
Github Mirror

Week 13

See Ian Morris book

Exactly - so what is considered "conservatism"  by many is basically this culture, trying to outlive its past-due date.  But there is more: I argue all kinds of status-seeking mentality is tied to this agrarian era. The rich got richer becuase well, they could. One can have land, get more seeds, get more land, have bigger families.. Some are better at this than others, and it can grow.

Then the next step is having others working on your land - the big landowner with peasants toiling away on it - this would be everyone's dream job. Big landowner has higher status, others are simple peasants. This would create a certain type of status-seeking mentality, I believe today's signalers, or even people who are too conscious of such things are somehow mentally connected to this era, and its love of goats.

Of course then organized crime / mafia (call them Ottomans, Byzantium, Rome) comes in, because the situation is ripe for it,  these are simple barbarians offering "protection" to landowners. Their parasitic way is tax enough to feed army but not too much to kill the goose,  then "protect" more people this way, and copy this structure horizontally ad infinitum. Great racket.

But some also have more to fear now. These landowners with "high" status (prettier goats) have something to lose. Remember the Roman senator with the famous words "Carthage must be destroyed" at every Senate meeting? Those words are coming from someone who has something to lose - his land. His goat. He loves his goat. He doesn't want to lose it. A forager, being mobile, not tied to a particular location would not care about any of this. The senator does.


Reminder: algorithms can be biased on variables that are not a part of the dataset.

Ex: Race is not an input variable to COMPAS recidivism algorithm, yet the results are racially biased.

YouTube doesn't use extremism as a variable, but its results are biased towards extremism.

"Nearly 70% of Chinese who have bought an electric car regret it"


"There is a strange class of Americans who seem to believe that anyone who isn't working 40 hours a week for a corporation ought to be euthanized (or at least made to suffer greatly). Is this really where we are at as a society?

Underlying this feeling is a great deal of racism also"


"Last ten days of China news on hydrogen fuel cells: Reduce BEV subsidy, keep #fuelcell; Snowman commits $600m; RONN Motor + CEDZ; Wuhan Grove car; Sinopec H2 stations; Foton bus orders. No mention by #energytwitter 'BEVs have won' crowd. Electric is motor folks. BEVs not end game"

That debt on the sheet is as good as fully monetized. Even $$ printed for biz credit is destroyed once it is paid back. Not this.


"Jacob Rees-Mogg’s Company Accounts show £103M profit over last 5 years, but paid ZERO UK corporation tax as the ultimate ownership is in the Cayman Islands. No contribution for schools, hospitals, roads, defense, public services, welfare etc."


"@Jacob_Rees_Mogg is now panicking that he won't wriggle out from under the new EU anti tax avoidance laws after suddenly says he'll vote for Mays deal. The man is a true 'Selfservative' carpetbagging charlatan, and that's saying it nicely!"

What I should have learned in high school:


"Well, how about if we look at an auto company of similar market cap that sells massively more cars and-- unlike $TSLA-- even happens to be profitable? Like, say, $GM.'


"Non-Employee Board Compensation: $60 million ($TSLA) vs $3 million ($GM)"

Interesting that one of those of companies manufactured <500k the other 500 MILLION cars. Guess which.

Yes new coal plants in Asia are a problem. In the West u can "get off coal" easier, plants are old anyway, u just shut them off. In Asia they r built and ppl expect an ROI from that. Wout carbon capture they will pollute 4 a long time. Sullo. Everybody looks like Sullo over here...

Elizabeth Warren Calls for a National Right-to-Repair Law for Tractors It would apply only to farm equipment, but Warren becomes the most powerful national politician to support a consumer's right to repair the things they own.

I am trying really hard not to talk in mock Italian while wildly gesticulating when answering ppl #venice

Some1 needs to go to these folks w carbon capture tech and install it for them. Most new ones are in China too, as brother Birol says, the new ones r the big problem.

Then there is methane..


"This is a great reminder as to why we need to invest in #CleanAir initiatives. "In blow to climate, coal plants emitted more than ever in 2018." @washingtonpost"


Essentially everything I've seen, heard or read since I was born is copyrighted and will remain so until after I die. The sum of my experiences, I am one giant walking unlicensed derivative work.

Weinstein saz bboomers created a bubble in all things; r. estate, stock market, media, and most of all, in physics. I was thinking the same a while back. Str. Thry is nuttin but a Ponzi scheme to lull more and more suckers in, as it grows, it seems even more import., n on n on..

What would it to design, mass produce foldable H2 kick scooter I wonder. The tank would be a little canister, fillable thru electrolysis from a wall plug, or exchangable canisters at gas stations..


“As a software developer, you are your own worst enemy. The sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be.” - Jeff Atwood

Counterpart cancelled - great. Show was dreary and ppl looked old as f--k. Another multiverse show bites the dust.

Android on PC -; I am fine with this. Termux changed everything.. Android everywhere is now palatable. If G. allowed multilang support for native app dev as well, it would be even better. Serving apps over Termux / Flask is fine 4 now, sayin just in case.



"But see EU passed Article 13, it is censorship, we [UK] are getting out on time"

UK has nanny laws of its own, so u r in no better position outside than inside. You belong together in more ways than u know.


The Senate Republican Budget:

"China’s Hydrogen Economy Is Coming"


Gerbs is on cnbc, saying Apple is "relatively cheap".


Striking similarity between end of poll tax & end of Brexit. In weeks before Thatcher’s fall ever more absurd & convoluted attempts were made to keep it alive. But only viable course was to scrap it entirely & remove Thatcher

Revoke Article 50. Remove May. It’s that simple

1000 km? Are you kidding me?

That means you could nearly cover Texas from one end to the other on a single tank.

"@grove_auto brand launched today with presentation of the Obsidian Development car. #hydrogenFuelCell mobility, >1,000 km range"

I'd ban referandums triggered by politicians using a Constitutional amendment.

Only people should be able to trigger a referandum, the way the recall election was triggered in California.

When pols trigger ref, they chose a time, the issue favorable to them. This is not democratic.

Public op is fickle. Plus ppl are morons on policy anyway, the way I am about dentistry or beekeeping.

Yang Shapiro debate on circums., not a good move for AY. Now u'll be associated with balls n dicks and n ass hair. I understand wanting to get publicity bit this is not a good one.

Golan recog; I dont care. It's already the status quo, Israel would never give it up short of a loss during a war anyway. It wouldnt be part of any Pal rel nego with these "swaps" we are hearing abt, so whatever. Syria is in no position to take it back, after yrs of civil war.

At my hotel room's wall


Dubrovnik - nice town.