
Github Mirror

Week 35

It's all about the G.

It's true.

"The US stock market is heavily overvalued, as bad or worse than 1929 ... (according to Shiller's CAPE)"


CH PLA troops move into Hong Kong at 4am and call it a ‘normal rotation’. Funny, cameras didn’t pick up the troops that ‘rotated’ out."


"This story is a real bombshell. Reporter Ryan Grim reveals that one of the biggest culprits of Amazon destruction is a US company, Blackstone, whose CEO is close friends with Trump and bankrolls the US Senate leader Republican Mitch McConnell"


Dems quitting are probably leaving to save themselves the humiliation of being left out of the debates.

"JUST IN: New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand drops out of 2020 presidential race"





Scottish court could rule Queen broke law by agreeing to suspend Parliament"

"Two-thirds of Americans do not even participate in or have access to a 401(k) plan"


Angel Has Fallen is anti-war, anti military-industrial complex. They even had a version of Russiagate in the movie. Thumbs up.

Read this before joining a PhD program.

True. Fixing ed is actually really easy.


The reason most education startups fail is because they think education is about learning when it’s really about signaling"

After MathJax transition instead of make4ht the new repo is 1/3 its previous size. Very awesome.

"Robert Bosch, the largest supplier of parts and technology to the auto industry, recently announced it's betting big on fuel cells, planning for mass scale production of a new FC design that will make sense in affordable cars by 2022.

Hyundai just bet almost 7 billion dollars on FC cars. It's aiming to produce half a million of them, including the new Hyundai Nexo SUV, by the year 2030.

Audi just struck a deal to partner on FC technology with Hyundai. The company's chairman, Bram Schot, recently said that Audi is redoubling its focus on fuel cell with a production car out in 2021. It's apparently doing so as the R&D lead for the entire VW group.

Mercedes is developing the FC GLC F-Cell"


"A$15 million are being invested in a project that aims to create a reliable system for storing excess energy produced by solar and wind energy by converting it into H2. Australia’s government will be providing half the funds for this venture, inspired by what has already been achieved in Europe with the TSO 2020 project, which was able to create a system with the capacity of storing 8.3 metric tonnes of hydrogen in underground salt caverns in Holland"



Emil Rangelov, CEO of Glasgow-based HV Systems, yesterday showed off a prototype of the first #hydrogen-powered van to be built in the UK – and orders are already coming in"


#UBI The trick is knowing the difference between new money and existing money, this is one part of economics that is still valid. If you do not print new money existence you cannot create inflation. They can't sell me Coke for 1000 dollars because now they know I have 1000 dollars in my pocket. Coke still has to compete against Pepsi, Dr. Pepper. Gatorade? What else was there.. Zima?

Thank God for diversity of tech solutions; needed a BVP package, with better doc, open source, and R bvpSolve was there. Buttf--d Matlab can kiss my ass.

BTW, these ML ppl are like drug pushers, through various licensing schemes they coopted unis, who teach through their tool, as a result web is full of examples in this closed source poop. The software is worse than opioids.

"@AndrewCuomo forked over $1 BILLION to a private business that led to @ElonMusk's giant scam and Cuomo's bid-rigging that landed his inner circle in prison"


Oreos yes. I never tried Ding Dong. I hear they are good.

git push --force --set-upstream origin master

MMMmmmm HHHhhmmm

I highly recommend it. It overwrites everyhing :-|. Spring cleaning (for personal repos obv, if not care abt the commit log).

I have to do everything from scratch. It's a curse. I even rewrote the f--ng rsync for my needs, as in syncing one dir with another dir.


There's $15tn of negative yielding bonds (debt) in circulation. Clearly the motive for buying is not to produce income or hold to maturity; the motive is to sell at a profit as rates go even lower - to 'flip'. You don't need a PhD to guess what happens when the herd gets spooked"

When will anyone do a ROM movie? It could be done in a very space-opera-ish way.

Going over all work is good opportunity to fix weird errors hidden (forgotten) in it.

