
Github Mirror

Does everyone have to be literate? Toffler said no. In the future you'll be able to learn, access to info by voice.

The old coot.. He really had something u know? I am his best follower, and THE ONE TRUE HEIR; but T is still unsurpassed.


Yeah.. some1 is frontin, acting like he got the front seat... Chill.. U aint there yet mo--f--ka.

Audi h-tron


What do you mean black people don't camp...? That's nonsense.. I heard a brother say this, it's poppycock.

Has to do with economics whatever, most likely.

Strange theories..

"Black people don't camp"

Brutal (on the Last Jedi)


Music to my ears.. Good to see US gov still has some class.

"The statue threatens 'to suppress unpopular ideas' and 'manipulate the public debate' through coercion rather than persuasion. This the First Amendment does not allow". - Pitman, Judge issuing inj. agnst anti-BDS steps


"People's needs and those of private profit are fundamentally at odds. This is an inescapable truth of democratic politics and it's also an antagonism an increasingly white-collar, coastal, and professionalized American liberalism likes to pretend doesn't exist."

This is what capitalism degenerated into; it produces trinkets, useless junk, sold by extreme marketing bought only through debt generating more piles of garbage that frickin nature itself cannot degrade. I dont think anyone signed up for this shit.

It's not abt banning plastic straws - it's about banning single-use plastic. If companies cannot find a suitable replacement 4 that then maybe u shouldnt serve f--ing straws. It's not like ppl will die wout them.

Endgame had some Woke moments which were cringeworthy, but it was fine otherwise. Good action.


It's crazy I was just thinking about this today; a pure H2 pipeline (not even mixing it with existing natgas pipeline -UK showed it works-), something only for H2.


"Prof. @advanwijk showing flexible hydrogen pipeline material (up to 200 bar) to transport hydrogen over long distances at @H2Europe #40GWElectrolyzerAlliance meeting "

There are many types of fuel cells, not just hydrogen. There are even petroleum, LPG fuel cells. No combustion, just fuel -> catalyst -> electricity. They usually "reform" the fuel into H2 tho, and IMO that step would be easiest for NH3.

No ACs for Iraqis then?

So many thing wrong with that sentence.. During summer you'd have sunshine like mad. Where r ur panels?

"Iraq cannot provide electricity to its citizens especially during summer when temp is above 50 deg celcius"

This was 2017. Every fuel-cell contraption you see, be it from LPG, has a reforming phase, having to generate H2. This thing does it naturally at room temp from ammonia.

"H2 production from ammonia triggered at room temperature with an acidic RuO2/γ-Al2O3 catalyst.”

U-oh. I heard Iron Man use the word "fuel cell" in Endgame.

"Don't Be A WANG... Vote for YANG!" - that's some funny shit tuber. Not bad.

Chris Hedges has some game. Dropped a good one abt Hamilton.

"Hours After Entering 2020 Race, Biden to Attend Big-Money Fundraiser Hosted by Comcast, Blue Cross Execs"


"China knows that hydrogen infrastructure footprint and costs will be a fraction of recharging stations. Fewer stations; serves urban buyers (w/o garages), faster fleet turn around - and no grid balancing costs in variable renewable future b/c H2 is stored energy'


You misspelled 'never'



A small addition, Mueller was not fired bcz Graham indicated he and like minded Senate collaegues would not be happy with that (whose votes u need for stopping impeachement). This was a great b-of-power demonstration.

At the end the right (and smart) thing prevailed. Let the guy do his thing. Russiagate came out one big hot baloon. Centrists got bitchslapped once again.

Yes it is politically hard to DJT to give up on NK denuke. Un has no incentive to do it either. Which leads us to a patron; Un needs a patron to give him an out, to trade, etc. He doesn't want the Chinese for some reason, that leaves the Russians.

"It took only a decade for #China to build the world’s largest battery-powered electric vehicle market. Now the architect behind it, Wan Gang, wants to do the same for #hydrogen vehicles" #energytwitter

Why should Un believe denuking will help lift sanctions? Iran denuked, and there are still sanctions.

