
Github Mirror


Unity, "going bi" is always eluded to in US politics. After calamities, pandemics, in a country composed of states, it is not that off-kilter to pay some lip service to the concept. Of course the unity of states doesnt imply political unity, but hey, it rhymes, good TV. It's a feel-good word, like marshmallows, chicken soup, Sunday morning.. School is out. Whatever...

Sometimes the use of the word is tactical, you mention unity, if the other guy does not go for it, now he is the asshole. Small effect, but maybe worth a try. Usually pols have no inclination to deliver unity anyway, but blaming the other can be good PR cover for themselves not doing anything.

But the most obnoxious form of unity talk starts from the Washington Consensus, post-politics mentality that emerged, a Frankenstein freak of the post Berlin Wall, TINA world order. After the whole damn Berlin Wall collapsed on their heads, Dems in abject fear started running around, looked for a new place to go, lurched right, tried to outdo Reps in their own game. Reps balked, and radicalized on 5G (Green, Gays, Guns, God, Gender) to differentiate, so the Clinton years had insane amt of drama. These issues were moral, ethical issues not political, unresolvable, so intense fighting persisted, became entrenched.

Now into this environment, in the eleventh inning steps in a certain politican and asks for, you guessed it, unity, comity. It can sell.. "Im a uniter not a divider". But Dems are in no position to seek unity, their leaving a major ideology unattended for years, and trying to displace another is what caused the shitstorm to begin with.