Running for Prez in your 30s? C'mon. That alone communicates to me you don't know what you don't know, a bigger sin in my eyes than not knowing itself. See you in 20 years.

Fake News!

I kid NYT... There is nothing wrong with a little excitement, but the history if this stuff is full of hyperbole like this.


Frank Rosenblatt invented the Perceptron, a single-layer neural net, in 1958. NYT reported 'the embryo of an electronic computer that [the Navy] expects will be able to walk, talk, see, write, reproduce itself and be conscious of its existence.'"


'I have driven my SR+ model 3 for just over 3k miles now and during my last two supercharging sessions, my range has gone from 240 to 223 miles at 100% charge.'

$TSLA #TeslaRangeIssues"

Background independence is key. Cop QM is defective for that reason too, they always assume a coordinate system.

Bell's Inequality is violated, but that does not disprove realism, yes. Local realism might not be there, but "another type of realism" could be active behind the scenes. Particles can be connected through another structure apart from observable space (such as a graph structure), whose reflection is space (this is the ensemble approach).

No need for Einstein-Rose expl IMO, a weird add-on, ornament on top of space-first view.

Many-Worlds - Barf.


Owww is this another high profile endorsement for virtual currs? Me so happy.

Nah. What he's talking abt is more along the lines of SDR, an IMF project backed by gold (= really stupid idea) in virtual form. Maybe he is angling for an IMF job, who knows, his name is being floated for the top job... But with bad ideas like that I can definitely say he is the wrong man for it. Or maybe the right man for the wrong job. Who knows?

Dum-dum dum-dum, dum-dum dum-dum (guy in Mission Impossible is an agent of IMF, no?)

Da-da daaaaa

Da-da daaaaa

Dum-dum dum-dum, dum-dum dum-dum

"Mark Carney: dollar is too dominant and could be replaced by digital currency"



For everyone re-reading Sapiens, consider also re-reading @michaelpollan 's brilliant Botany of Desire, which is the perfect compliment.

How plants domesticated us by finding our pleasure centers (sweet, intoxicating, etc) and addicting us to them"


The mistakes that inexperienced founders make have a lot in common with those that inexperienced writers make. They go about things in an overcomplicated way, because the obvious, simple approach doesn't seem 'serious' enough"

"[Economist] Lucas insisted that to be valid, a macroeconomic model had to be derived from the microeconomic theory of the behaviour of utility-maximizing consumers and profit-maximizing firms.

In fact, Lucas’s methodological precept—that macro level phenomena can and in fact must be derived from micro-level foundations—had been invalidated before he stated it. As long ago as 1953 (Gorman, 1953), mathematical economists posed the question of whether what microeconomic theory predicted about the behaviour of an isolated consumer applied at the level of the market. They concluded, reluctantly, that it did not:

market demand functions need not satisfy in any way the classical restrictions which characterize consumer demand functions… The importance of the above results is clear: strong restrictions are needed in order to justify the hypothesis that a market demand function has the characteristics of a consumer demand function. Only in special cases can an economy be expected to act as an ‘idealized consumer’. The utility hypothesis tells us nothing about market demand unless it is augmented by additional requirements.’ ...

What they showed was that if you took two or more consumers with different tastes and different income sources, consuming two or more goods whose relative consumption levels changed as incomes rose (because some goods are luxuries and others are necessities), then the resulting market demand curves could have almost any shape at all. They didn’t have to slope downwards, as economics textbooks asserted they did."


Alan Kirman explains why we cannot understand an ant hill by considering a representative ant [a dig into economists and their "micro" approach].



Game changer. Go Canada. Tech is being checked out for industr scale (in DE).

"'Low-cost hydrogen from oil fields with no emissions can power the whole world using mostly existing infrastructure,' Grant Stem, CEO of Proton Technologies, which is commercialising the extraction method, told AFP. 'This is the silver bullet for clean energy and clean climate'"


"Perhaps the starkest measure of the failure of our economic policies is that the average American’s life expectancy is in decline, as inequalities of wealth have become inequalities of health"


Appelbaum, NYT

This was one of my email alerts during college


The first all-renewable energy vessel to reach the Arctic is based on guess-what.


