
Github Mirror

Week 34


"Merkel Announces Hydrogen Strategy for Aviation: 'This should be worked out by the end of the year', said Merkel on Wednesday at the event at Leipzig airport. 'Flying is the most climate-damaging way of getting around'"

Bernie is up in two states now. Colorado and NH.


There’s a been an earthquake in US politics as a result of Israel’s banning of the two U.S. Congresswomen, with many Americans coming around to embracing one of the BDS goals, sanctions"

What will happen with USD? Exciting...

Mitch is not foolin around...

"I wrote the Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, which extended special privileges to the region because of its unique status. This special access to the U.S. and other nations helped drive the investment and modernization that have enriched Hong Kong, and Beijing by extension. Beijing must know the Senate will reconsider that special relationship, among other steps, if Hong Kong’s autonomy is eroded"


US has no trouble pulling inv as it holds worlds reserve curr #irate

Fin show idea; Fifty Shades of Ponzi. Finance ppl sit around and talk abt Ponzi schemes, pump n dump, and Tesla.

Is near zero rates fueling growth, or just causes investors to lose their shit looking for yield in safer investments like bonds causing their yield to go down? I guess gov debt becomes more manageable that way, so WTH. Screw the savers.

"Up until now small variations in the current passing through a memristor device was not precise enough for numerical calculations. The Nanoelectronics group, University of Michigan, got around this problem by digitizing the current outputs—defining current ranges as specific bit values (i.e., 0 or 1). The team was also able to map large mathematical problems into smaller blocks within the array, improving the efficiency and flexibility of the system.

Computers with these new blocks, which the researchers call “memory-processing units,” [..]. They are also well suited to tasks that are based on matrix operations"


There is a TR town called Batman (no meaning in local lang). There is another called Lice.

Owl is called "Mister Bird", baykuş. Owls crack me up anyway, the name is even better.

Biden looks 20 years older than Bernie. The batteries ran out on this guy - finito. No joke. #DNR

You bury the left, you end up with worse.

"But the bottom line is this: Miliband came not to bury capitalism, but to save it. He offered Britain a smidgen of basic social democracy, the smallest taste of redistribution: curbing zero-hours contracts and the vast power imbalance between bosses and workers; the privatisation of natural monopolies and the rotting away of the public realm. By dismissing that argument, the establishment in effect sent out one unified message to voters mired in a slump: that post-crash Britain was unreformed and unreformable. That argument was to be used against the elites with deadly effect in the EU referendum of 2016."

There is this framing of the left that they cannot manage things; but somehow cons f#$k shit up much badly and irreversibly than anyone in the mainstream left.

"So much has changed this decade that it seems absurd to consider how at its start, in 2010, a 40-year-old father of two and whiz on a Rubik’s Cube was considered the biggest threat to the British establishment. Did that really happen? Yes, confirm the archives. He was Red Ed, a “Marxoid creep” (the Daily Mail, of course), the man with the sneaky plan to turn the country into some socialist banana republic.

How laughably tinny such jibes sound today. Seen in the rearview mirror of a country hurtling towards a cliff-edge, undeterred by Whitehall warnings of shortages in medicine, fuel and food, the Miliband era looks enviable. You could quarrel and quibble with the man, of course; you could pick holes all day long. But knowing what was to come, how the next couple of episodes were to play out, would you still have gone for the chillaxing blunderer [Cameron] who landed us in a historic mess then grabbed the thick end of a million quid from some poor sap of a publisher to stick his trotters up in a £25,000 shed and yawn out a memoir?"


I dont completely blame them; the thinkspace is such a blithering mess, it takes a regular person a lifetime to sort it out. Look at science, instead of providing a half-sane theory for an odd observation, they came up with an entire frickin multiverse..

This is science, how can other parts of analysis have any chance?

"Milenials are still immature"

When do I get my first memristor notebook?

Impressions; I can do Richard Pryor - but not him directly, I do Eddie Murphy doing Pryor. EM tells story when he was a kid, he did a joke abt taking a dump, told in Pryor's voice: "You know that sometimes, you are in bathroom, you are strainin, and strainin, and a little pebble shit come out? Whatz up with dat m..t..ka?". Full of skillz I am. Clinton, Ahnuld, too.

It's not a completely airheaded comment; but directors make choices, and for it was trying to communicate IMO Roots did okay.


Ronald Reagan, for example, said of Roots: 'Very frankly, I thought the bias of all the good people being one color and all the bad people being another was rather destructive.'"


When you’re the only statistician in a room full of data scientists"


Little Denmark with that huge landmass; that is kinda absurd actually. And with ice starting to melt.. the place might look mouthwatering to some.

