
Github Mirror

Week 32

"Why should a feudal lord give up his land for a regular person" is this guy's message basically. Go suck some root retard.

Funny I was thinking abt a drone design the other day and thought, for a cheap design, "remote automation" (as in within 1 km) could be possible; Drone is in constant radio contact, relays sensor, takes command, processing done on smartphone. Delays, choppy data factored in the compute; it could work.

This is to keep the drone skeletal, small, and light.


Every subculture has their own schisms. In the case of drones, it goes all the way back to model airplane nerds ("operators") vs software geeks ("developers').

The first believe in sticks and pilots, the second in silicon and autonomy. "

Some dirty Cobalt talk.

"The Opec comparison is not a pie in the sky - and the company does not even have to look for allies because of its market power. It is not without irony that the technology that is supposed to push back oil is even more critical than the black gold."


I wrote tutorials on a lot of subjects; I look at the way the high-level categorizations came out, there isn't any machine learning, "AI" category. Parts of ML articles fell under computer science, other parts fell under statistics.

Mika Brezikinskinsinky-Ska. Shabatsky..? Kibitzen?

Yes. Daughter of late Brzezinski, the strategist.

#energytwitter is the perfect example of what would happen if people were relied on to solve huge technical problems. The tag mostly has second, third derivative of what's already being talked abt in policy circles, and not even the good parts of those circles, the show-biz parts, like electrification etc.

"Fantastic news for FCHEA member @PlugPowerInc Along with increasing revenue, Plug has shipped over 28,000 #fuelcells and has become the world's largest user of liquid #hydrogen, utilizing 15 tons daily, more than NASA. Plug Power revenue rises in Q2 — and it teases 3 more big announcements in 2019"


Little rivalry there between Japan and China to showcase H2 at sporting events. It's on!


China has broken ground on it's #hydrogen energy project that will be showcased at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, including a new generation plant and 2 #H2 stations."


Sweet #bernie #rogan


They somewhat are, but I don't see US invading Mexico for its issues with Hispanics.

Plus Kurds have been here longer than tigga, and I use the T word ethnically the way nats use. The term is laden confusion, in reality so-called "Turks" and Kurds are both ancient, local to the area -Turks did not wholly come from Central Asia as some dumb nats claim-. Whoever arrived in little numbers melted away into the main population. The current culture is a continuation of what was here before that arrival.

Language, schmlanguage.. Whichever language is used as main language isn't that important. Brits and Americans both speak English, but are they similar? US is more similar to Germans than to Brits who speak a different language.

"Are TR-Kurd issue (citizenship, cultural unity) related to Hispanic-US issue, both cases have a minority whose ethnic breathren outside their borders as a neighbor, and that minority also as concentrated population inside their borders."

Frack up the motherfrackers.


Such utter bull crap from the American Petroleum Thugs. Fracking poisons the planet: Water. Ground. Air. The whole shebang. Stop these fuckers now".



According to Rohollah Faghihi Al-Monitor's correspondent in Tehran, Macron offered Rohani a $ 15 billion credit line to circumvent US sanctions in their last phone conversation."

Fake scarcity



Here's the test. Go nutz.

For thourough profiling, subscribe for 1 year, and DM.

"I want to know my MBTI type!"

Public policy, same way. Bcz you have such a blunt instrument, you need to prefer broad opportunity increasing measures, not diddle about shit that noone is 100% sure about, which, if wrong, can cause undue damage with that blunt instrument. The pieces will fall where they may, but policy at least would have done all it could.

These are two different things; one is internal company discipline, the other a matter of public sphere. Inside companies, it is not a democracy. In tech companies ppl work together all the time, and u gonna have this jackass sitting next to a girl, head bobbing, "yeeah I dropped them words bitch, it wuz me". You cant have a work culture like that.

Remember the Diversity Club. The first rule of Diversity Club is you do not talk about the Diversity Club.

Outside, go scream your head off, do whatevery frack u wanna do.

"But u say Google should respect free speech than congrad them for firing their employee for speaking out abt genders!"


Thoughtful essay by Tom Hanna: 'Consulting has made me a better scientist'"


Fueling a car is like sex; ya take the pump, stick it in there, liquid comes out... arrrarrrrrrghgghhh... with little convulsion, u see the whites of the eyes.. Total bomb. I dont think u get the same experience with a BEV. It'd be weak IMO.

#fuelcell #H2

Yeah no shit. People aint stupid when it comes to their own needs, consumption.