One for all, all for one ⚔️


EU says it will 'respond in kind' if US slaps tariffs on France"


It weighs 29 kilos! #ebike


Just when CH is doing some good stuff on energy, they'll go belly up.. Are US trade requests so obscene? What were in those 45 pages that were rejected in the 150 page doc? Noone f--ing knows... What the f--k is going on?


China's coal capital transforming into H2 hub"


Systems can't function around "people imploring eachother for the right behaviour". The incentives need to accomplish that. Bancor, could achive this, deficits and surpluses would be taken care of within the Bancor system. "The right thing" would emerge from those rules.

"There is skewed distribution of exports gains throughout Europe, so shouldn't Germany spend (so other countries lacking in surplus could benefit)? More thought leaders should ask them, urge them to spend"

Crisis' are all about debt, and credit (=money) creation for wrong purposes. To handle the aftermath, a rightist gov can cancel portion of private / comp debt. A leftist gov can let over-levered companies crash (in many ways letting nature to take its course), cancel citizen debt if there is a build-up there, increase public spending as a social service.

"How do we deal with crisis then?"


Israeli authorities:

@FIFAcom remains silent"


Stormy Weather In Solarville: Amazon Joins Walmart In Saying Its Tesla Solar Panels Spontaneously Ignited"

That can now be interpreted as doing public works while in crisis and giving people money, as in social help (spending does not stimulate the economy).

The comment is oft quoted, but most don't seem to know what followed it; Keynes lived in an modern enough era with widely available media, and he was good at stirring shit up. After that comment which would surely trigger a response, they would ask him 'but why dig up holes, why not build schools?'. And he would say 'well fine then, let's build schools' 😉

"But Keynes said during crisis we can pay people dig up holes then fill them up"

This is patently false. The industrial production advantage does not come from 'division of labor', it comes from plugging replaceable, nearly worhless labor into an existing assembly process which is the true advantage, the brain, the core of the production.

You can't take any ol' task, divide it up among people, and gain a huge advantage. But a factory through a mechanized processes (into which people contribute somewhat) create asymmetric results. The assembly line moves, processes, ppl work on that line.

BTW this division of labor non-sense comes from Adam Smith, who knew nothing, essentially repeating what al-Ghazali said a thousand years ago who was dumber still. An "economist" needs to ask himself, 'why am I still repeating this shit?'

"But the advantage of industrial production lies in division of labor"

We could see more automation if it wasn't for outsourcing. From a certain angle, and a certain labor price, outsourcing to a (especially dictatorial) country is easier. But if that's removed from the equation, then automation will soldier on.

"[Story from 2016] Greg Hayes, the CEO of United Technologies, the parent company of the heating and air-conditioner manufacturer Carrier, just let slip a consequence of a deal struck to keep jobs in Indiana [..].

Carrier said last month that it would keep more than 1,000 jobs across two locations in Indiana, following pressure from President-elect Donald Trump. The decision was touted as a win for the incoming president, who had pledged keep the jobs from moving to Mexico.

The result of keeping the plant in Indiana open is a $16 million investment to drive down the cost of production, so as to reduce the cost gap with operating in Mexico.

What does that mean? Automation. What does that mean? Fewer jobs, Hayes acknowledged".


Why control when you can simply replace? That's why this guy keeps faceplanting, his core assumptions are rotten.

Even during industrial era the machines made ppl replaceable. People unionized to offset that but that scheme ran into trouble with automation, outsourcing. You can battle the latter but not the former effectively (remember Carrier?).

"The fundamental point that Karl Marx made in Capital, is that the labour power of human beings is the one unique commodity that capitalism cannot control"


It is very easy for the banks to track that. They could tell if money is given to your dog walker if they wanted to.

