
Github Mirror

Week 24


"If health care is a right—and it is—the only honest response to the current crisis is the single-payer “Medicare For All” reform that would bring the United States in line with humane and responsible countries worldwide. [..] The movement for single payer is for real, and it’s winning in California.

The state Senate voted 23 to 14 on Thursday in favor of SB 562, a single-payer proposal that would guarantee universal health care to all Californians. “What we did today was really approve the concept of a single-payer system in California,” declared state Senator Ricardo Lara, a key advocate for the bill, following the vote.[..]

“We’ve shown that healthcare is not only a humanitarian imperative for the nation, it is politically feasible, and it is even the fiscally responsible step to take.” [said another official...]

That’s true. According to a review of a new NNU-sponsored study by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst: “SB 562 would produce substantial savings for households in healthcare costs as a share of their income, and California businesses, which would also see reduced payroll costs for health care expenditures.”"

This would be hilarious, if it wasn't so tragic

Interesting angle

The tweetstorm is here. This was in response to the Guardian article blaming publishers for the obscene amount of money made by (wasted on) them. Tweetstorm says the problem is, as with all substance abuse, drug situations, with the demand. Makes sense.



You shared this article on employee's fluctuating incomes. Should we bar employers / regulate them so they cannot dynamically allocate work?


My position is, still, freedom for businesses, and direct help to people if there are insecurities caused by the dynamic nature of the economy.


Are income tax credits a good idea?


People will game that system. Plus the assistance is not as simple (less bureucratic) as it can be.

Why is infrastructure good? For example a road? There are no if-then-else rules for a road. "If your wheel size is blah, after 4:00 PM, in a rainy day, do not drive here". A road is a f--king road. Everyone can drive on it. It is simple, it applies to all -- that's why it helps the economy.

Favorite Dave Letterman Top 10?

Top 10 Things That Sound Creepy When Said by John Malkovich 
