
Github Mirror

Week 26

Haha.. Swalvel landed a punch on Bootyjudge, so did Partypooper Hickenlooper. Here is the thing, Hick is probably the more capable mayor and he'd handle the sit better than Booty who just looks good on TV.

People are going after Bootyjudge his 4-5% must be mouthwatering to them, they want to take some of that. Like Beto who undeservedly has some pop. When in doubt hit the media boy.


Bernie is doing good; Biden plays it stoic, no mistakes so far. It's all abt how things look, so he looks Presidential even if you wrote down the his words on paper and read them he'd come across inebriated.

Yang looks prepared.


Then what's the difference, dumbass? Consumers pays no difference, fossil companies pay no difference, than what's the incentive to go carbon free?

Was that John Delaney? Has 0.5%. That is TOO MUCH. U need to drop out son.

"I will credit consumers for the carbon tax I will levy on fossil companies [who will surely pass the cost on to the consumers]".


So say we all

They are all fine people obviously, no doubt there. Except maybe Beto. haha



Cory your Spanish is somehow worse than Beto’s"


Names starting with X crack me up. Xander Synder.. Seriously dude.. :)

I'd change my last name to, like Xylophone. Or Xindi. Xander Xindi Xanadu.. ?

I just saw it in my mind's eye.. I don't know what final votes BdB gets, but if not high, and Bernie or Warren make it, BdB would be great VP. VPs are usually picked for balance right? A younger mayor balancing an older senator?

It's great de Blasio banging on the point the Democratic Party lost its way. No pandering, no nothing. Just smash. Very good.


I am not for Russiagate but when de Blasio hits Trump on Russia, it cracks me up. Is that bias?


Fair question on carbon pricing. If it's not working, well, regulate fossil out of existence. Isn't that your f--ing job? Regulating for the good of public?

Maybe pricing carbon is akin to punting as in the case of healthcare. "Let the markets decide [on who lives, dies, how drugs are priced in a world of research subsidies, patent monopolies]". Yeah, good luck with that.


Everybody wants to take from Beto, however much he's left anyway. Hit Beto, take his 2,3%.

Do you have to drop to that bitchy accent when u say Spanish words inside an English convo? If the other side of the conversation cant or wont do that, isnt that kinda refusing to meet ppl half way? It's as if u r saying "I am different than you" in an unnecessary way. Kinda a childish indep tantrum.

Man centrists are scared shitless of Warren. They put her in the kids table first, then put Beto next to her so she would be physically towered over.

Also De Blasio is one tough son of a bitch. A fighter. My #2 after Bernie, #3 is Warren.

It's crazy such a young guy with no prev gov experience like Kush was tasked with this huge task; we'll see how it all turns out.

They reprogram e.coli bacteria so it generates foam like material instead of using petroleum.


End product completely recyclable. Elastics, other plastics are next I guess. Grand.

I am convinced that eating the occasional meat makes someone happy, and helps you sleep better, and helps in repairing damaged tissue / whatever. Magic food.

It's freaky how I land on the subjects for my articles; I am studying underactuated robotics, watching Tedrake intro, at night one Battlestar Galactica ep in the background is showing Adamo and Apollo boxing, Adamo is saying "you never lose control son, that's why you lose". That's it - the article.

Like I said being a "specialist on the general" is effortless 4 me. The shit finds me.

You can do a "podcast" through a stupid ogg file sitting on your Dropbox, or Google Drive. That's it. Same for videos. If we can figure out payments (Libra?, Lightning?) why go through the "eyeball curators" i.e. YouTube at all?


"@Boogie2988 YouTube is a joke. 600k views earned me this. Is that crazy? Thoughts?"

"@itme_esor My family has $250,000 of student debt between my brother, mom & myself. Under Warren's plan, we would be left w/ upwards of $100,000 of debt. Under Bernie's plan, we would be free & my 67-year-old father wouldn't have to work for the next 10 yrs. #CancelStudentDebt. ALL of it."

On average a regular CEO listens to 60 podcasts a day? That can't be right.

There is just so much trash. Youtube is full of it too.

We really need paid content, per item basis, and/or e-z paid subscriptions to become more common. Optimizing for eyeballs for ads encourages a specific type of content. Fast ubiquitous payments. We need it now.

Math-fu degrades.. a month required to get back for every week not doing it, was it? Spent way too long on a problem.

Yo. Huge.

"Industrial gases and engineering group Linde has signed a long-term agreement to ramp up its hydrogen supply to ExxonMobil Asia Pacific.

Linde will invest US$1.4 billion to expand its existing gasification complex on Jurong Island to produce and supply additional hydrogen and synthesis gas"


Bitch tigga

I love looking at maps. I've been fascinated with them since childhood.

Affluent meaning closer to centrism who might be considering Biden. People keep forgetting cand needs the Dem nomination 1st, and the Dem party is full of such idiots.

"@pt Worth noting, Bernie’s plan would disproportionately benefit affluent caucasians (we appreciate it, Bernie), who attend college at higher rates and also make more money (because college) after.

Americans really do suck at Socialism."

Could not resist...


