
Github Mirror

Week 31

The Meat Purveyors - Lady Muleskinner


This debate has less gimmicks, weird exchanges. At least in terms of overall flair, it is better.


Biden looks tired, mellow; but when young, with more energy, that's when he was doing all that dumb stuff. So now he looks like shit was kicked out of him, but perversely, he is making less mistakes because of that.


de Blasio, good job. Kamala didn't disappoint.


Blah blah, number 1. Blah blah number 2. Very tired formula.


"Health insurers that treat millions of seniors have overcharged Medicare by nearly $30 billion over the past three years alone"


Very mature guys.


In statistical mechanics, people do it with many bodies."


How we do it …

Analysts do it continuously and smoothly."

U gotta love freedom of speech. Just a random guy.

And the bad news keep piling up...


"But, u can throw a Tesla in there, it blows up and that makes a good flame too! "

Grand. Steel production makes up around 7% of total global emissions. Kill that a good amt of gh gas goes away.

Summary: Europeans want to switch to H2 for steelmaking, but it needs to come from renewable sources, Sweden has advantage here.

BTW: for steel prod, there are no clean alternatives to H2. They use the gas directly in the furnace to create a flame at very high temparatures.


"We have slashed and burned the core features of childhood ...

In the past 10,000 years — a barely perceptible sliver of evolutionary time — virtually every feature of childhood has changed, particularly in industrialized societies. Instead of growing up in a mixed-age collective, our children spend most of their time indoors with same-age peers. Gone are the days of evading grown-ups: Constant supervision is expected. Recess, the last vestige of free play, is on the brink of extinction. I contributed to this myself as a camp counselor, shepherding kids to structured activities, convinced that by teaching them rules or settling their disputes, I was helping them grow.

I don’t think this anymore. "


New muted word: AGI

"At a certain scale of BEV, it becomes cheaper to actually put in hydrogen infrastructure and that’s what has, probably, along with some other factors, driven China to change its five-year plan from BEV to FCEV and in doing so, creating a storm in the market."


Huge funds divesting away from fossil is the canary in the coal mine - no pun intended.

"When The Fossil Fuel Industry Pops, It Will Be Way Bigger Than The 2008 Financial Crisis"



"Uber eine mit dem Problem der Rakete Zusammenhéingende Aufgabe der Variationsrechnung"

Uww. Tssss


Panasonic appears to have just sacked the CEO of the North American biz that handles Tesla. Buried in a PR footnote."


Looks really bad.


Another Tesla, another fire. It probably exploded".


Reps are pro family.

JFK was a great President.



A Commission reporting to JFK in 1963 called for the US to introduced paid maternity leave. Half a century the US and Papua New Guinea are the only countries to offer no leave."

"How the climate crisis has sparked an exodus to the US"


The bottom half of my notebook is obnoxiously magnetic. WTF do they have in there? It even f--ks up a compass when it's near.


from sympy import symbols, Eq, dsolve, Function, pprint

x, y = symbols('x y', cls=Function)                                                                                                    

t = symbols('t')                                                                                                                       

eqs = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), x(t)-1), Eq(y(t).diff(t), x(t) + 2*y(t) - 3)]                                                                  

pprint (dsolve(eqs, [x(t), y(t)]) )
⎡             t                 2⋅t       t    ⎤
⎣x(t) = - C₂⋅ℯ  + 1, y(t) = C₁⋅ℯ    + C₂⋅ℯ  + 1⎦

In a broad sci curriculum, I dont think it is necessary to include Laplace Transform. Or gazillion diff ways to solve ODE's analytically. Skip all that, save time or other things, use SymPy dsvolve.

Cant stress how fantastic the Naidu book is on Control Theory; he is now working on prostetic limbs I believe, trying to open source the construction of a cheap one..?

Now Deep Shit kept at minimum, but intertwined with a concise math model is more interesting to me. Like this churn prediction model; it already made some choices on Survival Analysis (solid math), Weibull distribution (solid math), then the model brings everything to a point where you have to estimate some stuff, than you hand it over to.. the shit.