"How would you control bank credit reaches the 'correct' destination? [for productive purposes not speculation]"

Debt Zombies #keen


"Oil giants Shell and BP are planning for global temperatures to rise as much as 5°C by the middle of the century...

The discrepancy demonstrates that the companies are keeping shareholders in the dark about the risks posed to their businesses by climate change"



My rent has just been increased, according to correspondence, because the value of the property in which I live has increased. If I'm reading this correctly, I now have to give my landlord more money because he has more money."

Marx's problem wasn't related to mathematics, he was hampered by the fact that he was a dingbat. Using mathematics doesn't automatically confer anyone magical analysis powers. You can use it well, or badly.

"Marx used math and he was wrong. How can u defend math in econ?"

Israel worried abt Jews becoming a minority in a one-state solution? Dont include Gaza, hand it over to Egypt. Everywhere else, one-state solution.



You mean the same way it always was before central banks stepped in to eliminate all shocks?"

Heh. Hopefully u dont run out of dollars first.

"China [is] determined to fight back “until the end”"

Judging the kinds of sci was being done post 70s, it looks like the TR nat firebrand Oktay S. was involved in "normal science". He talks a big game in his books but what he's done is basically appyling the Standard Model (mostly Cop QM) to different areas, such as molecular biology, chemistry, he did not push further in the frontier on what's been started in 1910. A fine scientist though... The Teller story came from him.


Biggest take away from Jackson Hole meeting: central banks are not now nor were they ever a "magic box of economic remedies". In fact, central bank policies might come to be thought of more as the medieval practice of "blood letting"."

People outside of historically mafia lands cannot even comprehend the tyrannical dingbatness of these places. Here is an example: when they asked Mussolini how he defined fascism this is what he said: "fascism is whatever's going through my mind at that point in time". Can u believe that shite? This is beyond patriarchal, tautological statement like parents use on their children, "why do I have to do this?","because I tell you so". No this is not just that, there is a spur-of-the-moment, flighty, sadistic side to it. Tyrants could be tryannical at least based on some rules. Not this. It is whatever going through my mind, right there and then.

A fossil older than Lucy was found; Anthropo Owen Lovejoy talks abt it here.




Lovejoy saz we did not descend from chimps, we descended from something already looking like human, chimps evolved from that too. We became less violent.

Darwin was wrong, not on the evolution process, but abt how he thought that evolution took place (he had only a few fossils to work with).

"She and her kin were slightly different from the other apes that lived at the same time: there was something unusual about their hips and legs that let them move in a novel way. These apes were beginning their descent from the trees... Roughly 3.2 million years later...[they] would dig up her fossilized bones [naming her Lucy]." -- Phillips, Humans

Cons, centrists are really bad at categorization... You drive a car and do you ever complain abt "free roads"? Or free policing? This is infrastructure. Just like healthcare - it's people infrastructure.



Good expl on Palestinians.



Wut? VW wants to buy TSLAQ?

#thebible #trump


Great 😊 But a few questions: who is writing the screenplay? Who is directing? 😨

"Ewan McGregor is on stage and YES he is reprising his role of Obi-Wan Kenobi"


Ave Ceasar

"All Italian professors in [US], including Enrico Fermi (with exception of 6 or so) pledged personal oath of allegiance to Il Duce"


"The First Amendment is broad, robust, aggressively and consistently protected by the Supreme Court, and not subject to the many exceptions and qualifications that commentators seek to graft upon it. The majority of contemptible, bigoted speech is protected." --The Atlantic



'Sanders plan distinguishes itself in how aggressively it targets the fossil fuel industry. Not only does it call for hiking up taxes and penalties on polluters, it taps the Justice Department to pursue litigation against them'"

Gov fought in WWII, NASA went to the moon. Gov can produce energy.

"Sanders’ plan [is] for the government to build, own and run the terawatt or two of new wind and solar that is being planned, and to take a much more active role in power markets"


Why would DJT fire Powell? He needs to pin the slowdown on someone.