I'm doing bunch of shit for ed thinking there'll be ppl around. WTF.

No ice at either pole.. this has happened before, that's true. 33 million yrs ago.

Carbon capture and removal from air is definitely needed. For methane too if possible.

"We Have Five Years To Save Ourselves From Climate Change, Harvard Scientist Says"


I saw the future man.. all cars had these blue lights on them using H2 wizzing by with no smell and sound, and no emissions.

Fantastic. Not just tar sands, but regular oil too.


Hyosung To Invest 1,000 billion wons to Expand Carbon Fiber Production Capacity-Carbon fiber is a key material for the safe storage, transportation, & utilization of H2".

Gov funding some cool stuff

"First Programmable Memristor Computer. Funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation"

Buffalo Gals/Leather Britches/Leslie’s Reel #music


"If ppl dont care / know squat abt issues, then why am I talking abt them constantly?" asks tuber. Good question. You are entertainment, for one. But more important, you are now a political leader. That's something... Plus you might be supplying me oppo and "some other people" might take that from me :) So keep doing what you r doing, just don't get deluded about context.

The Boys, not bad.

"Ever wondered where the recent increase in Methane emissions is coming from?"


"But [Einstein's] revolution was not finished. The standard model of particle physics was certainly the triumph of this pragmatic style of doing physics, but its triumph seems now to have also marked its limit. The standard model, and just possibly inflation, is about as far as we could go with normal science. Since then, we have been mired, because what we need is a return to a revolutionary kind of science. Once again, we need a few seers. The problem is that there are now very few around, as a result of science having been done so long in a way that rarely recognized and barely tolerated them. Between the early twentieth century and the last quarter century, science — and the academy in general — has become much more organized and professionalized. This means that the practice of normal science has been enshrined as the single model of good science. Even if everyone can see that a revolution is necessary, the most powerful parts of our community have forgotten how to make one."

Cool.. Did not know Brit academia was so welcoming.

"That's nice, but the idea is nuts — really nuts. It disagrees with both special and general relativity. There is no other word for it but 'heretical'. However, the British academic world has a soft spot for heretics, and Magueijo was thriving at Imperial College." --Smolin

Experiment: I redid Prez prediction with GDP YoY data; Model fit R^2 = 0.85, still good.

Prediction: DJT current approv, net-aproval = -11.8 % (approval 42 % minus 53.8 % disproval).


This one, with 1% GDP growth shows a toss up, even a tiny disadvantage for Rep. With 2%, Reps have a little advantage.

I reran 2016, shows (confirms) the obnoxious Dem loss. Growth was meager, Dems were two terms in. Incumbent party lost, it failed to energize.

2Q GDP YoY 2.28%. If trend continues it might go down another 1.6 by 2Q next year.


What cultural hot buttons SW contain? It's obvious. The empire is Rome. Jedis are early Christians. Luke is Jesus. Notice in ep #3 how unwilling he is on fight; turns himself in, he implores Vader. Drops sword instead of going "dark".

Dude did a great job; reimagined fight scene from Star Wars

Same guy working on a miniseries, "Vader", teases for S. Jackson role reappearing

"I am still alive.."

Siemens working on hydrogen directly in turbines (seperate from electr tech). GE has some know-how on that.

BTW - there are some accounting allegations on GE? Real or a hit job...? U have to be careful around these fossil motherfuckers.

Whenever weird shit happens, I started to look more into whose interests are protected.

Japan: ultra low rates, weird. Whose interests are protected? Big established companies who are neck deep in debt? CB saz low rates are needed bcz of stagnant econ (which is a lie). The real issue is bad banks, zombie companies lingering. They help them with low rates, and/or creating bubbles in econ to push everyone in a certain direction. But these comps only manage turnover debt with more debt, contiuing their zombie state, holding back investment, inno. Econ does not improve. CB says even lower rates are needed now. The cycle continues.

Man up; clean out debt, bad credit, overtly. Enough with this bitchy bullshit.


Youtube has been on a Demonetizing tear lately, Now you can't even make fun of one the Oligarch's foot soldiers."


Karaze. Awesome.

"Scientists testing method to pump oxygen into tar sands to extract hydrogen gas (keeping carbon in the ground)"


Ha ha

"Tweet 1: 'Our Economy is very strong'

Tweet 2: We need four rate cuts and maybe some quantitative easing, too"


What is this an open laundromat? Ah no it's BEV owners charging their BEVs.

Former Comm. Director Anthony Buttofuoco is from the managerial class of Reps, they are as Tooze says seperate form rank-and-file; took him long enough to break with DJT.

AFAIK he started pol as fundraiser for Mitt (= managerial class).

