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Infrastructure for Space, Bezos

Good talk by Bezos. To get to space we need to build infrastructure; our generation's work.

He mentioned O'Neill stations, living environments with artificial gravity. with a million ppl per, a thousand of these things could house a billion. They could be placed at any sufficiently close distances to Earth, it'll work.

Liquid hydrogen is mentioned; truly the energy storage mechanism of the future. It is good for rockets, it is good for heating, electricity, anything we can think of. Basically any place we humans are interested in will have water anyway, with electrolysis we can turn that water into fuel, using solar panels.

So we are not leaving Earth, simply stepping outside it for more options, and even, for a little exercise. It's good to get used to being in space, with bigger and bigger steps each time. Also these stations will be Earth-like, not too far from Earth, best of both worlds so to speak. Killer asteroid? Covered! Even with Earth gone a few of these things would probably make it.

Blue Origin rockets, built for reuse, and the moon, a perfect playground, is suitable for the task. It all seems to line up with WH return-to-moon announcement, that'll work for their favor.


The 10,000 Watts / person is probably from Seeding the Universe with Life By Michael Noah Mautner. But fine, let's take that as is,

wattperPerson = 10000
pop = 7.79*1e9
print (wattperPerson * pop / 1e12, 'Terrawatts')
77.9 Terrawatts

will be needed for everyone. How much does the Sun supply?


"At the upper reaches of our atmosphere, the energy density of solar radiation is approximately 1368 W/m2 (watts per square meter). At the Earth's surface, the energy density is reduced to approximately 1000 W/m2".

texasArea = 700000 * 1e6 # meter square
sun = 1000 # Watts per meter square
eff = 0.25 # panel efficiency
daylight = 0.25 # sunlight per day
print (sun*texasArea*eff*daylight / 1e12, 'Terrawatts')
43.75 Terrawatts

If we take today's consumption, which is 157,481 Terrawatt Hours per year,

print ("%0.2f TW" % (157481. / (365*24)))
17.98 TW

Hence panels covering a Texas size area can supply more than the energy needed today.

Important point 10 KW / person is a first-world number. Not everyone in the world is there yet. Plus first world is in luxurious consumption mode, w lots of waste. Imagine how much energy is wasted in commuting. People travel distances daily that would be unthinkable to our ancestors <100 years ago, which isn't necessarily advance. It is waste.

Going to space to get that 1368 W/m2, from 1000 W/m2 is overkill. World population will double in 70 years with 1% annual population growth. Until then, and for a long time, we can just increase panel area. Sure leave Earth collect energy in their own solar panel area outside Earth is fine. But the real selling point is escaping extinction level event rather than "Earth running out of energy".

Also there is such a thing as carrying capacity; in population models this number is the threshold beyond which more life cannot be supported, and there is no harm in that. This self-regulation mechanism runs on its own, we don't have to lose our minds thinking about it.