Baltimore's problems are not the making of Cummings obviously; they are the result of the so-called "drug war". DJT's thing is "if you can me hit with some stuff, I can hit you with some stuff" which, looking at the state of Baltimore, he can. And, looking at this article it seems B was still bad during 2015.

Too funny. The quote is from David Simon BTW who was the creator of The Wire, a show abt all the suck in Baltimore.

Warren landed a good one on Delaney. "Why bother to run as Dem President nom if you are saying no all the time?" Delaney looked like a punched-out dildo for a few seconds. LMAO.


Warren, Bernie did great.


You wouldn't say "I offer social security, so no private pensions" but you could say "I offer public security, e.g. policing, so you can't have private security force". Which one is health care like? I'd say the latter.

Corporate media / CNN tried whole night to knock down Warren and Sanders.

#demdebate #timblack


"It's not a business!" (Bernie on health insurance). So good.


Delaney is such a dildo. Cant wait for the 2% hammer to come down.


That's a clever way of showing voltage.


So basically losing money in China (too)


That $TSLA Shanghai factory comes with strings attached: Generate tax revenue, or hand back the factory"

Unfinished SG Atlantis: an ep on where Ronon got his Travelers gun (Ronon wonderfully played by J. Momoa, in his less famous days).

Toggling preview in org-mode needed to diff key combos. So I added a global flag to Emacs init, and one func flips flag and runs one func or the other based on it. Elisp rules.

Less keystrokes is the motto.

Who names their code org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c? The exact key strokes to run the function is the name of the funcion. Seriously..

I cant believe how green these ppl are on politics... They talk abt it as if they are in a knitting circle. Stitch n' bitch...! Literally half the stuff said in this show has no sci basis.

So effin stupid... why is this even allowed? Cant be trans and compete in your new gender.

"Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard’s gold medal-winning performance at the Pacific Games continues to reverberate long after the event, with a New Zealand women’s group demanding sports authorities put a stop to “unfair” competition."

"Today, the U.S. Department of Energy announced $50 million for new and innovative research of technologies for trucks, off-road vehicles, and the fuels that power them. Funded through the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), these selections highlight the DOE’s priorities in gaseous fuels research, including natural gas, biopower, and hydrogen"


"I don't know karate, but I know ka-raze"

-- James Brown

Veg / Fruit drier. Fantastic. Dry anything, ground, food-on-the-go.


The site is called "banggood". Hah.

Asimov's The Naked Sun is prescient of the current times of hemmed-in, live-in-a-zoo style lives modern people are being herded into today. Read it, and see how u feel at the end when the detective "gets out".

Caves of Steel is also good for context.

“Nuclear energy is never profitable”, new study slams nuclear power business case


This is a massive project. All UK heating will be H2-ready when it completes.

"Engineers publish £22bn blueprint for UK to take global lead on hydrogen heating"


Congratulations to CHBC Members @GM @nelhydrogen for successfully receiving @ENERGY funding for #hydrogen-related research in heavy-duty applications. Well done!


Millenials like Seinfeld? I guess the non-snowflaky ones. Here is ep The Wizard;

"The gang can’t figure out if Elaine’s new boyfriend is part black. Determined to figure out his ethnicity, Elaine asks several inadvertent questions about his heritage. After hearing hip-hop music blaring from his apartment and noticing his collection of African masks, Elaine is confident of his blackness. She even calls the black waitress “sister” and says, “It’s okay, my boyfriend is black,” at which point he arrives and tells her he is in fact white and assumed she was Hispanic because her last name is Benes. She says she is not, and they conclude, “So we’re just a couple of white people?”

There are posts out there describing this ep as racist BTW.

Race-blindness is obvs better. But if a race issue is on your mind, why not talk abt it?

Good news.


