
Github Mirror

Week 30

Chicken Coupe Deville - Warm Beer #music


SB is a total 3W company; stores are geared for knowledge workers.

I been to so many Sbucks stores in so many different countries that if there was an award for this sort of thing, I am sure I'd win it. I seek them out whereever I go too.. I could be in Philippenes Cebu City and I'll find the SB there.

National Dem polling might be misleading, regional ones, since cands probably put more energy there, could be more indicative. Iowa, New Hamp, South Car, Cali are 5, 7, 22, 1 ahead for Biden (ahead of the next most pop cand). So SC needs some attention.. Whoever is after the nom, needs to clean his clock in South Carolina.

The Everly Brothers - Leave My Woman Alone #music


Good profiling trick: look at intense disagg, conflict - usually the two sides of the conf have the same type. Like Varoufuckis vs Schauble, both are Mellow Meadow. Who gets the most brutal digs into Trump? Colbert. Etc..

Whatever we might know of other types, we only truly now our own kind.

And when someone like us does something wrong, we insinctively know where it comes from, so the attacks can be more pointed.


Tesla. The more they make the more they lose. Scale of economy in BEVs broken".


Ammonia.. the magic molecule. The best carrier for H2. Fertilizer feedstock, wout which millions would go hungry. And now an element for air-conditioning!

Now this is more interesting; math, philosophication behind the so-called Ancestor Simulation.


It's all bunk. Follow this crap at your own expense. The FAQ (one of the links Woit shared) says 'the experiments are, unfortunately, not likely to offer many insight or opportunities for surprise; the result can be predicted with very high confidence long in advance. QD is roughly about demonstrating the internal (theoretical) compatibility of unitary quantum dynamics with the appearance of classicality (and, in particular, wavefunction collapse)'.

"Philip Ball at Quanta has a nice article on “Quantum Darwinism” and experiments designed to exhibit actual toy examples of the idea in action (I don’t think “testing” the idea is quite the right language in this context)"


The TR banker guy is back, released from US, some say had ties to Iranian sanction-violating oil-gold trade. Most think he was arrested as tit-for-tat by US for TR distancing itself from US.

But overt slaps like F-35 prog removal already do that for DJT. This banker biz always felt like a Bama bitchy sniping action. Plus US doesnt seem to want an all-out punishment, so fine.

A radio station for Commodore 64 songs - Link

The Commando theme song is the bomb - Link

Steve Jobs was not a Syrian immigrant; he was adopted and raised by Americans Paul and Clara Jobs. His father, the Syrian immigrant, gave up Steve for an adoption at a young age.

Also his bio father has a PhD.

(I am not saying non-PhD ppl are not worthy but the original commenter might want to pick another example for his "signaling").

"Guy curses at Syrians while holding an iPhone [thanks to a Syrian he is trying to say, implying Steve Jobs].. so we should have open borders".

There is a lot of potential for, not necessary machine learning in applied math, but base tools that were furthered because of machine learning. Automatic differentiation for instance.

Aw man, Green Lantern too? .. Perfect char for Jar Jar actually. GL now ring-create Cat in a Hat, Cat in a Hat in a tutu, Cat in a Hat in a tutu in a Russian Doll, in a box. On and on it'll go..

SM will travel back in time, go to a different universe, travel forward in time, and back to the first universe, so nothing will have changed. And he'll do it so fast you wont see he did it. That scene will be just that one shot on SM, that's it. No reason is given for the move. It just dazzles you, and the movie pulls you in more at that point. Complete immersion.

Superman will be flying around randomly, he'll say 'woah... I am so confused right now...?'. There'll be bunch of unresolved plot lines for random confusion. People will constantly run into eachother for no reason. 'Batman? What are you doing in this telephone booth..? I'm, like, here too.

So mystified'.

Jar Jar directing the next Sman? Yeah, go eff that up, stay away from Trek, and other things.


