
Github Mirror

Week 33

If HK's special status (with US) is revoked CH is in deep doodoo says Bass.

A massacre would be terrible.


It sounds like this could be a major voting block, no?

"An estimated 20 million Americans live in mobile homes"

Get ready being Blair style poodle. Chlorine chicken, four eyed fish, all coming your way boy!

Partnering with US is not a bad thing; but in such an alternative-less way UK has to do it.. not good.


UK must accept US food standards in trade deal, says US farm chief. US producers use chlorine wash on chickens and use hormone in beef. Both illegal in the EU."


Fuckin Fukishima, this guy.. He actually reflected a common misconception of 90s, even in science. Statecraft is done. Physics was done. "We just need to figure out this little thing here and there.." It happens all the time, Kelvin said the same thing during 1800s. "Physics is done.. except a few dark clouds in the horizon". Those clouds turned out the starting of major changes (now there is dark energy, matter -just a little fudge here and there, no biggie-).

.. and when they look at the encylopedia item "who contributed to the cratering of Iraq" they will see your name next to it.

How's that End of History coming along?


When future historians ask 'who lost Hong Kong' they will be able to point to DJT."


Don't forget that the year started with the 10-year around 3.2% with many expecting it to go to 3.5% (or even 4%) in 2019."


I was talking to the CEO of a startup whose customers are local governments.

Me: What features do people in local government want most? What excites them?

CEO: Going home at 5"

Pump and dump rant


Doing stuff. Handling things... haaandling everything. Crass.

Dude transcribed 'bella donna' as 'black Madonna" in this song. Totally wrong.


♫♬ Carolina, bella donna, she get it from her mamma

♫♬ Sex designer, lights your mind up

♫♫ Sip it, then roll the dime up

♫♬ Gentlemen crooks, snazzy, hip, and flashy with looks

♫♬ Crooked City's walkin witty, you ain't makin' like us


I also got a vibe from DJT he is gently pushing UK towards the EU?

"Pelosi warns U.S.-UK trade pact won't pass Congress if Good Friday deal is undermined"

Boy that 10 yr yield went down like a rock

Old McGyver says he doesn't like the new one. "They kill people left and right" saz he. Another militarized show.

It was shown empirically representative democracies are better than non-democracy regimes.

Issues, ppl (mostly) don't know shit about, but choosing ppl they are not bad at, and also, what truly matters is leaders' fear of losing an election which pushes them in a benev direction.

BdM found democracies not only are richer, but also fight better; because for fear of losing an election, democracies must mobilize fast, in bigger numbers, which increases their chances of victory. Non-democracy regimes could hide their losses, the real situation, perhaps allowing a wrong direction to persist longer than necessary.

Democ can work anywhere - in China, Russia.. Middle East needs it badly, esp Jordan (there are a lot grumblings from this country -so says the grapevine-)

Training quadcopter with ReinfL. So sad.


"By 2050 #hydrogen could meet 18% of the world’s final energy demands, provide 30 million jobs around the world, prevent 6 Gt of CO2 #emissions emissions, and create a $2.5 trillion market for hydrogen and #fuelcell cell equipment"


Aahh Riksbank.. Some bad smells coming outa there.. BTW the economics Nobel prize is called Riksbank prize in economic sciences in honour of Alfred Nobel. It was abbreviated to Nobel Prize later. Alfred Nobel was a chemist, engineer, inventor, who liked blowing shit up (he invented the dynamite). There is no way he would have authorized giving money to economics which wasn't even considered a proper science then. Some would argue of course, it still isn't one now.


How Sweden’s Riksbank pionneered negative rates and why its governor now needs bodyguards."


Clarkson doesn't dislike electric cars monkey boy. He dislikes battery electric cars.

Corporate media.. the root of many ills


This plane can fly 500 miles on guess what.


The Verge


Two data science things I am genuinely surprised about:

1) How few data scientists know the difference between inference and prediction

2) The general low knowledge about research design

3) Little knowledge about causality

4) Very low knowledge about statistics"

"Despite being heavily involved in developing electric vehicle technology, automotive giant Continental has suggested that hydrogen will be the long-term solution to replace internal combustion engines"


If particle psy has been frozen since 1973, I dont have to seek math books later than that either (phy = math). A book even from 1973 would be enough. Bryson & Ho is 1975; the math is just fine. They had everything.

Restaurants close for lunch in France? :-o




Some can ignore the parts of that explanation. It should be up to them. But as a rule every disussion of divergence needs to explain where it comes from.

Otherwise you'll end up with another generation of scientists running around circles, talking out of their ass, drowning in shallow water.

"But, not everyone needs an explanation where a thing come from to be able to use it"

The intuitive description of what xyz does is embedded in where it comes from. Derive it, it'll become clear. Extra intuition doesn't hurt, but the origin matters most.

"But I intuitively describe what xyz does"

Noone is immune to "teach xyz as a tool to do abc" sickness in ed; Don't just drop the concept in front of students saying it does "blah". Say divergence. Derive it. See Mathematical Tools for Physics pg 290, Nearing.

Sure - but this was self-reliance in a world of game, wide open nature (all is public space, no ownership of land); This was the 0th Wave, the thing before everything else. The longest we've been anything, we've been that.

Hunting could be hard, but also can be done in spurts. This is how we are wired, for sprints, not marathons (marathon is for sheep lovers, peasants, back-breaking routine work).

1st, 2nd waves took that land, divided up the society into little chunks, food production, material production, schools, prisons, now you created a completely different environment where you actually cannot be self-reliant. Some ppl will fall through the cracks no matter what you do, and they will not be happy.

You could say "evolution would naturally select behaviours optimal for each age", I am usually a sucker for that kind of argument, but each of these eras are shorter and stupider than the last. Agro era 12K years, industrial era 300. Then there'll be space soon (the 4th Wave), so... this is bunch of non-sense. Let's rearrange stuff for non-scarcity, mobility, availability of wide public services and land, this will handle most problems.

"But if left is based on pre-agro forager, that's all abt self-reliance!"

The right keeps framing inequality issues around "I worked hard and earned that money", looking at only at one slice of the system, the "earning" (the culture code for money in US is PROOF). Before u ended up with that money, there were crediting policy who got you, or your employer that credit, ed level (now heavily tied to parent's ed status) who preferred one person over another for that job, taxes that took less than it should have so u ended up with that dough. If all parts of the system were hunky-dory, then you could allow that last slice of the system, "earning the money" be as it is. But it isn't.

It's like the healthcare debate; if drug makers, insurers were benevolent, u'd spend less. But they are not benevolent. So gov needs to bash their skull to get to Walhalla. U use the unideal to fix the unequal to reach optimal.

Another thing they miss is you are not helping "others", you are helping yourself. Do we want sick people all over the place getting others sick, bringing the morale down? Or showing up with pitchforks at your house?

Yeah they totally made that shit up

Wasn't this why Obama got slapped down by Kissinger, with "[parap] contemplating complexity is not the same thing as solving it".

This must be a key tenet of centrism. You "contemplate" stuff, then not do anything.

Multi-millionaire, multi-billionaires keep blessing the rest with their "inequality contemplation". On the solutions, they are like "uhhh, education". Please save your empty thinkification to yourself.

I saw TSLAQ vision tech lead explain their transitioning into NN once. "Slowly, we make this part NN, then this part NN, eventually all be NN". So it's like mowing your lawn is it? "I do this piece, then this piece, then it is all done"? The tech in your hand is not as good as even a lawnmower. It is shoddy, half-cooked, in-progress tech. Putting people's lives at risk with it is delusional at best, criminal at worst.

No wonder Zach Lipton says "there's noone there who knows what they are doing"

Vision isn't "solved". Throwing monkey ML, "AI" at the solution won't work, as now you become training data's bitch. R-CNN, YOLO are fantastic innovations; but they are only part of the picture.

Vision, "AI"


Glad to be using Python for everything. I wrote a small piece of elisp the other day and realized I hadn't done that for like 10 yrs.


It has to be tough being POTUS. Stuff going haywire all the time. "Allies not cooperating, I have flashpoints everywhere, I got Macron crawling up my ass, Russia gone nutz, SK-Japan probs"... You could complain all day long if you wanted to.

I bet FN and Reps are worked up abt The Hunt not bcz deplorables are hunted by the "elite". It's bcz of the comeuppance part when deplorables shoot back and kill the 1 percenters.

11 day jam!

"Pilbara project grows to 15GW"


Antenna in plural sounds funny. Antenae. An-teh-nee.


