox News talking smack :D

Is this part of a transition to a more sane pol discourse...? Leaving behind their old ways.. ?

Actually Trump did a great favor to all; by adapting all hot button issues of Reps, he cheapened them, made a mockery of them, debased them. Guns, abortion, even religion.. he showed it was that easy and cheap to become a Republican, just talk bunch of nonsense abt all these hot button issues and you were done. Maybe Reps will shrug this monkey shit as a result.

The original sin belongs to corporate Dems of course, forcing Reps to be this way.


Senpai hit it on the head. People who can manage change usually have certain static areas in their lives. I've used the same programming editor for many years, same content management system, and a certain way I use almost all tech - through text. So (textual) languages, mathematical constructs come and go, but I always handle them through this tech that never changes (all tech is a form of language anyway).




"Cat-5 Hurricane Dorian 'Strongest In Modern History' To Hit Bahamas"


Sounds tounge-in-cheek, but just a reminder, those nutjobs wrote the Mayflower Compact, helping create democracy, self-governance in US.


I just noticed that July 2020 marks the 400th anniversary of the voyage of the Mayflower. Does anyone know of any plans in Britain to celebrate the departure of these tedious puritanical nutjobs?"

Interesting. Looking at the Politico poll (taken in early primary states, which includes just voters who live in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, or Nevada). Biden, Bernie, Warren votes are here. I looked at the time series correlation (who takes from who), I see

import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def p_corr(df1, df2):
    corr = df1.corr(df2)
    N = np.sum(df1.notnull())
    t = corr*np.sqrt((N-2)/(1-corr**2))
    p = 1-scipy.stats.t.cdf(abs(t),N-2)  # one-tailed
    return corr, t, p

df = pd.read_csv('politico08.csv')
c,tval, pval = p_corr(df['JB'], df['BS'])
print ('jb bs',c, pval)
c,tval, pval = p_corr(df['JB'], df['EW'])
print ('jb ew',c, pval)
c,tval, pval = p_corr(df['BS'], df['EW'])
print ('bs ew',c, pval)
jb bs -0.4385177884643625 0.005344173819257447
jb ew 0.08736843848625221 0.31438189311479825
bs ew -0.34634282407173045 0.024164559243460393

There is a medium level negative correlation between Biden and Bernie, it is statistically significant. Negative correlation means one's gain is loss for the other, vica versa. The correlation range is betwen -1 and +1, with -1 being highest negative correlation.

There is no corr between Biden and Warren which is interesting. She is not taking from Biden. There is medium and negative correlation between Bernie and Warren. Bernie takes from Biden, Warren from Bernie, but not from Biden.

If Biden falls in a big way, Bernie would heap much of the gain.

That's DoL between skilled workers. I am talking about DoL between unskilled workers. In the latter u get asymmetric return because of / only through machinery. DoL between unskilled labor goes back to Ghazali's pin factory and will not create huge returns.

"If division of labor is useless why are there DB admins, UI experts, biz logic coders in software companies?"

Look at that. A bitch BEV could hardly move itself somewhere let alone provide electricity to others, and in a flood situation it'd probably sink like a rock.

"[GM] SURUS was designed to form a foundation for a family of commercial vehicle solutions that leverages a single propulsion system integrated into a common chassis... [it] can bring life saving supplies & electricity to people who need it most in hurricane devastated areas...

SURUS has a range of 400miles, can be used as a stand alone generator to power a small hospital unit"

Memristor Discovery platform

Fascinating. Talks abt solving 3SAT.


\o/ UK Labor is looking at UBI.

"But this may be just the start. The leadership is also studying an array of even more radical ideas, including a four-day week, pay caps on executives, an end to City bonuses, a universal basic income, a “right to buy” for private tenants and a shake-up in the way that land is taxed to penalise wealthy landlords."


"At the heart of [Labour plans] is one word: redistribution. Redistribution of income, assets, ownership and power. The mission is to shift power from capital to labour, wresting control from shareholders, landlords and other vested interests and putting it in the hands of workers, consumers and tenants. 'We have to rewrite the rules of our economy,” says Mr McDonnell. 'Change is coming.'

