
Github Mirror

senior java is spanish for mr coffee

Renewable is real: I recharged a smartphone in half-a day using one of the portable, fold-out solar panels. Panel is light, hangeable behind your pack. Once folded it takes no more space than a tablet.

Sheesh. Thunderstorms here.

Israel is very pro-Kurd. Whenever TR says something abt Pals, Benj will shoot back with something like 'ppl in glass houses ...' implying TR-Kurd relations. I dont say this stuff assuming its common knowledge. Isnt it? I mean 4 ppl who follow this stuff.

K's are that perfect wedge for Israel; spread in TR, Iran, Syriaq, largest minority there and opressed. For me, I am mainly interested in TR Kurds not dying.

"Founder of SunEdison J. Shah is now putting his money behind fuel cells"


Funny story. All of my machines have a command aliased in: Fuck.

What does it do? "sudo $(fc -ln -1)"

This way if I try to do something, and forget to sudo it, I can just type 'fuck' and it'll repeat the last command, sudo'd.

This also means half my bash history is "fuck".

I get my news with this

(bottom of post), dumps to simple file, and have @Voice Aloud Reader read that file to me. I do this everyday, it's now my daily routine.

Marmaris (TR summer resort place) was greener. Alanya has more taste. Buildings, the artwork around looks tasteful.


"President Trump, federal employees are not billionaires. They have to feed their kids and pay their mortgages. End the shutdown now and treat federal employees with the respect they are due."


Hillary coughing fits? Coughing is code for barking at the world, "notice me!" (see Hay). HRC might be feeling ignored, but she cant complain - she got to this point mostly due to her husband wout much pol skill of her own. C'mon. u had ur shot. Time to move on.

I am not as 'thused about making everyone a math person anymore; but I am now mostly interested in catching ppl who slip through the cracks. The potential genius who had a few very bad experiences and soured on math.

Ignoring vars from get-go is the same thing really.. Like saying 'friction does not matter (for this model)'. So it is removed beforehand.

Physics has a reputation for being 'an exact science" but physicists approximate like crazy even for theory. sqrt{x + L} where L >> x? Pffff... x is gone G! Buh bye. But... but.. is it like theoretical dude? Yeah sure why not.Var is too small it dont matter to the formula.


Rep. Liz Cheney, daughter of Dick Cheney, yesterday attacked "the fraud of socialism." Really? I wasn't aware that it was "socialism" that lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and got us into a horrific war that we should never have started.

Politics aside, it's also a stupid idea.

The wall became a symbol, that is why Dems will never support it. It was also part of a colorful campaign rhetoric (I remember young pips repeating the mantra as if it was some kind of jingle), so naturally oppo wants make DJT to eat those words.

Yes plz - get rid of this Java shit (Android). On Chrome notebooks I hear Linux apps can be installed. If there was a Chrome Phone, I assume similar thing would work. I am happy with my Termux but more hard core Linux would be appreciated.

Watching Rubin / Thiel interview.. apparently T is also a trader (finance) . He was well positioned for 2008 before the way down, but he was cu-ked on the way up. Per McCollough book.

Thiel's talking strangely resembles Zuck.

Says playfully "I never compete w Elon on anything" after being fake-offered a joint. But didnt he work behind the scenes to oust the man as CEO at Paypal?

"Oh but is expertise democratic?" says the guy offering expertise on Iraq, ME, Syria. People are truly blind.

Hm "Roughly 40 percent of the profits generated by companies in the S&P 500 come from overseas"


Frankl used to say: Don’t ask what you want from life. Ask what life wants from you. The great lives are ones where people heard a call, had a sense of vocation.

Mitt came out swingin'

"Molten salt storage 33 times cheaper than lithium-ion batteries | Solarthermalworld"

Alfabet is all over this thing... kewl.

WTF? Molten salt?

"Morocco is building a #solar farm as big as Paris .. energy will be stored as molten salt"

Senator Mitt


“What supplements should I take?”


-not eating processed foods

-lifting weights

-not thinking your problems will be solved by magic pills

I read they put diapers on to go this thing.. Sounds exaggerated.

"Thousands brave rain in New York's Times Square to welcome 2019"

"Power Corrupts. PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely."