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The following is from a famous TR satirist, chronicling all the bad things that happened to foreign leaders after coming into contact with TR officials. As per the timeline, the prime minister mentioned is Erdogan, President is Abdullah Gul. Though the reasoning is humorous, the chain of events, and the timings are absolutely correct, and makes one think about the reasoning ! :)

Kaddafi gave our "leader of the century" an award, his head got smashed with stones. Hosni Mobarak gave our leader Gul a hug, he ended up in a cage. Our leader of the century became BFF with Assad, Syrians have been killing eachother ever since. Our dear leader went to Pakistan, Benazir Butto was bombed to pieces. Our prime minister made a speech in the Lebanese parliament, Lebanon was invaded the next day. Our President went to Yemen, they sat with our ministers, they cried and sang Yemeni songs, then Yemen tumbled into a civil war. Prime minister shook hands with Palestenian leader, that night missiles rained down on Gaza. Jordanian Prime Minister stepped off the plane in Ankara for a visit, he resigned before he even returned to Jordan, while he was in Ankara. We became closer to Georgia, our dear leader hugged Saakasvili, the next day Russian tanks rolled into  Georgia. The Saudi King, who gave our dear leader a medal, an otherwise healthy man, suffered a seizure afterwards and became paralyzed. Our Prime Minister went to Iraq, while he was in Iraq the Iraqi parliament was stormed, ministers were taken hostage, 45 people died. We did an "African opening", then Tunisia, Iovery Coast, all kinds of African countries went to the gutter. We invited al-Bashir to Turkey served him food, Sudan was split into two. Argentinian President came, his travel allowence was stolen before he even came in, after he returned he declared he now has cancer. Albanian prime minister came to Turkey for a wedding, he was the best man for our dear leader's son Bilal, next morning he had to be rushed to the hospital his gallbladder had to be taken out. We declared year 2010 as "the Year of Japan", in 2011 they were flattened with tsunami, with their nuclear station melting down on them. Our President went to South Korea, for the first time in 50 years the North launched a missile. Greek prime minister came to our Winter Olympics, Greece experienced an uprising, he resigned. Iraqi President Talabani met our prime minister, what a meeting that must have been, noone has heard of him since, some say he is in coma tied to a machine, some say he died. Romanian prime minister came to visit, signed bunch of agreements, he resigned the moment he landed back in his country. Spanish prime minister started an "alliance of civilizations" with our PM, poor guy's political career was finished shortly thereafter. Our good friend Silvio, Italy's richest man, went to jail, had to perform public duty as punishment, they made him pick up trash in a nursing home. Prime Minister of Portugal met our President, shook his hand, then immediately went to his President and gave him his resignation. We lifted visas with Ukraine, Ukranian prime minister was arrested. We formed contacts with Poland, Polish president's plane crashed and he died. Our leader of century announced he would go to Kosova, they hung all kinds of posters in Kosova for him, Kosovian government fell 12 hours before he got there. Our leader of the century announced he would go to USA, but Obama must have sensed the bad fortune coming his way, he posed with a baseball bat the visit was canceled. But our leader persisted, he would not give up, he managed to visit USA the next year, before he came back thunderstorms ravaged America, people died, the entire state of Oklahoma was declared a disaster zone. Our PM announced he would go to Palestine to sort out disagreements between al Fateh and Hamas, even the announcement of this must have been  enough, for the Palestenian authority resigned. Our President went to Sweden, their princess known as Cinderalla dropped dead. One of the bodyguards protecting our President during his visit was there with the princess when their car flew in the canal where they sank. NATO secretary general came, he fell down the stairs at his hotel, his hand was broken at the wrist. Georgian president came for a visit, he thought he could visit the Georgian bikers in TR while he was here, he rode a bicycle for show, fell off, breaking his arm. Burkino Faso secretary of state came to visit, during the press briefing together with our minister kept talking and talking and talking, Burkino Faso minister could not take this and passed out, they barely brought him back to conciousness at the hospital. Our guys went to Mursi, they showed him a good back-slapping friendhip, there was a coup in Egypt, Mobarak came out of the cage, Mursi went in in his place. Our leader of the century went to Argentina for a vote on the Olympics, he merely said hi to the Argentian president, she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Olympics was given to Tokyo, our leader said "I congratulate the governor of Tokyo", he promptly resigned. With South Africa we lifted visas, Mandela died. Angelina Jolie came for a visit shook hands with our guys, then she went back and had her tits removed, then divorced her husband. Our President had the German President as guest in his hometown Kayseri, he even went to Germany for a return of visit, Germany experienced the resignation of of its President for the first time in its history.  Spanish PM came to visit, we all started wondering "what kind of bad luck will fall upon the Spanish government?". The juju hit their king instead, his daughter and son-in-law were persecuted, their officials didn't care about their count, duke titles they confiscated their property. Our President went to Italy, their government resigned. President stayed at Rome, he really wanted to go to Florence apparently but could not go due to weather acting up. I guess someone must have thought that makes Florence the luckies city in the world, they gave its mayor to permission to form the next government. Our President also went to Letonia, one supermarket collapsed, 54 ppl died, Letonian government fell. The French President was doing just fine without getting tangled with our guys, but decided on a state visit to Ankara, three days before he arrived he was caught with his mistress, first-lady was hospitalized, they seperated. Ukranian president was a guest in Ankara with our PM, Ukraine tumbled into civil war, the President escaped to Russia to save his life. To improve his country's image in TR the Italian ambassador brought the first Ferrari driven by Michael Schumacher, he displayed it, in less than a month Michael Schumacher hit his head on a rock, fell into a coma. British Queen gave our President a medal of honor, knighthood, Brits left the EU.

Our President [Erdogan this time] announced he was going to Netherlands, the prince of Netherlands experienced an accident he was buried under snow, fell into a vegetative state. Our President arrived in Netherlands, their government fell. Netherlands Queen came to TR for return of visit, gave our President a medal, the prince died, their queen gave up the crown.