
Github Mirror


#China is ending an old era of subsidizing BEV’s and beginning a new one in #hydrogen #fuelcell EV’s.

Why is China choosing hydrogen over #Tesla? Potential. #H2 can be generated domestically, distributed, and retailed at price parity to fossil fuels"


Woha "Globally we kill 74 billion animals a year. 80% of farmland on Earth is used for livestock, where the process efficiency of fodder crop nutrients ending up in the meat we eat is horrifically low"


"Technology will soon give us the ability to eat ‘meat’ without killing." @TheOxStugives gives a great overview of the #cellbasedmeat industry.

James Monroe - Train 45 #music



This move belies $tsla entire “mission”. The 100 kWh battery is a monstrosity that’s a net carbon contributor over its lifetime.

$tsla is sticking a fork in the environment . . . To save the environment?


As #temperatures in #melbourne approach 40C again today, the energy debate continues. Extremes often drive change & innovation - the good news is that there are solutions for #energy including the role of

hydrogen & distributed energy systems


Development of Technologies to Utilize Green Ammonia in Energy Market


This paper contains “Development of #Technologies to Utilize Green

Ammonia in Energy #Market” which includes roadmap of ammonia supply

chain, Cost Comparison of #Energy Carriers.

Pushing for intl monitored elections is the way to go in Venezuella. That's what Guiado wants too. Hopefully that's what the discussions lead to.

PMQ sounds surreal. PM talks abt things done, decisions reached with a tone as if they werent stupidest f--ing things to begin with. Is this how second wave truly ends?

It's like the mannerism of best speech dubbed with the words of Chris Rock's standup routine. "Do you want your salad tossed?". "Yes I want my salad tossed very much".

Imagine it delivered with May's voice. That is how PMQ sounds like to me. It's comedy.

I thought capitalist want ppl 'not to sit on their ass and work'. People w wealth, especially inherited wealth, do exactly that. If u tax wealth, like real estate just sitting there appreciating collecting rent, that would incentivize work, right?

'But the rich worked to get there then w wealth they can rest'. The poor works too, then more, then more. When do they get a rest?

'But the poor does not know what to work on, work smart'. Look, there is a reason why we instintively deny such thought. We have the genes of ppl who survived the harshest race ever. We know, deep down, the current 'game' is made up, artificial.

Maybe if this artificial game lasted long enough it would select its own genetic survivors, but each game is stupider, shorter than the last. 50k years of agrarian era now gone. Then industrial, 300 yrs gone. So now, what, everyone is an office monkey sitting at a desk? Nah.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Newsweek - u said somethin, and I heard it. I want u to know. Juz sayin.

"Hannity slammed Newsweek for their 'Why are all the conservative loudmouths Irish-American?' article"

Rick Scrotum, sorry Sentorum, the guy who said "if u allow gay marriage you will marry your dog one day" is also "Irish American" wasn't he?


Turns out he is half Italian.

That's even worse.

I thought deGrasse declassified Pluto. It was Michael Brown from Caltech. MB also proved mathematically Planet 9 exists. A planet 10 times the size of Earth and further than Pluto.


My wife and I giggled with delight when Capt Pike replied "And also with you" ... he's an Episcopalian !!! If Discovery needs a chaplain, my wife is ready. #STDisco @ansonmount"

Rees-Moog, Johnson... This the f--ing B-Team.. I am shocked Brits still do not see that.


"I sort of agree w/ @wwwojtekk that economists probably have less power than some people think. It’s more that economists’ ideas reflect political winds because economists like being close to centers of power. Very few other academics are allowed to be close to centers of power."


More Beatrice Cherrier Retweeted Arindrajit Dube

"This neglects:

So no"



Anyone who is interested in space can easily satisfy their curiosity exploring under the sea. It will be cheaper, and I guarantee it, it's a freak show down there, both good and bad.

U float, as in space, check. It is vast, check. Diff is u can come up for air once in a while.

.. movement is 3D check.

It'd be fun to work on sensor / nav control of a sub. Air liquification, energy storage, a lot of interesting science if 1 chooses the DIY route.

That is funny. I mean the 1st part, some1 belting out that song 5 times.

U laugh, wait until Top Gun II comes out. I heard it is in the works.

Don't Jean-Jean-Jean me punk. French is "vulgar-Latin", the language pillaging Roman soldiers spoke who invaded Gaul. You wanna look cool, speak Gallic, the language of Celts.

Read Asterix to understand the French psyche.

Dave Alvin - Rio Grande #music

Yeah BEVs are a really stupid idea. Battery weighs half a ton! Performance degrades in a few years! Jeremy Clarkson was right disliking this shit and he knows cars!

19 C !!

Rollin' In My Sweet Baby's Arms - Buck Owens #music


"In my first undergrad, I once spent two straight weeks on a physics problem that I ultimately solved.

Bezos spent three hours on a PDE and gave up on physics."