Our latest paper on network compression is available! We manage to get a 76.1% top-1 ResNet-50 that fits in 5 MB and also compress a Mask R-CNN within 6 MB."

Comedy show idea: mad dogging contest btw J. Malkovich and M. Ironside, two actors with the best psycho stare. Whoever laughs first, loses.

Northern Ireland needs to rejoin Ireland.

Scotland should declare independence.

Noone sane should sit around and wait for the after-effects of an English Brexit. They wanted good-ol England back, they should have it.


If war breaks out btw Iran and South Korea I will (briefly) LMAO.


Countries that have or will send naval ships to the Strait of Hormuz.


Could A Hydrogen Society Change The Planet? Yes — Here’s Why"


I can't wait for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics; they say it will be a major showcase for H2 use.

Will there be hydrogen robots? :) Domo Arigato ♫♫ Mr. Roboto ♫♫

I hope Dem strategists are reading Tooze well; the bailouts after 2008 created a rift between corp Reps and rank-and-file Reps; TARP passed thanks to Dems in Congress, Reps sat it out. For a Republican admin! McCain could not reach the rank-and-file, years later Trump did. But Trump kowtowed to corporate power too, so the rift exists. The 2020 Dem nominee can hit that.

The centrist delusion - Link #timblack

Dollar heg screws EM; when an economy slows, EM CB gets caught between rock and a hard place. They need to lower rates bcz econ slows, but they are afraid to bcz of the interest rate differentials dollars might leave, and when $ leave its price rel to local curr rises, ppl in dollar debt are in trouble.

Interdependence is not a good thing; US bloddy Central Bank watching out for China, EM for its interest rate changes? Really badly designed system. Petrodollar, dollar dom should end, we need bancor, where each country has its own monetary policy, trade deficits are balanced through bancor.

Hip-hop is very American. If u dont see that, wipe off your eyeglasses.

"But.. but.. what about hip-hop? "

When watching Pulp Fiction I did not know who wrote the screenplay. But there is one part when Jules says "Well I'm a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker". I thought, I bet the author was writing freely, the sentence sorta turned out that way, two mo-fos fell next to eachother. But grammatically it is correct so he kept it. That's when I knew a white guy wrote it. Because only a white guy would be anal enough to worry abt the grammar of smack, do what he did, and think it funny (which it was, of course).

Good teaching there (transistors)



Cory Doctorow: '20 years ago if you had a CCTV watching you while you ate your dinner, it was because you were in a supermax prison, and today it’s because you’ve got Apple Home or Google Home or Alexa in your kitchen.'"

F--in von Neumann. He had a proof in his book, the Impossibility Theorem, which "showed" there could be no other explanation other than Copenhagen QM. Delayed the development of PWT for decades. But the proof was wrong (found by a German mathematician lady, Grete Hermann).

Link, time ref=26:00, Interview with Lee Smolin

LS says if he had to choose btw time and space, he'd say time is more real than space.

Entanglement is more prominent than space. It is very likely space is an illusion.


Mazda and Toyota eyeing collaboration on radical new 6-cylinder engine"


Here is a sentence I never thought I would hear.

" @XRBerlin

This is an emergency!

Siberia is on fire!"


NK missile test is a little slap on Trump; he formed a personal relationship, but NK has prios too, there are still sanctions, and now joint exerc is back. No reason 4 him to go e-z, espc if he can squeeze T a little b4 election time.

Trump could play that scene instead of Nicholson


I heard a libertard goldcuck the other day saying "but deflation is a good thing! prices go down!". Frickin moron. You'll see how good thing it is when ppl simply sit on their money, delaying purchases and the entire economy grinds to a halt.

Libertards are farm-dwelling folk in mind, if not in actuality. They like to have their "land" with its "borders", they'll bury their gold in there, whose value should not go down... wife and lots of kids, maybe with a goat on the side, and they'll live happily everafter... They don't care what happens outside. This is the dream for these muppets.

"Blyth: Gold is deflationary."


