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Tech Companies and MBTI

This news here made me wonder about Bezos' MBTI type. Alas, it is ISTJ.

That makes perfect sense too: Te is all about measurement (see the link - big fucking clock), and SJ is about logistics - providing, connecting, etc. Isn't Amazon all about logistics? Big warehouses, delivery, nothing shiny just getting the product from point A to point B. Even when Amazon did a pure hi-tech service (cloud computing), that service was also about logistics - providing the backbone for others' applications to run effectively.

IMO we have representatives from many different MBTI groupings: Gates as an INTJ created an NTJ company, strategic vision, vied for dominance, managed to be innovative enough to survive in the business. Ni exercises options while surprisingly converging to an idea fast.

Through Brin and Page we have an INTP company: Google. Ne goes out to the world and exercises options, generating possibilities at ka-raze scale. Not surprisingly, Google has been at forefront of Search, of online advertising,  working on driverless cars, mobile computing through Android, and now Google Glass. They do have their detractors of course, but this innovation at multiple, mostly disconnected fields and is an example of Ne backed up with solid Ti.

Jobs created an ISTP company: Apple is all about shiny (Se is a big show-off). The underlying Mac operation system might suck (and it does), but Jobs, even with his volatile ways (too much tactics, living "in the moment") and his initial inability to manage a big company, eventually created a stable innovator.