Hilbert: "Every boy in the streets of Göttingen understands more about four-dimensional geometry than Einstein. Yet, in spite of that, Einstein did the work and not the mathematicians.”

It's not necessary to have that gun-slinging problem-cruncher ability that works equally well in every subdomain. You hit those subdomains as needed. What's needed is the ability to model mathematically, to pose the right questions, and have a sense where to find the answers.

We've had decades of problem-crunchers, and physics is stuck. Multiverses, alt. universes sound imaginative and sexy but they are really not. Some1 dropped the ball way back and crunchers have been blindly toiling in that direction ever since.


"We are risking a new tech divide, between those who have access to AI & those who don't."


"Other than people who don't have the Internet, who doesn't have access to AI?

How does one not have access to a theory and a bunch of open source libraries? "

Great idea. The current prez is illegitimate. All neighbors are on board AFAIK.

"Trump could recognize [Venezuelan] opposition leader as president"

Musk bombed, say in the "sub incident" (remember, pedo guy); cuz HH seeks adulation, to be worshipped, instead of doing what is truly good for the group, wout fallking into savior bullshit, and quetly accepting a thanks. Not getting the accolade he lost his shit.

AOC is High Horse.

Hal is gone, but is cryonegenically preserved. When he wakes up you can ask him.

"Much knowledge of Bitcoin is out of reach with Satoshi being MIA"

Danger Zone

"Israel fights during weakness, makes piece during strength". Probably true. Last huge Pal war was 2008/9, yrs of Western crisis, weakness (of which Israel is considered part of). If a crisis comes now, an Iran or Syrian war becomes more likely.

Second developer hired by PGP Corp. Yeah this guy is a total lightweight on crypto, mostly runs code sent to him by some random researcher on the Net 🤔 #halFinneyIsSatoshi

Want: Tom Clancyesque reporting on military details that also weaves the grander narrative into those details. U mostly get one or the other, not both.

That's wat Im talkin bout..

Split Lip Rayfield - Kiss of Death #music

Rosie Flores - Down to the River #music


Every politician, pundit and/or media personality who is "praising" Martin Luther King and leaving out King's harsh criticism of wars and economic inequalities are the worst kind of hypocrites, They are erasing his legacy while pretending to honor King's memory #RebrandingMLK"

That was some good shit Maher, w Koch brothers, paychecks. You will go far. I see future in you.

"Secretary Coulter". Just heard it on CNN.

"H. Finney is dead" I said - I stand corrected. I should've said "he is cryonegically preserved". So maybe not fully dead. Partially dead.

Bizarro Ben Franklin: "It's an empire, if you can afford it".

'The wall might be a so-so idea, but it doesn't cost too much, why not do it?". Sure, a few billions.. it's the sorta amt Pentagon shits out in an sunny afternoon. But, for a so-so idea, it worked too well in the campaign, now Dems want to make potus eat those words.

So by working too well in the campaign trail, it sealed its fate. Dems give an inch, they look like losers. From my angle, it's a populist idea (sounds good, ppl (Reps) liked it, but not smart policy), so I naturally want to see it crash and burn, out of spite.


What's a dirty secret that everybody in your industry knows about but anyone outside of your line of work would be scandalized to hear?


Most of IT, Silicon Valley, and the Tech world has nothing to do with Computer Science.

Hah. TR women sharing their un-headscarfing tweets. 10+ yrs ago we (liberally minded) fought intensely for them, for their right to chose. If they choose this, fine. I will say it would probably be better 4 them in terms of fitting in. But still their choice.


"Weight is the enemy of mileage, and trying to gain range by adding more battery quickly becomes a losing proposition as more and more energy is wasted dragging a heavy battery around."

"#China's first 100MW #solarpower plant just want into operation.

We have solutions to the #climate crisis. Let's implement them."

Uses molten salt for storage

At Kleopatra Beach. M. Antony (some Roman paisan) gave this beach as a gift to Kleo. She used to walk around here and swim.

These f--ers are all the same. Giving public land as gift? Who u bitch? MA did some shady goombah shit, fell out of favor, then ran away w Kleo, later they committed suicide. Landowner, agrarian fucks.

I used to think K looked African, but turns out she was Greek, they did some recons, she prob looked liked this


Definitely not like Elizabeth Taylor. Nor Sophie Loren.

The beach tho is wout a doubt 1 of the most beautiful in the country.

Legendary. This tweet should be preserved 4 posterity.

Hal Finney was the #2 Bitcoin guy, the first tester.


Running bitcoin (2009)

What part of 'ppl cannot come up with $500 emergency' do you not understand? That means a single pay check missing, all of a sudden thousands of gov employees end up in the food stamp line.

M. Mikkelsen looks like the Rock.

"Bottom 90% now hold 73.2% of all debt"

Ok.. not a bad TR song finally.. it's not "neurotic"

Funny thing is the vid makes ref to a 70s comedy movie. There's certain nostalgia to older movies I detect... it's like, nothing good was made recently? ;)