David Willetts, a former Conservative cabinet minister who now chairs the Resolution Foundation think-tank, says Brexit has made it harder to paint Labour’s plans as risky. 'Brexit is so radical and such a massive gamble, breaking a 40-year trading arrangement, that it’s hard for Tories to say to people ''don’t gamble on Labour''' says Lord Willetts. 'They just think: who’s the gambler?' "



The Rentier Class: Hedge funds make £7bn bet against pound as Brexit bites. Boris Johnson is obliging. None of this creates goods, services or jobs but will enrich a few and heap misery upon millions. Too many Tories are directly related to hedge funds."

"The new alkaline fuel cell system developed by AFC Energy works by cracking ammonia to create a flow of hydrogen to produce electricity from the fuel cell. The company was able to successfully demonstrate a clear ability to scale up power production after achieving successful research and development through the EU funded Alkammonia Project.

The scaled-up power production enabled the fuel cell to deliver multi-megawatt solutions for electrifying large off-grid communities."


"Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have created a device that acts like a synapse in the living brain, storing information and gradually forgetting it when not accessed for a long time. Known as a second-order memristor, the new device is based on hafnium oxide and offers prospects for designing analog neurocomputers imitating the way a biological brain learns"


Movie idea: drone-fu. Showcase a new martial art in the movie where human moves are complemented with drones, certain hand gestures directing drones to hit oppo from diff directions. Four drone costume, two sockets on the chest, two in the back; drones land themselves in the sockets.

Another site on Tesla deaths:


Lesson learned: #heroku in case of fail dont do anything. The thing is so hands off it'll be back when it's back.

O'Reilly #theinvisiblehand


Interesting info on storage, salt caverns. Cheapest way to store lotsa H2 as it turns out.. And they are found mostly in oil-rich regions!

I have a feeling we can innovate out of this prob though.. Or we already did. Isn't NH3 suitable for large-scale storage?


Good to see new experimentation in art isn't dead. The Boys had a fantastic new take on the superhero genre, and corporotism, the It culture. I see K. Urban is always seeking these odd, weird projects. Good for him.


"'Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem' says psychologist"

"The U.S. Defense Department wants to establish a domestic production capability for alane, a solid fuel that can be used in fuel cells that generate electricity to power a wide range of applications from wearable electronics to aircraft systems. “Military systems of today and tomorrow are eclipsing the limits of batteries,” says a U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) solicitation seeking proposals to establish a manufacturing capability for high energy-density alane"


I hope in any debt forgiveness scheme the creditors get burned a little too.

Autodiff is not "just the chain rule"


England is looking really cuckoo. I wonder all this will have an illegitimation effect reaching all the way up to monarchy. They kept up the image so far, pomp and circumstance, little bit of Bond (which the Americans make, but hey), a few ceramonial marriages here and there, strategic awarding of knighthoods, but this mess is polluting everything in its path.


Elon Musk is a dumb person's idea of what a smart person sounds like"

Demand is (should be) a reflection of supply, so that's how we fix shortage of demand. Through supply.

(Credit is given, money supply expands, companies spend / invest / hire, econ grows into the new supply = no inflation.

They stole the dog too? Seriously.



My friend got a degree in egyptology, but can’t get a job, So he’s paying more money to get a Phd, so he can work teaching other people egyptology. In his case college is literally a pyramid scheme"

"Friedman [an economic conservative], and other leading economists, also expressed views that pained social conservatives, including support for immigration, the legalization of drugs, and gay rights. Many social conservatives had hesitations about the 1964 presidential campaign of the libertarian Barry Goldwater; many economic conservatives were pained by the racist agenda of George Wallace’s 1968 presidential campaign. Yet by the 1970s the two camps had found a sufficient patch of common ground: social conservatives who feared for their moral values and economic conservatives who feared for their property values both felt profoundly threatened by the expansion of government. Religious leaders including Robert Schuller, pastor of the Garden Grove Community Church in Orange County, synthesized the two strains of conservatism by characterizing the pursuit of wealth as a moral enterprise. Schuller called his church a “shopping center for God” and told his congregants, “You have a God-ordained right to be wealthy.” #appelbaum


[The Nobel Prize in Economics is] a plan deliberately designed to undermine democracy, hatched by a small group, and made possible with the magic of royalty ...