Grim scenario..Hopefully doesn't happen.

But at least PMQ will have more drama, more comedy.


And so Boris now rules the land of Brexit. Quick prediction of next 12 months. Hard Brexit cushioned by massive tax cuts. Pound slumps, deficit blows out, Gilts hardly move. All of this is balanced with another round of welfare cuts. The poor are the ultimate Brexit backstop."

Boris' great-grandfather was Otto Turko, last secstate of the empire in fact. He died in the country.

Boris be a tigga.

Aluminum is a light metal; so I bet these tablets weight little. Best energy bang for your buck.

Sweet. I knew about aluminum being used in H2 generation, it's a cheap material, not rare-earth, using it as tablets for instant energy generation is excellent idea.

Is the licensing exclusive? Any avenues for public, commercial use?

"“This is on-demand hydrogen production [without catalyst ..]. Imagine a squad of future Soldiers on a long range patrol far from base with dead batteries and a desperate need to fire up their radio. One of the Soldiers reaches for a metal tablet and drops it into a container and adds water or some fluid that contains water such as urine, immediately the tablet dissolves and hydrogen is released into a fuel cell, providing instant power for the radio.” "



I don't get surprised very often when I see big climate change numbers, but 700mmcf of CH4 dumped (in the pure sense, as waste) into the atmosphere daily is effing jaw dropping."


The lithium ion battery is made up by numerous cells. When a cell in the battery burn, it triggers a chain reaction, and spreads to adjacent cells. Lithium burns at a temperature of 558 C. The high temperature, and the chain reaction makes the fire almost impossible to put out."

IMO Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2 is an underrated comedic character. The guy was hilarious.

Bryson & Ho - fantastic book with such concise math and explanation - written in ... 1975! U know a book is good even by looking at its typesetting, the frequency of its letters, symbols tell the tale. Every word, paragraph, bullseye. Nothing is wasted.

Keep telling ya... Dont wanna be the one to say "told you so" when the nuke hits the fan.


California’s nuclear power plants built in close proximity to the San Andreas fault, setting up catastrophic “Fukushima” event for the West Coast"


Aah that's where the words came from. What a shit show. Their simulators are okay that's abt it.

"After a long snooze during the Obama years, the USA is waking up and smelling the hydrogen":


"North Carolina and San Bernardino, California, are poised to put the first hydrail wheels on rails."


I checked the numbers. It's true.

"10,000 liters of water is needed to grow enough cotton for one pair of denim jeans."

:) I am glad my feed does not contain such ppl except ones who are mad at them


Anglo American Platinum announced on Monday: 'We are screening opportunities to use #FuelCell trucks in our fleet, and we think by this time next year we'll have the largest fuel-cell truck operating anywhere in the world.'"

Hah. Just noticed her name is like "crystal ball".

Nice job parents. At least it's not one of those hippie boomer parent names; I know a Jennifer with double 'n' intead of double 'f'. Way to be 'out of the ordinary', 'rebellious' boomers, 'bucking the system'. Enjoy your price-inflated real-estate.

Grebe - No Whiskey For Me #music


Duncan Watts - "For 20 years I thought my job was as a basic scientist. Publish papers and throw them over the wall for someone else to apply. I now realise that there's no one on the other side of the wall. Just a huge pile of papers that we've all thrown over."

Snooks Eaglin [I'm A] Country Boy Down In New Orleans #music




Programmable small circuit - Adafruit Circuit Playground - programmable in Python. Video

Can you determine longitude with a sextant? Yes. Based on moon-sun angles, and mapping them to known GMT angle / times, figure out time at Greenwich, u know your own time (at the very least noon), based on the diff calculate longitude. Latitude is easy anyway.

But, GMT-synced clocks are still better.

I still want Israel to exist, in fact stay there and thrive, so they teach tech to Palestenians, Arabs. Wouldn't that be better than killing them?

One state solution.