We need to let go of these old, dead ideas. I draw the line on 1910 (so I get Einstein, Jung, and leave out Marx, Freud). Industrial era is a cesspool of imbeciles - second wave truly did a number to these people, along with most of humanity. Fucked in the brain they are. Let go you must. mmmHHHHMMMmmm!

Adam Smith didn't have it all together either - so any critique based on AS cannot be sound. Econs at the time didn't even know where money comes from.

"Marx used Adam Smith's writings to critique capitalism"

Best thing policy can do is help provide the alternative fuel at the pump, ease, push the R&D of the vehicle that can use that fuel, and let the customers get off fossil by not choosing it. Once customers abandon it, fossil will die. Between two equally effective, equally priced fuel, ppl will choose the cleaner fuel.

Drama school


I like how he judges labor, wages for inflation.

Also says gold is a commodity, nothing more. It surely cannot form the basis of a world currency system.

"2 years ago I went to a very conservative conference where most of the speakers said the USA was bankrupt and that high inflation was coming.

I told everyone they should buy...US government bonds."


Fitting ODE to data; why the hell not? Mayochup. Cockamouse. OdeFit. People do it. It's a thing.

(Actually not a bad idea)

(geek) Solving ODE over and over, searching for optimal missing vars.. that's what the shooting methods (for TPBVP) does at the end of the day, isn't it?

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3 (/geek)

So there has been crazy innovation, all the way up to now. Lack of innovation angle is false.

In 73 Sears Tower finished, the last Apollo mission to Moon returned (Dec 72), Standard Model of physics done. So US went highest, furthest in a lot of areas then stopped. But I believe after that things expanded horizontally, not vertically. No more moon, but lots of satellites, GPS, hell velcro. No new psy discoveries, but applying QM to electronics, molecular chemistry. Nothing higher than ST, but many more other skyscrapers. It's fine. Just a different emphasis.

Sympy is obnoxiously good; solve ODEs, simplify, apply Laplace, integrate, differentiate.. There is huge amt of crud that can be skipped bcz of this, more time left for modeling, and other essentials.

Prediction markets; I dont know abt the top echelon, but there is no doubt Warren is doing okay.

Yang > Bootyjudge? That makes sense.


Trump Tower is a few blocks away from the Hudson River, so Trump himself will get in on the trade. Fishing from at the top of TT. NYC will have a boom.

#brexit Yep. You can't tax Google, and you'll have to eat chlorine chicken, and four eyed fish.. They're gonna fish'em right out of the Hudson River, and send them to you, and u'll have to eat them bcz u have no other choice. Nothing lives in NY Hudson River except four eyed fish, there's plenty there, Yankees will get rich off this trade. Long fish.

Kinetic energy is 1/2 m V**2. To increase energy, the effect of the hit, u either increase V (velocity, hitting "fast"), or increase m (mass). Increasing m is much easier than increasing V. Just put your body behind hit. Which means legs. Same for arm twists; rotating with the whole body. Plus such approaches will work at an older age u might get slow as f*ck, but u'll still have body mass. Gonbatte godasai bitch.

"But I cannot hit faster then!"

Work on your legs. Leg strength is more important then upper body str.

A good boxer can fight on one leg.

"What body section should I exercise on to further my self-def skills?"

This is the mother of all bubbles. Get out.

"Hong Kong wants to build artificial islands for housing"

"Residential property is a monster that we have to keep feeding our childrens' futures to stop it from eating us today."


Europe, deflationary spiral


I listen to Brit cons talk abt Corbyn, their tone is always in a manner painting C as unacceptable, even unconcienable as a choice for PM. This has to be leftover feistiness from Thatcher era and beyond. I hope they end up eating those words.

That's the other crazy thing abt ST; u can have an obscene number of them, all seperate versions. So what Feynman said abt ST in 80s still applies today; the theory itself should tell u how many dimensions there are, which version is the correct one. But it doesn't.

"At the beginning of the first superstring revolution, it was miraculous that any string theory existed at all. That there were eventually five was even more surprising. The sheer improbability cemented our belief in the project. If at first it was unlikely to work and then it did work—well, this was nothing less than wonderful. Today string theorists are ready to accept the existence of a landscape containing a vast number of theories, based on much less evidence than we needed twenty years ago to convince ourselves that a single theory existed.So one place to draw the line is simply to say, 'I need to be persuaded that these theories exist, using the same standards that were required decades ago to evaluate the original five.' If you insist on those standards, then you will not believe in the vast number of new theories" --Smolin

"German theoretical physicist Olaf Dreyer, who argues that the incompatibility between quantum theory and general relativity can be resolved only if we give up the idea that space is fundamental. He proposes that space itself emerges from a more fundamental description that is quite different. This point of view is also argued by several theorists who did great work in the field of condensed-matter physics, such as the Nobel laureate Robert Laughlin and the Russian physicist Grigori Volovik" -- Smolin.

