
Github Mirror


"If you are, like me, often ponder over the question of why DNN with so many parameters can generalize without severe overfitting, check this out"

Many parameters create many optimal points that are equivalent but gives more chances to the optimizer to reach them


Now that I think abt it, even a regular grid is really a stupid f--ing idea. Bunch of lines all over the country that needs maintanance..? Dude.


"Anyone who has been to India should understand that at least within a 100 years India won't have an electric grid and charging infrastructure that can support BEVs only. FCEVs are the only realistic alternative."


"#India may stand on the side of #FCEVs due to supply constraints of lithium-ion and other factors."

Oh stop whining... losing the popular vote simply means having lost California. And that's the problem isn't it? Californian-minded Dems are pissed.

Progs should not touch that with a ten foot pole. Two centrists need to go down, together. Centrism will be discredited much faster this way.


So here's my thing re: Stacey Abrams as a Biden running mate. She's immensely talented and I think very smart, and a good advocate. But the highest office she's held is Minority Leader of the Georgia House. If you thought Sarah Palin had an experience problem, wowwwww.....

Wah Wah Waaaah

Dem: "Mueller failed us, how can he not find anything?"

These are two different concepts. People have been judging other people for hundreds of thousands of years.


"One amusing thing about psychology is that everybody thinks they are qualified to opine about it. I refrain from talking about tachyons because I know nothing about them. Few exercise such caution when confidently asserting this or that about the mind or personality.*"

Toto - Hold the Line - brother..

It's a very straight 4x4 studio drumming actually... But just to go along with that song, I'd play the shit out of it. Sign me up.


"US Marines are practicing seizing small islands as a possible China fight looms in the Pacific"

Have-yachts vs have-nots. Nice.


1/ The world becomes a much more pleasant place when you realize that most people are actually rooting for your success. It might not always be obvious, but it’s true:

Wonderful rant

"Art is a lie that makes us realize truth" - Picasso

Reuters... u r starting to pull ur head out of your ass.. good...

"Amnesty faults EV batteries as carbon intensive"

"Solar and wind firms call the 'Green New Deal’ too extreme"


"Young Dem voters want economic populism, old Dem voters want to keep their home equity while feeling morally virtuous. All of this is camouflaged in winner-ism instead of a straightforward debate over what kind of party and country we want."


"I voted Leave. The last two years has shown what an awful reality that would be and it's not what I want. I'm ashamed of my vote. Please someone dare to ask if I have changed my mind. I HAVE! Please, make it stop #RevokeArticle50 @Anna_Soubry @CarolineLucas"

I took 3000 pages of lecture notes using LaTeX and emacs. I take screenshots of the blackboard for graphics.


"This person took ~1700 pages of notes in mathematics lectures using LaTeX and Vim, and documented the workflow"



Replying to @lizjosullivan

"I haven't seen any evidence that there is AI technology in the 737 MAX system. It is just ordinary control software. It does make a good scare story though.

Decent AI software would avoid this error by comparing multiple sensors to estimate aircraft state before taking action"

I was uploading a video of a wedding the other day, a video I shot myself, but because of the music playing in the background (commercial! copyright!) it was flagged by YT.

When I walk by a house where music is playing, I overhear music, does this music it get flagged? This is insanity. Copyrights, as well as patents need to be abolished. You can't police this stuff effectively in the knowledge-age, in a preemptive fashion. Instead of filtering beforehand, we need to incentivize rewards / likes afterhand, after the release of content.

So protest, great. Smash.

"The planned EU copyright reform constitutes a massive threat to the free exchange of opinions and culture online. Together, on 23 March 2019 we call for a Europe-wide day of protests against the dangers of the reform.

Article 13 will lead to the use of error-prone and costly upload filters, as the demanded pre-emptive identification of alleged copyright violations is not feasible any other way, even if the term "upload filter" is not used in the wording of the law explicitly. Upload filters will block legal expressions of opinion and creative contents, as automatic systems cannot accurately distinguish legitimate uses from copyright infringements. The intended safeguards are not sufficient to prevent such erroneous filtering. Smaller platforms would see their existence under threat, as many of them fall within the scope of Articles 11 and 13 (or must at least fear being included), regardless of whether copyright violations are a problem on these sites and apps today, or whether they have the resources to actually fulfil their newly-imposed obligations [..].

