
Github Mirror

Alex Unzicker

Some excerpts from the video

"I don't know how many of you believe that the Higgs boson was the discovery of the century but what is sure that Einstein, Dirac, or Schrodinger would have considered this discovery as ridiculous they would never have believed that such a model with so many unexplained parameters reflecting anything fundamental.

So I'm going to argue that particle physics as practice since 1930 is a futile enterprise in its entirety. ...

First of all good physics is simple, and the true revolutions in physics always simplify the laws of nature. Maxwell's electrodynamics was a revolution because the electrodynamic constants and the speed of light were condensed in one formula, eliminating one constant of nature. So did the Planck constant h simplify the laws of nature and Newton's Theory of Gravitation condensed dozens of unexplained parameters into one gravitational constant.

[Today's] particle physics is going the other way around. It produced [too many free] parameters"

More Unzic comments; Robert Dicke rediscovered relativity with corrections (1957), speed of light should not be constant.


Even scientists themselves take lots of knowledge as given. The danger here is you can pile shit upon shit until stuck or the whole thing collapsing on itself.

New Direction

The new direction of physics can involve quaternions. From The Mathematical Reality Why Space and Time are an Illusion: "As early as the 1930s, the Dutch physicist and close friend of Einstein, Paul Ehrenfest, wondered why the wave functions for matter (complex numbers) and light (vector fields) were mathematically so different. The importance of this profound question is still underestimated today. If one follows the mission to explain natural phenomena in a unified picture, light and matter must be contained in a single formalism. This means that there has to be a mathematical object that on the one hand, must be a little more complicated than vectors and complex numbers, but on the other hand must incorporate their properties...

Hamilton.. one of the most brilliant mathematicians of all time .. started to study complex numbers. If it was possible to define a multiplication in two dimensions in such an amazing way, was it also possible in three dimensions?... On 16 October 1843, while walking along the Royal Canal in Dublin, Hamilton finally came up with the answer. In three dimensions it was indeed impossible; but at that moment, he realized that the tricky multiplication of complex numbers could be transferred to a four-dimensional number system called quaternions that had three imaginary units $i$, $j$, $k$ instead of just one $i$. Whether Hamilton could already have imagined the fascinating rotations that occur in this number system, we do not know. In any case, overjoyed at his idea, he carved the constituting equations into a stone of a nearby bridge

$$ i^2 = k^2 = j^2 = i \cdot j \cdot k = -1 $$

... If we come back to the philosophical question of what mathematical structure could potentially describe all physical phenomena, quaternions are a strikingly simple possibility. Since they contain both complex numbers and conventional vectors as a subset, quaternions, in principle, can represent all the number systems physicists have used in their description of the elementary phenomena light and matter"