"71 percent [of people in US poll] can't wait longer than charging for 30 minutes if the car is to drive just over 30 miles"


Ask any tuber they will tell u what needs to be done. Adpocalypse, baseless demonitization of vids .. Left is especially a target. U r messing with people's livehood here. Not cool.

In the right frame of mind the suck is entertaining.

And they start throwing around effin Bayesinism too (cuz it's all relative you see), the bad smell just gets stronger..

The best part is when anti-realists say "the scientific method should change to accomodate us", as in agreeing with experimental data is no longer relevant bcz their little toy theories keep coming short on that front. Susskind is the worst, bugs Smolin to no end.

3 million $ award given to supergravity related research.

Hossfelder thinks this was a very bad idea:

"To date, we have no evidence that supergravity is a correct description of nature. Supergravity may one day become useful to calculate properties of certain materials, but so far this research direction has not led to much.

The works by Ferrera, Freedman, and van Nieuwenhuizen have arguably been influential, if by influential you mean that papers have been written about it. Supergravity and supersymmetry are mathematically very fertile ideas. They lend themselves to calculations that otherwise would not be possible and that is how, in the past four decades, physicists have successfully built a beautiful, supersymmetric, math-castle on nothing but thin air.

Awarding a scientific prize, especially one accompanied by so much publicity, for an idea that has no evidence speaking for it, sends the message that in the foundations of physics contact to observation is no longer relevant"


It's funny for the longest time I was mixing up chaos theoretician Smale with physicist Smolin, so I probabaly paid more attention to Smolin for that reason.


Top climate change scientist quits USDA, says Trump administration tried to bury his study"


You can derive T + V = constant from first principles too? Very cool. Bryson & Ho, AppOptCont, pg. 51.

And some probably lost more by not panicking at the right time.

How is this guy still on TV?

"Nobody ever made a dime panicking" -- Cramer

How is this tech coming along? Solid H2 using magnes + nano, from Kuwait? Commercialize, scale, chop chop! What are you waiting for? Another Saddam to invade your ass?

A girl likes Hobbs & Shaw, a movie I read scatching review on, mostly for being "too bro". I bet the movie is good.


Is reincarnation possible? Sure; in an ancestral simulation scenario reincarnation would be a player entering the game multiple times. In fact, in our profiling one group of attributes talks abt the general inclination of a type (their negative), like High Horse carrying the attributes of a king or queen, or another of a surgent... These could be interpreted as these ppl played a king or queen in earlier games (now they are trying something else).

I am sure a lot of people feel there is something ancient, persistent inside of them, that even predates their birth, this could be it. Like the mystic says "there is another me inside of me (Y. Emre)", could be loosely refering to a shadow-reversal as in Was That Really Me? (by Quenk) maybe? But maybe also a more persistent type attribute which is from an "earlier game".

HFC in India, awesome.

"C.N.R. Rao [..] on Monday said [India's] focus should be making fuel cells from sodium and hydrogen.

The market is currently attuned towards lithium-based fuel cells but that element is not available in the country as also cobalt.

Both the elements are crucial in making of batteries to power mobile phones, laptops and even electric vehicles.

'The government has correctly called for the move towards electric vehicles; I have no issue with that but since we have no reserves of either lithium or cobalt and China having effectively taken control over Congo where cobalt is available in abundance, we have to shift towards sodium and hydrogen. We can do magnesium fuel cells too but it is in short supply' he said.

[..] Rao also pointed out that certain elements like lithium and even helium are at risk of being depleted and lost forever.

'We have been able to prove in the laboratory about the efficiency of fuel cells made of sodium, magnesium and hydrogen. Fuel cells of hydrogen cause no pollution as water is a by-product. The challenge is to scale it to commercial operations and it is very much possible,' he maintained.


Politics, Kool-Aid, comedians.


A lot of people wrongly assume elementary teaching is beneath a top scientist. Nothing can be further from the truth. Einstein taught algebra to little kids all the time. When I received a tutorial from a researcher / scientist (undergrad Chemistry), I knew this has to be the way to learn and teach. In a span of 30 minutes I must have received instruction worth half a semester. I guarantee it, there is nothing like it.

Not all top researchers are good teachers of course, but it's not hard to find ppl who are good at both. Take that and let Internet do its thing; amplify that one voice to millions. Instead of trolls, let quality troll.

Why is it good to have researchers, the best, teaching (even for the lowest levels), fired all teachers, relied on digital content for each subject? Feynman could be teaching your kid algebra, Einstein, arithmetic, or someone like them.

You've done enough for the public Sir; let the public do something for you.