We appeal to the Members of the European Parliament to vote against Articles 11 and 13"



Replying to @migueldeicaza

"I have this reoccurring nightmare where my employees vote to unionize and I quit on the spot out of principle. And then the company goes on fine without me."


i am the only one without bias

Somehow I never came across much of this Brit stiff upper lip, I guess it was a coincidence. Americans usually complain abt it. One said "they have 20 different ways of saying 'interesting', all of them negative".

Well f..k me


Before you're hired: 1. A binary tree? 2. Currying? 3. Higher-order function? 4. How does event loop work? 5. What is prototype? 6. What is encapsulation? 7. Can you draw an algorithm?

After you're hired: 1. Hey, can you add auth token and login to our app?

I keep saying local, offline, intermittent. Make it your motto bitch.


Replying to @TylerGlaiel

"Well, that's not going to work.

Like, at all."


"stop trying to make streaming video games a thing. it doesnt work

googles thing is literally trying to play games over a stream, that's what i'm talking about."


"It has become increasingly clear that individual neurons are not the functional unit of the brain. Here's a review: Towards the neural population doctrine"


Thiel fashions himself a philosopher but he really isnt that smart. He regurgitates known points albeit from a different angle making sure he comes across "contrarian", as "the rebel".

But the alphabet is limited. If all u have is A,B,C u can rearrange these letters in so many different ways before u run out of options. He dont got D,E,F, so PT is mostly running in circles.

Then there is Musk.

If these two fockers are the best SV got, there is a big problem

Tories need to cancel Brexit, call for a general election and suffer the consequences if necessary. They need to take one for the team. All this nonsense is their fault anyway.

Replace socalism with centrism, I agree


Elizabeth Warren has called for ending the Electoral College. I agree. It once served a legitimate purpose- that time has long passed #EndElectoralCollege


Replying to @MiaFarrow

"Nope. Do we want to be ruled by the festering urban cauldrons of socialism? Electoral college protects non-urban America from crazed metro tyranny...."\


you are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. you are not the car you drive. you're not the contents of your wallet. you are not your fucking khakis.

you are entirely defined by the quality of your tweets

Typing \C-x\C-c on Termux Emacs through cell phone keyboard (there is an icon for CTRL!) is an absolute gas. Lovin this thing.


One point that the college admissions scandal reminds me of: actual imposters almost never suffer from imposter syndrome.

Interpreting physics news: if something sounds too scifi to be true, it probably is.


Stanford Researchers Create Hydrogen Fuel from Seawater


"Hyundai, one of the companies backing hydrogen power as an alternative to battery technology, says switching to hydrogen also prevents the destruction of component jobs that would be lost by moving to electric cars. #driveH2 \@CaFCP"


France’s EU minister names her cat 'Brexit' because ‘he meows loudly to be let out but just stands there when I open the door’

Mot..f..ka.. Serbian... Croatian... Montanegrin. It's all the same language. You think I'm a fool don't you?

At the country featured in Casino Royale. Where am I?


did you know you only use 10% of your brain. god uses the other 90% to mine bitcoin


Hot take: Object Orientation was a mistake. It optimizes towards creating state, which probably should be minimized.

I disagree strongly with both actually because of f'''(a)(x-a)^3/6.

Ow slam!


When a person says that f(x) = f(a) + f’(a)(x - a) and someone disagrees strongly because of f’’(a)(x - a)^2/2

"Ch. of Audi Board of Mgmt Schot, announced that the automaker would be increasing its investment in FC tech [..] scarcity of raw materials for batteries and increased supply will eventually push any automaker serious about electrification toward hydrogen as a fuel source"


Chelsea Clinton?

There is a Rush Hour clip 4 every situation



Q: Is it okay to print money for UBI?

A: A portion of it can be funded by printing money, yes.

Q: But then we have MMT.

A: No.

MMT gives any piece of legislation a chance to print (unnecessarily expanding the monetary base, debasing the money). As we all know, sausage making and money printing does not mix well. Imagine the scenario: "Congressmen from Ohio wants a bridge for his vote... Congresswoman from Idaho wants two. How to decide? No need! Everyone gets a bridge!"

If printing is a one-shot deal, for a targeted legislation, especially for something like UBI, then it can be okay.

Q: But US has the reserve currency, we can print whatever we want!

A: You won't have the world's reserve currency any longer if you follow these funkers.

Q: If internet publishing were completely decentralized, how would you handle filtering unwanted content?

A: Easy. Let's say email, file sharing, social networking all become peer-to-peer with no need for "servers" that you "connect to"; they essentially become completely decentralized. Any computer knows how to connect only to a few computers next to it, which propagate the information further, so on. This is how Internet works at a base package level already.