With slowing economy and DJT net approv around -12, that might also explain the crowded Dem primary, cuz a Dem now has a chance of winning. 2016 primary was empty, ppl were running scared (Bam era). 2016 Republican primary was crowded bcz they knew they had a chance.

Changed TW location setting so I dont see tigga trends

F---ing farmers

"Amid growing international criticism over the wildfires raging through the Amazon, Brazilian President Bolsonaro admitted farmers could be illegally setting the rainforest ablaze"


A wise QA dev once said, 'There is no I in team, but there is a u in bug'"

Why milenials are jaded. Interesting.. fallen heroes etc. The degree thing too.


#starwars Continuing on the symbolism.. The Jedi are the early Christians (aren't they referred to as a 'religious cult' in the movie?'), Luke is Jesus. The emperor is the Roman emperor, which makes Vader the pope. He represents centralized religion in the service of the empire.. just as in Byzantium, the Otto gobble-gobble with its ulema - the head "religion guy", sehulislam. All the same shit.

So basically constants in physics are akin to coefficients in statistics or weights in machine learning. In stats these can reach tens, hundreds, in Deep ML models millions. Weights are set by looking at the data, more adjustable knobs give you more freedom, but then the model starts losing its expressiveness. They are a fudge essentially; A neural-net even after training, is an incomprehensible mess; it just "works", that is feed a new data point, it can answer based on previous points (which effect the formation of the weights), but that's all.

"SU(5) is the most elegant way imaginable of unifying quarks with leptons, and it leads to a codification of the properties of the standard model in simple terms. Even after twenty-five years, I still find it stunning that SU(5) doesn't work. Not that it's hard for us theorists to get around the current failure. You can just add a few more symmetries and particles to the theory, so that there are more constants to adjust. With more constants to adjust, you can then arrange for the decay of the proton to be as rare as you like. So you can easily make the theory safe from experimental failure."

"For all its usefulness, the standard model has a big problem: It has a long list of adjustable constants. When we state the laws of the theory, we must specify the values of these constants. As far as we know, any values will do, because the theory is mathematically consistent no matter which values we put in. These constants specify the properties of the particles. Some tell us the masses of the quarks and the leptons, while others tell us the strengths of the forces. We have no idea why these numbers have the values they do,- we simply determine them by experiments and then plug in the numbers. If you think of the standard model as a calculator, then the constants will be dials that can be set to whatever positions you like each time the program is run.

There are about twenty such constants, and the fact that there are that many freely specifiable constants in what is supposed to be a fundamental theory is a tremendous embarrassment. Each one represents some basic fact of which we are ignorant: namely, the physical reason or mechanism responsible for setting the constant to its observed value." --Smolin

Tooze on focus group democracy.

It can't be a coincidence that of the last 4 presidents, 3 were I am CRM types who need to listen to others. Because the spirit of the times, the zeitgeist is such that we live in this world of unfiltered, prevalent, avalanche style communication, people who by default shut it off do well, and when they allow it with reasonably efficiency this is in their positive, so they perform a badly needed filtering at the highest office. These people keep getting the top job (the public must be sensing this subconciously).

But this is only a stop-gap measure. Sadly with institutional filtering mechanisms gutted and burdened further due to corporate interests, not only are policy makers in general flooded with input, they also turn around to the public, perhaps exasperated by the situation, and seemingly ask to do their job for them. After Obama wins the election says "you are in charge" as if the people will magically do the job for him.

Of course stirring excitement, and using that as leverage on lawmakers can be useful, but that, again, takes leadership. The root of the problem is a giant, gaping hole in the body politick that was removed, creating the zombie state we are in today.

Cross wave solution don't work; modern institutions are second wave; concentrated, centralized, but now with the guts removed, some want to add a "third wave paint" on it to make it shiny. Example: Obama sitting in front of a chat room (they actually did this). This way supposedly the President gets direct input from the public. But the room is full of trolls, chaos, the receiving end is still the singular executive - not a functioning solution.

Until there is a complete new way of governance, I'd say remaining at second wave for modern democracy might be better, with all the colors in the political spectrum covered and represented fully.