String Theory was thought to be a "theory of everything" then it became a "theory of anything" (bcz u can push and pull it to any direction, not good, cuz then the theory says nothing). [facepalm]

"A Theory of Anything"

ha ha.. Apparently some fixes were made for this problem during 90s, but then things became even hairier.

"String Theory initially proposed to unify all the particles and forces in nature. But as it was studied in the decade following the 1984 revolution, something unexpected happened. The alleged unified theory fractured into many different theories: the five consistent superstring theories in ten-dimensional spacetime, plus millions of variants in the cases where some dimensions were wrapped up. As time went on, it became clear that string theory itself was in need of unification" -- Smolin

And the search for the perfect electrolysis catalyst continues.. these guys says they found the one.

"Topology may be the key to unlocking the barrier in the search for ideal catalysts"


What really helped US was FED's purchasing of non-performing bank assets. So FED did something right, that time.

"But didn't spending in US after 2008 help them recover faster?"


Clean #hydrogen, which South Africa is ideally placed to produce because of its superior sunshine, prime wind and platinum abundance"

Used auto-cashier system at the grocery store. It is fantastic. I would love to shop in a store with zero human workers.

PMI is a good sign of demand. Down like a rock. #US


"Team of researchers at the @UniversitySA has discovered a way to find and beat superbugs. @HarveyBiggs #9News"


Not being supportive on "transgender athlete equality" is not a rightist position. The stance is literally dumb, so it doesn't belong anywhere in the spectrum. There is no right or left connotation to this issue.


"Young protesters in Hong Kong are directly challenging China's Communist rulers. Inspired by kung fu legend Bruce Lee, their leaderless structure is frustrating efforts by the authorities to stymie them"

A story on phycist Edward Teller: at the start of the semester, 1st class, he is talking abt administrative details, points to his TA, says "this is my TA John, his room number is .. what was it John..? (TA says 120).. okay, you divide by 2, and add 5, mine is 65.

You see, I can't remember but I can derive".

Story relayed by another physicist who was a grad student then, who says he learned an important lesson that day, how deriving can actually help you remember. Surely Teller was being somewhat tongue-in-cheek about it, but this does reflect how good scientists think. U need to be able to derive from first principles. It will help you not only understand, also to remember, by deriving it if necessary. Oh I forgot "integration by parts". Well.. did you know IBP formula is just an expanded, rearranged form of d(f(t)g(t))/dt?

Fractional reserve theory is false. See here. Article says "According to the financial intermediation theory of banking, banks are merely intermediaries like other non-bank financial institutions, collecting deposits that are then lent out. According to the fractional reserve theory of banking, individual banks are mere financial intermediaries that cannot create money, but collectively they end up creating money through systemic interaction. A third theory maintains that each individual bank has the power to create money ‘out of nothing’ and does so when it extends credit (the credit creation theory of banking)."

The right answer is the last one.

(@DiMartino, formerly from FED, seems to be confused abt the situation)

"Vid talking abt fractional reserve banking"

Hey man; just create another universe, there is an evil Picard in that universe fitting all broken models to any data.

Problem. Solved.

Ba dum tss. Sounds like a joke.. Dude is talking about "controlling randomness" to help his model fit better. [facepalm]

#deepdoodoo #reinf

"Actually the seed is also a hyper-parameter"


Now harder to get research data from FB? That's good, no?



We’re in this era of Big Data and we’re missing Big Theory"

"The world’s largest rocket welding tool is right here in New Orleans. Crews at #NASAMichoud are already using the Vertical Assembly Facility to produce the liquid hydrogen tank for #Artemis 2."

-- NASA admin Beidenstein


"Arschgeigekandidatwahlangst" saz one. Hah.

Biden is not a sure thing obviously.


I'll bet the Germans have a word for the complicated feeling of knowing you're going to have to vote for Biden"

Magic year, 72-73. December 72 was the last manned moon mission, US hasn't left lower Earth orbit ever since. Wage gains peaked, no increases until now. Particle physics reached a plateau, no major findings compared to what was found until 73.

I re-did Keen's math in MathJax so math is viewable in HTML.


BTW, if Keen wants his ideas to spread more stuff like this would be helpful, with running Py code and math that shows all the steps of its derivation. Minsky software might not fit everyone, it looks like a great tool tho. I was told Minsky generates Matlab, not preferred in sci computation by many. Younger students are more comfortable with Py tools.

Also I'd think abt moving Minksy to Github.