Then one could imagine, anyone could take / install / become consumers of "filter packages" for their social net, or any other internet app.

In a household, parents would chose the appropiate filter package, at school the headmaster, at work the CTO. These packages would keep track of unwanted content, flag it good or bad, maybe relying on a hew hundred, or thousands filterers, employing whatever algorithms they like.

So basically unwanted content is faught at the consumer end, not the publishing end. The latter is censoring, the former is consumer service.

Q: We need to fix entitlements starting with social security [means abolish them]

A: Calling these programs "entitlements" is tasteless.

But, truth be told, social security was not designed for a time when many people lived beyond 65, that's why the system is defunct. It's best that it is be replaced with something like UBI where everyone gets a payment of some sort anyway.

Q: Why were unions were weak in United States?

A: I bet unions were historically weak in US because of a readily-available migrant work force (and later bcz of automation). Then left could not cut its teeth on labor movements, and US missed out other things in succession that are related; healthcare, etc.

(Social security really is not an achievement as many were supposed to die before collecting their checks)

I remembered this because of "the greatest Canadian" Tommy Douglas. He was a pastor (confirming the religion / left connection thesis), then became politically active during labor protests, joined politics, ended up implementing universal healthcare, at state level which was later copied by others.

But didn't Canada have migrants? Yes but not as many as in US. I mean, seriously, Canada. Who would live there? The place is not for the faint of heart. US could attract labor from all over the world easier, then from its neighbor, Mexico.

Note: From a different angle, universal healthcare, at a politico-subconcious level, could also be Canada's way of enticing people to go there. Just a theory... Now things are equalizing of course, US needs to handle this healthcare business too. The bloated insurance companies are sucking the life out of companies, enterpreneurs, and family budgets.


President Ronald Reagan's final speech was a love letter to immigrants

A: Of course

Not to bad-mouth the gipper, but his fights with the labor unions are well-known, and increasing immigration is one way to fight organized labor, to provide cheap labor to businesses. Koch brothers like immigration too.

Twitter User

"We don't need recharging stations because everyone will plug in at home."... lies battery enthusiasts tell themselves. H2 stations for FCEVs will scale like gasoline stations. No grid balancing costs. Cheaper at scale..."

A: True

Q: Is peer interaction necessary for education?

A: Right now it might be because the ed content sucks so bad. The solution is not to increase peer interaction, but to increase ed content quality.

I heard a student say friends are necessary for good grades. But this particular student's profile is Lonesome Cowboy No More; they have a tendency to go solo, but their dev path goes thru working with people, even mindmelding with them to such degree they lose themselves in rel. But this is their personal journey; not to be projected to a global scale. Let's remember MOOCs bombed and they were highly interactive. What they needed to be was to be async (class does not "start" or "end"), and quality had to be better. Why have one lecturer when u can have two, or three? Have'em explain the same thing. Complement it with alternates such as KhanAcademy, 3Blue1Brown. Disk space is cheap.

Studying for class with friends is like blindfolded ppl touching an elephant in many ways.. Everyone feels a part, then everyone shares notes. Class is the elephant and students are the blindfolded people...

That's all fine but someone can come in and just flick on the light and take off the blindfolds.

Q: But you said current lecturing scheme is not enough

A: Yes

Right now the model is some jackass in front of the blackboard, talking, writing. I want that jackass (also called a teacher) to be replaced by a reputable researcher, and his videos be made available. Videos can be rewound, watched, rewatched. I want students to see how a master thinks. Then you complement that with new age teaching material, such as KhanAcademy, 3Blue1Brown. Then you add a certification mechanism around it , now you are starting to get a semblance of education, that can be scaled.

That's my thing; cost and scale. If you can go to Harvard, go to Harvard. Cheat, bribe, do whatever fuck u want to do. Such people are not the focus here.

Q: Should class material be available to anyone?

A: Yes

The content should be open to all. We need to distance ourselves from this "signup to class", "drop class" mentality when talking about educational content. A student usually has no idea what any major entails, which direction s/he needs to go, what subjects s/he may like. With freely available content, they can watch hours of lectures before deciding.

Comment: We are now in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

A: I wish ppl stopped misusing the word "industrial revolution". I was against this when Rifkin used it (third IR) and I am certainly against it when Davos/Biden crowd uses it (fourth IR). Waves are better.

When you say things like fourth industrial revolution, people are naturally like, "wait, what happened to the other two?". I understand the urge "confuse and mystify", "to sound interesting and cool", but clarity in communication should be always be preferable to other options.