S-400 is part of political tigga lie blaming US for coup attempt when in fact it was the reverse; anti-West, pro RU forces did that. S-400 also is a way to placate them. It's theather.

F--head theathers go for 2-3 years. This one too will come to an end.


"Simply put: Dating back to December 2017, when the US first outlined to Turkey the fecal material storm coming down the pike over S-400, I dont see any real change in the basic dynamics framing this issue."

BDM says we can't just look at historical context, similarities to analyze past actions (of pol actors), you also need to understand what they thought others thought. IOW their expectations need to factor in the eqn.

I hope US gov is making use of BDM's services. I have a feeling Merkel is heavily relying on BDM tech, and wout it, she'd have been gone long ago.


"Based on a fundamental, hard-dollar comparison, natural gas pipelines are significantly less costly to build than electric wires"


Flim-flam man riding his bitch BEV


"10 #Algorithms for #MachineLearning Enthusiasts"

@Dirque_L replying

"Well, nice list of things one should know doing machine learning - but actually most of these aren't #Algorithms"


These are green plums; the best kept secret in the world, local only to TR. It is out for a few months. Eat one and u'll die.

But.. what happens now to Peter Douche? @SilERabbit. His entire persona is based on Daou being a douche


"Holy shit, welcome to the movement Peter Daou"

It doesn't matter if it does or not. Policy should act as though it doesn't and balance the numbers when it can.

That's why when that bio guy at Google "speaks his mind" you fire the son of a bitch.

"Does gender matter at work performance?"


"The purpose of models is not to fit the data but to sharpen the questions." —Samuel Karlin

Best casting was on Battlestar Galactica. Moore said his criteria was "not caring" abt race, gender at all. That's where you want to be, getting the best actor for the job. And it shows.

I wonder John Wick is a way for Dem liberals to deal.. a part minority race character killing everyone (pro immig message, showing strength)? Espec. JW 2 and 3, both post 2016.

Maybe the Matrix had some of that too.. a Woke cast? I never saw it that way but some ppl might have.

I do talk about greater access, say on ed. But my point for greater access is to reach untapped off-the-charts talent. Not to reach some average schmoe (on certain topic, on others s/he could be genius).

Marketing. Shit sells better if you pander to the crowd. Tubers are the worst. They have to fill time, pander to crowd, act like the viewers are wonky, intelligent pol ops, when in fact they really aren't. You lay out minutae, help filtering, you become their political leader.

Buttigieg didn't say Bernie and Trump supporters are the same. He said they were the result of ppl's misery. Did not call one good, the other bad, left that somewhat opaque, did not automatically praise Bernie... Hey, he is running for prez himself; why should he?

Gaylord Focker

Goldwater Republicans.. Au H2O! I cant think of any... Aahhnuld and McCain maybe?

"'I find it unsatisfactory to 'classify' PDEs: this is possible in two variables, but creates the false impression that there is some kind of general and useful classification scheme available in general.' -- Lawrence Evans"

Zizek: That was masterful explanation with Bhagavad Gita, Himmler (Peters. debate).

Dude says he can go 10 km on 1 ltr lng. IN A 3 TON CAR.

So >200 km on single butane can for <100 kg checks out IMO.

D. Miller was on top form.. He calls Biden "the third guy in the car in the Sonic commercial", "he looks like the guy who thinks bottled water tastes better once you shake it".

The guy who spearheaded a lot of the H2 use in US was tigga. But there is only one H2 station in Istanbul. Sad.

BEV blows. Oh wait...

Really? So someone can just read Vol II Ch 19 and just GET Lagrangians, the principle of least action?

The exp is very good sure; but u need to know diff eqns to appreciate it IMO.

"[In his Fey Lecs on Pys] Feynman explained physics in a way anyone can understand"

I wonder what the energy carrier efficiency of a long-distance electrical wire is and how it compares to a gas pipeline. If pipeline is better I will LMAO.