And I support BDS. There is no contradiction here.

Deter. Right.

"The Air Force Has Sent Stealth F-22 Raptors to Qatar to Deter Iran"


I am boycotting HP; I see HP notebooks in the stores, I could buy one, now I won't.

"HP companies, @HP & @HPE , provide Israel with the technology to maintain its apartheid rule over Palestinians."


Little puzzley "math" gems do not interest me at all. "Possible to divide any polygon into 4 regions of equal area with two orthogonal ... blah blah blah". I am after deep insight, the things that give you maximum leverage, not bullshit cocktail talking points.

Woha. 1200$ a month for a bunk bed.

SF is fukked.


Dried and ground vegetables - they have spinach, even broccoli.


Green peppers


Scientist in US was measuring the temparature of the moon, from all the way on Earth, in 1885. How f--ing cool is that? Instead of looking for mystery in backward-ass Egyptian tech (pyramids!) the real mystery is within a few hundred years. Then another dude takes that research uses it for his greenhouse effect research? Pfff


Mechanics is all about differential equations. Then you look at analog circuits, they too are all about differential equations. I wonder if ppl used circuits to "solve" DEs. Because you could theoretically solder a circuit for the formula you want to solve. There is a thing for integration, you could do addition...

Motherfrackers need to get fracked up

It's hilarious during days of less communication, ppl were so ignorant of these copycats. When TR Ozal once said "we have no alternative" as an attack against his then leftist opponents, noone knew he stole the line from Thathcer in UK.

TF had a copycat in gobble gobble. Prominent scumbag, had the same sleazy style, always watching for / protecting some kind of interest, down to that stupid smile (a new day is upon us, feel the euphoria, the markets, flat earth, c'mon show some teeth).

LOL. DJT calls T. "suck on this" Friedman an ass-kisser, it doesnt even make the news.

He deader than dead.

It's a mind over matter bitch... We dont mind, and you dont matter.

We Been Knew



“Adding car lanes to deal with traffic congestion is like loosening your belt to cure obesity." — Lewis Mumford, 1955."

Yes because such systems are the easiest to find the data for, and ML is extremely reliant on data. Like, "does the picture have a cat or not?". You can find training data very easily for that.

Scifi TV: "Yes/No decisions are the easiest for AI"

He is right. Sethian works with PDEs (used in phy) on all kinds of interesting problems. We need more of this, but instead a lot of brain power is wasted on the "statistical thing", where practitioners mainly chase more and more data.

Mathematical physics has lots of "forms". These are precooked formulations, like Euler-Lagrange, or the Hamiltonian. U need a certain thing find thr form for it, plug in, done.

Forgot to mention Israel as an energy starved country hence with a need to innovate in this area along with Japan.

"Since its founding in 2011, GenCell has grown to more than 80 employees, including many veterans of the Apollo & Mir projects. The company is headquartered in Israel "

Johnson and Nixon did more for moon landing than JFK. Johnson recommended moonlanding as a goal to begin with. But JFK looks good on TV (and is a LTCB type like Beto always getting more accolades than they deserve) so he is sadly the "front man" for this historical moment.

Some said TG movie feels like a commercial rather than a movie. It's true. You could take any 5 second sequence from most of it, and mumble the name of some product afterwards and it would be like a commercial.

Funny story - guy walks up to M. Ironside one day and says "f$!#k you!". MI is like WTH? Apparently dude was so inspired by Top Gun he joined the mil, became a fighter pilot, but the life wasn't like the movie. He was pissed.

Cruise says the new Top Gun is a love letter to aviation. I get the angle; they didnt want to make it a love letter to war.

Hananuer is a billionaire in favor of redistribution. So not "education will fix inequality" type of billionaire, like R Dalio.


From one dream to another. Outside Cleveland Ohio, Amazon is repurposing the failed mall .. as “fulfillment centers” for its giant e-commerce empire"


That is one pissed off Swede..