Mainstream scifi has a thing for turning AI into irreplacable "people"; Trek had virtual doctor being sent somewhere, than he would not exist at the source. He was gone, like a person.

This is software.. It can exist in two places.

Same thing in Another Life, virtual assis code wants to go into another program, everyone is like "oh no, what if we lose you?"

Lose? Do you have backups?

Another Life show has ppl skilled in diff areas in cryo sleep in the ship. Captains, biologists, mechanics all there and with backups. They r all canned in there like canned food. Need a mechanic, wake one up.

Gaaetz looks like Robin from that Batman mov with the nipple suit. That actor is in some fascist show now afaik, CIS, NCIS..?.

Flying soldier on hoverboard.. imagine the protests you can put down with that.


Of course it runs on gas, not on batteries like with bitch BEVs.


"More efficient in turning chemical energy into thrust."

Nixon had some game.. too bad all that other stuff that came at the end. He quit the gold standard like that - snap. Nearly did UBI, moon landing was in his time.. where are such gutsy moves now? World / US needs M4A, UBI, bancor, but everybody's looking at eachother, confused as if in a Woody Allen movie.

Haha..! Nixon had Cheney and Rummy run tests, do research on UBI


Nice vid on Boris' gg father


He was against oppressive nats which is fine. But he also came out against the nat liberation move later (against foreign occup, post WW1), they were loosely connected with 1st group of nats... Tough stance. He was lynched btw. Ugly; and fitting for a peasant empire culture.

Wut? Even H2 fuel? That cant be right. If true, the deal needs some additions.

Warren is for ethanol, no?


"Green New Deal, which calls for the end of all fuel-powered cars – and, thus, the end of the domestic ethanol industry"




A 'worrying analysis':

18 [#deeplearning] algorithms ... presented at top-level research conferences ... Only 7 of them could be reproduced w/ reasonable effort ... 6 of them can often be outperformed w/ comparably simple heuristic methods"


Another Life critics seem to be piling on the "it is like this, like that other mov" angle. I dont care AL is like something else. How many different ways can u have aliens arrive to Earth anyway? Take the show on its own merits. Is it enjoyable if this was one one of the few scifi shows u had seen?

"The Renewable Energy Extension Act of 2019 would provide a 5-year extension of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and residential renewable energy tax credit for solar, delaying the incremental phase out that Congress passed in 2015. In addition to solar, the bill extends the ITC for other clean energy technologies set to phase out, such as fiber-optic solar, fuel cells, small wind, microturbines, combined heat and power, and geothermal heat pumps

Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Tom Udall (D-N.M.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) joined Cortez Masto in introducing this legislation".


Rare Earth metals aren't actually rare, US has them too. But their production were so environmentally toxic that their mining were, ahem, "outsourced" to China.


CO2 regulations will only get stricter—so the #trucking industry is taking a serious look at #fuelcell"


The German Bundeswehr in 1990 was a military force to be reckoned with. Today it has negligible deployable strength, despite continuing to spend billions of euros".


Another Life - looking good so far.

A Russkie coworker told me once the Russkie spoken in movies is really bad.

No US is not an empire by its foundation.

But the petrodollar hegemony is certainly pushing it that way, which creates tension.

US founders were not white supremacists. Jefferson and GW did hold slaves, but were for eventual equality. Slaveholders in the first Congress were minority. New Englanders like John Adams (the second President) abhorred it. They wanted to abolish it outright but saw it would cause problems with the South. So they tabled the issue for 80 years. When the issue came back the Civil War ensued.

If we can leave a tombstone behind for humanity somehow I think it should read "Over-commercialization Killed Us".

"[Commenting on Beyond Meat] interesting stats , 60% of beef market is low quality fast food / pet food. 50% of earths land is assigned to grazing . 18% of the co2 comes from cows . 80% of the oat and corn crops is fed to cows. It's still a silly valuation but one of these impairs will make cows obsolete"