For 80 years, central banks have tussled with elected governments, especially social democratic ones wanting full employment & housing rather than ‘market discipline’. In a big power struggle in Sweden in the mid-1960s, the Swedish Central Bank lost but plotted revenge…

The central bank – the Riksbank – persuaded the Nobel Foundation for the first and only time in its history to award a new Nobel in ‘economic sciences’ in 1969. The bank still funds the prize. Although not a Nobel, it was designed to mimic the originals in every way. The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics has the same prize money & is given at the same ceremony as the science prizes by the Swedish King.

But, it’s always been controversial. Alfred Nobel’s descendants called the prize, “a cuckoo in the Nobel Prize nest”. Economists on the left & right has won the prize, but it has helped led to the dominance of one type of economics above all others. Neoclassical economics built on unicorn assumptions of perfect markets and rational behaviour, which failed in the global financial crisis. Prizes have gone to economists who ‘prove’ that governments’ attempts to control the market were doomed to failure ..."



At the expense of their neighbors? The way these ppl spread is crab-like... Itsy bitsy bitchy moves towards their sides, toward their neighbors... Slowly, bit by bit, starting with skirmishes... the moves resembling the spread of .. virus. Or cancer.

"But isn't it good these one-time has-been static medi-fuck cultures want to spread, get off their ass?"

G-7 message was "we need Russia". Then there are signs things will revolve more around a joint US-RU understanding / control in ME, pushing aside TR and Iran. It's fine. Second rate powers do probably cause more mayhem then good. Especially countries who were one-time empires, geo "has-beens", inheritors of goat-fucker agro-mafia cultures, such as TR, Iran, or even China always wanting to "make a come-back", with that certain hunger they are apt to create more instability.

Two things happened in 1973; World Trade Center finished, and CIA engineered a coup in Chile, on 9/11. Then WTC came down on a different 9/11.

I am starting to get the feeling the new Terminator is going to bomb.


I still can't quit believe that Boris Johnson's real name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson

I wish this were a joke and that I had made up that name"

"Proponents of faith in markets also developed a close relationship with the corporate elite, which was not as inevitable as it may seem in retrospect. Conservative economists like [Milton] Friedman and his close friend George Stigler initially expressed fear of corporate power and argued that restraining corporate concentration was one of the few legitimate functions of government. Some conservative economists still do. But many decided to make common cause with corporations against government power." #appelbaum

Hard to believe but Ronald Reagan was a union leader once; former head of the Screen Actors Guild.

"It was the Kennedy admin who started dismantling progressive taxation, Carter started dismantling econ regulation, Clintons went even further". #appelbaum


Man has a point.

What's with DJT and these "Catholics". His top detractors are de Niro, Comey, Colbert, Cuomo and now Buttafuoco.


What pushed the stock markets to ath‘s [since 2009]? Buybacks! $15000 Billion! Cheap money from the central banks made it possible. Biggest stock market frenzy ever"

#hanke I keep seeing this m..f..kas name bubbling up; simply bcz he is "unorthodox" other unorthodoxers feel like he needs to be referred to. Please don't. #inflation

Acer Aspire S3 Ultrabook.. I loved that notebook. Crystal clear display, very light keyboard. Wonder what is the descendant of that product line.. Acers have always been Ubuntu-friendly.

Got mad skillz on regex. I shit you not..

"For some, the battle against tax havens has been viewed as lost from the start. From London to Delaware, from Hong Kong to Zurich, offshore banking centers are essential cogs in the financial machine of capitalism, used by the rich and powerful throughout the world. We can’t do anything about them, we’re told: some countries will always impose less tax and fewer rules than their neighbors. Money will always find a safe haven: strike here, it will go over there. Capitalism without tax havens is a utopia, and a progressive taxation of income and fortunes is destined to fail, unless we choose the path of protectionism.

For others, the battle has almost been won. Thanks to the determination of governments and to multiple scandals and revelations, tax havens will soon die out. From the harsh words of large countries seeking new solutions ever since the financial crisis, they have all promised to abandon banking secrecy, and multinationals will finally be forced to open their books and pay what they owe. This is the triumph of virtue. What is missing in this debate is data. Tax evasion by the wealthiest individuals and large corporations can be stopped" -- Zucman, Hidden Wealth of Nations