Busy weekend with climate deniers. Their tweets show desperation: sources becoming even more trashier, and comments are becoming even more nasty or nonsensical. "

Orville; as good as TNG. I get the exact same kick out of it as I did with TNG. The cultural stuff is brilliant.

Dirac married special relativity with Cop QM, not general relativity.

Standard Model (the final state of phy) is a huge ship, it could be entertaining in there... You could remain in it and walk around in its corridors for decades. But that is not what drives some; they want more clarification, elegance in the model.

Plus there is that nagging issue of dark matter, dark energy, and bazillion constants in the SM. U need to derive them, fool.

Sometimes I wonder if ppl are aware of what is going on even in their own fields.

Apparently the gauge route, leading up to SU(5) did not pan out either. No unification.

#thetroublewithphysics #smolin

NRA is powerful in the way AIPAC is powerful. I am sure there are some pols how got their ass kicked by AIPAC money, or their campaign tactics. You ask them, "well, they are so good, they kicked my ass". But what gives AIPAC its power is the establishment bias towards Israel, the grand politicking which supports this country. The body politick decided on that first, the rest is just a reflection. If the grand policy changes then all of a sudden AIPAC won't be so powerful.

S/he who wants to cause change, needs to hit at the root, not at the tip.

Fine, but I am warning you; I know Italian karate.

How is Italian karate? It's simple actually; there is only one move.


"I am mad at you"


"What I believe is failing is not so much a particular theory but a style of doing science that was well suited to the problems we faced in the middle part of the twentieth century but is ill suited to the kinds of fundamental problems we face now. The standard model of particle physics was the triumph of a particular way of doing science that came to dominate physics in the 1940s. This style is pragmatic and hard-nosed and favors virtuosity in calculating over reflection on hard conceptual problems. This is profoundly different from the way that Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, and the other early-twentieth-century evolutionaries did science. Their work arose from deep thought on the most basic questions surrounding space, time, and matter, and they saw what they did as part of a broader philosophical tradition, in which they were at home.

In the approach to particle physics developed and taught by Richard Feynman, Freeman Dyson, and others, reflection on foundational problems had no place in research. This freed them from the debates over the meaning of quantum physics that their elders were embroiled in and led to thirty years of dramatic progress. This is as it should be: Different styles of research are needed to solve different kinds of problems. Working out the applications of established frameworks requires very different kinds of thinking — and thinkers — than inventing those frameworks in the first place.

However, as I will argue in detail in the pages to come, the lesson of the last thirty years is that the problems we're up against today cannot be solved by this pragmatic way of doing science".

-- Smolin

Are you effin kidding me? This is Brian Greene, an ST motherfucker.

"Even today, more than three decades after its initial articulation, most string practitioners believe we still don't have a comprehensive answer to the rudimentary question, What is string theory?"

If a lot of smart ppl tried and failed, that's your sign to move on. Three-body problem was like that centuries ago. Newton tried to solve it, Euler tried solve it, Poincare tried solve it - all failed. This problem gave Newton a headache. Can u imagine how hard a problem has to be to give Isaac F---ing Newton a headache? That was the 3BP.

It turned out 3BP had no solution ("analytic" solution that is, with one clean formula).

Like I said, let's take the hint.

Well it's been 30 yrs for SUSY. Where's the evidence?

"But it also took ~25yrs for Maxwell's E&M theories to be tested".

Bell's Theorem says particles can talk faster than light. But in the ensemble model space has no meaning, so instantenous com. is possible; it's just another hop in the graph. It is because in the emergent space some thing become "far" that we are shocked at the comm at a "long distance".

There is no spooky action "at a distance", cuz there is no distance (behind the curtain).

We could definitely use more wind. Cools weather, neutralizes f--ing birds.

If Dems occupied the left, reducing pressure on monkey issues to be divisive like guns and abortion, u would see a lot of centrists going from Dems to Reps (no big deal, their numbers are limited) and discussions inside Dems would be much higher quality. Left ppl are thinking now 'why do I constantly have to listen to some jackass who wants me to be "reasonable" and this and that'. Just to make space for this asshole where he doesnt belong, that's why.

I am telling you, this is it - the silver bullet.

Abortion doesn't have anything to do with religion per se. There are Christian, Islam branches, major sects that allow it, some going back and forth on the issue at various times. The question is why is the practice strictly forbidden in Catholicism?

Because the Roman army needs soldiers, that's why. You need the numbers that's how you further the interests of the mafia. Organized religion in service of organized crime.

