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Chia and the Blockchain

Bram Cohen invented torrenting. Now he’s building a cryptocurrency called Chia that doesn’t waste electricity like Bitcoin, and top investors are lining up. Chia has just raised a $3.395 million seed round led by AngelList’s Naval Ravikant and joined by Andreessen Horowitz, Greylock and more. The money will help the startup build out its Chia coin and blockchain powered by proofs of space and time instead of Bitcoin’s energy-sucking proofs of work, which it plans to launch in Q1 2019.

Can I make a request? Could Chia also make its blockchain so it is partitioned  (some call this "sharding"), e.g. data is divided up and stored in some / many (but not all) nodes, with some partitions serving as backups, so all data does not have to reside in one place and it does not get lost. The word is Bitcoin blockchain requires "official" nodes to download the ledger in full, this is a complete waste of time. Since Chia creator is the "disk guy" he'll know all the partitioning, distribution tricks. 

I believe Ethereum has plans for partitioning, but did not implement it yet. It'd be great if Chia supported this feature from get-go.

Also, if scripting / contract tech is compatible with the Lightning Network, Chia could be integrated in this fast networking infrastructure. LN is growing quite fast. I'd ride that wave.