TO is the creator of the scientific package numpy and contrib. to scipy, to immensely important packages for scientific computation. The man needs to be given a medal, perhaps along with Torvalds, W. McKinney, Aaron Meurer, and many more.


After 12 years of being in Austin, I finally used the bus to get downtown. I can't believe it took me this long.. @CapMetroATX was excellent. Using a Park-N-Ride is definitely the best way to get downtown stress free."

2,188th mass shooting since Sandy Hook. Mind boggling.

"HK is currently the center of China's ability to raise US dollars in Asia. China is desparetely short of US dollars and, therefore, needs HK to remain a non-tariffed most-favored-nation trader with the US and the UK. Financial teetering coupled with political uncertainty could abruptly change the complexion of the foundation of investments in HK and throughout Asia" - K Bass

Before I blame movies for gun violence, I'd blame the militarization of culture, through, ahem, the military. With countries around the world having been invaded left and right, noone can assume the invading country will not experience a blow back on its culture. During 2008 crisis, didn't even economist constantly invoke military terms, like "shock and awe"? Isn't the police heavily militarized? People get choked to death for selling cigarettes illegally?

Good 4 you Spiegel.

MS is a libertard but there is hope.


... I do believe in banning assault weapons (yes, lines can be drawn, gun-owners— we also don’t allow bazookas and ground-to-air missiles)"

Wut? Inside her office?


The office worker who was struck, inside her office, by an out-of-control $TSLA has just died.

Full list of $TSLA deaths can be found at"

Silicon Valley (tv show) is cancelled, season 6 is last. Yep - I guess they saw the real Silicon Valley is comedy enough.


Trapped capital has led to all sorts of perversions in the Chinese economy. (Ex. residential real estate cap rates near 1-2%). With big moves in CNH, we may finally have a real test of their ability to keep things under control. There is a mountain of money looking to get out."

"@Jkylebass · 17h chinese currency (USD/CNH) 1 month vol has exploded tonight from 5.6% before the fixing to 9% Not a single price or trade for USD/KRW either...complete short-circuit in Asia. There was plenty of warning for this one...#chinesecurrencyandbankingcollapse #hk"


Beijing is prepping for a massacre in Hong Kong"

Right; ppl assign equal weight to relativity and QM and try to marry both, but out of the two, it is QM that is flawed.

"I believe that we have not yet succeeded in unifying quantum theory with gravity and spacetime (which is what we mean by quantizing gravity), or in unifying the interactions, because we have been working with an incomplete and incorrect quantum theory." --Smolin

I talked abt "Deep Shit kept at minimum, but intertwined with a concise math model". But.. but.. what about Alpha Go Zero? That demonstrates my point. The MCTS math used in AG0 is just as important as the NN machinery. You could also make the case that AG0 is an evolutionary algo bcz it plays against itself while training which favors certain traits above others. If any other approach uses evolutionary methods to this degree we'd say Genetic! Evolution! With AG0 we say Deep Shit!

"South Korea: Work Begins on World’s Largest Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Plant--The 50 megawatt (MW) class secondary #hydrogen #fuelcell power plant, the largest in the world, is situated at Seosan, South Chungcheong Province"


Now Japan is in killer heatwave with 35°C+ at 100 locations"


True; but did we make it perhaps because of that scare?

"Oh but that's just like the nuclear scare of the post 60s"

Too bad I might actually be alive to see it

"Human civilisation as we know it may have already entered its last decades, a worrying new report examining the likely future of our planet’s habitability warns.

The increasingly disastrous impacts of the climate crisis, coupled with inaction to tackle it are sending our planet down a bleak path towards an increasingly chaotic world which could overwhelm societies around the globe, the report’s authors contend.

The paper, produced by the Melbourne-based think tank the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration, is presented by the former chief of the Australian Defence Forces and retired Royal Australian Navy Admiral Chris Barrie."


If the chinese stop propping up their currency, it will devalue more than 40%"

Forget all that multiverse, time travel bullshit; We need to do infrastructure, like those O'Neill stations Bezos talks about. There is some fascinating science, engineering that can be done without going cuckoo.

No. If the overall body politic decides something, decides on change, nothing can stand in its way.

"Oh but NRA is so powerful, they block all change"

Guns, abortion, etc. These are issues Reps need to remain intractable on in order to emphasize their difference from the "other party" who keeps trying to be like them.

Stop whining centrist Democrat. The blood is still on your hands.


The Nordics apparently are more connected to our hunter-gatherer past. Sadly some other cultures' traditions revolve around losing virginity to a goat.

