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MPP Analysis

[T]he blue wave [as meek as it is] is a corporate wave that has swept in the same kind of Democratic politicians that drove working people into Donald Trump’s arms after eight years of Obama. When Democrats busy themselves serving the wealthy again, the result will be an even sharper lurch to the authoritarian right. Progressives cannot do the same thing year after year, charging headlong into the Democratic Party, and expect different results. Breaking the cycle means changing your approach.

With 80 percent of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, health care costs rising, and student debt piling up, Americans live more precarious lives than they have in generations. Confidence in government and institutions is at historic lows.

Working people seek solutions that are proportionate to the size of the problems we face, something that looks and feels new down to our bones. Incrementalism and an attempted rebranding of the Democratic Party are the well-worn paths of the cycle into oligarchy. The Democratic Party is a prison for our movement. It’s a wall that keeps us from connecting with people and inspiring the millions who want authentic, credible change.

We owe it to ourselves, and those we struggle for, to challenge our preconceptions and consider that winning might entail listening to the large majority of Americans who want a major new party. Had we committed ourselves to building it after the 2016 election, we would have either forced the Democratic Party to change in the face of an existential threat, or we would be replacing it and the Republican Party right now. Instead most of us decided to work inside the Democratic Party, so the cycle continues, voraciously consuming our climate, our economy, our society and our lives.

Change happens quickly when conditions reach a certain urgency. Just this year Lopez Obrador’s new progressive party replaced the establishment parties that have ruled Mexico for a century. They did it in only four years, winning the presidency, both houses of the legislature, and most of the mayorships this summer. Their political revolution began by stepping back from the parties they had always known and recognizing that change would take a genuinely-progressive alternative. Mexico is part of a sweeping international trend of new populist parties on the left and the right that are ousting long-entrenched establishment parties in country after country. In our own history, Lincoln’s Republican Party replaced the Whig Party in just four years.

Tactically speaking at the very least you are looking to shake the environment, like here and here . The good news is these frakkers are all after the same vote, and they will succeed in dividing it perfectly. That gives an advantage to the 3rd party to do some serious damage, and be pandered to, in the future, ideologically, causing a change in the mainstream.