
Github Mirror

Class war my ass... Just because guy is seemingly "left", doesnt mean he has to be defended at all costs #venezuella

Dont know much abt Stone, thought he was a Trump supporter, then heard him repeat the word "dementia" on interview abt Trump in psyop fashion as if he wanted an impeachment to happen (through dementia). Then I was like this m..t..fka is some shady bitch.

I think Liz II is suffering from experience overload. Like pff I've seen WWII what is this small potatoes nonsense (Brexit)? That was a mistake. Maybe she could've done more to prevent some of this damage early on.

Right right.. that was a thing... When Mad visited TR he went to a resto and stuffed himself w food the pics made it to V and apparently there was a small scandal around that.

Just saw a TR satire on it I remembered

It says Mad was "eating for all his hungry countrymen, mocking imperialism in the process"

Yep. Stick to what u know.

"Apple dismisses over 200 staff from autonomous vehicle group"

Aussie CSIRO invented Wifi...? These guys are mad innovators arent they?


"Reminder that @BernieSanders, who might well win the Dem nomination, once said these words in this order: "the American dream is more apt to be realized in Venezuela" than the United States. (h/t @ReaganBattalion). He was not alone."

He called the regime a dictatorship during 2016 and distanced himself from it actually.

You bitch and moan now, left. U speaka different when you r in charge.

7% of Venezuellans left the country since 2014. Noone wants this son of a bitch, esp. V neighbors #maduro

Conspiracy Keanu. Apparently it was a meme theme


Actually Brexit is syptom of something else; abt Britain's place in the world. A country who is culturally significant, creator of a former empire, having kickstarted the current one, it is natural it thinks it can do whatever it wants.

When I wrote abt the US Pemmic. War, the actors were interesting; here Brits had to step in and merge two yankee companies who were at war. They were the grownups in this picture. Good or bad, for a while these people ran America. So it is hard 4 them to accept rules from others

When I wrote abt the US Pemmic. War, the actors were interesting; here Brits had to step in and merge two yankee companies who were at war. They were the grownups in this picture. Good or bad, for a while these people ran America. So it is hard 4 them to accept rules from others

Yea.. Kudlow asked abt potential end of cycle (good question) and he answers there is a .. second cycle? This guy is making it up as he goes...

No more drugs for that man


Everything comes to you at the right time. #BePatient

Interesting; real estate tax thing could be a play 4 bboomer votes. Millenials are obviously a bigger group. The bill will die in the House for sure, maybe Reps hope to make some noise having supported it..

Meh. Is this the best you've got dude?


"I'm not drunk, I'm just drinking I'm not stoned, I'm just thinking"


Despite the panic about fake news in the '16 election, most was seen by just 1% of readers, & spread by just 0.1%, mostly right-wing political junkies.


'"AI is the new electricity"

"AI = gradients + pray + love"


Is there something in the water in silicon valley (and occasionally elsewhere) which compels people to write what are, at best, empty ML platitudes, and at worst (to paraphrase Pauli) "not even wrong"?'


Retweeted Edward Grefenstette

"Yes. Possibly mercury."

Tommy Douglas - Mice and Cats. T. Douglas created the Canadian single-payer system


After spending 6 months wandering through the healthcare supply chain, here is my “hot take”

Healthcare is fundamentally cheap.

It just has really high prices.

Pick something: brain surgery, labs, doctors visit, medication, imaging. The unit costs are <25% of reimbursement

Another case 4 UBI; incomes can never increase past a certain amt; when they reach a threshold rising incomes contribute to company earning decline, then to an overall recession, at which pt employees are fired -> no income.


Example below of plug-in EVs falling short. System mgmt and coordination costs for recharging are too high. Est. 30% can plug-in at home. Julich (Germany) study shows hydrogen refueling is cheaper beyond 10-20m EVs. H2 EVs cheaper per kW for OEMs. Molecules win long EV game.

A: Yes

Ralph Nader

21 Ways the Canadian Health Care System is Better than Obamacare

A: Nice

Q: Who was [the Bitcoin inventor, whose identity remains hidden] Satoshi Nakamoto?

A: Most likely Hal Finney. He was the #2 Bitcoin user, its first tester. He sadly passed away.

Writing analysis showed Finney's writing most closely resembled Satoshi's.

One thing he said shortly before his death had always bothered me.. 'I have no worries my legacy is secure'. Ask any profiler: this is not something the #2 guy would say before his death.

Hal was hard-core crypto guy himself. And: dude named Satoshi N. lived nearby him. The Nakamoto living close to HF was burned during mortgage crisis. So I bet HF saw his predicament, and planned BTC as a way to correct the sys which burned his neighbor and many others.

CNN Conversation:

MP: People voted to get out of EU

CNN interviewer: they did not know what they were voting for

MP: Your comment was extremely patronizing..

A: Ha ha

Interviewer was right. Brit politicians dropped the ball by asking ppl something that is extremely technical and their fucking job to decide. As if populists, they asked for a solution when ppl are imbeciles on policies they don't experience firsthand.

"Oh but asking ppl was democratic". Well that decision was made by politicians, who are elected by the people, so if they didn't ask, that decision would still be democratic.

And let's be honest here, Cameron got into all this not bcz he wanted to 'ask the people', but because he wanted to crush his detractors inside the party. The vote was supposed to be a layup, remember?. But the detractors sensed this, and campaigned in a do-or-die mode bcz it was abt their survival which ironically increased their effectiveness, they sold their message (read: lied) better. Now here we are.

Q: Where is the line between representation and direct democracy?

A: In a modern context they should be kept seperate

Industrial and post-industrial contexts are like oil and water. They cannot mix. You can't have a little bit of this a little bit of that. If you do, you end up with Brexit.

Q: What are the energy densities of different energy storage methods?


Liithium-ion battery - 265 Wh / kg

Ammonia - 6250 Wh / kg

Hydrogen - 33000 Wh / kg

Synthetic diesel - 13000 Wh / kg

Let's not forget Li-on degrades badly after a few years, and cold weather does a number on them.

Also, synthetic diesel's density is higher than regular (dirty) diesel. We posted about e-diesel tech b4, it is a drop-in replacement for diesel.


In 2011 there were 115 billionaires in China. Since then, 72 have died, with 15 murders, 17 suicides, 7 accidental deaths, and 19 from illness. Another 14 were executed.

A: Sucks to be a Chinese billionaire heh?

Q: Companies that regularly attend Davos underperform the S&P 500 by a lot

A: Ouch