It's also very likely Dem establishment carefully made sure it was non-white progressives that joined its ranks recently, not whites, bcz they wanted the opposition to Trump be in racial terms, that to take center stage along with immigration they were hoping (it worked), instead of economics, and left. The hired dogs in the media smelled this too, and give them huge media time mostly from that angle. There are some good ppl among these progs, but sadly they are being used.

This is how it's like to fight entrenched interests. You think you win, but then u see u didn't.

Boot-Edge-Edge doing some sneaky shite...? Dem centrist plan: flood the primary with candidates, make sure voting goes to second round where superdelegates can vote and they will vote for a centrist there.



Did SUSY theories got stuck bcz they got lost in the elegance of their equations?

By itself looking for elegance isn't bad. Elegance in math modeling parlor just means as simple as possible, concise, a certain economy in equations. The real problem is if your starting point is wrong, u can get elegance all along the way while modeling and still end up in a ditch bcz of starting point was wrong, and overall view of things were deficient. I could elegantly model shadows, with all its weirdnesses, find countless math tricks to get over the "multiplying shadow problem", "bent shadow problem" and if someone asks, say "shut up and compute!".

The real problem is using elegance as the only yardstick on judging a result.




There are a lot of ways to store energy. Some lift up bunch of water, so if u let it fall from that height it would give you energy. Some compress air (decomp gives energy back). All fine methods but I'd rather have a fuel I can transport around and potentially have an element that carries energy even in its inert form.

#epstein C'mon, how can u pull DJT into this? I distinctly remember seeing a vid where DJT talks to a reporter abt Ep and says "he prefers his women on the younger side". Gently telling on the guy.. I'd sooner suspect Bill C connection, or Ep's own blackmail op backfiring on him than anything else.

"BP pushed for Arctic drilling rights after Trump's election"

I am not talking about gold as an investment, lost person. I am talking about the gold standard, as in, a gold backed currency. The latter is unworkable. In a narrow sense, for right now, in the little sandbox they created for you that is the fin system, go buy your gold, marry it, have children with it - who cares?

SUSY model is an extension of the standard model, a hodge podge concoction that computes well, but cannot unify all forces of the universe. That's why realists say the rot is deeper, with the Cop QM.

"For much of the last 25 years, a huge question hanging over the field of fundamental physics has been that of what judgement results from the LHC would provide about supersymmetry, which underpins the most popular speculative ideas in the subject. "


Haha! Physicist looking for help from "AI" to fix their theories.. Now you really reached the end of your rope my friend.

“On string theory, etc., I've been wondering about the possibility that an AI may actually be able to 'learn' a particular model and calculate its consequences even of this was too hard for any human mathematician. If it came up with numbers for the physical constants that agreed (or that disagreed) with the real world, would we then be happy to accept its verdict on the theory? I think the answer is probably 'yes' -- but it's not as clear-cut as in the case of (say) the 4-colour theorem -- in that latter case the program used is transparent, whereas in the case of AI (even existing cases like Alpha Go Zero) tor programmer doesn't understand what the computer does.”


"Leaks threaten safety — and success — of America’s top natural gas exporter. A federal investigation at Cheniere’s flagship facility in Louisiana raises red flags for a surging industry"


Hawking said 2D life would be impossible, imagine a 2D animal,

The food it ate would go through it dividing it into two.

But could't a 2D "cell" could take another cell inside, temporarily breaking its outside shell, than close, eating it? Bon apetit? It could work.

Hawking pushed his share of bull in his time BTW, like String Theory.

Nutz! [thumbs up]

"Connecticut has supercharged development of a 20-MW fuel cell microgrid — part of a $1 billion data center project in New Britain — with a 10-year, $55.2 million sales and use tax exemption...

EIP Investments intends to build a microgrid spanning 45,000 square-feet on the site of a shuttered Stanley Black & Decker manufacturing plant in the project’s $100 million first phase of development. That would make it the largest indoor fuel-cell system in the world, according to EIP."


MMT is a mistake following another mistake. We can have healthy growth wout all this junk.


#Nuclear energy isn't worth it - we don't have to be creating radioactive waste for our energy needs; cheaper, safter options are readily available:"

Release of poisonous gas during fire?

"Arizona commissioner cites 'unacceptable risks' from lithium-ion batteries for large-scale projects"


Underwater farming


318 kg. Nice.

