
Github Mirror


Putin's main profile attribute is called High Horse. As the name suggests, a feeling of specialness, feeling superior to others, ordering people around is part of their character build-up, and something they need to get away from as it is the suboptimal route.

Sometimes I call this the Ataturk Profile -- because it was shared by a certain Kemal A., the founder of Turkland. This makes pointing out the negatives the type somewhat easier -- everything that was wrong Kemal is wrong with this guy. KA was also given to bouts of authoritarian tendencies, shifting things around just to exercise authority (they feel like it), and known for being stubborn and headstrong. There is another similarity as it relates to the man and his country, but we'll get to that at the end.

The key to understanding these people is this -- their hidden desire is to be loved, madly, by people, and by a woman, while this happens they want to be at the center stage, with their special someone, they get all this looove, adulation, they're under the spotlight and shit, there are all these idiots around clapping madly, it's like so awesome. That is the main idea.

However this is exactly what they need to get away from. HH needs to connect to others, noticing others' importance, and try to make decisions that are optimal for the group. The bigger the better. An oft observed attribute of this profile is a want for excessive risk taking, in gambling, in love, or in other areas. They have melodramatic tendencies, can also display arrogant responses, but don't be confused, they will largely stem from fear. So; wanting to be loved, be affirmed, while wanting to feel special is a  bottomless hole for HH.

Coming back to Kemal - in summary we could say HH is the profile of a king, and this is the easy thing to do for them. Their development path is not to be that, noticing equality and supporting others, and assuming a less visible role; Now looking at history we can see when Kemal was #1 his people were in dire straits. Same could be said for Russia of 2000. IOW both leaders did something, used their natural tendencies not their potential because their respective countries hit rock bottom, people needed a leadership-y guy, and HH has an inborn ability to project that, so they use it.

But Russia still has the guy who is the natural king who should not be. This suggests things are not going well for Russia (still?). Or, things are better and others are still not being given a chance. Either way, the reign of Putin must come to an end.

In addition to High Horse, another characteristic the man carries, which introduces a lightness to the character, making them more approachable, appreciate abstract thinking is Peter Pan. Traveling, art, and, computers (weird but true dunno why) is enjoyed. The kids somehow like that, so they are popular with little ones.

The downside is mostly around issues of trust, and their fear of being betrayed. Not knowing how much to give or to get, how intimate to become and not, AtC interaction with others is becomes a hot and cold thing - like a puppy who slowly approaches a stranger, only to draw back, then approach, then draw back, it's an on and off, sure / unsure, hesitant, guarded affair. They want to get out to the world, relate and help others etc, but deep inside of these people's subconscious, the "outside" is somehow threatening. Subconciously they search for worlds of beauty and adventure, where the politics and deceptions of the human world are left behind, or at least held at bay. This can make AtC cynical about all forms of political undertaking, if they cant control it.

In the negative, AtC can get messed up in three ways that can tear them apart. One part can cause them to get stressed from thinking too much, resulting in possible allergies; another makes them feel scattered, dependent, and resentful, which compromises the adrenals and nervous system; and another (as we mentioned) makes them sensitive to feelings of betrayal and constricted around the heart area.

The overarching issue of AtC is this - they seek on the outside; in the form of teachers, new experiences, adventures, etc.  but focus needs to turn inward, being aware of what goes on between their own ears, so to speak. They make hidden, incorrect assumptions about trust, and can easily fall in the trap of misunderstanding. Being explicit on things can improve matters, such as making clear agreements, communicating so forth.

Another. Attribute #281.

They have big egos, and, in an odd kind of way, their identity rides on a sense of personal freedom. In degenerate cases they dont want to do anything others want them to do because they wont be "free" that way and their identity is stulted -in their mind- if they go along.

They question authority, tradition [fine] but paradoxically they are quite set in their ways.

They also have a love-hate relationship with their own uniqueness. Most of the time they will be very proud of their original personalities. Other times, they feel a bit left out for being "different". So I guess the incoherent nonsense Vlad mumbles about the West can be tied to this attribute more than any other. Guy wants to be unique, be free ... to mess up a neighboring country for example, while claiming to have a New Russia (new identity, different) which is actually Old Russia, Soviet style. He is like "treat us as if we are unique". But not too different either. It's like, understand us even when we dont know what we mean.

Attribute #270.

In his youth he was humbled in some way, he could not express his free will, in a direct way; the expression of their ego was thwarted, he was painfully aware of they wanted but did not always get. The biggest advice to people with #270 is three words: control your impulses.