No problem. There is apathy towards her on my side, some use her as a anti-war-bludgeon which is fine, but there are other issues as well that she is not too vocal about. All that leads to apathy so it's like "why do I care?". The answer needs to be positive, in a big way, bcz this is abt the executive and politics is more than issues, it's about a leader.

"What is the left’s problem with Tulsi Gabbard?"

Hah. Monkey boy used picture of Moon in his poster for Mars and gets slapped down by random science nerd.


"@adam_tooze While China's surplus grew by $2 trillion from 2009 to 2018, its external assets rose by only $740 billion in the same period. What explains the $1.2 trillion difference? “Net errors & omissions” and disguised capital flight?"

Forget this grid business. Generate ammonia, hydrogen from excess energy, ship it in trucks to other parts of the country. At first. Then u can start thinking abt pipelines to transport it as gas. With gas u could perhaps utilize fossil infra, and their people, and free riding on the pol network of the fossil mothaf-ckas too. They got them connections.

"@russellgold The U.S. has massive amounts of inexpensive wind and solar in the middle of the country. Finding a way to get this connect this power to the rest of the country? Not so easy. "


It all comes down to denuke or not denuke. He already indicated he does not want to denuke. We've been through this already.

"@DEFCONWSALERTS Maybe some movement by North Korea toward the United States?

We doubt it."

Nearly 8% more votes biaaaaatttcch! #istanbulMayoralElections

I knew it; f--head pissed off the electorate by redoing the elections and the difference increased.

Like I said I am at where the party would be when f--head slips; and there is a parteh.

Can't you say "cocking a gun" though? Or did English changed since the last time I checked..

Dragged? They would start it if they could.

"Would Israel Be Dragged into a US-Iran War?" - i24news

Looks hilarious. Basically every famous Australian is in it?

Huawei sounds like the Google, or the Cisco of China. Leaving the 5G scare arguments aside, if Google cannot work comfortably in China, as a counter-move US could make life harder for Huawei outside China. Why not?

Yes tech (econ growth) enables pop growth not the other way around. Noone can argue indust revolution enabled us to reach our pop levels today. U need to step back and look at the larger picture, instead of bean counting thru some monkey regression.



"Every time I think “I’ll just use this piece of proprietary software in this toolchain, it’s best-in-class and easy-to-use” then a license manager issue shows up and kicks me in the head like an errant horse."

The old man would be amused if he saw I deal more with the Zeroth Wave than than the Third, or the Second. He was lucky, being an American, he could dive right into a near perfect 2nd wave society transitioning into the 3rd. Me, not so lucky.

Why this obsession with D. Rubin? He doesnt seem to intimidating to me, I caught the occasional good guest on his show, certainly no worse than the ordinary con, and he faceplants constantly trying to categorize his guest's pol leanings, it's entertaining.

Dont be hacky. Pick someone ur size. Maybe that's the problem, detractor thinks self not in the big league, and is small-size.

The mystery of Egypt.. Roman architecture.. The propaganda will have you believe all kinds of fantastic, phonemonal things about these people when in fact they were simply large land owners, the enemy of Moses, of Jesus and people. The pharaoh was the bad guy in not one, in not two but in three major works! Not even Darth Vader pulled that off (he was in a mere two, he was kinda, partly good in the third).

Good... no more of that burgeois look bitch. Looking little more nomadic this time; I like it aw-lot.

New distribution channels have been great, it'll work for us scifi fans. Amazon saved The Expanse. Netflix is doing something with Katee Sackoff not sure what hopefully it's awesome.

Greater Manchester Local Industrial Strategy

"Almost a year ago I wrote an article about how on-grid home battery storage does not help the environment but instead harms it by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and other types of pollution. I am raising this topic again, hoisting it above my head, and waving it around, because a scientific paper published in the journal Nature vindicates my position".


Woha. Big snake.


Ah ok extrovert guests do talk more. I guess silent guest, silent moments would be a death knell for radio, so HW goes overdrive with them.

So basically if you are a guest in Howard Stern's show HW talks more then you do. He has all the life story pts and tells is to the guest. Let them speak, tell their story man!

Crashed makes a good point. Extending a swap line to a country was a big deal. It was essentially a permit to print dollars as if it was your own currency, as if your CB was the FED.

Not pious, not a serial philanderer, with some or no mishaps along the way, not fascinated by new sexual choices, but lets them be. What am I? Sounds like a riddle but this is a normal human.

There is fascinating math around trying to balance a pole on a cart. There are amazing simple game engines to demo the result. What are you waiting for?

"Being out-of-the-ordinary" can turn into a shtick and a club. Keith McCullough sitting down with J. Rickards, or that Goldmoney guy whatshisname. These ppl have nothing in common except some elusive notion of "outsider'ness".

Mainstream is a big ship; there are a lot of ways u can be an "outsider" to it, that doesn't make the outsiders the same or equal.

Depends on the individual profile of course but if u have such inclinations, do the idea thing..


"Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas."

When I heard that Strogatz comment on the Romans I was on a balcony in Tivat looking at the Adriatic Sea, and I laughed my ass off. It was a beautiful day.

Download day. Have 10 dloads in parallel.