"NEWS FLASH: Our #Anaheim, Calif. hydrogen station set a new record this week!"

Why is solar energy / panels more efficient in space? Sunlight goes to panels direct, no atmosphere to go through, plus 24hr exposure to the sun. Claim is solar in space is 5 times more efficient. Increase panel space, it'd be massive energy generation.

But then again, some say the sunshine we get is already enough:


"[F]ully half of all the fossil fuels ever burned throughout all of history have been burned since 1990.

Which means that if you are 29 years old, you’ve been alive when half of all the fossil fuels ever burned throughout all of human history have been burned. Half! In just 29 years!"

Finally something cogent from Varoufuckis

Hariri book has two parts; one is about foragers, farmers, good stuff. Then he talks about "stories" but nationalism and modernity are not mainstays of what is, and will be, only fleeting constructs like a the build-up of a fart. Eventually u fart and it will go away.

Stories are mostly abt culture codes and second wave. Any thinker worth his salt needs to go beyond them.

Also for better anthrolopoly I would read Ian Morris. Hariri really is poor man's Ian Morris.

Schuuumaaah is probably anti-China bcz "China likes Iran, Iran is bad for Israel, so bad, bad China".

"The scumbag" is on the same wavelength probably for the same reason.

They probably also want an in into the Trump-land, somehow.

I wouldnt go googly-eyed on QED. Also incomplete.


Why do SJW types want to modify existing franchises? Cant they create their own characters from scratch? As the so-called "bro-heroes" were created once?

Haha.. SJW Dr. Who in trouble? Rumor is director created a female Dalek (major villain) in a weird shape, bad for merch sales.


What a shit show



So all u need to be is SJW, in a world of beta-cuck and the force is automagically with you?

There are two routes to female empowerment: one is through being hanımağa, the female royal, she-boss. The other is through adaptable, struggling, nomadic, human female with grit, the core of what we are.

Meaning; replacing the pope with a female pope is not advancement. U need to degrade and ultimately destroy the Catholic Church, and all the associated cultures. The Vatican, Caliphatism, kleptomania, beastiality - all needs to go.

But he gave great quotes...

"As president, Kennedy swiftly reversed Eisenhower’s course. McNamara rehabilitated NSC-68 and embarked on a massive buildup of conventional land, sea, and air forces in order to “prevent the steady erosion of the Free World through limited wars,” as Kennedy put it in a 1961 message to Congress. The promise of “limited” wars would soon be fulfilled by the two of the biggest disasters in the history of American foreign policy: the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Vietnam War"

All IR issues seem to be at a hightened state. There were China worries before, same w Iran, NK, oil.. All these issues now have their volume turned up.

Russkies be slippin

Score! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

"U.S. Senate Passes $1 Billion in Alternative Fuel Infrastructure, Including #Hydrogen, EV and Natural Gas"


There is also this

"Israeli Start-Up Develops Biodegradable Plastic"


Turning plastic into hydrogen? Incredible if true.

Actually I had a feeling this could be possible; plastic is based on petroleum. Fossil can be reformed into H2. This process is essentially a roundabout way of getting H2 out of petroleum [video below].


Driven by worries both about global tension and late phase of business-cycle $102bn flowed into ultra-safe money market funds globally last week "

Inflation is a sign of wage levels; if ppl had money they'd spend, at certain point you'd see inflation starting to creep up. The fact that US has persistently low inflation means ppl dont have money. For big ticket items (house, college) there are forms of structured debt. Regular consumption is different. How many cars can a billionaire buy? One? How many could 1000 millionaires buy? One thousand? Probably? Less concentrated wealth is socially better. 1000 ppl have cars instead of 1.

1% here, 1% there. Truth of the matter is US is living in a persistently low inflation environment. Potential sources of inflation:

1) Exports more than imports

2) Bank lending (credit creates new money)

3) Wages

4) Gov printing (spending more than it gets in taxes)

#1 does not apply to US. #4, no, bcz of US dom, its debt is snapped up. #2 money goes into servicing existing debt, speculation, creating bubbles there. That leaves #3, but because of technology and outsourcing, wages are not growing. Result: no inflation.

US is a creditor's paradise, $ denominated debt does not lose its value. Debtors can borrow at low rates, then they get sucked in an never-ending Ponzi scheme.

Farming dangerous 4 the planet.

I'd have no problem eating some synthetic goop as main diet as long as it is nutritious enough.