"[There is a] Dutch scouting tradition known as a “dropping”, in which groups of children, generally preteenagers, are deposited in a forest and expected to find their way back to base. It is meant to be challenging, and they often stagger in at 2 or 3 in the morning."


Real-estate bubble, stock market bubble, String Theory, Tesla - all bubbles, results of a delusional system awarding delusions.

Smolin usually refers to Leibniz as a philisopher but readers need to keep in mind, Leibniz is also the co-inventor of Calculus. In fact his notation of Calculus turned out to be more persistent than the Newtonian notation.

"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

-- Malcolm Muggeridge

"Engineers at Lehigh University are the first to utilize a single enzyme biomineralization process to create a catalyst that uses the energy of captured sunlight to split water molecules to produce hydrogen. The synthesis process is performed at room temperature and under ambient pressure"



"While conventional electric car sales are starting to boom, behind the scenes many manufacturers are quietly working away on another way of running a car – #hydrogen fuel-cell technology""

"Federal Minister of Economics Altmaier wants to present a concept by the end of August in order to replace natural gas in traffic, in industry and in buildings with 'green' gases."


I love that the first thing Delaney can think of to describe the horror of socialist America is "free vacations."


One of these guys really knows cars, the other doesn't. Guess which is which.

(Hint: Clarkson is the former host of the most popular car show, ever)

Monkey boy tries so hard to have some of that space biz cool to rub off on the shit show that is Tesla, but I dont think it is working.

Dirty coal to clean H2. Exciting!

I keep saying the best place to do carbon capture is in the beginning of the energy cycle. This is the only fossil I can tolerate.

How abt fracking into H2? No. Bcz the fracking process itself has polluting side-effects.

"Japan and Australia have taken their first steps to create new export industry which will convert the world’s most polluting fuel, coal, into its cleanest, hydrogen, and ship it in liquefied form from Australia to Japan.

The $350 million experiment is based on a vast reserve of low-grade coal in Victoria, which was for decades the southern state’s major source of electricity, until most of the power plants were closed because of the pollution they generated".


"German Ministry of Economics is in preparation of a hydrogen strategy for Germany to be communicated in October 2019"


That's so true about adapting to new work.


But politicians love to blame the people for their problems too, like somehow they didnt work hard enough, werent smart with their choices.

For some reason this reminds me of the T. Carlson line abt politicians lying.

[thumbs up]



[facepalm] Just saw paper "Path optimization for marine vehicles in ocean currents using reinforcement learning". "AI" bitches everywhere.

There is someone who did research on flattest path calculation for ground terrain using analytical math, dude is Swedish.

I should have known to look for flattest path solution in marine literature. The problem is probably nearly identical to "ship traveling in minimal time through water currents in the sea" problem, as in fighting currents = fighting uphill elevation. For the West (therefore modern science) this would be more pressing problem to think abt.

"In Europe there are negative interest rates on government and some corporate debt, which pays for redundant bureaucracies and favoured zombie industries.

In the US there are negative gas prices in an area of Texas the size of a European country. The producers will pay you to take away their pipeline-grade gas. If that ploy fails, they flare it in fires so large they can be seen from space. [..]

Oil and gas is a faith-based industry.

During the past few years that faith has been well rewarded in the Permian Basin of Texas. Gas produced there is processed and sold at Waha, where pipelines take it to the huge hub and market in Cushing near Oklahoma City, or to petrochemical plants and liquefied gas export terminals on the coast of Texas and Louisiana [..].

Why would E&P companies produce gas for a negative revenue? The answer would be that they can sell the oil, as well as the associated natural gas liquids, for actual cash, though at a transportation discount.

As for the gas, it can be cheaper for them to place a vertical pipe near their wells and set it on fire. This flaring is legal for a few days after a well is discovered, or when there is an equipment failure but it is frowned upon by the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC), the state regulator.

Yet no flaring application has been turned down by the RRC for at least a couple of years. This annoys environmentally minded Texans, who allege that satellite photos show twice as much flaring as publicly declared".



Hayao Miyazaki motherfucker


Only one "visionary" director exists today. His name is Christopher Nolan "

Related: Reinventing the train

"From government officials to utilities and power grid operators, hydrogen is being touted as a cleaner way to break Germany’s dependence on coal. In the past three weeks, the Economy Ministry unveiled 20 labs to research the fuel, and natural gas pipeline owners asked for rules that would allow them to carry more of the lightest element."



"I want to do a Godzilla movie where Godzilla just keeps trying to kill one specific person, who it turns out closely resembles a random guy he saw throw a six pack ring in the ocean 60 years ago".


"Software being "Done" is like lawn being 'Mowed'." - Jim Benson